*THE DAYS OF BLISS!*{bonus chapter}

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You and I have spoken all these words,

But for the way we have to go words are no preparation. I

have one small drop of knowing in my soul.

Let it dissolve in your ocean!" ~ RUMI


The harsh wind, swept passed the gigantic waves of an oscillating sea ,circling around the couple,as it hummed a delicate tune of love enveloping them under it's soft embrace...

They were seated on the deck, of a luxurious cruise which like a mighty swan made it's way on splashing waves of luminous night sea, dazzled by the golden rays of hung lights ...

The dazzle of its motion carved yet another story, for it swam with pride having people of love on board ,what a view of gratification it was on the phase of world where its becoming hard to locate such care....but there are more true lovers than we think, just hidden somewhere under the skin of uncertainty

Umar pulled Areesha a little more closer , while she layed her head on his thumping heart,her brown gleaming eyes beyond the stars , wrapped up in his comfortable embrace with a dark blue shawl of her beloved..his unique strong scent lingering all around , blessing her with immeasurable tranquility

The tunes of his heart lulled her heart into peace ,the rhythm of it brought a smile on the rosy pale lips..

She was gazing past the gazillion stars scattered as pearls in dark yet lustrous sky,While Umar peered ahead at a far away island hidden amidst the nature of magnificent creation

Her faint sigh brought him back from profound thoughts as he studied her with deep affection ..Her milky skin shined with noor ,her each blink tugged his heart even more ,her smile making his heart content, while he kept gazing at his beloved trying to decipher the dreams she brewed as well enjoying one of his most favorite view..

Lacking more self control he leaned in earning a sudden gasp from her fervent lips as he chuckled in the quite night of splashing winds..his tune waking hushed winds around.

"You startled me " she admitted shyly building a little distance between there faces which happened to be just mere inches due to umar's expeditions

"i was just trying to find the reason, behind my wife's such keen concentration beyond sky " he lightly teased tucking her shiny hairs away absorbing the light of her twinkling eyes..

"Umar!!!" her soft voice warned with a playful glare seeing him lean in with a wicked glint..

" sweetheart" he murmured to the same stars who envied their shine of pure love and embraced her from all sides like a king in love ....

A true love needs no luxuries to flourish,for it's kingdom is the beloved's heart ....

Umar never desired to take her to a place where they would more often explore the man made wonders

He wanted this special time just for themselves, away from all the hustle of this busy world , hence,he decided to take her amidst a beautiful island surrounded by marvelous nature comprising rows of bloomed flowers just like her ..
where tranquil nights would share their sweet murmurs, hiding them in a crystal embrace

There the waterfall would play a tune of love just for them..

Candles will be one of the main source of lights ,connecting and exploring together the beauty of nature Al Mighty created..

Where they could pray and plan for their dreams and make it a happening in future... most of all Where.No one would find them

Anonymous people will be the only ones who would share sort of same love between as they do but never the same

And together they will relish the the luxuries their lord created for them

He had thought deep about everything just for her ...Because of her

"umar It's getting late we should sleep" areesha suggested looking up at him making his heart skip a beat

"Yeah maybe we should it's without a doubt very late" he mumbled in her ears making her heart thump wildly as she playfully pushed him back earning a loud booming laugh but he drew her in his arms just a bit more closer .............

IT was their third day together alone and faraway from their families ,yet it felt they never were apart ,as they always had lived so close to one another and why wouldn't they feel that way after all each prayer of her was for him and every longing of him was for her since a very young age

Their souls had always been united through spiritual whiffs and love...

They arrived at their destination into a small nature filled island, her hand tightly secured in his, leisurely they walked towards the hut, their sneaky brief glances witnessed by the peeking stars and every squeeze of hand enough to exhilarate the once steady beats of someones heart ,but a small grin in sync on either of their lips..

"After you" he helped her up opening a spell binding ancient architectural beauty

Words left her dazed state as she gradually gazed all around , surprised eyes twinkling in appreciation missing his striking gaze on her every reaction

"Umar this is beautiful" she whispered catching his gaze who in return smiled, dangerously decreasing the distance between them ,voluntary making her step back, his sharp orbs instilled within her shiver making her collide with a wooden door and deliberately the lock ticked close by his hand behind the waist .

" sweetheart I was just locking the door !"he ever so innocently clarified ,bubble of mischief clearly swarmed in his sharp eyes almost hearing her thundering heart very well knowing his affect on her delicate soul while she gazed at him uncertain

"Don't you want to see the bedroom ari" he tilted his head slowly touching with her's shallowing her breaths even more

"I would very much like that" she murmured underneath making him quietly chuckle

"Let's go , why are you wasting time ,and by the way I am famished" he stepped away with an accused expressions..

