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Just a day before Umar's big warm hand held  her waist in support, gradually they walked in garden .her shallow breaths delicately combined with passing air 

The specially made maternity  dresses  suited her so much, their sweet colors complimented her glowy skin earning her praises from everyone

"Are you cold ?,"umar draped his shawl before she could respond ,their eyes locked and  her lips parted giving him a heart melting smile

"we will get thorough this!" he caressed her ample cheeks with love

umar's comforting words now and than meant so much ,his care ,slight scolds ,she could never describe in words the way he braced this new phase of life ,affectionately she held his large hand and placed a feather sweet kiss on his palm blessing him countless feels in a second

He always knew her discomfort before she could voice out eradicating her fears before  they were even born

"i love your mummy" umar expressed securely  placing  hands on the baby ,his eyes holding a vibrant glint

"we are eagerly awaiting your presence princess" he whispered with love a fond smile on those rarely curving lips 

"It could be my prince" Areesha narrowed her eyes at him

"oh we have had  these conversations before and i will be the winner" he pecked her nose

Areesha knew it but she loved how umar sided with parisa every single time...

she had never seen a father so fond of his daughter even before her arrival


"hmm" he helped her on the bench as she blew air in short  breaths, even sitting seemed  an exercise

tucking her hairs behind he asked concerned "are you alright ?" pursing her lips she closed her eyes laying her head close to his strong beats 

"rose?" he embraced her closer 

"i am fine" came a small whisper 

murmuring in a barely audible voice umar blew on his wife and baby giving them in the most safest hands for his heart knew the time was now very near

Perceiving a glimpse of them  ad-mists the dozen  rose bushes which umar specifically himself had planted,where  they would walk daily,   granny closed the curtains her eyes misted

 roses and umar had some deep connection

"May never an evil eye glance at  your love my children" she blew prayers towards the couple whose blooming love had scented the whole house with its pureness


And after a day their wait was finally over

The  hearts were filled with sparkles of gleam  ,the little princess had  bought with her bouquets of smiles encasing everyone in her special glow

It hadn't been  easy she had taken her time keeping everyone on their toes especially her parents

despite of being prepared , for  umar it had been agonizingly long hours ,where he could ,absolutely do nothing to help his wife ...he had lost count of the time he was on verge to shout at the staff to do anything and lessen the suffering of his beloved.. he could never forget that phase,she had been such a strong lady 

no one was allowed inside besides umar and he made sure of that,despite of gulnaz and granny's threats

zam zam and ajwa dates were fed to an amazing new mother 

A blessing was bestowed on them by their LORD

 chortle of questions and glee swirled the air ,when umar came out wearing a huge proud smile 

"And its a???" they all asked eager

"we won !"umar's eyes gleamed and the brothers cheered engulfing umar in a big  hug, for the brothers had sided with  baby being a girl and the girls was adamant it would be a boy

Ladies wiped their happy tears ,as shah placed a kiss on umar's forehead congratulating him

Before areesha could  even be shifted, her whole ward room was covered by baby pink balloons with piles of chocolates and various  bouquets of fresh flowers all around ,the room fragrant with special scents blowing out of them..as they all made sure to give  mother and daughter a very special welcome ..

Now  outside they waited impatiently , grumbling at umar who had not allowed them until areesha awakes only granny and gul naz have been privileged to meet the baby and of course shah you gave the" AZAN" in baby's ears

umar fondly  gazed at the  baby a piece of his heart peacefully  asleep, struggling with numerous new emotions, he admired his two special girls, and gradually  bent down to pick up his princess ,the most precious present of his life

her pale round cheeks were dusted rosy.,long curled lashes shadowed her soft skin.,small red lips slightly parted comfortably snuggled in her blanket,strong emotions gripped umar's heart feeling her soft body  cocooned in his arms as  he lived one of the most awaited moments of his  life

" parisa " umar carefully murmured ,responding the baby curled her tiny fingers around his ,erupting a notion of  pure affection...it seemed like a miracle he shifted the baby more closer to himself adoring her presence

