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I've come to take you with me

even if I must drag you along
But first I must steal your heart
then settle you in my soul.

I've come as a spring
to lay beside your blossoms
To feel the glory of happiness
and spread your flowers around

I've come to show you off
as the adornment in my house
and elevate you to the heavens
as the prayers of those in love.

I've come to take back
the kiss you once stole
Either return it with grace
or i must take it by force

You're my life
You're my soul
Please be my last prayer
My heart must hold you forever

From the lowly earth
to the high human soul
There are a lot more
than a thousand stages

Since I've taken you along
from town to town
no way will I abandon
you halfway down this road

Though you're in my hands
Though i can propel you around
like a child
I'll always need to chase after you"
― Rumi





Gleaming in laughter their current residence shone , the family talked away in a diverse environment seated together with company of hot tea after a hearty dinner

umar like every time made sure his family was well served and content with their favorite preferences, and no doubt it was a job overly well done of course areesha being the main fragment of it ,exhausted ,but all smiles seeing them delighted.

"our daughter has a great taste Ma shaa ALLAH everything was delicious" shah complimented initiating a spark in umar's eyes, who with keen adoration gazed at his wife hearing her soft murmur of thanks

it was a celebratory dinner ,for umar's accomplishment in his new project , he bought his first ever resort in west London a place faraway yet magnificent for its offerings of nature a splendid site for vacations

it wasn't huge it was a small three bedroom villa located on a shore of a famous site with vast sea view ahead hence they all were gathered to celebrate and appreciate his success

 Umar had  hosted a dinner at the resort ,  exclusively made at home for them despite of their refusal and areesha for his happiness made sure it happens with utter perfection

They all arrived there a day before deciding to have a weekend gate away bilal and asad staying at a hotel not faraway while shah and gulnaz in the new resort with umar

"i still say it wasn't fair to areesha that she had to cook despite on mini vacation , but everything was exceptionally delicious" bilal complimented . while they didn't knew for the very first time umar had helped thoroughly in the kitchen doing as much as he can in every dish not to burden her but that of course wasn't going to come out ever! and so after receiving every compliment areesha would look at umar who acted non nonchalant just a secret wink flushing her pale cheeks

"umar your baba told me you are taking two weeks off next month what are you planning" gulnaz asked curious biting into a  freshly baked biscuit with less sugar

"tsk tsk the inner mother in law came out" shah joked making his son's laugh

"let them go where ever they want mom ,why are you being skeptical? " bilal teased earning a glare

"don't trouble my mom!!" umar sided quick while he sat straight , clasping his large hands together

"Mom" for a moment his eyes lingered on hesitant areesha before he proceeded

"we are planning to go to dubai as its been quite long since areesha met her parents" he declared while areesha fidgeted her fingers anticipating  gulnaz's reaction

"That's a great idea,and you are right its been long" shah encouraged breaking the sudden silence while others nodded except gulnaz

''we will help you shop and plan''hina and zari were quick to add not desiring gulnaz to say something negative while areesha's breath still hitched awaiting for a response hoping she won't discourage it

As it had been a little over a year since they went back and to say the least it was laborious to even make umar's mind and she finally did it on her birthday saying this was the only gift she wanted reluctantly but he agreed after a lot of persuading

"we were planning to visit a relative next month umar'' gulnaz furrowed her eyebrows , areesha tensed while umar lazily smiled ''we can go after coming ma whats the rush ''

'hmm okay than ' gulnaz smiled after an eye contact with shah choosing not  to gloom their mini vacation but she wasn't pleased to hear it at all ,it wasn't that gulnaz didn't wanted areesha to meet her parents but at least they could have waited a little more

with that shah and gul naz excused themselves calling it a night while others stayed behind for a chat or rather  for a sacred purpose

'i will bring the desert' areesha excused simultaneously  others eased taking their comfortable positions

''umar?'' areesha gasped at his abrupt appearance and leaned back as he  inched closer,  clear mischief in those sharp eyes

''i thought to help my wife'' he explained ,  his head now on her shoulders hugging her close relaxing his soul

''um i guess bowls are on the isle'' she smiled after a minute of silence ,patting his large arm,her senses in a twirl of his capturing essence

''i was just taking them ,wife  one is right behind you!'' he teased embracing her closer smirking at her shudder

''wasn't able to reach it ''he clarified with playful eyes moving away painfully slow '

''of course!'' she breathed with a nod a shy smile playing on those beautifully shaded lips

''why are you so adorable'' he complained with narrowed eyes a small laugh escaping her lips rendering his peaceful heart

''Everything was perfect '' he kissed either of her cheek ,a token of appreciation of what she has done fulfilling his wish despite of it being tough

''you helped'' she murmured faint blush still gliding on

''watched'' he corrected caressing her soft hands

knowing he would not admit his help at all she shook her head and thought about the past two days, where  he had been awfully caring

''lets go'' she offered,he sighed , yet helped her carry the rest of them  inside the cozy living area

''come on Asad one has to make a move ''everyone was huddled close to hina and Asad perhaps trying to amend their fight

''i thought you were the sensible one '' umar remarked leisurely taking his part meanwhile gesturing areesha to sit beside him

''umar !!'' bilal warned trying best to keep his face straight , noticing Asad's glare directed at a  very calm umar

''on a serious note you should really clear the misunderstanding ''zari emphasized pleading with her eyes to refrain ,but umar only  smirked wider

