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RONalD ScREEcched, Befur BehbY POppEd OuT, The son HaD A FacE of cHris HemsWortH, "Father, I want mcbottle." He sAidd In a SerErEeioUs tOne. RonAld Cry, "UoUr bEitIful." I CrYea, TaKinG sOn hOme.

"NOw iTs TiMe To leArna To CoOke." I sAi, ShOWinQ The ChIlD whu I naemed 'Rodney' The Preemed Burherd. "yoU thEow Dis Intu mIcrOwaeve And BaM a BurgEr."

"okaY fTaher. I WilL mKaE yOu proUd." RodNey Stated BefoRe The nEwbOrn stArtEd To Work aT mcDonAlds BecAuse "Fuck chIld LabOur." deSpIte iT BeinG SO fucking wrong.

Last chapter is next.

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