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"I am your moon and your moonlight too

I am your flower garden and your water too
I have come all this way, eager for you
Without shoes or shawl
I want you to laugh
To kill all your worries
To love you
To nourish you."





umm just a hint you may need breaks ,yes its that long *genuine warning*

and please don't forget to show your love by commenting 

Lofty sky covered with soft chills of an emerging spring was the forecast of London,in the heart of which now resided a house not just build by fancy rocks or intricate architecture rather on the base of true love ,adjoined by bricks of trust and roof of care delicately painted with the laughs and chirps of his beloved, a safe confines ,definition of a dream which was once prayed by a true lover

large shawl was draped carelessly on the cream soft sofa which just a few minutes ago was around a girl who finished reciting the Quran after fajr until small specks of glow emerged indicating her duties

Drifts of exciting birds could be heard all around ....their songs itself a wondrous tradition of praising their creator , while they all together planned for the day ahead, gradually coming to chirp a little hi on the window where Areesha stood making breakfast for her beloved as well smiling at the birds who would come and pick their food from the vast garden at times peeking inside to share a glimpse or two with her

her hair in a small tie with a bow clip , a shining ring on the finger indicating a sacred bond ,bangs of escaped hairs unambiguously flew with fresh morning breeze while smooth hands skilled in making his favorite today as it was Monday morning, a difficult task to wake him this day !

her kitchen had an exquisite combination of lavender, white and black with large windows followed by light drapes, she had been given authority of renovating the interior when they arrived and she did, considering it was the demand of a house,because black leather sofas with wooden furniture wasn't a good match for her preference at all!!!

and to say the least they were the very first thing she got rid of rather shifting them to umar's office instead, followed by many other things giving it a more family look rather than just a professional office

Now living room consisted of cream and purple themed  furniture with glass ornaments all around,designs of wallpaper perfectly blended with the surroundings ,infused scented candles at required places , some placed in pearly water bowls enhancing the view with posh velvet drapes on aperture facing the garden 

not only umar but her mother in law was also delighted appreciating the theme ,and the urbane interior which gave it a more homely feel alongside it being decent and sophisticated

she turned the house into such a pleasant and comfortable place that gulnaz and others would come and sit for hours or  even stay a night never feeling uncomfortable rather cozy and welcomed , maybe it was more about her rather than just the way she had made it Areesha's hospitable and caring nature was quite capturing in its own way ,

finally placing everything in the oven she closed the lid in order to wake up  umar

it had been 5 months since they shifted here ,and so much changed that it sometimes surprised her, but one thing was for sure she was ever so thankful for everything she has been  blessed with and would never want to back out ,,,umar was a husband more than her words could describe ..sure he still had temper problems but the main point was he was trying and so was she ..

with their imperfections they were constantly trying to make their bond perfect ,

what more accomplishment would areesha need that umar if not in office would rather be home or rush to be there no matter where he is ...

Climbing up the marble stair case, she straightened the candle holders contour to its side wall , which often were ignited in the evenings as umar liked it , she slowly opened their large bedroom door to see a peacefully sleeping umar, his soft snores uplifting the quietness in their room,

Their bedroom was the only thing she didn't changed as it was much more beautiful than she could ask for ,he had designed it amazingly each and everything  just perfect even the bed had drapes on all sides because he knew she loved them although he didn't fancied them much

sitting beside him she brushed his fallen hairs away from his forehead ,smiling at the small frown due to sudden touch ..

"umar wake up" her heart still thundered as the first day when near him.. that was the part which haven't changed and going by the progress may be it could never..

"umar" her hands touched his shoulder earning a vexed groan , , it wasn't her fault he slept really late

"you will get late" she whispered near , very well knowing loud voices in the morning irritated him , but just like like other mornings her hands were captured instead under his rough stubble as he slept

"umar i have to check the oven in few minutes come on get up" she tried to snatch the duvet away

"your towel is in the washroom and i have set up the water heater get up now" she traced his lashes knowing he hates it

his morning glare was the first thing she saw making her chuckle with an intense eye contact he pulled her closer accomplishing his first ritual

"subha ba khair sweet heart"his lazy hoarse voice greeted with a teasing smile witnessing her blush as he sat up gazing proud at her flushed yet alluring  state .

"Man its hard to get up" he grumbled shuffling his hair, with a lazy smile he placed his forehead on her shoulder making her toes curl ,

"i have to check up on the oven umar" she lightly brushed his hair with love and tried moving him away ,

"kiya hai?" he held her closer but one stroke on his eyebrows and the glare was back

"i hate that" he moved away with a warning as she left with a slight laugh recalling his expressions while he groaned rather loud before going towards the bathroom

she was pacing around the table to set everything when he showed up, tips of his hairs still wet as he shook it to let the drops fall on her face startled she gasped

"umar" she adorably chided clearing her face while he hugged from back blessing her with some more ,in her presence mr umar  had many phases childish being a rare one

"how many times have i told you" he brisked her clip away

"don't close your hairs in the morning" giving a pointed look he sat on his chair ,she patted her face dry thanks to her husband on the other hand he enjoyed her annoyed expressions buttering his croissant ,looking fresh as ever with dark hairs and cream button up shirt

"wesay i have heard starting a day with that kind of expression is really unhealthy for the day wife" he took a large bite still gazing at her with amused expressions

"my dress is all wet umar" her soft lashes pulled in annoyance, while he gave an once over to her simple green dress now slightly wet , and to say the least he was thrilled of course keeping his feelings on  mute

"do you want me to dry it up for you? he quirked his eyebrow quite serious while she gulped taking a seat beside mumbling a no thank you hearing his loud chuckle ,though he was considerate enough to pour her juice in replacement of his deed

"Today can you pick me up after  lunch " she changed the topic pouring his tea

"why ?"  brows furrowed , his hands  moved away her stray hair coming in between his view

"because i want to buy a gift for phuphee's surprise birthday" her excitement evident

he smiled gazing her , inside quite pleased ,from the day Areesha had been  connected with their life it never felt she was never a part  ,the manner through which she  bounded his  family even more participating and organizing these little celebrations for everyone , and in any matter of distress she had tried her best and no doubt succeeded more than expected ..

her unique ways and sweet talks had everyone caged around that her presence for everything had become the most vital thing, even her mother conveys him about the important matters through her, very well significant ,that she will handle the situation with ease ,in reality no matter how hard she planned  to fulfill the promise once made

he had even witnessed her silence in some matters, which he knew was hard and she easily could have responded with an equal ,not that he lets her face such matters , but at times even he isn't aware of certain situations

"not today , but tomorrow we can ,. i will be late today" he said witnessing her adorable convincing expressions

"why late ?"she innocently asked keeping her hand under her ample cheeks ,blazing his eyes

"In that case i will be in peace, knowing someone who never misses me will actually be fulfilling the ritual "he boasted annoying her with his smirk

"No i wont!  i will finish my assignments" she grinned seeing his displeased eyes, umar gave a secret smile "we will see when i come" he promised  ,she shook her head hiding her own

"i liked your first timings at 6 you used to be at home"

"same, but its the end of year plus there is much load on baba and asad "he cleared making her nod in understanding while he enjoyed her undivided attention

