Eww.. Bad Guy Cooties.

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"Well.. this is... " Spider-Girl tilted trying to find a word for it.'

"Beautiful?" said Nemu.

"Traditional?" said Nato.

"artful?' said Haruto.

"Old." said Spidey.

"Heheh.. another thing we agree on mate." said Maria.

They were standing in front of an old shrine, filled with old arches, standing in the middle of the forest. with a small stage in the very back of the archways, holding a bowl of smoldering incense. 

"This is dedicated to the Yokai who guards this forest.." said Maeta sensei. "She watches over those who protect this place, and she obeys the laws of the Omniyogis in return for our respect.

"hmmm.." Spidey set down her suitcase and backpack, and jumped onto the roof of the open shrine.. crawling over the archways curiously, examining it before she siddled down, hanging upside down from a strand of webbing like Spider-man used to.. 

"hey!" said Nato with a scowl. "Watch it! This shrine is fragile!"

"Calm your grumps, I'm gentle, how do you think I can hold anything with this strength of mine without so much as breaking it?" said Spidey.  "It feels weird though.. my senses are dialed up to 11 thanks to my powers, and right now, I'm sensing a whole lot. This feels alive.."

"Do you always speak to people hanging upside down?" said Nemu with a giggle.

"When I can." said Spidey. "I find having all the blood rush to my head helps me think. Explains why dad likes doing it."

"Please tell me that webbing comes off though.." Nato muttered.

"It dissolves in 2 hours." said Spidey. 

"We'll be setting camp up here." said Maeta-sensei. "We can't stay in motels or hotels.. if too many people hear about the yokai, they might disturb the other ones living in the kappa's territory."

"So.. I can't watch anime?" said Spidey. "Cause the new phone I got has like.. no bars here.. "

"What the hell would you want to watch while we're hunting Kappas?" asked Nato.

"I don't know... Spongebob Anime?" said Spidey. "Hoo.. boy.. that would be DISTURBING."

(the video is called Kawaii Bob Weaboopants.. eheheh.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!)


Spider-Girl shivered as she imagined this. Then flipped down to her feet. "So.. what do we do after we er.. you know.. set up camp?

"Talk to locals." said Haruto, tossing everyone each a set of notepads and pencils.  "Get interviews on the odd goings ons.. Out of control Yokais usually don't pay attention to keeping themselves hidden.. in the meantime, anybody wanna check out the Well with me?"

"I'll go." said Nemu. 

"Alright, I'll start pitching the tent." said Nato. "Everyone else go do your interviews or whatever..'

Spider-Girl swung around the nearby city that day, taking interviews from anybody near the area.. 

It was nice to actually get to explore Kyoto a little, which was less hustle and bustle than Tokyo overall (everywhere was at least slightly hustle and bustle, May suspected Japan had a overpopulation problem.)

Kids loved her costume, and pointed at her as she swung by... but it wasn't until noon that she actually made some progress.

"You look for odd thing?" said one old woman, whose english was horrible, but still one of the only people Spidey could find that actually spoke English.

"Yeah... anything weird, abnormal?" Spidey said slowly and loudly so the lady could understand.

"Well there you ya?" said the old woman. "Dress like clown avenger thing!"

"Besides me." said Spidey, rolling her eyes under her mask. 

"There weird spirits.. causing trouble.. at my shop every week.. they take things." said the old woman. "You clown avenger. You make go away!"

"Okay.. I'll see what I can-... " Spidey paused.. behind the counter of the shop she was in.. a large turtle-like humanoid had walked in. he had a beak-like mouth, wide fearful looking eyes.. and a head with a ring of hair, like a monk or something.  

It flexed it's webbed hands fearfully as it stared at Spidey.

"Hello!" said Spidey, holding out her notepad. "Would you like to sign up for the Yokai's Gonna Tell Me Where You've Been foundation? Sign up now and you get a pin and a free picture of-"

"YAAAAHHHHH!!!" The kappa barreled out the door of the shop, and into the streets, drawing the stares of passerby.

"Oh yeesh.. " Spidey said. "Come on..I'm not THAT terrible a salesperson!"

Spidey swung out into the city, swinging after the kappa, that moved quite fast on it's feet.

"Come on friend!" said Spidey. "Have you heard of our Lord and Savior Spidey-God? Just wanna talk a bit!"

"NO! You smell like those Omniyogis! I'm not going down for this! I didn't do it!" roared the kappa.

"Do what?"

"Drag that kid down that well! What do ya think!?" said the Kappa.

"Well if you didn't do it, why are you running?"


The kappa's scream seemed to echo.. and suddenly pipes and sewers burst nearby, causing a giant wave of water to come smashing into Spidey, knocking her out of the air.

"AAAHHGGHH!! Jeez, I didn't pack my bikini!" Spidey stammered, taking off one of her water logged webshooters and shaking it so that water poured out of one of the nozzles. 