Areesha's cloudy eyes opened,while her senses took in scent of special fragrances her lashes lifted ,her gaze locked with umar's,an un readable expression on his face ,as she looked at the baby in his arms 

placing a tender kiss on parisa's forehead umar gently  lay her back  witnessing  a faint smile on areesha's  lips and before she could completely come out of the haze something cold touched her delicate neck ,she was graced with a special necklace, umar too close to her as he clasped the hook behind

" Today you became my queen" he kissed her forehead engulfing her in a warm love filled hug

"Thank you for the most precious gift" his love filled eyes devoured hers and the pain or uncomfortableness she felt   fled away the very moment

"congratulations daddy" was her response in a whisper which sparked his eyes

"you completed me" he said fondly gazing at parisa 

sitting straight with his help  she took in  whole view of the room  , it was magnificent

"wow" she whispered still tired",it didn't seem she was in a ward room"

"credits to the ones impatiently waiting  outside" umar answered 

very carefully he placed parisa  in areesha's eagerly awaiting  arms blessing her with feelings completely out of the world  

both looked at each other the message needed no words the mist of both pairs of  eyes writing thousand tales of thankfulness and love

she hugged her doll close to her heart ,parisa's small content sound in her mothers embrace teared her up 

"mummy loves you baby" areesha kissed her small nose while umar painted the picture in his heart forever with irreversible love

something shiny caught her eyes in baby's neck ,she removed the clot and there lay a necllace with parisa engraved with a small pearl at the end,she looked at umar 

"its my gift to our daughter for filling our life with her presence" Umar caressed her cheeks

"you have no idea how lucky you are parisa" areesha murmured as the baby opened her eyes giving her parents her very first smile blossoming their heart

Everyone now gathered around the two most special girls,excited and eager to hold the angel , while the video call from pakistan was on air as everyone congratulated the parents 

"Ma shaa Allah she is gorgeous" hina cooed 

"Absolutely adorable congratulations dear parents" zari joined 

"dear daddy Mubarak ho" daniyal smiled finally getting a chance to squeeze the ladies out of the screen 

parisa was like a precious drop from which rainbows of happiness emerge bringing with it   infinite colors. 

umar sat beside areesha taking care of her every need making sure is not in pain

shah and gul naz were over the moon and granny her feelings could just be described through her murmurs of infinite prayers 

"she looks just like areesha" hina teased umar

"she is on umar" Asad sided

"she is my daughter of course she will be on me" umar cleared before other could say any anything more making areesha smile

"of course her frown matches umar's otherwise all the sweet features are  exactly like areesha  "daniyal said making umar scowl

"see i am talking about just that"he chortled

"you will not be spared by my hands when i get there"he warned 

"i am waiting by the way you stole my granny no one makes good food around here and since ameera is here all i am survivng is on french fries" daniyal complained

"he steals my fries every time !!and its my turn now " ameera pushed him aside taking the main screen

"you ladies were stuck to the laptop for hours" daniyal complained but his mother patted his shoulder 

Ameera had bought the most things possible, she was the most excited one who stayed constantly on phone when areesha was in labour and has jumped in excitement seeing the baby

she was the keenest khala areesha had ever seen recalling the times when ameera would tell her about her plans with parisa and would quote a special message for the baby each time 

"khala loves you my pariii" she squealed and now she couldn't wait for them  

she had  begged, birded and did all that she could to umar and granny and they decided they will visit right after two weeks ,

"you are mine precious baby just mine "

when earlier  she witnessed  everyone carrying parisa she would be  so jealous that if a person had the baby for more than five minutes she would grumble

"lay her in the cot already she must be tired "she said to asad making them laugh

"she will be with you soon ameera" areesha assured lovingly exciting her spirits

"and i wont give it to anyone than" she proudly declared

They laughed especially at ameera's enthusiasm who had been so committed whole 9 months asking progress every other day she would even talk to the baby 

granny kissed areeha's forehead with a smile once again parsing her and thanking the lord

gulnaz could not get over the baby who ameera grumbled from scereen have had it for so long

