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Venom roared, his jaws drooled with terrible violent intent, flexing his claws. He towered above both Nato and Spider-Girl as Noji screamed in fright.

"Wh-what the heck!?  What is that!?" Nato stammered.

"Venom.." said May. "An old enemy of my Dad's.. some sort of weird symbiote fused with my dad's battle damaged suit one time and turned it into some kooky black suit which increased his powers.. bad part was that the suit also increased his aggression in a bad way.. when he got rid of it.. it fused with a guy named Eddie Brock and got all yandere on dad.. the result.. well.. Venom.."

"We've been waiting for this day!" Venom spat. "We've been building.. reproducing.. using the spirits to gain power.."

"Where's your host Symbiote?" Spider-Girl growled. "How are you moving around on your own?"

"The yokai are powerful sources of energy... " Venom said. "With it.. we can survive alone.. WE.. CAN DESTROY THOSE WHO REJECTED US!!! SPIDER-MAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!"

"Er.. you might have the wrong Parke-" Spider-Girl began to say before Venom let out a vicious scream that tore at her heart.. and chilled her to the bone..

Venom launched herself at Spidey, two tons of Symbiote muscle and fangs.

"WHOAAA!!!" Spider-Girl exclaimed as Venom grabbed her by the waist in one hand.

"KAIRI!!" roared Nato.

"Right!" The phoenix flew above Venom and fired a massive blast of flames down at the abomination. 

"RRRRRRRREEEAAAAHHHHHGGGGGGGHHHH!!" Venom spat out a vicious cry of pain, dropping Spidey and back handing the phoenix, sending Kairi exploding through a nearby building in an explosive shockwave.

"NO!!!" Nato stammered, wide eyed in worry for his Familiar. 

"NOW THAT'S RUDE SLOBBER MOUTH!!" Spider-Girl roared, jumping onto Venom's back and firing webs and using them to wrap around Venom's fangs.

Venom chomped his jaws viciously, trying to tear the webs off his face before leaping high into the sky, shattering the street as he kicked off, Spider-Girl hanging on for dear life.

Venom moved at horrifying speed for his size, turning in mid air, and slashing the webs to pieces with his claws, slamming Spider-Girl right in the body with one powerful hand swipe, and sending her smashing into the side of a nearby skyscraper in a burst of rubble.

Venom fired a black strand of webbing from his wrist and stuck himself to a building on the opposite end of the street. As he began scaling the building at top speed he turned his attention down at Nato and the frightened Kappa.

"FLESH!! FOR MY CHILDREN!!!!" Venom screamed, launching himself down at the duo.

"AAAAHHHHH!!! WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!" Noji screamed, hiding behind the bewildered Nato's back.


"WHAMAMMMMMMMMMM!!" A car flew right into Venom, smashing him into the street before he could reach Nato, his claws only inches from tearing the boy's face in two. 

Spidey leaped out from the rubble, webbing two more cars with one strand of webbing each, and flinging the vehicles at Venom with her massive Spider Strength.

Venom was ready however, and roared, swatting the cars aside with ease before launching himself at Spider-Girl. 

The two collided in mid air, Venom grappling at the smaller spider as she slipped between his claws and wrapped her legs around the creature's neck, beginning a fast barrage of punches into the monster's jaw.

"GET- POW- THE- POW- FUCK- POW- OUT!!" Spidey roared, landing a punch with every syllable, throwing spittle from Venom's jaw with each blow. 

"RRRRAAAAAAAHHHHH!H!!!" Venom unhinged his jaw, opening it wide and sinking his fangs into Spider-Girl's right arm.

"AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHH!!!" Spidey screamed as her blood splashed across the black parts of her suit. "Now.. ughh.. that.. STINGS!"

Venom's arm morphed into massive black spiked club which stretched out and collided against the side of Spidey's body, sending her flying.

Glass shattered as Spider-Girl was sent smashing across the side of a building before she could fling out a hand and regain herself by sticking her body against the side.. 

However, Venom wasn't done yet, He slung out another black goo web, and flung himself back at the dazed Spider-Girl..

"BLLLAMM BLLAMMM!!" Before Venom could reach Spidey, a giant blast of flames exploded into him in mid air.

"Do not seek to underestimate my power.. BEAST.."  Kairi rose up, her flaming wings spread wide, her eyes burning with the power of a demon.

"FEEEAAAST!!" Venom roared, rising from the crater in the street his body had made.. flames and smoke flickering around him. "I WILL FEAAAASSSTTT!!"