''calm down guys he is still in a safe zone can't see any bruises till now !'' despite of the situation hina hid her smile at umar's statement making bilal groan he had internally hoped he takes his time returning back from kitchen until they resolve the fight

''you are adding fuel umar'' zari tried to hush him

''Me! oh no no you are mistaken , i was merely mentioning of fight that could have taken place but hina bhabhi it too kind '' awkward coughs were heard just to hide their smiles , sudden tension around cracking due to umar

'' you can sleep in the living room we will provide the mattress'' umar welcomed as everyone bit their lip at his forwardness

its not going to resolve anything he was such a savage bilal sighed gazing at his small and very spoiled brother

''umar'' Asad for the first time warned

''i was merely reminding hina bhabhi of my gift 'the limited addition boxing gloves'' umar tipped his head ,areesha placed her hands on his an attempt to stop his comments

''come on hina it's a holiday we should be enjoying , let go whatever it is please ''zari encouraged and few minutes went by with them trying to persuade either of them but two being the stubborn and eldest had some cons

while umar just watched things being unfold for sometime and he had enough

'' well i am on hina bhabi's side and i wouldn't say anything to dissolve the fight but just a fact that Asad booked someones favorite hotel, not only that but a sea view side as well especially when it wasn't available but he  sure it is, just saying! '' umar shrugged but it touched hina despite of their argument he still cared

''and hina api made this specifically for you" areesha placed the slice of the fudge cake in front making hina scowl but zari pressured her hands to stay quiet as asad eyes held a slight appreciation

"she did it just because you love it '' zari acted seeing things work

''he also rented this car because you love to travel in this, while his is getting fixed although he could have driven the other one but this specific one i am not sure why ''umar inwardly smirked

hina sighed looking at asad as they all smiled in triumph mentally praising umar

''lets take a walk outside ''umar ushered the rest so they can have their privacy

''bhabhi just in case the baseball bat is under the sofa'' asad got up but umar expertly locked the door behind while they all laughed and hence the fight was resolved

This was a special bond between them if any one of them would fight they all teamed up together to resolve it trying to break the chains society had made in these relations

they wanted to set a example for their future kids, too tired from all the drama of their pasts where their were many reservations in these relations

"so expert in resolving fights,? does he resolve them with you too areesha?'' bilal questioned

umar puffed ''don't ask her ,and we don't fight!" he cleared confidently 

yet the truth was it never came out

''oh i believe you little brother'' bilal smirked as umar ran behind him both ladies in laughter as they waited  for there husbands to be back after their horrific chase


It was well into the star filled night when umar returned after dropping them off to their hotel securely closing the main door behind , he quietly glided the stairs being extra conscious of his parents rest not even having an idea of what awaits for him

In a long silk gown of beaded pearls areesha was embellished in his favorite color ,'royal blue'   gazing at the mirror with sheer nervousness

this was a bad idea!!

i should have thought of something else areesha scolded herself

there were so many other ways she could have tried

i cant do this !! her nerves were a wreck as she shivered for the umpteenth time thinking of her surprise

i could have asked for an advice !!

how will he react? her form shuddered thinking of those dark eyes

closing her eyes she took deep breaths clutching the pendant in her cold hands ,as the door clicked making her heart jolt

umar's keen eyes took in their bedroom view where soft lighted candles glowed with alluring scent ,curtains welcoming the moon light

his wife stood near the dressing table biting her lip , looking breathtaking as ever in his favorite color her soft long hairs being illuminated by the glowing candles ,her form gleaming in noor the pearl studs in her ears capturing every possible sparkle ,,spellbound he softly locked the door his eyes trained on her now slight hazy wife

was it an illusion? he removed his leather jacket not once taking his piercing eyes off her while at her nervous smile he  raised his eyebrow in question skipping her tender  heart even more due to the aura of intimidation around him

It was a surprise he wasn't expecting, such a welcome knowing how tired she was ,he even expected to be greeted by her soft snores as he got back but this? ....it confused him in a challenging way

her lashes lifted with a slight blush when her view  blocked by a certain someone dimming the lights even more, his broad frame shielding her from everything but him

while umar just stood close not being able to utter a word feverishly drinking her pure appearance like even a touch would make her vanish like a fairy in light

caressing her soft hairs ,his eyes drank her emotions ''should i orate a tale on your beauty or a poem in your captivating eyes,or i should ....

''umar'' areesha placed her delicate hands on his lips hushing him, his acute gaze already wavering her sensitive heart

''To what do i owe this pleasure sweetheart'' he whispered taking her hand in his

licking her lips she tucked a bang of her escaped hair having his undivided attention

she had been anticipating this moment from past three days but as he know stood in front, her words seemed to be locked ,in a key less cage

''umar i'' she paused , he encouraged  with a smile gazing in her now lifted eyes as she clutched her hands silently urging her own self to go on

''i wanted to congratulate you for um for your accomplishment?''  she blinked her eyes shifting elsewhere 

this was so much harder than she thought but why? she couldn't understand

''Thank you'' he teasingly blew her hair, knowing how much more nervous it makes her, recalling he had already acclaimed his prize for the accomplishment before coming here

''and ? ''umar whispered close earning her annoyed expression ,he slightly chuckled his grave voice echoing around playing brutally with her nerves

she was on a brick and he wasn't helping and to say the least his demeanor showed just how much he seemed to be enjoying

she took a step back trying to create a little more space between , amusing umar further as he took two step ahead

