Chp.32 The Ball/Under Attack

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At Mewni, a portal opened and to reveal Star and them arriving to Mewni.

Star: Here we are.

(Yn): Is everyone here?

Marco: Yea, we are all here.

Star: Ok, lets go.

The guys walked to the castle and went to the entrance to see Moon and River waiting on them to arrive.

Moon: Star.

Star: Hi mom.

Moon: Oh my gosh sweetie, you look amazing, and actually look like a real queen.

River: Oh my precious little girl looking beauty as always

Star: Aww, Thanks guys.

River: And you Lad, my What outfit you have, really impressive.

(Yn): Thank you, your majesty.

River: My, I should say to all of you lads, you really quite done yourselves.

They all Thank River for his appreciation.

Moon: So, shall we all go in?

Marco: As you wish Queen Moon.

Once Moon opened the door, inside the castle was full of people, all dressed up and having a great time, dancing, eating and drinking.

Tom: WOW, this place looks great.

Jackie: Daaaamn, sick party.

Kelly: Hold it!

Something got kelly's attention, and it was a fountain of chocolate that got her attention, she ran up to it and was really surprise.

Kelly: No...Freakin...Way! A fountain full of chocolate! ...Awesome!

Ponyhead: WOW, check out all the food, mmm I know what I'm going to do today.

Janna: WOW, check out the musicians, really talented.

Star: WOW mom, you really done yourself setting the ball up.

Moon: Thank you sweetie.

-20 minutes later-

The people in Mewni were continuing having fun in the ball, especially Star and her friends. Marco, Tom and (Yn) were talking while drinking their champagnes while the girls were at the other side talking to each other as well.

Janna: So, how are you and (Yn)?

Star: We're doing great! I mean, I never he can be so nice, kind and romantic.

Jackie: Yea, and you guys really look cute together.

Star: Aww, Thanks Jackie, same goes to you too with Marco.

Jackie: Yea.

Janna: Y-Yea, must be nice for you girls having...boyfriends...

Janna was saying it in not quite sad way and had her head down and walked outside.

Kelly: What's wring with Janna?

PonyHead: Is she Okay?

Star: I don't know, let me go talk to her.

Outside, Janna was sitting there, feeling down while Star shows up to help her out. Star went to sit next to her.

Star: Hey Janna, is everything Okay?

Janna: Yea, why you ask?

Star: Well, you seemed a bit down back there, something bothering you?

Janna: N-No...not really...

Star: Then?

Janna: Mmmm Okay, then I'm having trouble...

Star: Trouble? Like what kind of trouble?

Janna: Boy trouble.

Star: Really!? Did someone hurt your feelings, If so, tell me who so O can kick there asses for making my friend feel down...

Janna: No, not that kind of boy problem, *sigh* I meant to say is that I have a crush on someone.

Star: Is it T

Janna: What!? How do you know!?

Star: Come on Janna, back at the house, you were so shy, you blushed all red all over your face when he arrived, you were also checking him out like if you were gonna eat him up.

Janna blushes so hard once Star said that.

Janna: Star!

Star: Hehe, just messing with ya. Why can't you just tell him?

Janna: I don't want to, what if he isn't into a relationship right now, or what if he doesn't even like me.

Star: Janna, Trust me, He does like you, if you tell him how you feel about him, then he will understand .

Janna: Really? You think if I tell him, then he will like me back?

Star: Totally, in fact, he is been waiting for a girl to ask him out.

Janna: Can't he just do that, like ask me out?

Star: Yea about that, he tried that to many girls and did not work, and he gave up, but if you ask him, then he would totally date you.

Janna: Ok, I'll do it.

They both got up and Janna from behind put her left arm to Star'a shoulder.

Janna: Star...Thanks.

Star turns around and hugs her.

Star: Anytime, now come on, let us go enjoy our fun time in the ball.

Janna: Hehe, okay.

Meanwhile, Marco, (Yn) and Tom were standing at the food table, drinking while watching the people having fun at the ball.

Marco: Man, this sure is fun, three guys drinking and having fun.

(Yn): Yea, even the food looks good and people are having so much fun.

Marco: Yea, what about you Tom, enjoying the ball?

Tom: Y-Yea... I guess...

Marco: What you mean? Look, now it's the time you ask these girls?

Tom: I-I don't know Diaz, .... I have to go use it.