Their welcome was grand granny had left a week ago just so she can arrange everything herself ,everyone was keen to welcome the small princess in the house..  their flight status being the most viewed one thanks to ameera who just couldn't sit still ,her plans and arrangement totally different from others ,daniyal,ameera including others made a special room just for the baby, it being the most unique one so far

The moment her precious daughter entered it felt like her life has been lit once again with sparkles of her smile ,fatima had burst in tears caging areesha in her embrace ,salman and rayyan beside her for they had welcomed her at the airport, it was a very emotional and love filled welcome ..areesha savored their embraces not being able to control her emotions until a large squeal came from upstairs halting everyone 

"Apiiiiiiiiiiiii "ameera had pushed everyone jumping and embracing her big sister with sheer force

"love you apii ,i hate everyone who took you away from me" ameera mumbled much to everyone's amusement they couldn't comprehend the love of a sister or what she suffers staying so faraway from the person she has shared her life and future dreams with ,areesha closed her eyes finally having her baby sister in arms

"leave my wife alone" umar teased as ameera parted away with a cheeky smirk clearing her tears

"she is all mine now!!!" shew greeted umar as he patted her head brotherly

"where is my pari" she gazed around excited to see the small pink bundle in fatima's hand

"Give me give me" she kissed her small cheeks in awee

"she is so beautiful just like a small fairy "ameera ghused while areesha cleansed her tears from the corner of her eyes due to previous encounters umar secretly handing her a tissue shaking his head indicating his annoyance towards her tears

"No ameera beta not yet " granny scolded seeing her whine as she constantly pried the baby from granny's hands

"i will not drop her "she complained trying to get the peacefully sleeping parisa from granny's lap making everyone chuckle at her antics ,granny trying hard to hide her smile

"babaa tell her!!!"

"its yours and granny's matter" salman cleared

"'you all had a chance that's why you are so calm" she scolded kissing the baby still in granny;s lap

"we don't trust you with babies ameera you could even squish her" daniyal took her hands away sparing granny who finally took seat caging free from ameera

"Thank you beta" granny mumbled

"'Dont do that "she jerked away to others it was just a small joke but daniyal knew better

"Apiii tell them they wont give me my pari "she placed her head on areehsa's shoulder

areesha saw all the ladies once again huddled close to granny and knew it would be a long time until ameera could get a chance

"in the evening i promise to bring her to your room you can have her alone to yourself "areesha whispered kissing ameera's cheeks

her eyes lit up" promise "she murmured, areesha nodded as she once again hugged her big sister with great affection

umar frowned seeing the amount of people around parisa

"Granny let areesha put her to bed or she will get crancky" after few kisses the baby was handed to umar who motioned areesha

"hey not fair i wanted to hold her" daniyal complained

"after she wakes up" umar pointed

"before ameera" he smirked

"No i will have her before" ameera chided

"you will drop her "daniyal rolled his eyes

"your hands are gigantic you will squish her !"she said hotly

"see what i was talking about granny sighed looking at umar who was amused at the change of words between them" something was a secret just between them ,

days past with them all extremely enjoying the reunion ,having pleasures in teasing umar at his intact possessiveness towards areesha ,

despite of that he was a very caring father making sure parisa is comfortable in the new environment going in lengths to prevent anything that could hurdle her peace

parisa was a piece of his heart,

Maybe it was the connection of hearts or a secret bond formed quite before that cocooned in umar's embrace parisa would be the most peaceful kid ,she would smile ,gaggle and sleep close to his heart ,may be she recognized his fragrance that a whole day without umar and one could see parisa restless , she was strongly connected to him areesha knew as at some nights she would just smile seeing the both of them sleep close to one another

Not only him she was the princess of the house and granny's life who would make sure her every need is fulfilled beforehand never giving her a chance to cry .

her red pouty lips and round chubby cheeks were a sight to see ,,and the little one had everyone wrapped around , having a wardrobe of piles of knitted clothes especially made by granny ,than extravagantly cute quoted dresses by ameera who was her personal stylist , only her choice would be the one areesha followed if umar didn't interrupt which he and daniyal sometimes did just to tease ameera

she was not a fussy child ,cheerful with everyone but until she wouldn't spot her mother,yet at night after areesha and umar she would only sleep with granny otherwise one could go mad by trying to get her to sleep but nothing would work