''i am waiting rather impatiently dear wife of mine'' he caressed her hairs ,distracting her further

"i uh i would ,nai ,i wanted to" she looked all around the dimly lit room when umar decided to step in fairly watching his beloved struggle from sometime now 

"Like a keen gazer makes special constellations out of arbitrary patterns of stars, where moon adds its own shine just to lend a hand to that determined dreamer is when the concealed universe reveals its hidden treasures.....just for that willing person"

"and when it comes to my universe i am indeed very keen, so after i orate those special words don't ask me how ?, just whisper the answer " his head lowered towards her face hitching her breaths yet her confuse gaze searched his for answers ,

his stubble scratched her soft skin as he leaned further towards her ears ''seems so precious mummy is shy ? '' those sacredly spoken words in an intimate whisper made her head jolt ,  looking straight in his eyes without a blink her lips parted in surprise

 Umar tenderly placed his warm hands on her soft cheek ,his eyes held just affection and passion of true love ''is it ? ''he repeated trying to give a normal pace to his own impatient heart , urging her to confirm his suspicions

still astound ,her eyes held unrevealed twinkles smoothly captured from his own,her pink lips slightly apart ..those pearls urging her to  shine further

it was a view his heart could forget never ,she was beautiful

After many blinks of astonishment she murmured'' how?''still in his created daze finally confirming his doubts erupting his confined heart with unspoken feelings of pure bliss, the gleaming smile on his face shone with extravagance ,areesha being the soul witness of his happiness

placing his hands on her waist he ever so gently pulled her closer pecking her pearly cheeks as she clutched his shirt closing her eyes

'' Today my feelings have no bounds ,no soul can describe it in words dear areesha ,you have no idea how much you mean to me and this special news is like a rainbow with perfectly filled colors i will not thank you in words for i have none for what you gave me"

Areesha's heart soared at his beautifully spoken words ,marveling her destiny she thanked her most beloved LORD who gave her something so precious in this world

"My rose" umar sealed her lips, caging her in his strong embrace while despite of many questions areesha just closed her eyes placing her delicate hand on his beating heart and for countless moments they sailed in those silent promises ,emotions to heavy to be voiced in words

just like the fresh drops of first rain their world bloomed with fragrance of  pure affection 

the news was a best gift he could ever ask for

emotions of umar secretly filled with gratitude towards his LORD who made his prayers and wishes reality

After a while he pulled away with a sparkling gleam prominent in his eyes

"how did you know?" areesha asked she knew how well of a secret she had kept , and it still didn't made sense to her that just how could he know ,

"didn't i warn you not to ask that question !" he lightly scolded

"please?" her curly lashes drawing him in her innocence

"lets just say when it comes to you i know everything !!!he caressed her flushed cheeks

"but how" she insisted impatient amusing him

"A deep secret it is" he winked earning her pout

"i wanted to surprise you" she complained making him chuckle

"well!! we both know how well it was going "he teased referring to her stutters making her gasp as she backed away completely flushed

"i am kidding sweet heart " he tightened his hold bringing her closer "you have absolutely no idea how well of a surprise it was ,you make everything worth it ,trust me" he nodded tapping her nose  earning a shy smile

" our baby !"he murmured after a pause taking in her radiant appearance .biting his lip as he wound his arms around their unborn child

Even if her surprise didn't go as planned , umar's honest reaction made it all worth it.

his happiness just orated in secrecy ,etching in her heart those special words and smiles ..

"This is the reason you were being so caring"areesha voiced after sometime

"i had my suspicions , but ... wait !don't i care for you always ! "he narrowed his eyes

"i didn't mean that you know" she tried to explain but he was not having it ,he moved away making her shiver from sudden chill

"i see now my wife has started complaining "he looked away

"nai i am not," she hurried to clear ,clutching his face in her hands but his smug expressions made her halt and before she could scurry away umar safely picked her up placing her on the soft cushioned seat near the window , her head layed on his chest while his arms caged her from all the tribulations locking her just in his world

gazing up she smiled hesitant suddenly remembering there was still something clutched in her hands

"what is it ?" he questioned

her palms opened and the shine of beats emerged proudly showcasing the written engravement "parisa"

now this was something he wasn't expecting at all ,

"Areesha!!?enraged he narrowed his eyes quite displeased

seeing his expressions she hesitantly smiled

"um i thought it would be a good surprise"

"it was with you since that long ?"umar questioned ,closing his palms after taking the rare pendant ..

"it should've been in murree not here areesha" he pressed quite annoyed

"i am sorry i didn't thought you would be upset, i just love this pendant"she admitted gauging his reaction

"its okay ,i just, never mind ,whatever is mine is yours areesha it just took be surprise" he cleared

encased in those beads weren't just shine but also a tale of his longings ,prayers and maybe some tears

"now will you tell me who parisa is to you please" she asked softly bringing him out of trance

his arms tightened around her while his eyes held a spark and a serene smile on his lips

"she was a soft glowing flower of soothing fragrance to my restless heart, at the time where thorns seemed to be around she showed me they were not just any thorns but of a beautiful rose just above as i was looking around just not above"

"it was in a sacred place where i saw her and the very next day the pendant was ordered to be made with some special stones" he completed

her chaotic expressions made him chuckle

"you are not going to tell me clearly ever are you ?"areesha complained a little hurt