Tom walks with a irritated and depressed way.

Marco: Wow, What wrong with with?

(Yn): I don't know, wanna check on him?

(Yn): Ill go check on him, you stay here, Jackie is coming your way.

As he said that to Marco, Jackie was walking towards Marco.

Jackie: Hey Babe.

Marco: Hey Jackie, Wassup?

Jackie: Oh nothing, just noticing that the boys left you alone. So I wanted to keep you company.

Marco: Hehe, Thanks babe, but they'll come back, (Yn) just went to check on Tom.

Jackie: Really? Is he okay?

Marco: I don't think so, he's been acting down lately.

Meanwhile, instead of Tom going to use it, he then goes outside and sits down where Janna was before and then comes (Yn).

(Yn): Tom.

Tom: hey...

(Yn): Is everything okay?

Tom: Yea, sure...

Tom was sitting down, having his legs on him and arms wrapped around him. (Yn) goes to sit next to him.

(Yn): You Sure? Your not yourself, is anything bothering you?

Tom stayed quiet for a moment, then he speaks up.

Tom: W-Well, I'm just having a problem.

(Yn): Like?

Tom: Having a problem to ask...Janna how I feel.

(Yn) gives a big smile with his eyes wide open and looking at him with that smile, knowing that Tom has a crush on Janna.

Tom: The hell is that face for?

(Yn): You like Janna, don't you?

Tom: Shut up... I don't know why I'm telling you this

(Yn) starts singing and joking with Tom.

(Yn): You like Janna, you like Janna, you like Janna.

Tom: Oh stop it...

(Yn): Hey, I'm just playing a little.

Tom: I know you are.

(Yn): How come you dont just ask her how you feel?

Tom: Cause, What if she don't like me back? And what if she has a boyfriend already?!

(Yn): Tom, First; she don't have a boyfriend. Second; She will totally like you.

Tom: And how do you know smart ass.

(Yn): Didn't you saw her how she was when you showed up in the house?

Tom: I mean, she was pretty shy talking to me back there, and she did blush when I approached to her.

(Yn) and What does that mean?

Tom: Meaning that she...likes me...?

(Yn): Boom! There you go, that's your answer!

Tom: Stop joking!

(Yn): Dude, I'm not joking, she is totally in love with you, think about it, if you really ask her today about how you really feel about her, liking her, then she will totally understand you...Hell, she will also have the same feelings like you.

Tom: Really?

(Yn): Yes Really, now come on, Let me and Marco help you out.

They both got up to go inside, before they go, Tom grabs (Yn) from the shoulder and turns him around.

Tom: Hey.

(Yn): Yea?

Tom raises his arm up, to give him a fist pump.

Tom: Thanks man.

(Yn): anytime brother.

After that, they both went in the castle.

-Timeskip to 20 minutes-

In the castle, people were still enjoying themselves, and right now, they're about to slow dance.

The musicians were playing a slow lovely dance for everyone to dance with. Kelly started dancing with a guy with nice outfit, Ponyhead with a...pony dude...that was invited? Anyways, Janna was watching them and the people dancing, making feel left out, meanwhile Marco and (Yn) were helping Tom go dance with Janna.

(Yn): Look, She's over there, all alone.

Marco: So sad, but luckily our boy here is going to ask her for a dance, huh Tom?

Tom: I-I don't know guys...

(Yn): Oh come dude, just go over there and do you.

Tom: O-Okay...

Tom went over to ask Janna for a dance, while he goes over there, Jackie and Star came up to the boys.

Jackie: Marco, Wanna dance?

Marco: Don't mind if I do.

Jackie grabs his hands and take him to the dance floor.

(Yn): Good luck bro.

Then star shows up.

Star: Hey babe.

(Yn): Hey there lovely one. You lonely? cause your not right now.

Star: *giggles* oh you...

(Yn): Wanna go dance?

Star grabs him as if she was gonna kiss him.

Star: Oh you know it.

Star grabs his hands and brings him to the dance floor and started slow dancing.

Meanwhile, Tom got up to Janna and started chatting with her.

Tom: Hey Janna.

Janna looked at Tom and blushed.

Janna: O-Oh hey T-Tom...

Tom: Enjoying the dance?

Janna: Well...Yea...

Tom: Cool, Cool.

Janna: Yup...

