Omens of the Sinister

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"Come on come on.." Nemu paced  back and forth in the living room of the dorm as Maria lay casually on a couch, reading a newspaper.

"Come on ya bugger, sit down and calm down.." Maria muttered, giving Nemu an irritable look. 

"She should be home by now.. it's not a long commute." Nemu said.

"We've barely known her for two days, you don't know if she likes a late night or not.." said Maria.

Suddenly there was a ring at the door.

Nemu hurried over to find Nato standing there, looking bemused.

"Uhh.. found... May's backpack.. in the middle of the street, thought you should know.." Nato muttered, holding up a half burned backpack.

"Wh-WHA!?" Nemu stammered, snatching the backpack out of Nato's hands. "Wh-WHY!?"

"Don't ask me... I was running away as fast as I could... the whole sky was blowing up for some reason.." said Nato with a shrug.

Maria yawned. "just give it a rest Nemu she'll be fine."

Maria turned on the television to the News. 

"Hello this is Ana Origawa with a special report."

"Ah, it's your crush Nato-san." said Maria with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." grumbled Nato. 

"The skies of Tokyo today were lit up as apparently our newcomer Spider-Girl.. was attacked by a villain that hasn't been seen in over 15 years.. The Green Goblin left over 12 casualties in his wake as he rained a series of explosives over-."

"TURN THAT UP!!" Nemu stammered.

Nemu's eyes glued themselves to the screen as she watched blurred images of a cackling green pscyhopath fly by, chasing after a black and red web headed blur.

"Dang, she really IS Spider-Girl.." muttered Nato. "Not here for a week, and already she's in some super battle with her dad's worst enemy whose supposed to be dead.."

"This battle was over 2 hours ago!!" Nemu stammered. "WHERE IS SHE!?"

"Dead?" said Nato with a shrug.

Maria and Nemu glared at Nato.

"What?!" said Nato. "Too soon?"

"BOOM BOOMMMBBLLE BOOMM..." There was the sound of something tumbling and crashing onto the ceiling..

Everyone went quiet... in the silence, as Nato muted the tv.. they heard groaning as somebody shoved open a window in what sounded like where Nemu and May's dorm room was..

Everyone hurried up the stairs, past a sleeping Kotori who was snoozing on the dining table.

Nemu slowly opened the bedroom door, and covered her mouth in shock as she saw a trail of blood drops coming from the open window, going all the way to a blood and battered Spider-Girl, who had collapsed onto the bed, and was snoring.

Koko was hovering next to Spidey, looking worried. 

"MAY-CHAN!" Nemu burst into the room and turned her friend over, whipping off her mask and slapping her frantically in the face.

"Ow... OW!!" May stammered, her eyes fluttering open. "N-Nemu.. what the hell!? I'm tired man.. let me rest!"


"For once, I agree with the idiot!" said Maria. 

"I heal faster than most humans kay?" May muttered, sitting up. 

"But May!" stammered Nemu, grabbing May's arm.

"YEEEK!" May squeaked in pain. "D-don't grab there, my arm's partially dislocated."

"THAT JUST PROVES MY POINT!!" Nemu squealed.

"Parker-san.." Nato spoke out now.. looking serious. "hey.. look at me.."

May looked at the gruff looking somewhat delinquent-like face of Nato Ruuto. 

"You need help." said Nato. "Your ankle is broken.. your arm is dislocated, and you've got concussive blows on your ribs and your left femur.. I've got medical magic.. and you're going to let me use it.."

"Please Master.." said Koko.. "You've dragged yourself all the way home already! That's too much!"

"As... long as it's you.." May muttered. "Don't need people knowing... who I am... if you get my meaning.."

A few moments later.. May found herself sitting on the couch.. wearing PJs with her arm in a sling. and her leg in a cast. 

"Well.. you're definitely healing up WAY faster than any normal human.. I think you'll probably be back to full health after a bit of rest tomorrow." said Nato. "But if I hadn't binded you up.. you might have taken far longer.."

"Could've just let me sleep." May muttered, giving Nato a weak smile. 

"Can't having you bleeding all over Nemu's stuff now can we?" said Nato. "Ya know.. I thought you were some sort of happy go lucky Omniyogi wannabe when I heard you were coming to this class... but... after looking at what you just went through... huh.. sorry for being a guy of little faith.."

"No prob... didn't want to be a stupid Omniyogi Wannabe in the first place.." said May with a weak chuckle.

"So.. Green Goblin's alive?" said Maria, munching on some doritoes. "Thought that Blighter died years ago.. it's in the history books."

"There's been plenty of other Goblins.. my dad's still tangling with Hobgoblin." said May. "And Norman might have been the first Goblin, but there were others that took the name.. Harry, my best friend Normie's dad... other guys... long as the Goblin Serum still existed, lots of Goblins have turned up.."

