Octo Whirl and Squidnapping

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A/N: Laziness


Andy enters the boss kettle preparing for what was ahead. when he gets there a ball sucks up the zap fish. then the ball got up and started to roll around eventually stopping, the moment he stops he starts targeting Andy and rolls forward at High speed. Andy barely dodges and survive, when it stops rolling it gets back up getting ready to target Andy again. Andy quickly paints a wide path when the ball started targeting Andy again this time when rolling it rolled on Andy's path causing it to sink in the ground. The tentacle  pops up and Andy Splats it and prepares for what's coming next. Except of the boss upgrading the floor started spinning leaving Andy to topple over. when he topples over the ball crushes him splatting him. Andy respawns and jumps back into the arena and starts to cover the whole aren with paint when the ball nearly crushes him, the ball sinks and Andy splats the tentacle being prepared for what come next. The ball rises up again and roars very loudly causing some of the floor to break revealing glass. And prepares to ink except he wasn't fast enough to dodge and gets crushed and dies. When he responds he jumps back to the arena but drops his gun by accident leaving him defenseless. when he lands he just stands there not knowing what to do when all of a sudden ink starts to rise and start attacking the boss. Andy notices that his body has been filled with rage but this power was new to him. Andy swings his hand forward as he was punching except open handed. causing all the Ink to fly forward at the boss. when the boss is covered in ink Andy closes his hand to make a fist causing the ink to crush the ball releasing the zap fish. Andy then Passes out. when he wakes up he wakes up in the cabin and heads out to see cuttle fish, Callie, and Marie talking.

Andy: what'd I miss

They look at Andy and start bombarding him with questions

Marie: how did you do that

Cap'n: where did you get that power

Callie: you still haven't answered the question I asked you on our first day of school

Everyone looks at Callie with a really face

Andy: I don't no all I remember is landing and rage filling my body

Cap'n: oh well you two continue your project I'll go in to grab us some crabby cake

Cap'n goes inside

Andy: so you wanted to talk about our project

Marie: yeah we got some new weapons the splat charger and roller 

Andy: ooooh tell me more

Inside The Shack

Cap'n was making crabby cakes when

???: well its been a while hasn't it

Cap'n turns

Cap'n: Octavio what are you doing here

Octavio: oh to try the crabby cakes. no I came here for you

Octavio snaps his finger and a octoling appears and grab cuttle fish, yet Cuttlefish struggled to be freed he screamed for help but was quickly knocked out

Back Outside

The group was talking about weapons when they heard a commotion from the shack although when they went to investigate all they saw was a not stating if you want Cuttlefish back complete all the sectors.


A/N: this chapter took awhile for me to make and I will make a chapter for each of my books on my birthday which is on Friday meanwhile bye 

A/N breaks fourth wall and climbs through

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