"I hate you" she playfully mumbled making him grin

"Say that once again and you shall face severe consequences darling" he jested with a serious face

",Actually,  I very much like you" she played back her loud yelp made him grin in victory as he hoisted her up .

"Someone is getting smart !" he remarked while she held him for dear life .

"Don't worry rose, you are in safe hands" he assured with a proficient wink pushing the door of their bedroom ajar

Heat crept up her smooth cheeks as he landed her on a plush bed ,while the fragrance of fully bloomed petals enriched her every sense .

"Get fresh so we can have dinner" he murmured too close,seeking his answers through her hesitant eyes, audibly humming in triumph , he made his way out while she arose mortified from a bed scattered with rosy petals

slowly adjusting her clothes she brushed away the stuck petals from within her hairs ,secretly accusing him of bold acts yet her heart seemed completely under the spell of her husband .gradually she stood up taking in beauty of the cozy room..

small candle stands surrounded the walls ,lighting it with its sharp flames , a gold lighted chandelier made her shine from all around

she reached towards the scented candles finely placed on the magnificent dressing table ,voluntarily closing her eyes inhaling their fragrance while her lips curled into a beautiful smile but she hurried hastily taking off her jewelry knowing umar who would be waiting impatiently

it was just a small cozy beach hut but the extravagance was filled within each corner which spoke volumes of an alluring architecture...

Her husband was a blessing she could never imagine living without.nor could return his care to the extent he does


The first light of dawn creeped decently warming her closed lids to flutter and marvel it's radiant gleam..

But the tired stubborn eyes refused to give in ,until the message of shine forcefully made her eyes flutter open and welcome the mesmerizing morning ALLAH has blessed them with

Her eyes brimmed the warm texture of a slightly bright room and finally landed on umar whose forehead was attached to her shoulder , his warm breaths warming her and his Hand steady in hold.

her lips tilted in a shy smile , and with a blissful sigh she moved away

"Areesha ?" he whispered rather rough.. sleep was something that could make his mood gray especially if awoken suddenly

"you are awake" she asked a bit startled but gave a polite smile of love to refresh his sleepy senses and it was indeed enough

"Good morning" his strong voice and sudden brief hug was a lot more than a hurricane in her smooth beats of heart making her forget the reply which was just on tip of her tongue

Just like that each day was yet another daze for him ,he still couldn't imagine the gem was solely his,just his forever and beginning each day with her smile was something he could never be enough thankful of,,,,,


The morning upon this island seemed nothing less than a magical dream..The flutters of nature around , welcomed them with their warmth while the gradual tides swayed the sky In its beauty..

They were all ready after a fresh breakfast to discover the hidden beauties residing in this breathtaking island

Elapsing past some couples they hand in hand walked to the rhythm of breeze with umar teasing her gradually after brief intervals yet never losing his hold on her. she wore clothes of his choice which he praised using his own unique style

"umar i will leave" she warned with a cute smile proud at her confidence. with each passing day she was warming immeasurably close to him

"That's what i am saying love lets go home" he emphasized turning her crimson yet she chose to stay calm

"sur,e than i will talk to everyone at home, while you can take a small nap" Areesha smoothly replied which actually ticked the right spot, but she purposely tried to avoid his raised eyebrow and subtle expressions

"Playing with fire is more easy than my emotions areesha, think twice" he reminded profound but sensing her cool demeanor and teasing grin, he jerked her closer grasping her hand,as he gazed deep within those soulful eyes making the earth beneath her tremble with the intensity of those unspoken emotions fiercely swarming in his dark orbs'

it's always a bad idea to take his words easy ....and locating the nervousness in her eyes proved she understood the point

"wh 'ats wrong in talking to them umar" she nervously shook her head , slightly gaining her composure as she withdrew her hand keeping it on his stubble to calm him

"Nothing,"....he spoke pulling her closer

"But everything is wrong when its my time" he murmured in a secret proximity making the fervent heart thunder , her shy averted eyes were graciously captured by their sync beats

Yes he was being selfish, but he had suffered a lot to gain her just to himself ,and he didn't desired anyone to come in between .. for their were uncountable moments when he HAD craved for her presence but his wish wasn't granted , there were many occasions where she was near yet very far away ...how could he forget those times.

Sensing her too sober,Umar placed a gentle kiss on her caged hands

"I never meant it that way" he conveyed honest earning her reserved smile,while areesha needed no words for his eyes were enough for her to understand everything

"Lets go love ,before the nature here engrave our secret moment ", he quipped making her slightly chuckle.