"but don't worry we are going on holidays soon" he got up turning around as she helped him in his coat

"than "he slowly winked leaning towards her

"umar !you are getting late" she went towards the door adorably hiding the red hue proudly displayed on her

"wow!!! thank you dear wife" he said sarcastically but stubbornly  stood by the door with closed eyes,keeping his possessive hands around her , while she murmured prayers and placed a small peck on his stubble with a whiff and shyly moved away

"Allah hafiz" he smiled melting her heart as she waved

After clearing up the table she dressed up with light make up following her daily ritual

since the day she has arrived, its a tradition morning tea is always with her mother in law who awaits for her arrival as well the other girls who enjoy a little chit chat and snacks  and so after sending umar off she gets ready to meet them up ,

first thing umar taught her was driving as soon as they settled but she wasn't a frequent driver as he would be the one to drop and take her from university or dropping off at her in laws but at time like these when he had to go early she would drive on her own , besides the house wasn't that far away it took 10 minutes to reach and if the weather would be pleasant it could be a refreshing walk

she would admit no doubt her in laws were very loving but she did missed her family at times

it wasn't easy to settle quite faraway in a swift but with time a person learns  to deal with many aspects

for her exams as promised umar took her home but it was just for 2 weeks plus they stayed at a hotel no matter how much they insisted and she doesn't know why but every time when her family would be around umar's insecurities would reach its peak quoting she wasn't giving him enough time but to umar's luck her mother was  on his side making it impossible for her to think otherwise


sitting at table opposite to umar who was completing his work plus being an exceptionally strict teacher areesha with an adorably crying expression tried to finish her hard test

he would look up every now and than reading her secretly, holding his smile at her small puffs and expressions but made sure not to give away his feelings of her actually having an upper hand

while she was scared knowing how well her test was progressing !!!

everyday on this time after 5 was their study time ,of which sometimes umar if to busy would take her to his office or they would sit in the study at home but the time was fixed either way

when he said he will look after her studies he wasn't joking a bit..

Every assignment , tests, her progress report was scrutinized by him and no he wasn't a lenient teacher at that time she felt she never grew up or is a married women and would dread his serious tone the most

on every Thursday would be a test day no matter what , thus she was sunking in her seat

"umar" she slightly whispered

"hmm" came a profound reply , he looked really dangerous according to areesha's analysis

"um can i um can i revise the last topic" she blinked nervous

"why wasn't it done when i gave you time" he closed the file giving her full attention which she really didn't needed at that moment

"um i was distracted? "she gave a weak excuse

"you can give me your test as you revise ,shall i check the rest ?"questioned his grave voice

"yes "came meek whisper

"make sure you revise thoroughly this time" he bit his lip controlling himself as she nodded

"kharos teacher" she mumbled opening the book

"pardon ?" her head jolted surprised

"i ,i said thank you" she covered scolding her for the unintentional slip of words

to her surety he pretended he did not but his loving eyes didn't leave her as she revised

he relished this time sneakily savoring her appearance ,the way she keenly focused or the cute frown when in deep thoughts ,but his strictness was for her own good otherwise if it were up to his heart .........

"and your time is up , you did well on the rest now just wrap it up after doing the last one" he gazed at the watch

why exact ,exact 10 minutes she complained internally huffing at his accuracy

"Aren't we getting late for  dinner phuphee must be waiting and this is a long question"she rationalize trying to liberate herself ..it wasn't her nature to act like this but she had forgotten to actually prepare for the test hence the irritation

he leaned in close hitching her breath

"darling finish it up "he tucked her hair away with a serious tone

i don't want to do the last one ALLAH put some reham in his heart she prayed tightly closing her eyes


"on it" she gave a thumbs up starting the work highly amusing him

"Thank you" he nodded with a pointed look

"your welcome dear sir" she gazed mischievous ,attracting his attention like a magnet

"sir huh?"he raised his eyebrows seeing her nod which turned into opposite seeing him get up

" MY dear lady ! can you finish it fast, so we can leave" he drew near caging her from either side his large hands on the huge revolving chair ,witnessing her cocooned on the seat with  legs up and yet again he had to control his laugh ,while his hot breaths warmed her face , she moved away from his closeness dodging  his intensive eyes

"no" she held his hand which were on the clip making him raise his eyebrows

"you are making me do the last question "she shrugged taking him offguard

"sweetheart " his breaths finally snatched her  senses ,she closed her eyes feeling his tender kiss on her nose and the clip was expertly taken away

"hey!!!" she protested with a whisper seeing her tumbling hairs fall around her 

"Hurry up" he winked whistling as he left, taking the clip along

"you are breaking rules" she mumbled to herself completing the rest

"they are meant to be broken ari but only by the one who makes them" came his loud answer making her sigh

unfair !!!!


" i thought you would be ditching us at dinner as well" hina complained welcoming her with a side hug while umar stood in the garden outside, talking with asad

"No actually i wanted to come, but i had a  test which i forgot to study and i have strict teacher" she shuddered making rest of them laugh at her description

"let him come inside i will take his class" gulnaz said amused kissing her daughter in law

"no no phuphee" she abruptly denied

"nai ami take his class" zari favored 

"like come on we were supposed to go shopping and he had her locked up, "she called them in the kitchen

"we are starving , here taste this" zari gave her spoonful of the dish"

"its amazing" she commented while gul naz went to her boys

" let's set the table,before the man's come inside" hina smiled seeing her expressions as Areesha bit into a cool cucumber sprinkling it with chili

"uhm do i sense cravings" zari smirked making her choke followed by watery eyes

"relax i was just suggesting" zari winked patting her back

"yeah after all our umar can hardly stay without someone!" hina said with a cheeky grin blazing her cheeks

"no ,no um not at all this is a combination ,i have loved since a ,a very young age" she hastily cleared earning their laugh at her illustration

"my poor son is alone give him a cousin already" hina playfully scolded them

"don't even look at me bilal and i have already settled it, we cant take care of children just yet "zari said

"don't see me like that ,zari api is bigger than me" areesha defended

"so ?"they both teamed up

fidgeting in her place she smiled" lets go out ?"