"Baba" areesha placed her head on his chest while salman held parisa in his arms hidden tears sparkling in those eyes ..fatima smiled seeing the trio

"Didnt i tell you salman?" ,fatima reminded making him chuckle

"you were right "he whispered kissing parisa's forehead followed by areesha who just closed her eyes relishing the precious moments after such a long time


Nights were lighted with chirps of their talks ,under the heavily chandeliers they chatted and troubled one another

Due to heavy snowfall ,white artsy of nature was at its peak ..,horizon depicting completely different view enumerating diverse set of feelings in the heart of lovers..

The white glowing foam shaded the house with its blanket ,wrapping them in its cold shade ,they were all huddled close inside alongside the fire hearth ,fed enough coal to last the night

subsequently serving there preferred hot drinks of mainly tea and coffee daniyal sipped on his hot chocolate chatting with asad ,while ameera just to satisfy her pride of not having the same drink as daniyal added a load marshmallows in hers

Areesha after a long time enjoying her milk tea as caffeine was banned for her all along,answering girls queries

Parisa soundly asleep in her oneies ,wrapped in knitted sweater specifically made by granny who was beside her reciting Quran in her special corner covered by plush Turkish carpet near the hearth on large comfy sofa ,softly blowing on the lucky baby who floated ad-mists the flowers in her dream land

on the other hand umar's piercing eyes ceased every move of his beloved as she sipped on her drink , especially noticing her royal green dress which enticed his emotions even more ,oh how beautifully it illuminated her features ,or was his heart appreciating the other half craving to be close, to hide her under his wings and never let go ,to be selfish enough and keep her just for himself , ever since she became a mother ,she attracted him more Areesha;s place in his heart and life elevated , he couldn't control himself more and intimately blew her peeked hairs halting her

"umar" she murmured surprised at his stunt,hesitantly looking around

"No one's looking love , lets go for a late night walk" he proposed secretly witnessing her smile as she lifted her gaze towards him, and that particular moment was just their's , between the blowing steam of her warm cup , love filled eyes clashed as mirrors reading the depths of each other's souls one filled with shyness , other with deep deep affection

"yar you all are so lucky you could make plans and have fun anytime " Annie whined bringing the lost couple out of their beautiful trance

"No dear it gets tough while playing proper daughter in law and stuff" hina feigned , Asad coughed not expecting the remarks as everyone burst into laughter

"i am joking" she patted a very glaring Asad

"we do enjoy a lot" she admitted truthfully offering asad a biscuit quite sweetly

"wah ! hina bhabhi i am sure gulnaz aunty thank everyday for a bahu like you" daniyal chaffed

"oh definitely hina bhabhi is irreplaceable and mom loves her especially when she wishes zaki to become a rock star " bilal teased

"Mom's reaction at that" umar shook his head ,

hina scowled at the boys "stop it ,i just like to tease her at times its good for health you see" she cleared

"i don't even have to ask about areesha is it ?, daniyal smirked meeting umar's unamused gaze

"oh she is the perfect bahu trust me ,can you imagine mom would take her side instead of umar's sometimes" zari sided ,everyone dramatically gasped gazing at a very serious umar

"yeah, enough" umar brushed away avoiding their gaze

"wesay ,areesha i have seen some very visible changes in this, rock you deserve it "daniyal saluted and laughter erupted when umar punched his shoulder automatically ceasing everyone's next comments on the matter

"okay okay tell one thing that mother in law hates" annie clapped hastily changing the topic after umar's scary expressions

every family breeds a child who is a study freak going to lengths and yet opting for more Annie was that golden child ,she had already finished her double masters and was now opting for phd when her mother had enough ,not only that everyone was now on look out for good suitors ,including her cousins who had no mercy even umar who was her last straw but he guaranteed a talk with future in laws in regards to her study ,that was the reason Annie opted to be prepared beforehand like a nerd she was so she can research the life she was going to brace soon

"so tell me" she repeated confused at the sudden silence

"uhm dear these types of questions are asked in secrecy not in front of husband's" zari impended

