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Q1 HOW are dani,annie ,sana, kiran and daud related to Areesha ?

Daniyal and sana are siblings and their father is the brother of areesha:s dad

kiran is wife of ahmad who is the son of her fathers sister

annie is the sister of ahmad

and daud is the son of a close family friend who came to visit them

Q2).where is umar actually going to live with areesha?

HE will be living in uk as his set up is there in a separate house not with the entire family as

you all know he really prefers his privacy ,especially with Areesha

why was ameera so rude to areesha how can a sister do that?

As you know ameera was really attached to her before and she was the only sister she had! first they all took her away from her unknowingly and than the topic of her marriage .. she just became very insecure ,she didn't wanted to lose her big sister but the company she got affected it in a totally different way and being naive she did and said what she shouldn't have unaware that how deep her words affected areesha ,, but this is life miss understandings do happen between siblings but the special thing is just with one apology everything gets back to normal 

sisters dont get jealous they just feel insecure which they shouldn't

if ameera is faraway from her sister do you think she wouldn't be getting anything special in return t

Q3)who was the person messaging areesha?

It was sehar because she was jealous of all the attention and pampering areesha was getting ,,,,you see jealousy can make you do things which you couldn't imagine doing and you are the main sufferer in many ways so try to be happy for others and your happiness will automatically increase .. we might be jealous of someone's life not knowing there is already enough going on in theirs

Q4) will you write some more chapters on their married life,? it would be a great lesson to see how she copes with umar ( pleaaase)?

i wasn't sure how many of you wanted to see there married life but as this was one of the most asked question .. i will try to give a satisfactory glimpse of how they live together after the honey moon phase..

Q5) why did you name the story a sparkle of true love ?

well ,my aim was to put insight of true love in my book ,,as its completely different from love and it doesn't just happens in a jinx, it requires time until you start feeling from the beloveds heart ,but for that a little sparkle of it is needed , umar had that sparkle but for him it took time till he started seeing through her heart and changed some of his ways .

Q6)technically amir got married first so will he have a son ?and if parisa comes are there any chances of their story? .

A very clever question ,honestly its possible though but i guess i don't really want t write about it ..i cant see them grown up just yet .. hope you understand :-p

Q7)where was umar the whole time when he vanished ?

i wanted to write about it but just maybe i will write a sequel! so for that i want it to still to be a secret please

Q8) tell us about parisa please really curious about the connection?

you know when we ask ALLAH for someone and believe that HE will show us the sign if its going to happen or not ,,, a dream can be it or may be a prayer of a sincere heart which came true ;-).

why is nano so important  to her ?

you see sometimes there comes a person in your life which is really special and to listen to them is the best thing to do .. but its not easy to  recognize them but if you do, try to never let them go because its not often to find people like them and areesha knew this well

Q9)what inspired you to write the story ?

i always had the story in my mind ,these two characters have been with me since long ,and i always used to brew many stories of it in my mind , but to actually present it to the world,,it was a bit hard and i was very conscious as whether i will be able to convey the message or not in a proper way,,but i couldn't be thankful to to( sheikhahussain ) she was the one who forced me to write and was my first reader and commentor .. it was all due to her persuasion otherwise i could never have started ..and it reached till the end just with all of your support ...but the main inspiration was love which is quite misunderstood ... its not about taking rather giving .. that's the true meaning of it close to me ..and in order to have areesha's love he gave up many things which is quite hard and she did as well!!

Does umar knows about the incident where amir gave his  shoes to her?

haha absolutely not ,and lets hope he never finds that out although it was  his mistake to leave her there .

Q10)who is areesha inspired by?

she is inspired by a person very close to me , i learnt so much from her,,,

Q11why was areeshas mother not on her side?

we all know a mother's love is unconditional and sometimes she does know how much her daughter can be happy with that person ,, seeing the love for her daughter in umar's eyes she just wanted best for her daughter ,for her future happiness she just became a little selfish but she was seeing through her eyes which made her a little strict i wouldn't say she was absolutely right but she wasn't wrong either

Q12)will rayyan have a story?

ummmm, will see but for a sequel i have another couple in my mind ,any guesses ;-)

Q13)why muree is the main place? what inspired you ?

This magical city is really very close to mee i just have a certain imaginary connection to it and whenever i visit pakistan i try to go there for at least a week and i don't know my heart connects to some places so well that i forget everything around and on second hand i just love cold places ,, i hope i was able to give you a glimpse of that connection

Q14)will the story have a sequel?

um as i said before i am thinking about it lets see if it happens

Q15)what about her studies?

she will continue it in uk as umar promised dont worry he will make sure of it

Q16)everyone wishes for such cousins do you have them ?

i believe every one have them around , but we just need to be a little more closer keeping aside our differences and ego and thinking best for others ,

Q17)is umar your dream person?

haha hmmmm his character is really dense in my heart , but his tantrums only areesha can handle him.. but maybe he is close to that person ..

Q18)can we have some flashbacks of them being small?

dear i tried to induce many of them but for you i will write one more in their epilogue

Q19)why isn't annie married since she is bigger than ari

Everyone has their right time to be married but maybe she is having someone in her mind but it would have extended and i didn't wish to do that

Q20)are you going to delete this book?

i do want to edit it thoroughly so just maybe for few months but will inform you before i do it

Q21)is this your story ?

lol nope it isn't..

Q22)how to get a spouse like umar?

hahah well ALLAH is the only one to grant your wishes just ask Him sincerely you will get even better .. i just know it !!

Q23) is this a real story?

honestly its a story which is inspired by something real and close but imaginary as well

Q24)will you publish iT

this is a really huge huge word for me i still have to perfect my writings dear but thank you so much for the love you show me

Q25)do you any other story in your mind?

yes, i do have another story in my mind so currently i am debating to write that story or sequel , dont worry whatever i do will ask for your opinion before making it happen

Q26) do couple like them exist ?

True love do exist dears it truly does ;-)


So this is it thank you so much for all the questions many were similar so i moulded them a bit hope you don't mind and some of them were really personal so couldn't answer them sorry

please remember everyone in your precious prayers and no matter what happens try to forgive ,it will only make your life a bit more easier ...

and as i say be happy for others and yours will find you even quicker and in a more special way IN SHAA ALLAH 

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