"you are lucky, you have adorably convincing expressions" zari pinched her cheeks

"exactly! now lets go ,but ariii are you sure?" hina playfully gazed down

"yes apiii there is nothing "she mumbled to flustered

"we believe you darling " hina sang taking the rice dish out of the kitchen

"for now!!!" zari followed adding fuel to her already blushed self

"we are not talking to you umar ?" hina sassed seeing the person spoiled by the very mother who said otherwise just few moments ago

"why might that be now ?"he said pining his gaze at flushed areesha who slightly shook her head indicating it wasn't her  as he converted his gaze at hina

"you ruined our plan of shopping , "

"it wasn't my fault" he shrugged thinking what could have made his wife so red

"you have a good student umar you could have been lenient" zari protested

"rules are rules" he said while drawing a chair for areesha , taking a seat beside  as others joined quite amused with the conversation at hand

"oh so that's the reason for them being late" asad laughed while shah shook his head with a smile

"yeah !! "hina huffed

"i must say umar the ladies were fuming since morning ,all your fault" bilal pointed at his nonchalant brother

"Areesha you know since umar is a strict one, change your tutor , you can come here we all are more than happy to help you" bilal added to earn a reaction of his small sibling

"she doesn't have a choice !!!" umar scowled earning a loud laugh from everyone

"Look into bilal's offer its quite beneficial "asad sided gazing at her

"stop giving useless ideas bhai, its not going to happen!" umar cleared

"and stop irritating my child , you all go after him as soon as he comes" gulnaz scolded

"no one is troubling your child gulnaz but areesha beta know your father is here you can complain anytime" shah winked earning a scowl form his wife

"he is lucky to have her mum ,otherwise you would have had to go every single day to resolve the fights "

"enough!! one word more and i will not take it lightly" gul naz pointed

"he is an exceptional son"she added

seeing umar's  smug expression asad coughed "lf you say so"

"i will you see you bhai !" umar stared at him making him raise his hands erupting the dinning area with chuckles, areesha was the only name through  they could get out a severe reaction from their serious brother and they made sure to never miss  a chance !

"we will go for a late walk down the town, there is this new grandeur chocolate shop and i think areesha here deserves a good treat after exams" bilal proposed after a while noticing girl's excited smile while umar nodded chewing his food


"umar i heard you are planning for a week holiday beta ?"

"yes mum "umar was laying on the cushion placed in gul naz's lap and she was brushing his hair with love while others got ready meanwhile areesha prepared tea for all

"umar i was thinking if you both shift here for a week instead i never got proper time with areesha and i think she also needs to take responsibility now "

"what do you mean?" his once calmly closed eyes opened with displeasure

"don't take me wrong umar ,but every where you go even out of city for some meetings , you take her along and its her time to learn about the responsibilities of her in laws and her home properly not just to roam around "

umar internally sighed but knew he was to address his mother who has her own insecurities thus he consumed down all the irritation there was with great great difficulty

taking his mothers hand atop his forehead he gave an assuring squeeze

"you are aware mom how its a well needed break for her , she has been giving her best to every relation ,do you think i don't know ?"

"i know beta but even i desire some time with her since your marriage you haven't stayed with me properly nor has she!!"she said a bit frustrated

"we come on every Thursday to stay and she comes daily at least for 4 hours no matter how busy it gets ,besides once in every two weeks i take you out alone ,so you can share with me anything disturbing you "umar reminded he loved his mother to the core but what he hated was to mingle relations together ,every relation has its own place and should be given  equal attention

"it's not like i am repulsing your idea but i know she need's it besides tell me is it not to much for her in just a year of marriage, and you are the witness she made us closer not the other way around "he explained politely as gulnaz nodded

"i just want her to take full responsibility beta ,she has to learn apart from studies there are other things to !!"

"i don't really appreciate opposing talks mum, i like to place every relation at its place ,besides she never denied your any demand up till now and we respect you most in the family whatever you say goes but you know i don't fancy these talks its just irritating me!"

"and if you are worried no she isn't the kind of the girl who will get spoiled she had enough space to be one yet she chose you, all though she could have build her own social life .she has her own car ,own house and friends yet she cancel's all plans to be with you all every single time "

"i think we should appreciate that" he completed

"why do i feel like i am losing you umar, i just say one thing that wasn't even negative and in return i get a list "she said quite emotional sensing the disturbance he got up and slowly clasped his hands together gazing at his mom

"mom we all made a plan with baba, we wanted to go together but we just couldn't leave the office unguarded so we decided to divide the time instead , first week we will go since her holiday's will  over soon but than you and baba will go followed by others

"but if it is making you uncomfortable that you think i am changing, we will not go but next time just please say it directly, it highly displeases me when someone whirls the talk around ,just say you don't want us to go and we wont , "he said serious while gulnaz sighed she didn't meant that but a mother's jealousy gets in way at times

"i am sorry meri jaan i never meant it that way you are right , and no please don't change your plans beta go" she smiled indicating him to lay down again but he gently shook his head troubling her emotions

"umar beta please!" he sighed not wanting to stress her and layed down earning a kiss on his forehead

"you very well know umar sometimes its hard for me to adjust the change i have been doing all your things with my own hands , i just get insecure sometimes that if she does even take care of you with all that she is busy with ?"

"she does mom, she does" he made her smile

"that's all the assurance i need but with a constant reminder" she chuckled to make him smile

it wasn't gul naz 's fault nor was areesha's she have had the hardest year of her life , with a drastic change of not having her family around she had given 101% to her relations,

not only she had a demanding husband but demanding in laws as well ,her routine had been of just a 5 hour sleep with all the responsibilities of taking care of a home ,studies with that her duties as a daughter in law she had tried not to lack at any, though she had sometimes cried secretly in dark nights when everything had gotten to much but never have let it show to umar, trying to adjust as much as she can and making his life easier

though many times gul naz comments on umar's health or something related to him has hurted her but she smiled it away trying to not give her another chance to complain, if everyone has come to dearly adore her its solely because of her efforts which complied of her sacrifices of sometimes sleep or comfort to do just a little extra for them

even if it required her lunch break at times for getting an appointment for someone she has willingly sacrificed it to make the other happy and just in a year it had been a lot for her

but she never complained because she knew it's a part of life and in it relies beauty of relations ,no one has a complete fairy tale,we have to make it with patience and sacrifice

best of all she knew umar was there with her in every step of life he was her strength, his smiles and love filled eyes her power and sweet words her motivation

it wasn't just her, every successful daughter in law has to make her way just like that

"phuphee tea" areesha entered with a smile

"Thank you beta" she said as umar got up gazing at her

"areesha beta i was thinking that you come early tomorrow i have to go at farida's and than at shopping, so if we leave early only than we will be back by the time umar's home "

though she was hoping to rest the other day as she had been getting less to no sleep at all, during her exams and today to she had gotten up quiet early on her demand and very well knew by the time they will leave it will be midnight yet she masked her face with ease

"sure phuphee i will come at 7 as soon as umar leaves" she said politely pouring her kashmiri chai  

quite alluring to him Areesha's off white veil fanned her lighted face , her baby pink lips smiled as she respectfully answered his mothers enquirers or the fact not a line of rudeness appeared on her face no matter what her mother in law said, just captivated him more towards her love into a spell binding charm,at the exact moment their eyes met as she asked of his preference ,breaking him from trance

his heated gaze gave her a shudder while he held her soft hands  knowing his mother has left to retrieve her shawl

"what if i want my wife instead" he said dangerously slow

"umar?" her surprised tone wavered as she gazed around the blue and off white curtains to see if any one was descending the stairs as her husband didin't seem to be in his senses

leaving no space in between he whispered "coffee if you may please" as hina and asad's voice commended to pierce the silence

"oh areesha thank you for making tea" asad beamed coming down but her shivering hands refused to be calm not expecting umar's sudden stunt

perceiving her condition umar  offered to pour it instead silently chuckling as he came near earning her annoyed expression not only he took her off guard but also had audacity to make fun of it

"i will just freshen up " he made his way towards their room ,followed by areesha who wanted some time to tranquil her heated cheecks ,gradually she made her way up but halted as soon as her eyes met umar's who had opened the door and was waiting for her presence with an arrogant smirk

"actually i am very fresh" she mumbled to herself turning around

"my wife wasn't a coward last time i checked" with a cute scowl she twirled back

"i am not!! "

"you can come here and say the same thing" he challenged perfecting the trap

"i am no... and she was pulled inside

wrong move !!!1

"that's that's chea....

words silenced by a beloved emerge in a new way where just beats of the hearts talk instead

"lets go" was a whisper after few minutes

and even if she was feeling tired something inside gave her a renewed energy perhaps it was his love

" you don't have to get up early tomorrow i will be going late so you can't leave !