"i want this to be a secret but if you can guess what i meant above i would not stop you, believe me sweetheart the story swirls around those said lines"he promised

"That's quite unfair you know" she attempted to stand up

"NO, darling you can't say that ,when in my heart you rule ,give me permission to just keep this one within locked up" his confident aura played with her senses as he gazed deep into her soul she let go of the grasp but opened his closed palm gazing at the encrusted words

"please"he added and she sighed " Than allow me to keep this with me" she tried to open his  palm

"i can make you the same  with your name" umar offered but she shook her head

"i want this one "he was going to protest but seeing her hopeful eyes he nodded making her squeal as he hushed her with his hand hoping his parents are still asleep

"swworry" she awkwardly mumbled in his palm ,smiling he shook his head envying the moon light that fell on her being illuminating her even more and he relished the view sometimes later snatching the moon's shadow from her face permitting just the stars to glow around them ...


The sun gleamed softly on her closed lashes ,just enough to provide them warmth ,Areesha snuggled even more sighing  in a peaceful sleep ,

umar had went down , precieving his parents were awake not desiring to disturb areesha he had securely placed a pillow beside after replacing thin curtains with dark ones to maintain the dusky shade of violet

"Mum i have ordered fruits and your required breakfast do you prefer anything else ?"he asked going through the menu once again before closing it with farrowed eyebrows in question

"No beta that's enough" shah retreated towards the news

"Areesha isn't up yet?, i was craving for her tea and sandwiches though" gulnaz closed her phone book

it had always been a ritual weather areesha stayed in their house or gulnaz would come to visit them areesha would be the one to get up early and make breakfast for her mother in law , gulnaz had assumed just that especially after the dinner

"mum she is asleep" umar replied yet a small smile wasn't missed by gulnaz making her skeptical

"but i have ordered your favorite scones, you can order anything else you want to " he offered but gulnaz denied studying her beloved son

umar had been different today that news had nurtured him ,he felt complete ,no one knew for  how long he waited for ,yet today was a day of complete bliss , especially when early morn he went for the blessings offered by the Most High

"don't even think to wake her up until she does herself" shah warned both  mother and son on que the bell rang indicating the arrival of food

gulnaz still desiring for areesha's handmade breakfast

It was well in afternoon when her eyes fluttered opened groggily Areesha placed her hands beside to feel a pillow lazily she gazed at the clock only to jolt ,her bed hairs flying with abrupt movements

"12 pm" her breath caught ,how could she sleep for that long ?and no one woke her up she questioned hearing a faint chatter downstairs

"is everyone here ?" raving hands through her hairs she rubbed her eyes rushing to get fresh her pale pink gown swishing alongside her feet

after an hour her wet hairs peaked through towel , she dried them up brushing it with ease when her eyes landed on a small bouquet and a note ,confused she picked them up

her lips curled in a smile inhaling the fragrance of fresh tulips , she wondered about the person behind the act knowing very well umar wasn't the one

his ways of expressing love and showering compliments were a bit different she had got a rose once or twice but never a bouquet and especially not tulips to be precise

it couldn't be umar she confirmed a faint blush making its way to her pale skin until she picked up the note

  " Our precious mummy to be a very good morning :) , for your presence is impatiently waited " 

her face paled 

Does that mean every one knows by now !!she internally gasped at the thought, no it cant be! a little more time was  much needed she internally pleaded not realizing it wasn't just them who looked forward to  her presence  many from Pakistan as well were eagerly waiting !!

hearing a soft click she twirled tearing away from her sudden trance only to welcome her very smirky husband not realizing her slight wet hairs and flushed skin were a sight to behold especially for someone

his buttoned up shirt was on point ,hair combed with gel his fragrance capturing her senses

umar smiled seeing the flowers in his wife's hand surely it was a good idea rather imposed by zari and hina ignoring her accusing eyes he stepped towards her

"morning" he mumbled embracing her as he  inhaled a unique essence

"why didn't you wake me up?" she complained 

"i thought to let my wife sleep surley she had been very tired yesterday" his eyes trailed to her stomach a faint smile glowing his stubble

"still its very late you could have....." cresting her soft lips with his large hands he ever so carefully twirled her around into the closet

"i would prefer a maroon color sweetheart" he winked , witnessing her annoyed expressions he took a predatory step ahead ,she closed the door with a squeak making him chuckle

"OH MIGHTY LORD thank you" he breathed re reading the note with a faint smile

"you told everyone that's not fair" she mumbled from inside the closet

"oh i think it was the best idea ,darling !!"

"No it wasn't" she complained selecting his preferred dress

"do you want me to remind you how much time it took you to tell me" he teased yet again

"oh wait !you didn't " he chortled hearing her sigh

"hate you" she murmured making him chuckle

"hurry up now ,you have no idea who all are waiting your presence"

"umar" she whined

"what ! do you want my help?" he clicked the handle

"No no !!!!!"she hastily locked it, hearing his laugh as she shook her head


word overjoyed wouldn't be enough to explain their feelings the love and excitement they all showed towards both of them was infinite , gul naz's eyes were filled with happy tears as she kissed a very blushing areesha after short intervals ,,

The list of praises and chirps were never ending as both couples were a center of their attention

it was beyond what areesha had expected ,her feelings  haywire , she was embraced by hina and zari hearing their teasing yet loving remarks