"and what do you mean by that ?" bilal furrowed his eyebrows

see what i mean hina mouthed

"Nothing we were just playing with her"she assured calming the three warriors

keeping jokes aside ,now all the protective brothers listened to there sister's demands so they make sure every single one of it is met when her suitors arrive in a weak's time

"i don't know i just want my in laws to be understanding ,i can't sacrifice my feelings for them ,like having permission to visit my family any time ,any day"

"How can they ! ,we will make sure they comply" umar assured confident,areesha gazed at him astonished

"oh thank you !!" she chirped

" besides that i expect him to give me enough space so i can have my time with friends and socialize with others,including going on trips and all.."

"oh he wouldn't dare to deny" bilal smiled making zari grimace ,every gathering of her with friends needed a long logical explanation that to a week before

"i hate to be questioned about everything especially by my mother in law like i want to study further and work after that you get it right" she expectantly looked at her saviors

"Don't worry we will clear it before hand she won't interfere in anything, its your life !" hina's annoyed look had no affect on Asad's words

what happened to them?

The three girls looked at each other not at all understanding their promises and logic's as these were things they actually did, to top it all , there level of confidence even left their complains in question

"i am demanding the logical things right?, like i can expect them to comply?" she asked uncertain

"Of course annie they can't deny its your right understood" umar assured

"Exactly! and if something ever happens remember we all are just one call away, we can break bones " daniyal joined surprisingly others agreed with a nod

"why do zari and all look disturbed"she pointed out

"oh they are fine , they live like queens they cant get a home like this" they assured with smile while the girls scowled

their possessiveness was over the moon shall they be reminded!!!!!

"Exactly ANNIE like they said we can do whatever we want like i know how disturbed you are today i guess we need a sleepover" hina offered making her squeal

"we have planned a trip tomorrow so its better we sleep early" umar interrupted while other Men's nodded

"we leave in afternoon tomorrow umar and areesha will manage right?"

"yes" she nodded ignoring umar's intense gaze

"No!!" he said directly

"its just for one night umar ,please" Annie requested confused to see them change

"yeah umar?" hina smirked

"Morning has a lot of hours for you all to spend together ,night shouldn't make a difference to your bonds"

"Exactly" bilal sided


"i think that's enough!" asad closed the topic making them sigh

"one hour ,untill we return from our night jog!" They permitted

"in this weather?" girls questioned concerned making them smirk

"we are strong ladies,a little cold can't stop us "they boasted following their ritual ,

secretly they blew on them for safety ,no matter how headstrong or possessive they get one thing they were sure of they cared for them a little to much

"Annie dear don't go on them in a relation you need flexibility and it doesn't mater if sometimes you have to shun your priorities , it just makes your relation stronger" hina started ,joining them other girls advised her beautifully of how to build a home of her own...

No matter how many luxuries ,every successful marriage is build like a home twig by twig until it completes and the start is often done by the bride ...and there is no harm to take the first step


on Ameera's constant insistence who had planned the small event from a very long time umar finally agreed ,also made sure no one's parents are home ,they would have objected for sure

in late night of winter they all gathered on the fairy lighted terrace ,it wasn't simple as he was told rather everything was extravagant with combined pink,white balloons floating at every quarter, tables set for a big family and rose candles ignited on each ..strings of ribbons glided through the fresh breeze and the view of mountains encasing the beauty in a scenery

"who bought these ?" umar mused at hundreds of lanterns

"Daniyal did" Ameera shrugged tying the last knots in her burgundy gown ,daniyal binding the same on other end with his blue long coat on..

umar's gaze lingered on every detail around and to say the least he was very impressed by these two

"They have done an exceptional job" Asad praised along with others

"True that" they all praised making the two smile in gleee

"Thank you bhai and of course it had to be special after all its for my princess pari" ameera said affectionately ,

"and she get's along with you quite well"umar smiled at her fondness fluttering ameera's feelings a compliment from her brother in law especially regarding parisa was something quite special