"but phuphee?"

"i will take care of everything" he smiled with a wink

and that was a beauty of their relation no matter how hard it may get umar always compensated for her in a way or other trying to relax her mind of anything that could burden her

if he was her soul mate he was proving it by taking care of points where sometimes eyes and ears fail to reach yet the voice of heart always does

Meanwhile shah was deeply happy noticing the ways of his son ,being a true gentleman and  prayed he would not change ,thus encouraging him secretly whenever he could away from his wife, whose insecurities were genuine yet baseless

whenever she had touched the topic of persuading umar to shift back ,he had expertly denied showing her the changes in him , responsible being the first one ..and for a while it had done the task to hold her back ...


Marriage is indeed a sacred bond of endearment, yet its not always easy to cope with the given circumstances ,

There are times when you get to tired, yet partners one glimpse of confidence or a glance back at a beautiful moment in past makes you move on with renewed energy ....

hurdles may slow you down,but that doesn't mean love doesn't exist any more, just like anything else it needs to be polished ,at times some obstacles may blur it but the inner surface always remain as such, its just up to a person how willing are they to keep it as such removing any specks that could probably defect it

and just like that there came many occasions where umar's anger overpowered her patience yet she closed her eyes recalling the rewards of sabr and now was just that moment where it was hard very hard to not reply yet like always she preferred silence over quarrel

arguing is easy yet the affects quite worse especially in a relation,

A famous quote by Hazrat umar (r.a),who summed up a valuable lesson in just simple words

"when one is fire other should be water"

it was a time of peak breakfast when it all begun

"i am asking you something Areesha ?"umars' thunderous voice and eyes were more than blazing hot fire ready to burn anything coming his way while areesha stood with bound hands praying for a miracle,

"WHY did you touched my things when i strictly said not to!" he glowered making her squirm yet she recalled all the places she had already checked

"umar "she fervently started, her gaze hardly meeting his demanding ones as he stomped his way to the study ,

"what umar? why don't you understand to never organize my stuff i am getting late and that's the main important document !"the grit's of his teeth didn't go unotice by her but her small puffs of fear surely did , fearsome heart shivering away from him

the feeling and trauma at that moment surpassed her thinking capacity ,making it even harder to form solutions or give any idea's

"sorry i i don't understand why i cant seem to find it" her hands once again checked all the papers on the table trembling from his harsh gaze

"keep your excuses to yourself ? its not going to bring it back" he Banged the door going to another room leaving her in his created misery

while she breathed in and out trying not to panic and instead fuel all her energy in finding that particular file

her slim form tip toed to open the top chestnut cupboard of his study

"why the flipping fire would it be there" his voice made her jump ,the balance narrowly saving her from the fall

"i thought to chec....

"save it" he threw all the papers off the table in search of it, while areesha cleared the cold sweat forming atop her hands

times like this she missed her mother the most or anyone she could hide behind rather than staying in front of him where it seemed like she would be his next victim after the flinged papers

the room looked like it had suffered a colossal hurricane

an angry umar wasn't a sight to be even in front of

while he kept looking mumbling words she didn't wanted to repeat

"why are you staring at me please leave the room and let me look in peace" he scolded making her gulp the tears

despite of his anger she knew just how much it meant to him he has worked very hard to make the presentation even working some nights but after giving his due share of time to her even if it meant to be awake all night

she had seen him sleep deprived ,with exhausted eyes but still passionate about the project which he was working on

she sighed closing the elegant drawers of their bedroom umpteenth time

ya ALLAH please help she whispered going to places she guessed it could be, eyeing as umar emerged out of his study talking on the phone , his broad shoulders tensed ,with his back to her ,the spacious hall around seemed much smaller ,his attitude being the main cause

mustering enough courage she went near him only to be ignored making her slightly whimper

"umar" she politely uttered when he closed the line shooting daggers at her scared form and at the moment nothing seemed more scary than him

"you are getting late you should leave i will search and send it to you by the driver" she proposed articulating she would be able to look clearly after he goes

"for you information i have cancelled the meeting" he gritted making her gulp

although his heart knew and eyes could see how scared her delicate form looked those hazel brown eyes almost brimmed with water ,her pink lips parted due to nervousness and hairs in a beautiful mess but anger is like a smoke sometimes blurring the feelings of others

"you have 3 minutes to get in the car while i drop you at moms" he threatened leaving her behind

"N no i will go its okay" her soft voice didn't do anything to his heart as he looked back holding her frightened gaze

"Areesha 2 minutes" his eyes boring in her soft once making her jump as she sprinted inside the bedroom to take her shawl and tame her expressions

if one could say she is terrified it would be an understatement as his car zoomed passed the houses in an unsafe drive ,her closed eyes and dizzy mind just wished for his anger to cool

his dark grey coat was in her hands , shirt fitted in a crisp on his broad frame, hairs combed on point while every irritated puff of minty air made her stifle a gulp, his powerful aura making it more difficult to breath in the car

with an abrupt yet safe halt he stopped the car in front of a large house totally ignoring the glance which her innocent eyes gave ..looking ahead with a clenched jaw indicating her to leave

the journey which usually takes 10 minutes was covered by just 3

with a small audible sigh she opened the door

"you will find it umar" she encouraged trying to give a smile

"i am getting late areesha" his clipped tone bruised her confidence even more ,but she nodded closing the door softly trying to mask any expressions that could give away her internal state

while his sharp gaze followed her until she was safely inside before zooming with such a dangerous speed that areesha halted for a second hearing the heart robing voice

"ya ALLAH please keep him safe" she blew prayers towards him for his safety and with a heavy heart entered inside trying very hard to look composed

"Areesha beta" gulnaz greeted kissing her cheek with a small hug as she bent down for her blessings all the while praying her thundering heart be ignored

"is it really cold out today ,you are freezing beta" she laughed trying to warm her trembling hands yet she just smiled with a small nod

"come sit i was waiting for you ,i didn't had tea till now why were you late today " gulnaz took the tea from her hands as she poured for herself as well

"i i came with umar he said he will drop me" she cleared scolding herself for short answers but it wasn't her fault , she just wanted to be alone for a moment just to get her emotions straight and almost felt restricted making it quite hard to not give anything away

"why didn't he come inside to greet me" she frowned indicating her annoyance as it never happened that he would leave just by dropping and not taking his mothers blessing

"he was getting really late but he will be there for dinner tonight" she assured making her nod unsatisfactorily