"dear mummy ask something special from umar ,you deserve it after giving him such a priceless gift"hina teased making her blush

In a beautiful simple maroon flared frock laced with golden beaded lace at rims and borders she stood out due to the prominent glow , her soft skin shone with a discrete shade of happiness. and right at that moment umar selfishly wished he could have her to himself ,to roam around the pleasant scenery with his beauty no one to intrude, no one there just them but reality was a bit different as they were gathered by family  ,he smiled catching her shy gaze

This special news like wildfire spread in their mini world 

granny demanded a video call right away,

witnessing smiles on everyone's faces granny blessed them with bundles of duas internally thanking ALLAH for the unique blessings, the favorite part being umar's radiant yet hidden smile

"Mubarak ho meri jan" she whispered at the brick of tears 

"come sit together, " granny ordered

"finally" umar muttered clasping her hand secretly,as he settled extra close 

"uhm umar ji can you move aside please we can't see our areesha" daniyal commented 

"i am enough for you to see" he fired back 

"see what i mean granny his attitude is still stuck at the peak ,how will he manage"he dramatically paused  

"daniyal shah!!" umar and granny simultaneously warned 

"okay ! okay ,geez ! congratulations may you have many many many more with happiness he smiled cheekily 

"Ameen" granny mused as well gulnaz and than everyone areesha's expressions hard to miss, and to say the least they enjoyed it to hearts content especially umar 

you know me ALLAH don't go on their ameens she internally whispered  

"This is a very blessed day ALHUMDULILAH areesha beta you don't even know how much i crave to be their with you"

"i am missing you here as well granny"

"stay blessed meri jan stay blessed" with lots of duas, talks and a very long lists of precautions granny spoke to her mother in law

"gulnaz i am counting on you"

"yes ami don't worry my bahu is in my care "

"can we all talk now" Annie grumbled along with others who had patiently listened  to granny's unending advice's and orders

"congratulations" they all cheered at once earning their huge smile

"mera bacha itna bara hogaya hai khushi key ansu arahey hain" daniyal again stepped in  making them laugh as umar rolled his eyes and  conversation went on making their day  a memorable one


After coming back ,gulnaz insisted they stay with them for the coming weekend reluctantly but umar agreed ,

It was late evening  when they were all having dinner ,Areesha  content as just few minutes ago she had a long talk with her family, she craved for their embrace and couldn't believe she will meet them soon,

after that day her mother called her often ,she was happy yet worried for areesha ,every time trying to set up her routine for her and advising her in so many ways ,her parents were ecstatic,

"Areesha your baba is so happy and can't wait to meet his precious daughter"she recalled her mothers words

"Now areesha beta you have to leave your tough routine no more work i will cook for you and all"gulnaz intrupted her thoughts

"no phuphee i can manage " areesha insisted as umar looked up giving her a small smile, he was pleased with her check up report which they all took really serious much to areesha's dismay ,the number of bans on her favorite snacks were unlimited

"no i know what is good for you no arguments" gulnaz said earning umar's approval

"And of course you both won't be going to dubai, no travelling at all " she affirmed halting areesha's movement  ,she gazed at gulnaz with uncertainty

"i am doing right areesha travelling is really bad for you" her heart dropped

having difficulty in  forming words she swallowed ,a deep silence settled around the once cheerful  table

"phuphee "

"No areesha beta" she said strictly making her hush crumbling her feelings ,she had since long been waiting to meet her parents anything but thiss....she internally whispered her pleading eyes met umar's who gazed deep , gauging her reaction

clearing his throat umar looked at his mother "Ami its early now, i don't think it will be fatal for her health besides its a really short trip, i have consulted the doctor as well "

"i agree mama" hina and zari sided understanding her feelings very well

"do you all think i am a child ?,i am saying this from experience, doctors these days !!" she huffed "its an 8 hour long flight and than coming back as well i don't approve of this at all "

"shah no i wont listen to a word" she hushed before he could speak

"i am saying for your benefit areesha did you not see how bad it can get for you, i will not risk it beta not a word more on this " her water filled eyes met umar's yet he said nothing breaking her heart ,excusing she went towards her room

all of them were on her side except gulnaz as she scolded everyone after,"  no one will go after  ,give her some time to settle , i am not her enemy .did you all not see how just a short trip to sea side took toll on her" gulnaz flared as everyone reluctantly but nodded ,

umar gazed up at their bedroom ,his hunger fading

all her enthusiasm drained away , she cried locking the door muffling her hiccups

she wanted her mothers embrace she craved for her family she wanted them ,her tears like waterfall gushed through those tired eyes

she wanted her baby sister and her brothers hugs their talks there smile it had been too long she desired their presence

And now areesha had no idea what to do it had taken her so long to convince just umar

After few long minutes to herself she sobered up washing her face ,opening the knocking door

her void expression gave an unsettling feeling to him ,while his aura scared her when he cosed the door 

"Areesha" he gripped her shoulders ,but frowned when her eyes refused to meet his

"i know its not right but what mom said was for your benefit , i don't see the reason behind which you are acting this way "his harsh sentence made her gulp

"But you promised "her eyes held accusations while he sighed very irritated just because she was making herself suffer rather than solving it like a mature person

"its not like she is denying you forever areesha we can visit them after the baby" he emphasized softly

"its almost an year more "she whispered

"you are annoying me now areesha "he cleared seeing her face fell

"its safe umar i know it is, i don't even have morning sickness yet ,please umar just two weeks"

"but you do get dizzy" he pointed with his sharp gaze , she avoided eye contact

"i supported you before areesha but didn't you  see what a short trip did to you? mom is right !"