THE Next afternoon a leisure stroll between various rows supporting tons of flowers was one of the most pleasurable times , the crown of her head touched the delicate skin of cherry blossoms in her hands were orchids which seemed to glow with the slight sunshine

,"i never noticed how much you enjoy their company" ,umar commented eyeing the flowers and than at her with a small smile

"i avoided visiting the garden when you were outside" she replied busy picking up the already detached flowers

"oh how can i forget ,you always had a curfew around "he grimaced

"umar" she shook her head at his expressions

"i will come in a second, sit over there" umar pointed leaving her amidst the flower heaven going towards a shop filled with bulbs of coconut displayed with fancy toppings which were special among everyone who passed by ..

with bunch of flowers in her hands she climbed atop a small hill a little away from scanty people as she waited for umar thinking of the numerous moments which he turned into a blissful dream for her.

He would help her if they sometimes decided to bake a snack ,his ways quite unique making her blush or laugh but making the moment worth it

Miles away she was from her previous home and family yet it felt more than just a home being in his company all alone so far away. 

TO her it felt like she has been walking on rows of petals ,thats' how delicately he treated her ...

Lost in his thoughts she missed him near until soft feathers fell on her from all sides covering her in their charm ,, her long lashes lifted slowly to connect with some more mixed with petals of unknown flowers ....perhaps the petals of love

"A real flower never hides away its shine in your case emotions" he commented his broad form sitting beside challenging her but as a reply the same feathers were his covers attracting his booming chuckle but her innocent smile was priceless

"i never knew my gestures would be so easily understandable"he brought forward the fresh fruit in his hand along side just one straw with an umbrella attached to it.

seeing her uncertain gaze on just one he smirked ,

"They were taking to much time for two so i said one is enough" he shrugged non chant enjoying her astonished expressions yet he knew the other one was on its way

"you wouldn't have any problem to share with me right" he asked smug knowing it irritates her the most

But even to her surprise the answer came hesitant but positive , its said right true love holds the power to mold you in many ways

"Really" he asked astound but her features clarifying it enough to be true

" SO, now let me remind you mrs umar, once a beautiful girl said something with such confidence tha:..

"umar" she abruptly kept her frail hand on his mouth bashful at his striking gaze making him chuckle

"i know"came her small reply while her gaze every where but him

he smiled with a kiss to her hand caging it between his warm ones

"Give me the honor" he brought the straw near, the meaning hidden between making her oblige with a sweet beam

To see it was just a small act but if asked from their hearts it was a moment of their love which holds the power to reside in their memories forever more..

And if anyone sees this side of him, they are sure to faint for the umar known to others is exceptionally different but with her it was a totally new story

she completed him ...,


"No!, that's childish" he dismissed enjoying the serenity making her sigh. it was a little argument going between them areesha wanted him to guess the flowers in her hand yet his answers were quite different to her expectations

"you are still a child sometimes " she mumbled earning his mock glare

"what did you say ?"he frowned making her gulp

"nothing m nothing" she covered scolding herself

"you and i both know that's not true" his plain answer instilled within her panic

"i meant the game it's, you are right! it's, childish "she tried to cover her past mumble afraid of his reaction but any one could understand through her stutters and fake calmness that wasn't the case

sensing her fright through her constant play of hands and sneaky glances he sighed closing his eyes to calm

"okay lets play" he offered startling her but she was quick to deny until he persuaded in a playful demenour

Still nervous she brought the blue bells near his nose making him scrunch in distaste

"cherry blossom ?"he wiggled his eyebrows with closed eyes making her laugh aloud

"nope" she answered telling him the right answer

one after the other she showed him different flowers which he never guessed making an awful expression each time just to tease her

" last one umar" she chirped savoring these fun moments. as it was the most difficult task to do such things with him

" This is ..........., he paused

"My Areesha" he slowly opened his intense eyes.

smiling at her frozen state in front with a beautiful rose in hand

"Thank you" he plucked the rose away

she nervously curled her hands withdrawing away awkwardly

"Guess i am not that bad after all, its not my fault that i can guess whats only mine!" he whispered huskily closing the distance giving her crimson cheek a feathery kiss ,, all the while her eyes downcast with trembling lips and clutched hands resembling a rose instead

"lets go" he offered his hand hoisting her up but their magical time was disturbed when suddenly he sneezed and than after a second another one making Areesha giggle

"The pollen!!!" umar groaned sneezing yet again making her actually laugh

"you are the pretty culprit" he narrowed his eyes chasing his beloved who ran as far as she could but towards their hut ...

he didn't said a word yet followed her eager steps thanking for each moment a thousand times

how far and till when you can run areesha your home is connected to me just me he thought shaking his head when she disappeared in their residence.