"Did he had breakfast? she eyed areesha carefully earning a small nod

" finally darling you here" hina chirped giving her a side hug

"i made your favorite cupcakes" zari smiled placing the tray infront

" since we have a lot to do today i thought why not start with some positive energy "

"Thank you they are amazing as always " she commented taking a small bite which was a task to swallow due to her hidden emotions

"i know right my baking skills are improving" zari blew on her fingers delighting the ladies

"so, girls where do we start from, there are going to be a lot of guests and many things still remain to be done "

"have you started already ?"she gazed confused

"um yes we finalized few things yesterday night since we didn't wanted to put heavy load on our new bride, umar would kill us!" hina exasperated

"don't bring umar in it " gulnaz interjected not at all amused

"of course ami he is your adorable ladla , you know what areesha half  the menu is of his preferred delicacies" zari said

"and mummy did not even invite some guests just because he doesn't seem to like them "

"uff if only naila aunty could be here, trust me, we could have gotten full news coverage of what's been happening around "hina suggested

gulnaz laughed at them "that's why he gets irritated by her ,my son hates gossip"

"that's the difference ami its just news not gossip" hina explained ,gulnaz gave a glare as they giggled

"i was just kidding we all hate her calm down" she hugged her from aside winking at the girls who tried not to laugh

while gulnaz thanked from within for such caring daughters, she could never imagine having and just these priceless moments she desired most ,reason of her sometime being agitated of umar 's separate residence

"where is zaky baby "areesha eased a bit constantly hoping he have found his file

"oh i sent him to nursery, asad wasn't conceding to it , but we had plenty to do and i know he would be just tossing everything around thanks to his new found walking skills"areesha pouted wanting to play with him

"he is all yours as he comes besides , you know they were laughing at us in the morning quoting three women's being scared of a child " zari pinched her cheek

" AND than mummy suggested after nursery they take him to their office instead after all there would be four grown up man" hina laughed

"did they agreed " areesha asked surprised

"They could never"hina rolled her eyes meanwhile gathering all the trays, areesha and zari in toe as they chuckled starting the work but her attention solely on umar

despite of her expertly hidden emotions during late afternoon hina and zari concluded there was definitely something amiss , she wasn't her usual radiant self

"Areesh you look exhausted take rest we will finish the rest besides you have done so much already "they proposed catching her muddled attention

"maybe you didn't get enough sleep after exams"

"no i am absolutely fine" she tried to give them the best smile possible

"you sure ?"they looked concerned

"perfectly"she assured resuming her work

they bought her lie for a while thinking of things that could be troubling her

sometime later phone was clutched in her frail hands while she contemplated to call him or to wait for his

Anticipating for few more seconds she sighed dialing his number, her heart thudded in a dangerous beat and when after some tries he didn't answer , she sat trying not to get too hurt by his gesture but when her last call was rather cancelled indicating her to stop, she couldn't cease the heartache which brewed due to his harsh gesture

on the other hand ,throughout the day she had been on the prick to hear his soothing voice declaring he found the file and is not angry anymore but his attitude was rather wounding her more

it wasn't really her fault she just wanted to make things easier for him but..... with a deep sigh she went on with her assigned tasks

Almost at dusk when everything was almost done she stood decorating the garden tables and lightening up scented candles , her heart to heavy as time passed. For the fact he never called back nor answered her's which she had tried just once more ,hoping he would pick up

it's all his fault to capture her this deep in his love that no response from him made her restless to the point that nothing mattered at the moment except him

when internally to exhausted, she sat on a large swing under an approaching twilight sky, which dimmed the rays of sun around ,blazing the candles' glow prominent, covering her in their engaging hue

her freshly bathed hair lightly swung with breeze , shadows of the same candles hiding her teary eyes and bruised lips due to constant biting,and she thought why everything failed to appeal her

his silence was something quite hard to adjust

why in a relation of love beloveds' smile is the most powerful aspect

she wanted his strong aura and powerful arms around .,just that

she depicted a beauty in those rays but if seen within her heart .............their was a longing a different one in which her heart wanted his ease and comfort

lights nor darkness matters,even the strongest heat chills ,the darkest winters melts when a heart misses its love from within

her train of thoughts were seized hearing gul naz's voice

"yes phuphee" she answered making sure the escaped tear didn't left any trail

"In your room dear "she directed

"beta" gulnaz came with a beautiful dress in hand

"i bought this for you yesterday ,the ladies coming today are my very close friends and i desire you wear something of my choice ,she neatly lay the dress on their bed

" but phuphee i already have so many" she tried to deny as not only at home but the cupboard here as well was filled with brand new clothes thanks to her bhabi's and mother in law

"i don't want to hear anything areesha i have bought it with love" gulnaz pointed indicating her to get ready stopping any further talks

Areesha stood beside dressing as the door closed seeing her mobile for hundredth time hoping to see any messages or miraculously a missed call from umar having nothing she closed her eyes for a second and went to freshen up herself for dinner


Even her constant denying failed to suffice hina and zari who had come to love her as their own sister and decided to help her look a bit extra special today, if it was something to do with umar than it's surely going to help her

"wah wah someone is slaying today we thought we could help but i think you already look quite gorgeous" they commented making her blush

her hefty peach gown was adding an exceptional glow to her simple beauty and the elegant makeup with nude lipstick making her stand out

selecting long silver earring's they helped adjust her shawl, which with great persuasion they swapped with a matching net one

"umar is in trouble" zari complimented to her unique appearance

no i am areesha thought with a sigh

" deeep trouble" hina winked and she scurried away before their teases could grow hearing their laughter as she descended the stairs

during the dinner they thought to lay out the food separately as their were mans in the garden , the ladies inside

serving and greeting everyone areesha kept herself busy ,until honk of certain car graced her ears it was too familiar and she knew umar had arrived ,,

her breaths labored ,shimmery eyes fluttering in thoughts as she made her way in the kitchen debating weather she should assist him ,while he gets fresh like always or just stay here

on Que other ladies called for a chat and she thought otherwise attending them instead very well knowing if her mother in law got a gist she would send her in a jinx but thankfully she was to occupied at that moment..but through her peripheral vision could see his broad frame in the private lounge climbing up until he disappeared in their bedroom

he looked tensed , no he seemed fine,or maybe he is in a good mood ?

"Areesh" hina dragged her inside the kitchen forcefully stuffing a piece of savory in her mouth before she could protest ,rearranging her thoughts

"where were you gazing at ,and did umar came?" zari innocently asked as she chocked while hina glared at zari

"um i don't know" she twisted in her place clearly uncomfortable

"Asad will know when he comes" hina dismissed trying to persuade her to eat knowing she already skipped lunch , they busied themselves after that taking more dishes outside .