There's something else.." said Koko, floating above. "I smelled.. Dead Mana on him.."

"Dead Mana?" said May.

"Dark Yokai, possessive demons.. they give off the stuff." said Maria. "Much like Hood and Wolf, a well known S Class Dark Yokai that's been running around Japan lately we've been trying to catch, you've met them already.. they escaped after you and Nemu battled them.."

"So wait.. you're saying Gobby's a Yokai?" May said. 

"Or he's been in contact with one.. that puts him under jurisdiction of the Omniyogis.. which means us students will also be called in to help investigate him since you were involved. " said Nemu with a smile. "We'll be able to pay that twisted clown back for trying to blow you up.."

"Oh god!" May sat up abruptly. "I've gotta call my parents and Mr. Stark, they're probably worried out of their minds if this is all over the international News..!"

May immediately borrowed Nemu's phone as Nato took Maria aside and spoke quietly to her.

"Tell me truthfully.. this was her first major fight wasn't it?" said Nato.

"Probably.. but that's not counting her fight with Hood and Wolf.. and that actually went well." said Maria.

"But knowing the Director, if we do this investigation, he's going to want to put the name Spider-Girl on the front lines for that publicity.. plus we've dealt with humans in contact with Yokai before.. but.. nothing like that Green psychopath... I'm not sure ANY of us are ready for that.. maybe instead of letting the Academy know about this... we should call in the Avengers.."

"Let the filthy Americans handle it on our jurisdiction?" said Maria. "Those blighters will mess it all up!"

"She's a newbie in both being a hero AND Omniyogi work.. we can't drag Parker-san into this.." Nato muttered.

Maria considered Nato for a minute, pursing her lips. "We can't hide it.. not from the Director.. Dark Mana registers highly on the sensors we put in Tokyo... they'll know eventually, then it'll turn into an investigative turf war.. and we don't want that."

"Really? Like the Director would know that quickly?"

-The Next Day-

"Welp Omniyogi, we have our first case in a long while today! And May you've got point!" said Maeta sensei.

Maria gave Nato a raised eyebrow expression that clearly said "told you so".

Nato sighed as May popped her neck and shouldered her backpack. "Alright then. First school field trip.. investigating cases!"

"Apparently, we have a few overactive Kappas in Tokyo.. this is a D level investigation, which meant its perfect for our class." said Maeta. "Everybody pack your bags.. I've already sent a letter to Mr. Stark if you would May.. and please suit up.. the director wants Spider-Girl on the front page.."

"Figures." May muttered, pulling off her sling, moving her arm around to check how well her enhanced healing had worked. 

Nato let out a sigh of relief..

"What's up with you Nato-san?" said Haruto.

"Nothing little buddy." said Nato. "Just.. the News.. did you watch it yesterday?"

"Yeah.. is May alright?" Haruto asked. "From the looks of it, she was beaten up pretty good.. y-you don't think the Green Goblin might show up on the trip do you?"

"No.. but.. according to Parker's familiar... that flying bastard was giving off Dark Mana.."

Haruto stared at Nato with confusion. "That's an emergency level investigation.. why aren't we being called for-?"

"Well we're school kids right?" said Nato muttered. "Maybe that's why... we're a freshman class.. not like the other kids in Class 12-B...  they're probably investigating it..."

Though in Nato's mind.. this seemed to make no sense.

What was going on?


It was probably the most uncomfortable trip of May's life. On one hand, she had been calling Kano for several straight hours, but he wasn't answering.. she was beginning to think he had bailed on her forever...

On the second hand.. she had never actually gone on a bus, then on a train... in full Spidey Costume.

Of course she wore a nice jacket and pair of pants over her suit, and she wore a cap over her masked head.... gave her a nice casual Spidey Look... didn't keep people from staring..

And you couldn't exactly put on I-Pod head phones when you had a mask on over your ears.

People stared for hours on end as Spider-Girl tried to read a book through her light hypersensitive tech mask lenses, in an attempt to ignore them, sitting in the aisle seat of the high speed bullet train next to Nemu 

All the other students were dressed in their casual clothes. However, the signs that they were Omniyogi students were obvious. They all had Authorized badges clipped to the front of their winter jackets, which had Doctor Strange's sign on them, giving them authority to walk into crime scenes..  and Nemu had her staff out, and was muttering as she shifted through various Spell Tags in her hand. 

Haruto had out a beaded necklace and was seemingly enchanting it with a blue light from his hand.  And Maria was complaining loudly she left the tag for summoning her Familiar at the dorm. 

"Scuse me." 

Spidey looked up to see what appeared to be a red haired 10-year old boy with a family of tourists, looking over the back of his seat. "are you Spider-Man?"

"No.." said Spider-Girl, wondering if it REALLY was that hard to tell one's sex through skin tight spandex. "I'm Spider-Girl."