Like the shadow of a rose, I must live close to the rose. If I were separated from you, I would turn entirely to thorn ~RUMI


As the days went by they grew more closer to each other ,being at peace in their sensational company ,many secrets ,and infinite talks unvield yet to remain ever just between them

"Umar"she called


"I want to go there please" she pointed towards a compact wooden shop

"sure" he chuckled amused seeing her eagerness pink floral gown flowing with her steps

Aligned between the islands were mini shops of different ornaments typically resided near the beach, a bunch of middle aged women wearing long frocks working in them supporting a bright smile on their faces .., welcoming every one with a different greeting

Each shop had different stones to attract, and the roof of this was covered with pearls with an Arabian mat extending to the long entrance and fire burning furnace on each side due to the approaching sunset

"Everything seems like its crafted with hands" her silky voice made the women grin while umar folded his arms supporting himself with the side wall giving her space to find what she desired,while his sharp gaze positioned on her every action

"yes,i made them" her thick accent drew areesha's attention

"They are all amazing", she praised earning her warm pat on her cheeks

what areesha didn't knew was, that this women always had a word or two for all the couple visiting there mainly to the husbands but in this case something seemed different

"Thank you dear" she gave her a new piece of the similar design areesha was holding yet she denied loving the one already in her palms

"What have you got there?" Umar peered quietly still in the same position

Her fingers opened to a marvelous piece of architecture, were stars were aligned with the moon ,water gushing in the sea while two hearts floating on the sea with a ribbon attached, it wasn't a painting rather a real illusion all in a heart shaped small glass.

But the main eye catcher was the small mirrors on those hearts which showed the exact image of other.

"Take it" Umar smiled looking down at her not saying a word more, which she was now accustomed to, he would never reveal his feelings in front of others, yet when alone a person could doubt there could be such a loving and expressive person.

The women gracefully concealed it in a net pouch with a strand of pearl white ribbon ,areesha thanked her rather excited praising her other works while doing so .

"Let's leave" Umar ushered taking a step away while the lady held her hand halting areesha in steps.

"Mind if i speak to your wife" the lady asked unsure due to the frown on his face

"um yes of course" areesha replied ,while umar stepped away just a little to give a little space yet his expressions too sober

"Don't be surprised dear hundred's of married couples have visited and to everyone approaching this shop i convey a different message wishing them a beautiful life ahead "her voice gentle

"My mother used to do this and there is a hidden peace when you say some words that can make others life a bit more special "she continued earning her polite nod

" As we all know life is a mixture of different experiences, but out of all know that true love is the only thing that can get you past everything without a broken heart ,to never take someone's love for granted is your key and you shall see what wonders enclosed are there for you just through his love ... always take a first step to mend if you need to but never let it break"

"Or you will never be able able to assemble yourself ..such strong is the power of it "she said after a pause

Areesha's confused gaze was on the lady while her mind stuck on her echoing words but nonetheless the she continued

"You know whats unique this time,! i am advising a wife rather than a husband"she smiled

"Because in my whole life I have seen only one person who looked at his wife the way your man was gazing at you"

"Do you want to know who he was?" she neared but areesha gave no response her sweet expressions giving away her curiousness

"He was a powerful king,who came here with His beloved wife and he was the only one in their Whole kingdom whose pastries of true love was engraved in the walls of their palace Still in history ! and he fought with his life till the last breath just for his beloved wife"

"But he died , to many enemies" she shook her head "and his wife she wasn't able to take it.. poor soul how could she forget his strong love " tears swarm in her eyes yet the lady had a smile as if recalling the most enticing memory

Areesha blinked her eyes lost in her words.the stones on the rims of her gown flashing her eyes with the hint of cracking fire beside . while her mind recalled many of his gestures each day which brought her more closer to him

"your man knows lady he knows much more about you than yourself "her words dazed her in to the depths

"Areesha?" Umar gently pulled her towards him complaining about the delay yet she just peered in his eyes

"what happened ?did that lady said anything to you?" he asked with a frown, getting no reply he opted towards the shop when she held his arm stopping him

"Umar no," she slowly shook her head seeing the lady smile from afar

He took her towards the corner amidst the tress hiding them from all while her gaze was just on him

"I don't like it when you search so deep" he murmured closing her eyes softly with His large hands.his powerful aura enveloping her giving a sense of security she could just feel in his presence

"I love you" Umar she whispered taking him off-guard with a sudden confession

"I can buy you the whole shop if that what it takes to hear those words from you " he lightened the environment

But it made her realize how being expressive is something she often has to do ,as she did sense a hidden complain behind the words

Getting no reply he spoke "i was kidding areesha you don't have to say it ,i know what you feel you'r eyes speak a lot more " he delicately pinched her nose,her lips breaking in a smile

Yet the trance she seemed to be in was to dense to come out so early

She said a king in love but umar was her life....