"Jeez Goo Ball!" said Spidey. "If you wanna eat, order takeout!"

"RRRRRRRRRR... RRRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRR!!" Venom screamed, and a shockwave exploded from the roar alone as a strange black crackling dark energy began to surge around his body.

"Something's wrong." said Kairi, coming to hover next to Spider-Girl. "His power doesn't just stem from the arachnid-like abilities that bare similarity to your own.. I sense Dark Magic within him.."

"He said 'feast'.. and then something about food for his children when he was attacking your master." said Spidey. "Could he be somehow feeding off the magic from the Kappas he took over?"

"It's a possibility, though I cannot be sure as to exactly what kind of monster that black thing is.." said Kairi. "It strikes fear.. even within me.. But if he's using magic.. me and Nato can use a Spirit Recall spell to use it's own magic as shackles against it.. But we'll need time.."

"Consider it done." said Spidey. 

"He'll flatten you.. you don't have the power.." said Kairi.

"Maybe I do.." Said Spider-Girl holding up a fist. "The strange power I used to get his Venom Kappas off before... I think it was some sort of bio-electric poison? If I can somehow access it.."

Spider-Girl's fist crackled with red electric pulses.. 

"Bingo.. just gotta concentrate enough.. and maybe my blows can get an extra oomph.. GO work on the spell, I'm gonna have a talk with big, muscly, and droolly." 

Kairi nodded and flew back to Nato as Spidey swung down and landed on all fours in front of Venom. 

"Hey!  Venom! Notice how all your reincarnations are all named after something involving Chaos or Poison? Does that mean if you bond with me.. I can be... MAY-hem?"

Venom paused.. and just stared.

Spidey shrugged. "Okay.. I admit.. sounded better in my head.."

"ROOOOOAAAAARRR" Venom dashed at Spider-Girl. 

"Oh, you complain about my puns! At least I have puns! All you do is go RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Spidey yelled. "Okay let's do this!"

Spider-Girl dashed at Venom.. as she did.. she took a deep breath.. willing herself to concentrate... time slowed down around her.. all her senses exploded at once.. every single breath of air.. she could feel it.. every inch of her instincts burned within her.. 

For just a moment.. she was as sensitive as the smallest arachnid.. and as fast as the strongest creature in the jungle..

She was 100 percent.. Spider-Girl..

"TAKE THIS!!!!!!" Spider-Girl screamed, hurling a punch right into Venom's gut.

"ZZZZZZSSSSHHHHAAAAAMMMMMM!!!" Venom screamed out, flying back, as red electricity crackled around his body.. causing pain to surge through his very being.

"HELL YEAH!!" Spider-Girl launched herself into the air and hurled a Venom Blast enhanced kick at the monster.. sending another pain enhancing blow smashing into the creature's jaw. 

Venom skidded back on his feet and wiped his chin with one hand before letting out an ominous growl.. black magic exploding from his body as he stomped forward, the earth beginning to shake with his every step. 

"Kill.. Feed... PARKER.." Venom rasped as his claws twitched with longing to choke the life out of his victim.

Spidey stepped forward too, but as she did, she felt a sharp pain burn in her right arm as it began to go limp.. the bite from earlier was taking it's toll..

Spidey breathed hard, clutching her arm as blood trickled down her stained suit.. dripping down on the ground. She was almost at her limit. 

She could feel fear pumping and throbbing within her.. but as she felt the temptation to run.. she remembered Nemu... 

Odd.. why was she thinking about her now?

"Heh.. who knows?" Spidey muttered, before charging the monster head on.. 

And watching Spidey charge into certain death, was Nato.

"Sh-she's insane!" Noji stammered. 

"No kidding!" Nato stammered. "What the hell does she hope to accomplish!? She's outmatched!!"

"Not quite." Kairi flew down to hover next to Nato. "Master.. we need to do it.. a 5 Point Sealing Spell.."

"WHAT!?" Nato stammered. "That's.. that's past our Class level! Nobody can pull that off without at least a decade of experience!!!"

"We can do it.. you have me.." said Kairi gently before giving Nato a rare smile and landing on his head, brushing his cheek with her burning feathers. "Use it.. my mana.. collect it.. and let it spread.."

Nato took a deep breath and nodded, he took out a piece of chalk and drew a complex circle filled with strange ruins, and then began forming japanese handsigns, speaking in low tones.. speaking memorized verses from various scriptures. ..

"Alright.." muttered Nato, as black chains began to swirl from the circle, appearing in bursts of purple light. "All I need is a living thing to bind the spell to.."