Tom: Ahem, May I ... Offer you for a dance?

Janna: Oh...! S-Sure...

Janna grabs Tom's hand and takes Janna with him to the dance floor and started slow dancing. Tom has his arms around in Janna's waist and Janna had Hers on his shoulder.

Janna: really are a good dancer for a demon...

Tom: Heh, well what can I say, I've been taught by my parents ever since I dated Star.

Janna: Really?

While dancing, they started chatting while dancing.

Tom: Yea, I didn't know how to dance back then and didn't wanted to make a fool out of myself in front of Star, so my parents taught me how to dance, My mom was the main one, although she is like bigger and a demon, but a pretty good dancer, and once I've learned to dance, I danced with Star and went pretty good.

Janna: Sounds nice, did you guys end up braking up?

Tom has a sad expression once Janna told him about him and Star.

Tom: *sighs* the relationship didn't go very well, I always cause problems and we don't usually fix the problems, that's why.

Janna: O-Oh, sorry to Here that.

Tom: It's okay, I got over it already, at least she's with a better person now.

They both looked at Star and (Yn) across them, having so much fun dancing together.

Janna: Gotta admit, they are a cute couple.

Tom: Yea...

Janna: Um...Tom?

Tom: Yea?

Janna: There's something I've been meaning to tell you.

Tom: Really? Was it it??

Janna: Well...ever since, I always know that you can have anger issues, but deep down, I know that your a nice guy and when I met you, you were like nice to me, kind with with me and really care about me.

Tom: Yea, that is true...

Janna: ... and everything you have done to me, makes me realize that...I like you Tom.

Tom: Like as a friend or HMMPH!

Suddenly, Tom was cut off by a kiss, a pair of lips from Janna connecting to Toms, knowing that she really has a crush on Tom. After that, Tom stayed quiet.

Janna: T-Tom?

Tom: ...J-Janna?

Janna: D-Did I do something wrong?

Tom looked at Janna with a smile.

Tom: No, you did something right.

Janna: R-Really?!

Tom: Janna, I like you too, and you were like the girl that always talk to when we first met, you were fun to talk to and nagging out, and In my heart tells me that I always had a crush on you since we have met.

Janna: R-Really!!? For realz?!

Tom: For the realz girl.

Janna hugs Tom and Tom as well, Then he looks at both Marco and (Yn), giving them a thumbs up, and they give Tom a thumbs up as well.

-Timeskip to 5 minutes later-

After the dance, Queen Moon announces the people to gather around to announce Star and (Yn) as Queen and King.

Moon: Everyone, May I have your attention please, it is time to announce the new King and Queen.

Star: Well, here goes nothing, your ready babe?

(Yn): Totally.

Star, (Yn) and his friends gathered around along with the people.

River: May We have our daughter, Star Butterly and His lovely boyfriend, (Yn).

Star and (Yn) walked to Moon and River.

Moon: Star and (Yn), will you please kneel.

They both kneeled on one leg and head bow down.

Moon: We here by to declare, Star Butterfly and (Yn) Butterfly, shall have full responsibilities on the duties they will recurved, the hard work they will have, the power to take care of Mewni, protect the villager, and keep them safe, do you both accept.

Star: I accept.

(Yn): I accept.

Moon: We now declare Star and (Yn) as your new-

Suddenly, a loud bang coming from the doors made moon cut off.

Moon: What's going on?!!

River: The castle is being under attack!

Then, the castle was being destroyed and People were panicking and screaming and running.

Star: What going on!?

(Yn): I don't know, but we better check it out.

Star: First, let's check the others.

(Yn): Got it!

Star and (Yn) went to check on their friends.

Marco: Star, (Yn)! What's going on??!

Star: Were being under attack!

Jackie: An attack?! By who?!!

(Yn): We don't know, but we're gonna find out.

Suddenly, there were monsters that broke in the windows and came inside the castle.

Janna: Guys, we have a problem!

Star: Monsters?!

Kelly: What they want from us now?!

Ponyhead: Why are they even here!?

Tom: Who cares, let's get these fuckers!!

Star: Okay, Ponyhead and Kelly, take care of Jackie and Janna.

Ponyhead and Kelly: Got it!

Star: (Yn), Marco, and Tom...Let's go kick some ass!

Star and the boys charged to an attack on the monsters. Star used her wand to take out three monsters.