THERE each night was subjected to a different happening and no, they never planned it ,it was just a natural turn to explore something new each night they were blessed with

Apart from it ,on every night it was their routine to make a special prayer together in hushed moonlight when the slightly dimming stars are almost reaching towards the morning , they prayed for everyone but most importantly for each other ,many times umar would would lay in her lap trying to listen to her sacred whispers for him while he would secretly do pray for things unknown to her

The candles at that time would be at their peak of shine and fragrance of a different flower all around ....the perfect serenity of the night playing with the approaching dawn

Just how much their murmurs would have been loved by the lord, than how could they not stay happy always how could any calamity befall them or how can they be separated for their love was connected to the Most loving one

Each mist and sadness in their destiny could be washed away just because they have strong relations with the Most powerful one and than how could they not be living a fairy tale in this world

The blessing for them was, that the most important secret of life was now known to them..

In any circumstances of life they knew their LORD will be with them ..because He is AL WADUD "(THE LOVING ONE ) and when asked for His love how can HE not grant it ...

and just like other nights this time was enriched with another special theme

This night due to a chilly breeze umar suggested to stay inside in their warm confines ,

After placing umar's wet towel and some clothes on its rightful place ,she sat beside the large open french window, with a cup of her warm chamomile tea wearing a royal blue silky night gown ,, while her glossy long her fluttered with breeze blessing her with freshness of a brand new twilight

"where's my tea wife i ca"..umar's words stucked as he gazed at her ,his small smile was quick to turn into a smirk meeting her hesitant gaze ..a shiver passed her being blessing goosebumps all over

"Ye lein " (here) she bought forward the cup trying to avoid his striking gaze,her soft voice melting the chills around

He blew her hair the light shimmer of her eye shadow giving a more attractive view his eyes solely on her down cast eyes , voluntarily grasping her hand rather than just cup .. the pearl ear ring she wore caged the lights around enhancing the sight even more he was to engrossed in her shy smile trying to control his beating heart

"shukriya" his hoarse voice whispered as he backed away giving her space to breath

Few minutes passed in utter silence, he trying to overcome her trance while she struggling to recover from his strong aura which caged her from everywhere

" By the way,tea is really good " he pleasantly spoke breaking the silence but the hidden understanding inside those words was their little secret , enough to ignite the already drumming heart

" weather seems really nice today" she inhaled the fresh breeze with closed eyes skill fully diverting the topic, missing his roguish grin

"why wouldn't it be nice, when you are here" he came near to sit in front, supporting his back on the wall while she on the opposite side their eyes speaking more than their words ever could

she sipped on her tea recalling how she craved for an ice cream instead but some strict restrictions were still on her especially in this cold winter night

"you can have as much ice creams as you want but tomorrow !", he suggested reading her thoughts

"stop reading me" she purposely closed his eyes earning a slow enunciating laugh

"If you would vocalize your thoughts than i could think of that suggestion darling" he affectionately detached her hands '

"i do tell you everything umar" she voiced

"i know" he proudly vocalized

"After all i am your first and last love" he boasted

Amused at his confidence stance she slightly shrugged

"what is that supposed to mean?" he abruptly narrowed his eyes

"Nothing" she mumbled making him curious her heart thudding yet she desired to see his reaction

"For the fact you loved no one before me is perfectly known to me but did you consider anyone before i came into your life ?"

Umar didn't knew why he asked the question or maybe he just wanted to see if his childhood love was strong enough to stop her from admiring anyone

She shifted away from his peculiar eyes taking a sip of her warm tea

"And what should i think of this silence ?"

seeing him serious she knew it was enough ,

"umar you are right there was no one and could be no one but the truth is, in every girl's life there are some special habits that she admires of another person and no its not that particular person but unconsciously their some ways attracts your attention but only to be prayed for them in your future husband, and it could be anyone even a book character . and i strongly believe there is nothing wrong in it because its natural" she answered with a smile as he stood up just to give a warm kiss on her forehead which she sure relished with her closed eyes

"And did your prayers come true" he asked still close

"It came more than I ever could asked for" she opened her twinkling eyes which captured all of his heart ..