Time flew by and hours later almost at midnight all the guests left, she was familiar all during the dinner that he was in the garden with others but she dared not to go ,unknown to her , he had seen her though his peripheral vision but to far from his reach bothering his being,! he wanted to see her clearly, at times he had expertly tried to crane his neck without anyone noticing but she had been to fast to move away making him internally sigh in exasperation

hyperventilating her hands trembled as she descended the stairs ,the color of the dress granting extra light to her soft features, her eye shadow capturing the attention with now rosy lipstick moist on her lips

"finally we are alone umar how are you" hina voiced beside ,as they reached the last step

seated on a single leather sofa his sharp eyes met Areesha's snatching her breath away, roaming on her features as if they have met after eternity but of course she failed to notice that minor detail occupied to locate any signs of anger

"i know i was looking forward to relax" he replied his eyes still pinning her, making it unable to breath

HIS eyes were playing a game not wanting to gaze yet powerless to takeaway

"mummy is going to scold you" hina extended

"for what?" he sipped his tea while areesha kept standing there

"yar areesha" zari sighed tugging her towards a seat between them

"don't pretend you don't know you came very late Mr umar "

"i had some important works to finalize" his serious tone alerting them

"they all waited for you till dinner and it was loong wait "zari said trying not to show they noticed

"bhai knew i would be late and i especially messaged you "he cleared

"oh did you i forgot to check my phone hina said regretfully "but you could have messaged areesha "she added

"i don't really appreciate when people forget" he mused yet areesha could clearly interpret the meaning behind

and not answering the other question it was a clear indication his anger wasn't sobered towards her

haye ALLAH

"i i i will attend phuphee "she practically scurried away knowing she had to have enough energy to confront him latter alone and the fact after so many suffering hours if felt to her that he didn't acknowledge her presence at all which was not even close to truth the witness being the people around

"we are keeping her with us tonight, you can go home" hina feigned seeing areesha's retreating back

"yup we are its been so many days plus she is going on a vacations with you anyways"

"did it ever happened before " he deadpanned

"it can always better late than never" zari shrugged amusing the other two brothers who just joined finally seeing off their last guest

"No" was his clipped answer making them sigh

"why don't you both stay you have a holiday tomorrow"asad invited

"i have some things to finalize for the monday's meeting" umar denied keeping his cup on the side table

"Don't take a toll on yourself umar ,we have to enjoy and its been some days since we spent leisure time together besides baba was expecting you to stay "

"okay, but i have to bring some files from home and maybe areesha may need somethings" he nodded accepting his brothers wishes making the girls squeal

"grow up" asad gave a look

"after you" hina quipped making others laugh

"where are mom and dad "

"baba has gone with uncle rafique to drop him off , they wanted to discuss somethings as well he will be back shortly "

"and your mummy is with her precious bahu" zari answered next

"what's the secret ?"he mused

"we don't know but if you are really impatient to have your wife here i could call her" zari proposed

" i was waiting for mom" his ears tinted an unnoticeable pink shade making them secretly smile

it has been umar's nature to conceal his emotions, he has never been affectionate towards areesha in front of them ,hence making it harder for them to interpret if there was something going on, but even without words his love was so strong that if someone would ask who is the person he loves the most areesha would be the first name in everyone's mind

his protective and possessive nature towards her,being a whole different story

"where is the little one?"

"asleep finally" hina chirped making them smile at her enthusiasm

and above in the bedroom of her mother in law areesha was seated with her hands captured in gulnaz"s warm ones

"Areesha beta you know i have given you the same love as a true mother would "gul naz started satisfied at her nod

"don't take me wrong beta i don't want to interfere in your plans but as a mother i have desires to !"

"what's the matter phuphee"she squeezed gul naz's hands with a smile

"Areesha i have not commented on it before and i know you are studying and that it can get a bit hard but beta it has been almost a year and i think that's enough time to settle down we are eagerly waiting for a good news" she emphasized surprising her with unforeseen demand , gulping the sudden dryness she licked her lips thinking of the possible answers

"phuphee i ;-

"listen to me before an answer, beta your granny has been waiting since a long time you know how close she is to umar, you can't even fathom the wishes and prayers she does for you all and her utmost desire now is to see umar's child, we all aren't growing young my child we all wish to give our right share of time to our grandchildren" her emotional tone and expectant eyes made it difficult raise her eyes

"tell me why the delay ?"

getting no reply she once again started "i will take care of everything if you are worried about home and stuff and no matter how much he denies for your sake areesha umar desires a child "she caressed her pearly cheeks,

out of all today wasn't a good day for the topic she thought her mind had already been captured since morning

"what are you thinking?"

"Nothing phuphee" she shook her now heavy head

"that's like my daughter areesha i will be expecting a good news really soon now "she made her look up

"okay?" gulnaz emphsized

"phuphee "she started but umar's voice halted her speech as he once again called his mom and she dabbed her head with love , leaving her in a whirlwind of caging thoughts.

but it wasn't a year it had only been 6 months ,life was'nt getting any easier for her

does umar desires it as much as phuphee described she thought

closing her eyes she prayed to Allah for the right time and enough energy to deal with everything, especially to fulfill the expectations of her in laws who have given her immense love

"arii yar you are here i have been loooking for you" zari made her way inside

"your jaan requires your presence" she said making her blush

They were beaming at something when areesha joined them lost in thoughts ,her eye contact with gul naz being witnessed by her spouse

he had been angry very angry but not seeing her for the whole day and than at midnight still they had to maintain distance was frustrating in its own way but one thing he knew she had suffered enough ,sudden guilt was making its way inside seeing her confused and disturbed

"Areesha" he finally spoke "we are staying here tonight ,but i want somethings from home so we better leave now" he got up alerting her stance

"yeah areesha go and come back soon" hina tugged her beside umar who held her cold hands not hinting anything of his resolve distracting her even more as he they went outside towards his car,

he opened the door reluctantly letting go of her hands , but with a sudden gasp she clutched his arms making him frown, looking down at the cause he expertly hid his amusement seeing her heels and to his bad she left him to early gaining a proper balance

if one thing his wife loved was wearing heels,no matter what ! he shook his head getting inside the car

The night breeze rustled his hairs and her lose veil along with slight peeking hairs but none spoke a word thousands of things running through their minds, all connected to eachother

one thing he really appreciated about her was the way she handled his moods and it was in no doubt true that only she was capable enough to do it .. no complains to her mother or anyone else just silence and smile which always tugged his heart more towards her

she never lets out the word shared between them , privacy of their relation always secured behind that heart warming smile of hers and thinking about it he felt a little more restraint

his gaze followed her little move of tugging her hair behind ,her fallen shawl doing nothing but attracting him more

her face shone with light of pure noor glamouring her innocence ,the light color of her dress suiting her the best

oh how he wanted to close any distance between them caging her behind the walls of his heart which seemed to be beating for her and each beat appreciating her more

while her gaze never wavered from the window to scared or upset umar thought remorsefully

his sudden honk made her jump as he zoomed past the car cutting in the lane probably someone sleep driving

"Relax" umar slightly gazed in her blinking eyes ,retreating his hands , which unconsciously made its way on her lap  and no words were exchanged between them till they reached home..