"I don't think Spidey likes how you're taking his job." said the boy with a frown. 

"He's my dad." said Spider-Girl. 

"Oh.." said the boy. "Well, you shouldn't be taking your dad's job."

Spidey sighed. "Whatever floats your boat kid."


The sound of a rocket fueled engine roared... as a large retractable ceiling opened up to the night sky for Green Goblin's Glider to make a landing..

Goblin let out a loud cackle, as he landed his glider on top of a large platform which immediately let out two large claws that clamped onto the wings of the glider.

"Now now.." said Koba, waving away the many men in suits and shades with guns. "Keep your distance, unless you want a Pumpkin Bomb in the face.. "

"Hood's having a tantrum.." Goblin said as he leaped off his glider and flexed his shoulders. "She wanted to play with the spider after I had.. well.. 'my turn'. "

"She's like that.. ever since her parents died, the Shadow Yokai.. Wolf.. pretty much raised her.. like Wolf.. she's got a more animal- nature view of things.. that is when you share.. you share 70 percent of the prey.. not 50.."

"Not as generous as she seems?" said Goblin with a chuckle. "I like that..will Wolfy tear my face a new one if I don't give him his bacon?"

"It's likely." said Koba. "But as volatile as a yokai she is.. she makes a fine servant.. by far, you're the only one whose remotely human in this company.."

"I see." said Goblin as he watched one of the men in suits turn into a umbrella and hop off somewhere in a flash of smoke. "All of you are demon freaks eh? Not much different then me to be honest."

"Yokai have been oppressed by humanity's laws for far too long.. it's time we expanded.. allowed ourselves to flourish.." said Koba. "And an Agent of Chaos is needed to help bring in balance.. you.. my precious Goblin.. are that agent of Chaos..  the Omniyogi stand in the way of the true justice that issues that balance, and as an agent of Chaos you must wipe them out.."

"Agent of Chaos eh? I quite like the sound of that." said Goblin with a insane chuckle, as he and Koba strolled out of the hanger and into the halls of the company building. 

"You aren't the end however." said Koba. "I plan on creating a team to become the world's image of True Justice.. the purging lights.. the gods to stand above the world and assure us of the equality of Yokai in this world.."

"How many?" said Goblin.

"Six should suffice." said Koba.

"Six hmm? Sounds familiar.." said Goblin, grinning mischievously. "Got any other potentials in mind?"

"A few.. like-minded Yokai.." said Koba, gesturing to a door which slid open..

A woman, who looked around 20, was inside.   she wore goggles over her face, and a white lab coat.. and was busily studying a piece of technology. Her hair was dark green in color however.. which was quite odd.

The woman turned to look at Koba. "Koba-san? What is it? You giving a tour to costumed humans?"

"This is Koromodako.."  said Koba. "She is a Yokai who dwells in the seas of Japan.. in her day, she swallowed ships whole.. and yearns for the day in which she can do so again.. however, she also gained an interest in science over the recent modern years.. now she's one of our best physicists and engineers."

"Doesn't seem too demonic!" said Goblin. "Better give her a red dress and a pitchfork! Hahahaha!"

"Amusing Goblin-san.." said Koromodako, turning to reveal she had oddly black fish-like eyes and gills on her neck. 

As she said this.. large slithering squid-like green tentacles patterned with black spots slithered out from under her sleeves and pushed her glasses back up onto her face.

"On second thought.. with those tentacles and one hot school girl.. you're the perfect demon to put in a Japanese Porno!!" said Goblin with another cackle.

"You wouldn't act the same way in front of me without that mask.." said Koromodako irritably. 

"We ALL wear masks Squid Lady... " said Goblin. "But which is real? The Mask that covers your face? Or the Mask that IS your face?"

"Enough.. we are working together after all." said Koba.

"With THAT lunatic human?" Koromodako muttered. "Hmph, fat chance. If you must excuse me.. I'm busy studying some of the old works of the late Otto Octavius.. and I have to look after Hood before she starts throwing a tantrum.."

"That's one spicy Octopus..." said Goblin as he and Koba left the room.. "Eheheheh... as if ol' Doc Ocky's work had ANY sort of interest.. that fat blob was nothing but a shorted out squid of a man!"

"Don't underestimate her.. when she gets in contact with water.. she becomes... quite larger." said Koba. "She is one of the most powerful Yokai left of her species... only the strongest shall become the Six that guide the hands of balance... and where you stand for chaos, she shall stand for knowledge...  and Hood and Wolf will stand for Darkness itself... "

"Becoming gods... you know.. I always had a thing for being a deity..." said Goblin. "I can't wait..."

"Very well." said Koba. "However.. while Koromodako, you and those two make four.. we still need two more... do you happen to know any.. other interested parties?"

Goblin grinned maniacally. "I might know a few guppies...I'll drop em a line.."

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