Seeing him lean dangerously close Areesha hastily tried to move aside a particular mischief swarming her eyes while he raised his eyebrow as the hold was to powerful for her to break

"was there any girl before me?" she questioned making him smile wicked

"Someone is being nosy" he turned away taking a rather large gulp of his drink keeping aside the black cup his broad form turned opposite to her making her even more annoyed

"Umar ?" she came in front while he moved away making her frown he was enjoying this attention very much

"Would my answer affect our relation in future?" his serious expressions made her halt.but she had to answer

"As long as I am the only one in your heart now it wouldn't, it could never !"she whispered making him gaze at her proudly not knowing how actually scared she was within

"Well, there was a girl but, know that areesha you are my last love and that's what matters' he said awfully straight making her nod politely but puzzled at the same time , maybe because she never thought there could have been another

And she scolded her self for even asking this question while he scolded his heart in million different ways to hold back and give away but his mind urged to go on

"There was a girl who stole my first love" he gave a painful smile

"Stole" she questioned perplexed ,the silky layers of her night town twirling with the wind yet her eyes searching just one single thing ,every innocent expression of her tugging his wild heart

"Yes, she never returned it though" his gaze fixed on her falling expressions

Areesha blinked in surprise but swallowed hard at the painful feeling

"Please leave the topic "she politely denied never knowing how her heart couldn't take the answer , but she never thought herself to be that vulnerable

"I don't want to know" quietly she murmured the last line giving him a forced smile

While he watched her smug, her each reaction satisfying to the extent ... sometimes she could be just like an open book to easy to read but just sometimes

"No ,listen to me now! you have touched a very sensitive topic" he scolded lightly while she shook her pretty head.

"What's past is past I don't want to bring it in now" she requested trying to make him understand how she cant just take it

"Areesha" his warning tone made her look up slightly

"let me tell you who she was" He raved his eyes through her fearsome expressions

" she was a girl..." he paused

"A little girl actually .............. who used to love bangles, twice her size!" he finished which seized her first but after a moment she realized the hidden person behind

"umar" she playfully pushed him away making him laugh aloud

"i didn't knew someone could me that jealous "his grin still in place irritating his beauty

"i wasn't jealous "she covered gracefully

"Of course you weren't sweetheart, of course you weren't" he slowly advanced towards her as she backed away

"umar the window is open" she pointed still stepping away form him ,her hair wafting with air

"its safe here darling "his predatory eyes making her gulp,

"but i i i am cold really cold" she urgently spoke making him smirk,his large shadow hiding away the soft lighted candles

completely unaware that how her each reaction was even more enticing at the moment and nothing could work .....


"Assalam o alikum" Areesha greeted

"walaikum asalam pretty bride " they all cheered making her flush ..it was after week and a half she was talking to them. they were all seated together with bright faces an obvious excitement mirroring on every face .there love for each other easily guessed by the care which beamed in their each talk...very well showing just how much they missed them yet are at peace to see them together

"we miss you alooooot apii" ameera commented making a sad face

"i miss you to dear"she replied

"let me talk! you are taking to much attention," dani turned the camera towards himself making every one laugh

" why didn't they parcel you somewhere when you were small "ameera grumbled taking away the camera yet again ,,,while areesha smiled missing them even more

Everything only settled once granny came and adjusted them.

Her eyes brimmed with happy tears as she gazed at Areesha blessing her with all the prayers ,next came her mom and phuphee while granny never took her eyes away form her

"The glow is prominent MA shaa ALLAH" hina smirked

"hina" phuphee playfully scolded as they continued the talk asking about her and enjoying this moment , until they grew eager to see their beloved umar who had gone to collect the ordered parcels especially her ice cream..

while areesha kept her gaze on the door afraid he would say some thing upon entering ,which he always does

But thankfully she was quick to say granny is waiting , as soon as he entered making everyone grin with un fathomed excitement

whistling there favorite tune he made his way near the laptop his first gaze and every one cheered a loud thank youuuuu startling them both

"we enjoyed so much bhai "ameera sighed as he took a seat close to areesha

he had booked tickets for a week trip so they wouldn't feel left out, with so much care, than how could they not be a fan of him

"The house is not the same without you both meri jan" his granny looked at him kissing the screen where he was while his emotions were to hard to read

"we will be there soon granny but until than you have to take good care of yourself i don't want to see you ill" he warned making her nod whilst smile never leaving her lips.. seeing them this happy together was her most desired wish since a very long time .

she had seen him suffering to gain his love ..

"come on granny stop this ,,don't you prefer peace in our house " dani earned a slight slap making umar laugh

"how peaceful is it now ? 'umar asked making him protest,but deep inside daniyal missed him impatiently waiting for them to be back

"salaam bhai jan" he saluted "come back already these people are to boring for my taste" he added earning a bunch of cushions yet he dodged them all whistling in victory ,

"Grow up daniyal "he chuckled

"wesay how is the moon filled with honeyy goi;.