Star: Mega Narwal Blast!

The narwal blast, hit the monster to the ground.

Star: Mega fist punch!

The punch sent the monster flying to the ceiling.

Star: Glitter Uppercut punch!

The uppercut knocked out the final monster.

Marco used his karate moves to take out four monsters. He used a spin kick to the monsters gut, and uppercut to the other one, a high flying under kick on the monster's head and a a back kick to the monster behind him. Tom used his demon spells to take out the monsters, he used flames to burned them down and fireballs as well. (Yn), was going all out, he jumped onto one monster, grabbed him and duplex him, then went off to the next one that tackled him down, picked him up and started rapid inching him in the gut and the final punch send the monster flying to the wall. After the fight, they all got together.

Marco: You guys Okay?

Star: Yea, (Yn)?

(Yn): I'm good, Tom?

Tom: I'm fine.

Star: What's going on, who is doing this.

Toffee: I believe I did this.

The guys turned around to see someone coming in the castle with, which appears to be Toffee.

Star: Toffee?!!?

Marco: Wh-What?!!

Tom: Toffee?!

Marco: N-No ... It can't be....Your dead!!?

(Yn): You!!!

Toffee: My, you have grown (Yn).

(Yn): Star, didn't you kill him!?

Star: I did, did you manage to survive?!

Toffee: I was lucky to regenerate from my piece of my hand, which took me months to regenerate.

Marco: D-Damn it!

Moon's POV

Moon gets up after the destruction of the castle was over, and sees someone talking to Star and them, she realize that it was toffee.

Moon: T-Toffee!??! Impossible!!

River gets up as well and sees toffee as well.

River: Toffee?! How is he still alive?!

Moon: No no no no no no no NO!

Moon starts running over the guys.

River: Moon wait!

River goes after Moon,

Star's POV

Star and the others were standing there, death starring at Toffee to see what he gonna do next.

Toffee: Star, Marco, so glad to see some friendly faces.

Marco: cut the bullshit! The hell you want?!

Toffee: My, What language there, but since you did ask what I'm up to, might as well tell you. You see, I came here to take over Mewni.

Star: Like hell you are, there's no way-

Toffee: I'm not finished, I'm here to take over Mewni, and take out...(Yn).

(Yn): Heh, you really think you can take me out and take over Mewni, I like to see you try.

Toffee: Well then, go ahead, make your move.

Star: Get him!

The guys ran after toffee, but somehow Ludo came out of no where and had this weapon that shot the guys and created a big ball, trapping them inside in mid air.

Ludo: Gotcha!

Star: What the!?

Marco: Ludo!?

Ludo: Did you guys miss me?!

(Yn): Not even close.

Ludo: Grrr.

Suddenly, Moon and River came running trying to save Star and them.

Moon: Star!

River: Sweetie, we're coming!

Star: Mom, Dad wait!!

Ludo shot the weapon to Moon and River creating a Ball, trapping them as well.

Ludo: Trap you guys as well!

Moon: Damn it, Star are you okay!?

Star: We're fine mom.

Moon looks at Toffee.

Moon: I don't know how you survived, but when I get out of this, I will make you suffer.

Toffee: Hehe, oh Your majesty, your not the one who is going to fight me, (Yn) is.

Moon: HA! You think (Yn) will just tell you to fight him, he is not that kind of person that will be a fool to-

(Yn): Lets fight then!

Moon: What!? (Yn)!?

(Yn): Lets fight toffee.

Star: Babe, the hell your doing!?

(Yn): If he really wanna fight me, so be it. I have been waiting this ever since, and I'm doing this for my master, but not just for him only, it's for you guys as well.

Star: (Yn), don't-

(Yn): Let me out.

Ludo created a whole on the ball to let (Yn) out and closed it back, still trapping Star and them.

Marco: Dude, the fuck are you doing, he's going to kill you!

Tom: Don't be fool!

Star: (Yn)! Please don't!

Moon: (Yn)!

(Yn) kept ignoring them and was focusing  on Toffee, and started walking towards him.

(Yn): So, we doing this or what?

Toffee snap his fingers to gather a group of monsters making a circle for Him and (Yn) only.

Toffee: Are you ready?

(Yn) started cracking his knuckles and his neck.

(Yn): I'm ready.

Toffee: Hmm, then let's get to it.

End of Chapter

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