"i will manage umar i promise i won't get sick" she pleaded

"That's actually quite enough "he tilted his head away from her ,a tear slipping her already swollen eyes

"i don't see why are you struggling your self when we can go after "he said strictly while she stood quite

"its care she has been doing for you and it seems you are taking it quite for granted"umar referred to all the pampering gul naz had been doing leaving no chance of complains in her health

cleaning her tears he glared at her swollen eyes "it would be appreciated if i don't hear a word more on this topic " and she nodded knowing how very serious he was now

"Not a tear more" he warned as she looked away as umar was summoned by his mother

she didn't knew why just why they don't understand her feelings to be with her parents while gulnaz herself  can't stay without seeing umar more than a day

feelings of a girl often gets ignored when its her past home concerned

it was late night, after an expert and difficult act of being fine, when boys went for a night jog and gulnaz retired to her room she sat outside curled up on the swing ,she gazed passed the stars ,breezy night expertly playing with her loose hairs and  hems of elegant gown as she gradually glided through her wishes, recalling the concerned gazes of zari and hina throughout the night

what she couldn't understand in past months was that why when it comes to her going home ,replaces their cheerful conduct why does it irritates them just why ?,, and Areesha knew no matter what she does there is nothing that will change umar's mind especially after the little mishap that happened

why things like these happens to her and to top it up ,it seemed like her nauseous state was starting to build

"cup cake " hina sat at the edge, areesha kept her feet down vacating place for zari who was along

seeing her wet lashes hina sighed "i know" she whispered embracing areesha close , she broke down once again ,zari smoothing her hairs feeling helpless .

it was natural to crave for a mother when this new phase of a girls journey starts but sometimes wishes are impossible to come true

A little afar umar saw the trio with clenched jaw he wanted to go their right at the moment but taking in the scenario he thought to give her some time maybe being with them will make her feel bit more better,

just a few minutes he promised furious

why sometimes girls get so complicated he murmured going inside

"bas my jan ,crying will only have an adverse affect on your health and will absolutely do nothing to solve your problem"

"but i want my mummy" she said her  raspy voice making them wince

After few moments areesha's head was on hina lap as she brushed her hair ,while zari apologetically excused and went to make tea for the man's

"i wont say you should understand, its completely okay to be agitated with their faisla especially when doctor gave permission "

"but believe it or not dear areesha, i don't know why but almost every in laws and husbands have insecurity especially when it comes to us going home"

"i am not sure if its the nature of relations but its always difficult for them to settle when we want to visit our parents even if they can't even stay without theirs for even a day "hina orated

"But ALLAH has given us women special strengths that mans lack and there is nothing we cant handle"

"you are like a small little sister to me and i know its more difficult for you, but your sadness will just build hurdles at your part "

"They will think you are taking their love for granted especially mummy who had already started shopping trust me she is more excited than anyone,and umar knows it , he wouldn't take a second to judge wrong in your behalf ,he will think you don't appreciate his mother's love"

areesha closed her eyes recalling his words hina was so right

"you know i got a chance to live with my family after 2 years ,i visited them but i wasn't allowed to stay it irritated me a lot at first and yes i did had fights with asad but honestly it just ruins your relation because nothing you do helps"

"why?" she whispered

"This is something even i am trying to gauge ,i think its there  way of showing love and care , but with time areesha everything gets settled trust me after years of marriage its this year asad himself said that i can stay the longer i want with my family trust me areesha first time in years"

"Arguing does nothing ,but i wont stop you from saying your point to umar maybe he will understand way earlier than asad"

"and if he does, so will mom but don't strive yourself my dear if it makes you feel better i will talk to her as well"

"just compromise a little more and it will turn out best for you areesha" hina advised knowing well there is no chance gul naz will permit

"but i really really want to go hina api i ,,,

"speak to umar when he is more calm i could have talked to him but we all know after he makes his mind its only you who can actually change it" she winked reminding the times gul naz had requested areesha of certain things and umar agreed after areesha spoke to him

"and to tell the truth its for your health they are concerned about its for the little angel inside you"

"the baby is really precious for them and so are you my dear, plus the men's of this family are a bit over possessive "

Areesha sighed hoisting herself up

"you are right api " she nodded her head down

"so is bella's mood a bit better zari joined seeing her smile

"she is getting better" hina responded pating areesha's head

" i promise you areesha for the boys who did not stood up we will take revenge"zari vowed

"yes we will" hina confirmed making her slightly chuckle

what hurted her most was umar's behavior , but of course she wasn't going to voice that out 

"I assume its getting cold you all should come inside!" umar's glare was still at her making her gulp .her ease flying with the wind

placing shawl in areesha's lap he waited for them to get up

"we will come umar" hina assured

"i am waiting" he said stubbornly

"yar please" zari persuaded but he didn't move,rather directed his eyes towards a very scared areesha

"Nothing is going to change by sulking outside in the cold" he said piercing her heart as the fresh drops of tears started to fall without warning

"umar" hina accused ,and he internally sighed yet saying nothing taking as an indication to leave hina and zari left them making areesha gulp , umar paid his full attention to her now ,his piercing gaze seeing past through her but none spoke in the harvest of the full moon which shown with bright light illuminating her  dark brown hairs

studying her swollen eyes he bend down sitting on his toes clasping her hand as he gave her a gentle look,

"stop crying areesha i hate your tears" he said calmly, yet his expressions were no where close.