"daniyal" umar warned

"okay okay sorry, By the way where are you both" he scrutinized around them to get a hint

"To far for you to reach" was his simple reply yet his hands encircled her waist making her cough ,but thankfully for her no one could notice his smooth move 

"Cant wait to know where you are" annie chortle

"yeah after we come" He cleared

"why you are afraid we will come there" dani smirked

"no,i am afraid you will end up in the wrong place even if i tell you, "

"come on yar at least tell us now" Asad smiled at his brothers secrecy

while there was no response from umar making them groan altogether

"Beta we are curious where have you taken our areesha"phuphee obeyed the eye contact of all her children

"Don't worry mum your beloved daughter is in safe hands" he briefly looked at her but it was enough for their mothers to understand the affection between , as they prayed from the core of their hearts not even listening to the kids anymore

"stay a little longer" granny advised smiling broadly ,while dani was quick to place his hands on her lips

"They have already stayed enough bring our areesha home"he commanded

"That's up to me now buddy" he teased making him grumble

"you will see when she comes we will have a long sleepover and we wont listen to you annie humped"..oh just how much they loved to tease him

not knowing sleepover would be the least possible thing now

"come on reply us" she urged

"we will see" he diverted the attention

"we really miss you and areesha yar come back early ,we promise to give you all the privacy " hina tried to bribe

"Take this time to relax you all worked throughout the wedding managing the guests and all , and you have to prepare fro sana's wedding as well, by the way where is she no quirky remarks form her?" umar asked curious ,not understanding areesha"s hesitant looks

"she is with her in laws ,aunty wanted furniture of her choice , but she was complaining regarding you annie answered

"That's good" , He nodded" but as for her complains tell her she was the one to miss the call this time "he completed ,as the topic changed with other talks

"Areesha to busy for us huh?" rayyan complained coming inside while her eyes brimmed with tears

"Never" she replied as he wiggled his eyebrows at umar surprising them all who brushed it away with a small smile

"ANY WAYS Asad i have called the company please look up to it, when you reach if they have already renovated everything as i want ,i dont want any trouble when we get there"

"Sure that will be the first thing i do, but you could have told me before i would have gone there while they did so ?"

"No that's fine, "

"what? you wont be living with us" hina spoke

"its not that far from home you are welcome anytime "

"you will go straight there or first come here" dani furrowed his eyebrows

"we will stay with granny for few days before going home,and i have to attend your results ceremony as well" umar smirked while he pretended not to listen

This small conversation brought a new wave of cheers in their life,as they started planning the welcome their style, while granny thought of all the works to be done before they arrive ideally styled bedroom and new clothes to be hanged perfectly

"Miss you a lot areesha cant wait to see you" dani faked a tear before umar cut the call and everyone there knew that was coming after dani's antics

"Don't look at me that way it was a lot of talking "he layed on her lap his broad form blocking the peeking sun from the slight parted curtains ,as well disturbing her perfectly fine palpitations

"Enjoy my attention all you can madam after i start going to work you will be the one asking for my time " his dark eyes bore into her light ones.

"you will always give me proper time" she lovingly raved her hands in his hairs a quick shudder passing along

"what makes you So confident "? he mumbled with closed eyes ,peace of her being so near lightning his senses yet she didn't utter a reply

"your killer expressions" he softly nudged her cheek placing a kiss on her nose

Just by the approaching dawn break after fajr ,they were near the waterfall secluded from the sleeping world around, admits the awaking nature seeing and relishing the signs of pure nature.

hand in hand they walked towards the spell binding scene,

Time ticked of as she finally gazed at the most awaited sight with her beloved and in those fresh layers of falling drops she as well lifted in the dreams

umar encircled his hands around just to protect her from the cold drops splashing there way ,for him most beautiful sight being her expressions

"I don't think any luxury can beat this SUBHANALLAH" she murmured

"indeed" his husky voice tickled

After a few minutes they both took a seat on the spreaded velvety maroon cloth while umar pulled her closer wrapping his thick dark shawl around both ,she gladly kept her head on his beating heart ,

he slowly pulled the veil away from her hairs letting it lose enclosing the red clip

"i love it his way" he tilted his head seeing the wind playing with her lose strands ,her nervous smile making him grin as he pulled her close yet again to the her right place towards his heart his hands between her silky hairs

The violet sky and last straw of peeking stars completely infused in their canvas of intimacy

The drops of sprinkling water played with each other from a gracefully flowing waterfall which turned into a rainbow just before melting into a stream of an exquisite nature

Area being totally secluded especially at this hour ,giving them space to savor the fresh environment

it was magic of nature which she had always had dreamt of experiencing

Her lips thanked her lord a countless time and over ,for all the constant favours