"you know i thought you both don't get along "bilal teased

"just until our motive isnt identical" daniyal corrected cheekly ,ameera ignored flipping the ribbons at him on purpose as she went about to call all the ladies

grumbling daniyal stood ,witnessing their chuckles

"you have a match in family" umar smirked

In a beige colored ball gown encrusted with roses at its rims ,made specifically by her mother and sister Areesha held her precious baby in arms who snuggled closer to her mother's warmth in light peach colored frock with flowered band of crown,

"you look ,,....just marvelous " ladies praised her in awee while they looked no less with long peach gowns to compliment her attire ..each one equally excited looking forwards to meet their prince's

This event was designed after much insistence as umar had not permitted anyone to organize any functions...they all have had huge arguments with him, when he denied baby showers and even after parisa was born they only had a huge family dinner a really organized and specific celebration ,directing instead of this functions the same money can be used for a bigger cause gifting more children a healthy life ,its not like he spent less on parisa,no, he had gone to lengths to provide her the best of things but to him these functions were baseless and money wasting and areesha had been on his side wholeheartedly hence they all agreed helping the children in need more than they already did

Ameera and daniyal being themselves just couldn't let it be and after a lot of persuasion they were permitted for much less of what they did ,, in there defense it was for parisa who they loved with life

The night turned darker with less to no stars ,they gathered relishing the favors of marvelous nature ,every mountain encased with cap of soft snow

Every branch loaded with vibrant glow of cold shine ..

Each one departed in a haze of dream PRAISING ALLAH'S Magnifcent creation

"SUBHAN ALLAH" the many murmurs caught by the passing wind

"Ameera along with others brought areesha in front of her king seizing his thoughts as her queen slightly blushed with a beautiful charm in her arms ,umar's keen gaze devoured her appearance his hairs ruffling with the wind ,hands on back ,an impression thrilling yet scary

The breeze got the signal twirling around the main couple blowing on them whispers of pure love melting others as well with one last kiss to the baby ameera left them alone

"speechless, you left me with no words dear rose of mine" areesha bloomed hearing umar's intimate whisper embracing baby close to his heart as they lifted the lantern together ,surrendering the night flyer towards its course of freedom ,areesha's hand caged in umar's as they both gazed towards one another, on que everyone released there lanterns enclosing the couple in shadow of twinkling lights ,ameera captured the perfect shot squealing in delight as she let go of her 20 lanterns daniyal lightning for her with a small smile seeing her small excited jumps..

"Dear daughter father loves you and mummy " it was whisper and a small secret kiss on forehead by umar ,areesha whispering just thanks

every couple in a special daze ..their hearts linked and mind free in the glow of the marvelous horizon

Their floating wasn't just the twinkles but along whispers of thanks and praises towards the bounteous Lord who gave them privilege of love....True love



MORAL OF THE STORY : No heroine is perfect ,she only becomes a star when she tries to eradicate her faults and sacrifice a little for others happiness...

No relation is perfect: it requires a lot of understanding , calmness and respect to claim a high level in a heart

giving elders their due respect can never lead you down..

finally and most important ,,Trust ALLAH HE WILL MAKE A WAY FOR YOU ...FOR HE LOVES YOU MORE THAN 70 MOTHERS..never forget that

In life not all things go the way we imagine to be ,but if your trust is in the writer of your story .than worldly fairy tales could be no comparison AS to what special yours would be and yes there is absolutely a happily ever after .. ALLAH has given us ,we just need to strive a little more pleasing HIM and his creation to reach jannah and there you go yours happily ever after blessed than any one could live,,

True love is a bond with endless strings....

if its pure and true it will surely be with you in jannah


i would really love to know what you learned from the story ,?

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Dear readers hope you are fine

The journey has been unexplanibly beautiful thanks to every single one of you ,

your support meant so much to me ,your comments literally makes my day i am a bit emotional that this beautiful journey has come to an end i hope it benefited  you in a way or other

these characters are so close to my heart ..

the good news is there is still an adventurous journey ahead ...

may you all find your true love soon.. AMEEN 

please remember me in your dua's need them alot 

though i had planned a full big speech but i am not writing much just a very big thank you to all and please do leave your comments i would love to read your thoughts :-)

until next time 


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