"look areesha although i know its not at all good for you but i have a solution" her eyes lit up at his spoken words

"but!!" he pointed "i will tell you only if you stop crying ,its not good for you or our baby "he emphasized

" Tell me "she urged listening to her hoarse voice umar clenched his jaw very well giving her  indication of him being angry yet controlling it only for her sake

"Not now!, especially not like this" he got up draping the shawl he bought for her , as they slowly walked

"you know i hate this whatever you are doing to your self , i am aware its hard for you but this behavior was the least expected from you" his comments did nothing but to clench her heart more

"i thought you as an understanding girl , who would not just take a toll on herself especially in this condition" he voiced

"A person cant be understanding at all times umar" she answered

"Are you saying i expected a little to much?" his response made her halt

"i am better of here umar" she turned but he clutched her arm turning her around

"ARI !" he warned his patience thinning

"If you are still going to stay angry at me umar than i would prefer to stay here "he closed his eyes drinking down his anger like never before

"No, actually lets leave it come on" he held her waist pulling her closer but she refused

"Areesha i didn't meant that and don't you want to know my plan "he softly held her face conflicting her emotions and she gave up

she was cuddled close as he weaved his hands through her hairs after an uncalled session of nausea

after making sure she is absolutely fine only did he started

"Areesha i will give you two options and there isn't going to be any changes okay ?"feeling her nod he proceeded

"either we can go on the decided dates after a week and no there is no negotiations we cant stay longer" her cheeks puffed in anger

"listen to the whole thing first" he kept his hands on her parted lips much to his amusement she looked adorable with those narrowed eyes

"Or we can go to Pakistan after the baby and stay for  whole 3 months"

"That's not fair umar , besides baba will not come for 3 months" she corrected

"well they are coming don't ask why but just know that part has been taken care of now you decide and tell me"

"and know that your morning sickness has started, it will be difficult for you besides you wont be able to enjoy at all nor will they, just imagine ameera and rayyan they would have such high expectations "he looked at her

"what if we go for a week now and 3 months after" she suggested thoughtfully

"very clever!!" that can't happen!

"we were only going for 2 weeks to muree after the baby as decided but since its a little unfair to you i extended it to three months so you can spend a lot of time with your family"

"but i really want to meet them umar its been long" her voice cracked at the end

"are you going to cry like a baby "

"i am not !!!"

he chuckled at her clarification kissing her puffed cheek

"so my lady have you decided?" he shifted placing her head on his arms gazing at her

"please umar" she for one last time murmured not looking at him

"don't make it hard for me sweetheart" he kissed her forehead

"please choose" and she knew there was no arguing

"you know what i would choose" she looked at him

"and i would say that's a wise choice" he smiled

"i did this for you areesha ,3 months are not easy to stay away from work but to make it up for the absence i tried"

"i want to go for a week "she declared seeing his expressions darken as the smile slipped away

"i am joking dear husband" she cleared as he narrowed his eyes making her giggle

"that was not a good joke" he sighed mentally as she laughed loud

hearing her laugh gul naz sighed despite of not showing it she had been anxious about her health and was bringing dinner for her bahu may be she was a little harsh she should have approached this topic in another way

"Thats enough now "he ghawfed , she cackled a fail attempt to suppress her laugh even with her hands on her mouth, wow she actually scared umar she thought

"That was for giving me a such a bad choice" she indicated after sobering up

"is it" he raised his eyebrow caging her from either side ,

"nai nai" she shook her head trying to get away ,thankfully there was a knock

"don't be excited you are not forgiven "umar warned seeing her mused eyes

and there was gulnaz with a tray of food,umar welcomed her in

umar smiled seeing the way gulnaz fed areesha herself talking about numerous things .the ladies laughing when gulnaz orated a story about umar's childhood

"okay that's enough now" he held his hands amusing them both

though she didn't attain what she wished for but by letting go and appreciating their efforts she earned heaps of respect making her parents more proud

for attaining somethings you have to let go of certain wishes

and of course when hina said their would be revenge how could they be let of that easy the very next morning there coffee's had something very interesting just few pinches of pepper and no one could refuse their faces  was priceless as zari secretly took pictures and the first word was

HINA!!!  the girls doubled in laughter still hiding in the kitchen but strangely umar had not given a severe reaction rather than a grimace

but she got the answer when in evening she received his message 

Now ,two revenges dear areesha ......tsk tsk where would you hide 

your's one and only ....

she gulped  thinking of  ways to bribe her quite challenging husband


Time went by with them coping with  changes life offered

he was their with every step she took ,every new turn of motherhood and umar would be standing right beside , aiding as much to ease her

Areesha's in laws pampered her much, trying their best to fulfill the absence of her parents ,a certain schedule was set for each day , and no matter what she couldn't  opt out ,escaping form one person only meant to be faced by other

she did have cravings up to a level she could easily bear, Peaches and cheery being her favorite fruit umar made sure they never run out off ,but most of all she had desperately craved for her mothers dishes which she knew was impossible to happen and had not word it out since last incident ,

she didn't wish to snatch the enthusiasm of her family, every single day someone would bring a thing or two for the baby ,gulnaz going all out as she started to set the room ,shah building the coat himself while bilal ,and asad painted the room ,umar being the designer ,more than that the moments it bought with it were priceless for the whole family

May it be Asad teasing hina of her lack of accuracy ,or bilal coaxing zakriya to trouble zari or the fact gulnaz scolded her children of not being efficient ,umar always on a look out that areesha is sipping  fresh juice despite of her unpleasant expressions , his stern gaze would make sure she finished  .. at times hina would run after zaki protecting his hands from the wet paints , in the end zari being teased by all of being next.