"Bind it to me!" Kairi flew in front of Nato.

"Right!!" Nato held out a hand. "5 POINT SPELL!! DEMON CHAIN!!"

The black chains surged into Kairi, dissapearing into her body in bursts of light.. before suddenly.. the chains exploded from Kairi's chest...

The chains latched onto Venom's body from behind.. wrapping around the monster as it roared in confusion.

"WHAT!?" Venom stammered. "WHAT IS THIS!?"

"Whoa!" Spider-Girl exclaimed. 

"Welcome.. to your eternal prison... MONSTER!!" Kairi roared.. her flaming feathers exploding with power. "NOW MASTER!! COMPLETE IT!!"

"GOT IT!!" Nato exclaimed, holding a hand out.

Suddenly.. Venom grabbed onto one of the black chains.. and pulled it forward..

Kairi cried out with shock as she pulled right within Venom's reach.. and the monster slashed it's claws down upon the phoenix yokai. 

"KAIRI NOOOO!!" Nato screamed as the black chains shattered, and Kairi fell at his feet.. quivering hurt.. 

"NATO!!" Spider-Girl yelled just as Venom grabbed her and began slamming her against a car with a powerful crash. 

Nato could hear and see nothing else.. he picked up his beloved familiar in his hands. 

"What's that?" A five year old Nato asked as his mother handed him a small phoenix, covered in orange fur.. not yet old enough to grow feathers.

"This is a phoenix.." said Nato's mother lovingly. "They are very loyal and powerful yokai of fire.. and they are very rare.. it's up to you to take care of her while I'm gone okay?"

"okay.." said Nato, tilting his head curiously as he held the baby phoenix in his hands. "I'm going to call you.. er.. Kairi.. kay?"

The phoenix blinked curiously, but didn't say anything.

"Remember.. a familiar is like a human.. they grow and work better when they trust you.." said Nato's mother. "You must learn to trust your friends.. allow them to watch your back.. and even make sacrifices for you.. as you would make sacrifices for them.."


Spider-Girl's voice jarred Nato out of his memories. She had just grabbed him and the scared Kappa out of the way as Venom nearly crushed them all.

She was panting hard, there was blood staining her suit.. and she was staggering as she walked.

May tore off her mask.. and gave Nato a fierce glare, her eyes filled with the flame of determination. "You need a living thing for this spell right? USE ME!!"

"WHAT!?" Nato roared. "No.. It'll kill you!!! Only a yokai is strong enough to endure the spell.. any ordinary human-"

"I'm NOT an ordinary human!!" May growled, spitting blood from her mouth as Venom rose to face them.. death in it's stare.. "USE ME!!!"

"B-but!" Nato stared down at Kairi's unconscious form in his hands.

"With Great Power.. comes Great Responsibility.. that's something my dad told me once.." said May. "So I'm going to use this power.. this greater than any human body of mine.. to WATCH YOUR BACK!!!"

Nato's eyes widened. "Watch.. my back.."

"USE ME!!" May roared. "I may not be your familiar.. but we're friends aren't we!? That means you have to trust me!! Trust me to make the sacrifices that you can't!!! DO YOU TRUST ME!?"

"Yeah.. YEAH!! I DO!!!" Nato roared, clasping his hands together.. 

"THEN LET'S DO THIS!!!" May roared.

"YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Nato held out a hand.. and chains surged into May's body.. the sealing spell taking affect..

 May gritted her teeth, her eyes going wide as she endured the immense pain exploding within her.. before chains blasted out of her chest... and wrapped around Venom. 

Venom tried to pull May to him like he did with Kairi, but May smashed her feet against the street, throwing up rubble as she dug her feet into the asphalt, clutching one of the chains with a hand. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING OUT OF THIS GOO BAG!!"


Magic purple light blasted from Nato's palm and enveloped the chains in light..

Venom screamed as the chains pulled and retracted back into May's body in a burst of light, pulling Venom in with them..

Venom surged into the purple light in May's chest as May screamed in pain.. and there was an explosion of steam..

the back of May's suit tore apart.. to reveal a black burning ring  tattoo with rune-like markings around the edge.. sizzling and glowing upon her skin.. 

May panted heavily.. "Well.. ow..."

She collapsed facedown upon the street.. as Noji just stared with amazement.

"Wh-what did you do?" Noji stammered. "Y-you just sealed that monster inside her! WHY!?"

"Cause she's got my back.." said Nato. "That's why.."

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