"can you please make me a cup of coffee while i bring my stuff" he said gauging her reaction studying her profoundly just a nod was her answer and it took all in him not to gather in her arms ,,

"thanks" he replied making her look up

"did uh did you got the file" his gaze shifted away with a frown and her heart sank, silently she moved away before he could say any further

draping her discarded shawl nearby, she carefully filled the boiler with water switching it on

sighing she un clipped her hairs to remove strains and relax as she closed her eyes hearing the sizzle of the brewing coffee

she was confused ,what should she take of his silence ,was he still angry

should she initiate a conversation or maybe silence is better until its assured he is completely calm, she wouldn't want the morning episode to rewind she shuddered at the thought of his eyes and voice but kept her tears at bay rather gulping the soreness coming with it

but it kills her when he doesn't responds

she hissed as the blazing drops hit her skin while she poured the drink still distracted, nothing assisted to halt her already crumbling feelings

she hated this!!! and after a long day of being locked in ,first treacherous drop slipped followed by others and without a second bolted up feelings of the day surfaced ,she rushed towards the washroom but was hauled by strong hands in there bedroom instead

the lights were switched off only shade of lamp illuminated dusky shadows wit soft glow just the way she had left it ,,

she was stuck at the door with umar quite close his hands on either side ,his massive appearance blocking out everything , seeing no way she closed her watery eyes

"Ari love" his whisper was just beside her wet cheek, his stubble touching her and she broke covering her beautiful face with delicate hands

"Areesha yar" he pulled her to his chest embracing her tighter his heart clenching hearing her sobs as he tried to calm her down

a file wasn't more important than her feelings he scolded seeing her tears

"areesha" he kissed her hairs yet she refused to come out concealed in his chest

he warmly called again but her shake of head made him sigh

"will you not look at me darling" he rubbed his large hands on her back yet again no movement

his face came down a lock of his hair grazing his forehead as he made her look up at his concerned eyes

clearing away every trace of her precious tears as softly possible he begun"i shouldn't have been so harsh , i don't' know i just lost calm because it was really important "

"it's okay" she barely whispered moving away yet he snaked his hand around her waist

"no its not" he shook his head unsatisfied by her answer

"let me make it up" her uncertain gaze met his , he ever so slowly leaned in taking her completely of guard imprinting red blush on her beautiful face

"you were missed so much today" he sincerely orated tale of his heart ," so much!" he whispered again intently watching her

"was i ?"he inquired ,his sharp features clearly visible in the dim light

she shook her head surprising him , he raised his eyebrow in question "lies don't favor your expressions sweetheart" he murmured intimately tugging her fallen hairs kissing her nose as she caged free making him narrow his eyes

"i just started '!"he protested

with a slow sniffle she moved away "we are getting late "she opened the door leaving him alone,feeling of rejection didn't settle well with him and he followed rather swift

"i see i am being punished now" he retorted unpleasant

"you cant get away and you know that" he threatened still no reply as she draped her shawl ,hence covering his view ,and headed towards the door picking up his coffee along the way

"you are igniting a fire love " yet again started but she kept silent clutching the keys

"that's not fair areesha" he finally caught her from behind taking the cup away ,keeping it aside

"what if i take you somewhere else" he nuzzled close making her shiver while her lips still sealed

"areesha speak to me, i said i did a mistake, again!" he whispered turning her around like a doll

no way was he going to survive with her torturous silent treatment

"when a person admits his mistake the other person should forgive them" he made a point looking into her eyes impatient at her patience

his cute expressions were something out of a blue for her as well for the fact he never really let them surface that often but the look of impatience was etched on his face ,eyes waiting for an answer. her answer that is

"i was really scared" she admitted gazing at his buttons instead, still imprisoned in his arms pilling up his guilt

"i know i i should have controlled " he raved his hands through his hair

"but you not answering me is worse "he explained with an honest look

"it affected me the same" he bit his lip giving her a rather intense look his broad form covering every inch of her view yet wanting her to be miraculously okay

"my apologies are line rose "he gently tucked away her hairs as she gazed in his eyes giving her an truthful look

rose was an endearment he used only in very intimate talks

and even she didn't knew was it the magic of his words or any other charm of his which melted away her every protest leaving no trace of anger or complain

and she gently hugged him , his all suffering vanishing away ,he tightened his hold

In all honesty seeing back just a year before she would have never spoken to a person treating her this way .

one thing she learned quite soon in her marriage was ,she has to let go words, holding onto others hurt full words will just damage her relation and it is one of the hardest things to adjust to because even a glare could be sometimes agonizing to bear

but that's the demand and beauty of this relation

"umar we should leave now" when he didn't lessen his hold even after minutes

"i don't care i missed you" he mumbled in her hairs

"shall we rather not go" he suggested hoisting her up , earning a yelp

"umar we have to go ,they must be waiting" she tried to get down

"i am eager for vacation":s he kissed her lips sitting her on the table

"but we can still stay princess" his eyes pleaded

"no" she chuckled at his expressions and stopped him as he was leaning towards her

"i don't like it ,when you do that" he complained seeing her hoisting up the shawl

"here your keys" he glared taking them with a soft jerk while she smiled

"you are not staying up late with hina and zari" he commanded while they drove the car and didn't left her hand even for a second,


"umar that's cheating!" hina stood up , Asad glared indicating towards the pitch of her voice

they were all seated in the living room with lights switched off watching a horror movie , gulnaz and shah had already left to sleep and umar closed the tv halfway ,hence earning hina's reaction .

"i guess that's enough ,or you all will trouble us at end being scared of every existing thing "bilal implored

"no we wont" zari and hina defended simultaneously

on the other hand Areesha had no affect at all, she wasn't a horror movie fan but on their insistence she had agreed and was using her phone inseated ,seated in the middle of girls hence another point irritating umar he wanted her beside him

"daniyal and all will see before us" hina retored

"yeah plus he is so bad he will text the ending" zari complained making them laugh

"its not going to be played " umar finalized only desiring his wife

"Areesha tell your husband "zari persuaded as areesha looked at him earning a challenging look but before she could even open her mouth

"she doesn't fancy seeing it" umar beamed giving her a wild wink while she internally gaped at his bold move

sensing there pleads aren't going to work as the three annoying brothers had already made up their minds hina huffed

"fine take us on a long drive than" she crossed her arms

"At this hour ?" Asad asked surprised

"yes! and don't expect us to get up for breakfast either , we have been working since morning" hina said and no matter how much they opposed they couldn't deny the fact with all the perfect arrangements to different dishes everything was exquisite and after that hectic clearing up they deserved a holiday

"what do you say boys they need a break tomorrow ,plus a ride now "Asad stood up while others nodded lighting up their faces

and to tell the truth girls were more than ready to just lay down and drown in peaceful sleep till the next afternoon but sometimes desires lit up when being together with an amazing company keeping aside exhaustion

"we will take one car so we can enjoy the way" someone suggested much to umar's dismay

"what about mum? "

"who will tell her" hina shrugged earning amused glances

" Mother will be quite happy as you leave for vacations" Asad mumbled earning a push ,laughter echoed around

with that whole team sneaked out in tranquility of night buzzing past several lights and flowing leaves with open windows and excitement filled banter that no one would deny it turning out to be an amazing night

and in that part of night three girls stood enjoying ice cream cones on a lamp kindled pathway due to the boys being quite possessive about their car ,and didn't let them have it inside

Girls laughed completely oblivious of a plan there three bodyguards made just to test their bravery on being really keen of watching the full horror series

with a whispered countdown they jumped with a spooky sound except umar who broke the rule instead just capturing her softly from back , shrieks of hina and zari enough to shake her