"i cannot be the next victim of their sweet talks" she cleared erupting laughter all around

"believe me mummy the kid would not be able to survive with us" she pleaded , gulnaz would shake her head with smile after her amusing excuses

That was their pattern after coming from office each day ,first constructing a beautiful room in the main house than in their own home and the baby wasn't even born yet! , sometimes witnessing all the love and excitement areesha would get scared but her faith in the most HIGH calmed her down ,

it was like a sweet dream, so much love and endless care she had been very blessed ,each day the first thing anyone would ask after arriving home was about her, not to forget the endless challenge of it being a boy or girl ,and the dares if one won, it was all very overwhelming

Each night hand in hand they would walk miles ad-mists the fragrant night breeze , the fire flies lightening the way like tiny lamps ,sometimes nature offered a small sprinkle of rain blooming the flowers along , but at all times their lovely talks and murmurs of thanks igniting a passion of solitude and happiness around ..

 She had prayed to her hearts content ,every night at the time of tahajjud she would sit near the fireplace cloaked up in umar's shawl and would recite the Holy Quran in  slight audible voice for the  baby to  hear  ... ,the house was in noor ,which shined all around as the counts of darood would go higher every day umar secretly joining 

Areesha absolutely loved the time after fajr when umar  would wrap her in his strong arms, yet quite secretly murmured prayers and blew on them placing them in the most protective hands for the day, and she pretended she never noticed

she could say she controlled almost everything but her emotions were just something difficult to handle at times just one stern word from umar would want to make her cry but areesha tried to never overburden him with anything even her uncontrollable emotions 

she had not been able to attend her graduation due to her state

she huffed recalling the nights that has been going since only a week is left from her due date

gulnaz had made them shift despite of umar's constant  protest,fussing but he agreed understanding  it could be dangerous especially when he returns late some nights

But he had said yes only on one condition that they will shift back just  month after the  baby is born ,quite glaldly gulnaz had denied him reminding  their vacation to pakistan .

fuming he had grumbled a lot of how he hated being away from his own home ,amused areesha calmed him excited to meet her family of course keeping her glee a secret in front of her currently annoyed husband  

  Granny had been there since few weeks now ,she was too worried each time they talked  and very excited as well, 

and umar wanted to make sure she is one of the first persons to see the baby ,after coming here granny  had a full time table made for areesha 

the list of her banned things increasing tenfolds but she smiled recalling the times where she  received daniyal's parcels containing her favorite chocolates and some sour candies which of course was a secret just between them

and sometimes hina and zari would sneak her out and would take her wherever she wanted

nowadays it was only  the night time which she dreaded

on granny's order she was instructed to drink milk with an added spoon of ghee an absolute scary combination

its smell making her nauseous even before it entered her room

Hence after day one there was no one who could make her drink it ,unless she would throw up and than they decided to hand over the duty to umar 

she had pleaded them not to do that  but no one listened not even hina.. 

"Areesha drink it come on" umar sat  in his sleeping clothes while she shook her head nearly close to crying knowing they had told umar to make her drink that wasn't fair 

her hair's were open a light shawl around to aid her from chilly breeze

" please aree its good for you" he said unimaginably  polite rubbing his large hands on her frail arms

"umar before she could start gulnaz entered along with hina

"you still haven't finished it?  beta it will help you please meri jan "she said but areesha shook her head again the glass still in fornt ,she shivered from umar's keen gaze watching as hina requested but her answer was same

she had been an exceptionally good daughter in law doing everything thy said so far and her not agreeing to this amused them

"its okay mum i will take care of it please send someone to collect the class after 5 minutes" umar declared making her gulp

"No" came her small p resistant voice

she looked exceptionally breath taking with her overly turned pink lips and flushed cheeks with the sparkle of uncertainty in her eyes

"Areesha start" he handed her the glass which her shivery hands held and one glare of his was mirrored by her large gulp of the milk amusing hina and gulnaz who left satisfied  she is safe hands now

"umar ple' she started but his gaze pinned her at the spot

gazing at the glass in her hand she gave a pleading look but umar wasn't having it

"finish it now !"his voice held authority and  she didn't knew why he had so much impact on her closing her eyes she drank the whole glass and before she could vomit it out he held her hands

"Areesha no, i would not tolerate that at all "and after those words even she was confused why wasn't she nauseous anymore

her displeased face had no affect on him , he took away the glass kissing her softly 

"i don't like you anymore "she murmured slow making him chuckle

"says the mummy of my charming baby" he smirked tucking her hair back making her blush

"Mother hood suits you "he complimented taking in her appearance his keen gaze giving her shudders

"Now just like this we will drink it  together everyday" he verbalized making her frown

before his darling could protest he silenced her magically ..... ;-)


 Dear readers....the next chapter is just few hours away had to split them up :-) hope you enjoyed so far and are eager to meet parisa

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