"umar we will come here in future as well right?" she asked trust full peeking at him

he smiled while his eyes shone with a lovable beam to hear her talk about their future

"we will show our kids the surprises of nature more often" he teased making her blush

deep inside her heart did whispered IN SHAA ALLAH

"your smile orates a different story than you" he raised his eyebrows

"what do you think it means?"she asked not ready to say it herself

"It means you love my idea much more than i think" he winked turning her crimson and his cold hands on them showed it didn't go unnoticed

"what if they prefer other places more" her velvety voice invoked his heart

"There is nothing wrong in it, but they will more often prefer my places i know" his confidense making her pray

"how can you be so confident" she questioned

"Because they will have a mother like you ,i am sure they will be an example to the world and a shine to our names because after the most high you will be their guide" he gazed startling her as this was a trust to big for her

"i cant wait" he closed his eyes while areesha kept observing his face with love sometimes his words left her in a trance

"A father like you will be there real pride" she whispered making him open those sharp orbs

"i want a daughter first" he finally spoke about his inner most desire while there were absolute no words for her to utter but she kept studying his rare expressions his eyes faraway yet a small grin in PLACE he was in deeep thoughts

she took his hands placing it on her her cheecks while softly kissing the heart of its palm , as she closed her eyes snuggling close to him ,while he thought why her gestures had this strong affect on his strong heart

"And we will name her parisa" he finally looked at her making her move away in haste

"umar what does this name mean to you" she came in front his shawl falling of her

"you will know it soon" he adjusted the shawl around her yet she was in no mood to back out

"why do you divert the topic every time?"her question was right on its place but his reasons were beyond her any complains

"because your side of story is still incomplete ,you never told me why are you so curious i know there is a reason" he dared making her gulp

his next questions trapped her even more leaving no space for her stuttering excuses

closing her beautifull eyes she sighed earning a small kiss

and hesitantly orated her dream

"Even she recognized me before you" was his sober reply ,,she knew what he was hinting to but whyy

"i want to know how like ho>>>>>>>..he kept his finger on her lips

"some mysteries unfolds with time have patience my love" he brushed her pink cheecks with the back of his hand enjoying the soft feel

"umar but ... giving her no time he hushed her using his way leaving no room for any more questions

"Everything is fair in love" he whispered before she could even say a word hushing her yet again..

some hidden secrets inside him couldn't be revealed using words they would unfold with due time bringing there charm along ......

As for his beloved he knew she will understand him asking no more questions regarding it

when speech flows freely from the heart!" "It is a sign of intimate friendship . . . ~RUMI


These days were a complete bliss for them in which they shared their every dream ,prayers and plans ..

Each day bought them even more closer.. enjoying the love, placed in there of heart's by THE LORD

She learnt those deep depths of umar's hearts which she didn't imagine existed as well he learnt the fragile lines of her beating heart

Their was a playful and mischievous Umar which she discovered only when they were alone and she just didn't knew that how his laughter and smile became such a soothing tonic for her heart

He was her guardian protecting her from every rock that came their way, stepping on it instead,

she could've never thought he would be so compassionate and caring ... every need of her was already taken care of before she could even pronounce it .

He would even wake up early to warm the water for her wudhu than how can she not drawn in his love ...without a doubt his strong heart had all the power over her 

The relation between the night and sea just seems to be perfect which never ceases even In the darkest hour where the waves still choose to stick together making their own sparkle to give light to passer by ...such were the emotions of their heart

Every single day her sleepy eyes would grace a different flower close to her pillow and each day her lips would curl into the most beautiful smile Umar waited to see ..

If she could say these moments with him were one of my best moments in life ..it wouldn't be wrong

He prioritized her comfort over everything ,he would share all his secrets making her feel the importance of her in his life as well every time taking his beloved by surprise by stealing a. Kiss or two ..

Many times she would be lost somewhere in nature but every time she came back to see his twinkling gaze on her
Dreams do come.true if they are your sincere prayers he once murmured to slow for her to hear but the tug those words created towards him was so strong that her hands moved in their accord towards his face placing a soft kiss on his cheeks while he made her forget the world all around with His powerful  embrace

Let us become a new spring
and feel the breeze drift
in the heaven's scent...


well honestly i have no words i feel so emotional seeing them happy ,,

i will be waiting for your response ,,,and yes this is the end 

only the epilogue is left now which i will try to write as soon as i get enough time IN SHAA ALLAH

what do you think about their honey moon :-)did you like their location umar planned for

 i want to thank each and everyone of you for your endless love and support ,,you guys are amazing ..

the last question who wants a husband like umar ;-)

until next time 

Takecare ALLAH hafiz 

stay blessed and happy always and remember me in your precious duas

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