"Asad!!!" hina purposely dropped her ice cream on him making him groan in anger while everyone beamed ,areesha still in his secret embrace

"you owe me sweetheart," he whispered moving a bit away before anyone could catch them ,her hand on her thudding heart due to his bold acts

"your ice cream is melting" umar orated in triumph ,with a rather dazzling smile not giving her unstable heart a chance to settle , mustering a cute glare she moved away, far away from him making him chuckle quietly

on the other side in the darkness, yes the brothers had to find water to wash away cream from their eldest brother all the while laughing annoying him even more

"hina bhabhi has always kept the family well entertained" umar chortled seeing his muttering brother who had changed into a clean shirt instead thanks to bilal who had worn extra because of cold

"Are you angry" hina blinked her eyes grinning at her husband and even with full self control his lips broke into her infectious smile delivering an affectionate punch on her cheek , the area erupting with teasing "awws"

just like that a small adventure of theirs turned out to be a memory recorded in a book of life with small laughs and chirps they called it a night a secret night that is

within every heart were bouquets of thanks towards their LORD


When last threads of dark night were holding on to the new day, where once fully awake candles came down to now just a faint sparkle close to blow away in a glide by the heavy breeze of darkness , yet their flower scent still strongly lingered around where areesha with sensual blinks was awake her head securely on his heart which lulled her to sanctuary of peace his strong arms safeguarding her from every side

her plump lips turning into a beautiful curve, whenever amidst other thoughts she recalled his ways of apologizing removing every trace of her sufferings and anger

even with being so exhausted she wasn't able to sleep for more than 15 minutes but was content , her fingers slowly palmed his bare biceps gaining warmth in her cold hands , her midnight hair like a shady waterfall expanded around

"what's the matter rose" umar mumbled slicing the quietness of serene night

"you are awake?" her surprised eyes caught his passionate ones

"i just wasn't able to sleep" she answered his earlier inquiry as he shifted a bit placing his hands on her soft cheeks

"and why is that my dear?"


"hmm"he responded drinking her soft glow

"please never drive dangerously whenever you are angry , i i get it it was my mistake but ......

placing his finger on her sensual lips he slowly shook his head " it wasn't your mistake and i will try" he assured with a smile

"you know how scared i was knowing you wouldn't be driving safe" she complained

"i know and next time i will keep that in mind"he assured his gaze discovering the hidden depths behind the curtain of those attractive eyes

"promise" her lips pouted earning his attention

"promise to try my best" he flicked her nose kissing it in the dimness of fading lights

"Now tell me dear wife about the dinner ,how were mom's friends and all, no new messages for me?" he raised his eyebrow making her softly chuckle recalling every-time someone to have a message sent for him by her

"farida aunty said tell my jaan to visit my home soon , she is angry you denied all her invites after marriage"

listening carefully he was going to speak when he halted "wait say it again"


"the message!" he looked at her in duh ,she was going to repeat it when she caught his action

"no" she murmured with a hint of desert rose fluster

jaan was an endearment umar often teased her on, she never called him and he wanted to listen to it through her and he knew it was an aunt's message but listening the word from her was a different story he didn't wanted to hear anything before or after that word

"now i will complain that you never conveyed me her message" he suggested making hers gasp

"umar" she playfully narrowed her eyes

"say it than " he implored with a shrug

"you heard it already " she tried to take the comforter turning around but after several attempts her sigh with an annoyed expressions were answered with a mocking smile from him

"don't make fun of me, i am strong enough just tired now " she closed her eyes making him laugh

"sure madam he bought her quite close but when she moved away a tickle and her surprised screech made him halt , umar hastily placed his hands on her mouth

"ARI ?!! he whisper scolded while at his expressions she laughed in his hands which he didn't removed until she was sobered enough quieting her down completely with a soft peck

"you gave me a heartache" he dramatically rolled his eyes

"you to" she brushed away the place where he had kissed earning his glare

"don't do it" he replaced it with a warning

"calm down" she patted his chest sensing his irritation

"umar?" gul naz word's circulating in her mind


"farida aunty became a granny i think we should go and congratulate her and i want to see their baby" her eyes lit up while umar nodded

"as soon as we get time" was his reply

"are you excited to see the baby?"she gauged her expressions

he shrugged

why was he so difficult

"they are cute right?" she smiled trying to bring out his reaction

"very "he said with no enthusiasm

"and you know....

"areesha whats the matter " he cut in

"remember umar once you said you cant wait" she uttered getting to the main point

he smiled caressing her ample cheeks with the back of his hand

"i did"he nodded eyes still closed

"but when i would know that our child will have your undivided attention, for that moment yes i still cant wait "

" right now you have a lot going on " he admitted

she closed her eyes and prayed for the best ,replaying the deep desire in his eyes which she could never forget , nor the hidden longing in his voice

placing her velvety frail hands on his stubble she gave him a kiss as he closed his eyes relishing the feel and murmured shaba khair placing her head on his heart yet again with such love that it melted him

she was just like a fairy in moon light giving him solitude and brightening his life ,he still sometimes couldn't believe she was solely his , only a person who had been on a brick of losing his love could learn his true feelings , he covered her safely tucking away her hairs from noor lighted face in return got such a beautiful smile even in her sleep that he wasn't able to stop himself anymore

"you are my fairy, he kissed her forehead , my princess he kissed her both cheeks and my rose he pecked her lips those slow very slow murmurs were heard by a sincere heart glowing it more than stars like clouds shading the sky, his love overshadowed every insecurity she could probably have

"ALHUMDULILAH" the heart whispered even tough the mind was asleep

in slumbering household at the depth of night with closely emerging rays of morning there was a chamber of pure love where hearts sparkled with beloveds name ,murmurs of thankfulness to their lord

a story with a fulfilled love and understanding a real fairy tale where there were natural obstacles but at the end peace in the arms of the beloved

and last year this was the very same room which held tales of longings, wishes and prayers which now was replaced with divine fulfillment and thankfulness

They weren't asleep but were the first one to bow down at the call of fajr in the cold winter mornings, whispers of the dhik'rs providing solace in the depths of each heart increasing there love many folds

  in the end sweet words weren't the only thing accepted their were her demands which he fulfilled to be forgiven wholly ;-)  

To be continued .......

 I know i know... calm down parisa is missing ,cousins as well

trust me i am writing  rest of the chapter as you read ,

its not another part of epilogue but a continuation it would have taken me longer to complete it so i thought why not post this as its quite long as well ,and i literally got threats to post it lols

hope you are all well,,,missed you all  

Thank you soo much for your love and constant support through messages and dm's honestly they make my day ,

there were so many requests of different scenarios i tried to fit in the main ones hope you are happy and enjoyed the chapter, i have worked really hard on it especially with the guests and all ,they were to suspicious :/ you understand right

do leave lots of comments or inbox whatever you prefer ,tell me did you liked it and yes they will be my motivation to post the rest soon maybe in a week or two all depending on you guys

remember me in your precious prayers and once again thank you so much for all the messages and votes ,especially the new readers :-)

ignore the mistakes please i will edit soon 

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