The Kappa whirled around glaring viciously. "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!?"

"Once on a Wednesday, twice on a Full Moon." said Spider-Girl.  "Now come quietly, or I'll have to get rough!"

"HA!" The kappa grinned as he held up a webbed hand and a giant sphere of water conjured up out of thin air. "I'd like to see you try!"

Spidey drew out the Omniyogi staff attached to her backpack as she took off her windbreaker so she was in pure spider-gear.  Maeta said that the best way to take down a kappa was to create a Water Seal spell, a spell that drew water into one point. Since Kappas, being water spirits, had a water-like nature, they themselves would also be drawn to that point and restrained.

"Here goes nothing.. Three Way Cross.. Stagnation of Water!" Spidey said, thrusting her staff downwards.

Three rings of blue light appeared around the stunned yokai as a kanji character for Water appeared glowing above the kappa.

"It's working!" Spidey exclaimed.

Suddenly, the rings shattered, and a massive burping sound came out of the staff.. as if it had drank an entire bottle of extra fizz sodapop..

The kappa frowned at Spidey. "You have got to be the worst Omniyogi I've ver seen.. and the most goofilly dressed.."

Gee, thanks.." Spidey muttered. "Screw the spells, I'm punching ya."

"You're what?" said the Kappa right before Spidey threw her staff away and dashed at him with lethal speed.

"WHOAA WHOAAAA!" The kappa jumped from side to side using it's incredible agility as Spider-Girl flipped in, launching a series of propeller kicks and fast punches. "SINCE WHEN IS A HUMAN THIS FAST!?"

The Kappa threw his hand into the air, and a giant wave of water came crashing down at Spidey from above.

Spider-Girl dashed out of the way, becoming a blur before webbing up to a nearby building and kicking off from the wall.

She sent a rapid fire series of web bullets hurling down at the Kappa, gluing the yokai's feet to the ground and covering it's eyes.

"AHHH!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS STUFF!?" the kappa roared, as he tried to tear the webbing off his face. 

"It's a mask to help you sleep! Speaking of which, GOOD NIGHT!" Spidey launched a massive flying kick down into the Kappa, sending him crashing into a car with colossal impact. 

"S-so strong.." the kappa groaned as he finally peeled the webs from his eyes.. lying on the ruined hood of the car. "What the heck are you human?"

"I'm President- Mc Spider-Girl of the Punch All Baddies Club, and you're my suspect slash possible witness. " said Spider-Girl. "Now spill it.. what's the deal with the kids being pulled down wells? And where are they? Report in the Academy report said none of the kids are being found!"

"I honestly don't know where the children are myself." said the Kappa sitting up. "My name's Noji, I'm kind of an outcast in my community downstream. The other Yokai don't like me hanging around them cause I spend too much time exposing myself to other humans.  I don't know much, I swear to god!"

"Swear to me!!"


"Sorry, something I saw in a movie that I always wanted to try." said Spider-Girl. "But come on.. you've got to know SOMETHING!"

"Well.. I heard.. something is possessing some of the community Kappas.." said Noji. "Making them violent! Out of control! Super bad!"

"Something?" said Spidey. "Wait.. a spirit that possesses spirits? Is that even possible?"

"I don't know!" said Noji. "It's just what I heard."

"Okay, I need you to come with me to our camp so we can tell the rest of my colleagues." said Spidey. "Think you can do that?"

"Uhh.. my mama and papa don't like me hanging around the Omniyogi.. they're afraid that you guys will arrest me cause of all the trouble I caused.."

"Well for now you're just a witness." said Spidey.

"Fine.. but only cause I know you can kick my butt.." muttered Noji. "How did you get so strong and stick to walls and stuff?"

"It's a long story involving my dad, a spider bite, and over 20 years of wise-cracking." said Spider-Girl. 

It was a little late in the day with the duo made it back to the shrine in the forest.. however, as they began to near the tent.. Nato ran to them.. panting, his clothes torn, his bead necklace in his hand as he panted hard. 


"What's wrong Grump Face?" said Spidey. "Squirrels big in these parts?"

"This is NOT a joking moment M- I mean Spider!" roared Nato. "Whatever's wrong with these kappas.. it's WAY above our pay grade!"

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" The tent was suddenly ripped in half as something massive came rushing forward at terrifying speed.

It was shaped like a Kappa.. however, it's entire body was covered in some sort of black goo... with white familiar looking lenses over it's eyes.. 


"RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" The black goo covered Kappa spat, jumping onto Spider-Girl with speed that equaled her own, speaking in a voice that sounded like multiple aged poisonous creatures speaking at once. "WE SEE YOU SPIDER-MAN!! WE KNOW YOUR SCENT!!! You abandoned us! AND WE WILL DESTROY YOU!!"

"WHOAAA!!" Spider-Girl exclaimed, kicking the possessed Kappa off. "What in the Wizard of Oz are you!? Teenage Mutant Tar Turtle?"

"EEEEEEKK!" Noji staggered back in fear. "What's happened to him!!?"

"ROOOOOAAAARRRRR!!" the possessed Kappa flung his wrist forward, and long black tendrils lashed out of the goop, grabbing onto Spider-Girl's wrists, reeling her in.


Spider Girl lashed out a fist and punched the monster, causing it to let go of her with a pained hiss.. and charged at the beast, turning into a fast blur.. launching a terrific super fast barrage from all directions.

Noji's jaw dropped as he watched. "SO FAST!!"

"Hold on!" Nato held up a tag smeared with blood and threw it into the air, immediately, a flaming phoenix flew into the air, It wore a snug scarf around it's flaming body, and it's eyes looked lazy as it floated above Nato.

"Eh? Nato-san? What's the big idea waking me up?"

"Kairi, We need some fire!! Burn that black stuff off that Kappa!"

"Ehhhhh? Fine.. but you owe me 20 Flame Treats after this." said Kairi. She spread her wings and a massive barrage of fireballs hurled themselves into the black goo covering the possessed Kappa.

There was a large shriek of pain.. and an elderly looking Kappa fell out of the mass of goo which rose up.. as the fire ignited it. 

"WE ARE NOT AMUSED!" roared the black mass of goo as it swirled away from the unconscious kappa. "You abandoned us Peter! You will return to us!! WE ARE MULTIPLYING!! WE ARE GETTING STRONGER!!!"

"Uhh... I'm not Spider-Man.. but I can pass that along.. do you forward emails Mr.. er... glob of black goo?" said Spider-Girl.

"We are stronger.. we are many.. WE ARE TERROR!!" the gooey black mass screeched as the bushes rustled and multiple goo possessed Kappas crawled out of the undergrowth, hissing.

"Oh.. snap.." Spidey muttered. "Umm.. can we like schedule this for later? Like maybe Next Week at Noon? Cause I just realized.. I have... er.. a thing.."

"RRRRRRRRROOOOOAAAARRRR!" There was a collective shriek as the beasts all charged forward.

"Or we can do this now!" Spider-Girl exclaimed as she jumped into the trees, dodging the charging vicious monsters.

"MAY!!" roared Nato as his phoenix threw more fireballs, attempting to drive off the monsters while they collided with her and began piling on top of her.. pinning her to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Spidey exclaimed as the goo began to wrap around her. "GET OFF... GET OFF!... I SAID.... GEEEEET OOOOOFFFFFFFFF!!"

"ZZBBBBZZZZZZ!!" Red electric energy exploded from Spidey, and the creatures all fell off, writhing in pain as the red bioelectric blast seemed to streak right into their nervous systems..

"Whoa!" Spider-Girl stood up and looked at her hands. "D-did I do that?"

(Yes, actual spider power, called a Venom Blast, used by the new Ultimate Spider-Man and first Spider-Woman). 

Spidey! RUN! We gotta find Maeta Sensei! I'll try and call the others!" yelled Nato. 

"Uhh.. kay! Sorry Goo Boys! I have an appointment with my Spidey-Dentist!"

Spider-Girl grabbed Noji under one arm And Nato under the other, and leaped away quickly, and began running down the street fast enough to outstrip any car.  Meanwhile swarms of the possessed Kappas began dashing after her.. catching up.. while some leaped onto buildings and began crawling down walls, slobbering with vicious fangs, long tongues hanging out of their mouths.

"Now that is just sick.." Muttered Nato. 

"IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!" Screamed Noji, clutching his head.

The Kappas surrounded Spidey all around the city..swarming around her in a large ring as she put down Noji and Nato.

"What do we do!?" Spidey exclaimed. 

"We fight.." said Kairi flapping down to float next to Nato. "Whatever they are.. they aren't of Yokai origin.. I've never seen anything like this.. perhaps a curse..?"

"No.. I have a sneaking suspicion.." said Spidey muttered. "The way they all seem to know my Dad.. but.. it can't be.."

The black goo suddenly slid off the multiple Kappas...

One by one.. each of the kappas fell unconscious as the goo slithered onto the street, converging with each other slowly.. becoming one disgusting slithering mass...

The mass began to converge and tower above the trio.. hissing and sputtering.

"You aren't him.. but you smell like him... you move like him.. you have met him.. you will bring him to us.. You will bring us Peter Parker.." the black mass hissed before it began to form into a humanoid shape.... 

It was massive.. with muscles packed into muscles.. hands that bore long black claws... And it's mouth was filled with vicious drooling fangs.. and one long tongue whipping back and forth..

A massive white spider symbol burned upon it's chest as it spoke in it's multitude of terrifying poisonous voices... craving blood... craving chaos.

"We will not surrender... We will NEVER Give in.. We will have Peter Parker.." the creature said.. 

"We... Are... VENOM.."

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