Chp.33 Heroes vs Lizard

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Finally, (Yn) has the chance to fight and defeat against Toffee. They were at there fighting positions, ready to attack. They both stared at each other, and charged up to each other and both of them raised one arm and tried punching each other but instead, they had their fists collide each other.


Once they have collided, they started rapid punching each other

*Another Example*

After that, (Yn) punched Toffee in the face and a spinning back kick in his gut, sending Toffee dragging on feet in the ground. Toffee was still standing after he got punched and kicked by (Yn).

Toffee: Not bad...

Toffee wiped the blood of his mouth and charged to (Yn). Toffee try give him a few punches, but (Yn) dodged all the punches Toffee try to give him. (Yn) blocked a punch from Toffee then closed his fist and gave a massive punch to his gut, making Toffee open his mouth wide and aching, then (Yn) used the same hand to give him an uppercut, floating in mid air, then (Yn) grabbed his tail and started swinging him around.

Marco: He's actually defeating him!?

Tom: Man, gotta say he is a quite the fighter.

Star: That's my man! Go (Yn)!

Moon: My, he is really defeating Toffee!

Back to the fight

While (Yn) swinging Toffee, he now throws him to the wall.

Ludo: My liege!

Ludo and the monsters ran up to Toffee to check on him

Meanwhile, (Yn) went to check on his friends to see if he can free them from the trap ball.

Marco: WOW bro, you actually kicked his ass.

Tom: Yea, you taught him a lesson.

Star: Thats my baby right there. Can you get us out (Yn)?!

(Yn): I'll try.

(Yn) tried punching the ball, but didn't even crack, he tried harder and harder, but never cracked.

(Yn): Damn it!

Suddenly, he sensed something really danger.

Marco: (Yn), is something wrong??

Star: Y-Yea, you seemed like something is happening??

(Yn): ...Toffee is not done yet.

Star: What!?!

(Yn) walked away from them to check on Toffee.

Star: (Yn) wait, what do you mean he's not done!?

(Yn) looked at Toffee, getting up.

Toffee: Hmmm, you are a fighter, but I'm just letting myself to see how you fight.

(Yn): The hell you talking about?

Toffee suddenly ripped his shirt and somehow started to gain power and got a bit muscular.

(Yn): What the-

Toffee dashed towards (Yn) and punched him straight in the face, sending him flying crashing towards the tables.

Star: (Yn)!!

(Yn) can get up barely and then realizes that Toffee ran up to him again and gave him a massive punch the gut, making him aching and blood coming out from his mouth, then Toffee grabs (Yn) from his back head, picked him up, ran to the wall, and started running while dragging (Yn)'s face through the wall.

Toffee: HAHAHAHAH!!!

Toffee laughed evilly of enjoyment. After dragging him to the wall, he throws him to the trap ball where Star, Marco and Tom are, looking a him in pain.

Marco: We gotta get out of this ball to help him!!

Tom: How!? This trap is too powerful to break!

(Yn) fella down on the floor then Toffee started walking up towards (Yn), then picks him up from his head and stands him still. (Yn) can barely stand, and gave Toffee a weak punch to the chest, Toffee gave some massive rapid punches to (Yn), the last punch send him flying crashing to the trap again, suddenly, (Yn) managed to crack the trap Where Star and them are.

Star: Guys look! It's cracking, help me crack it!

The guys started punching the trap were the crack is and then the trap broke and were free and landed on the ground.

Star: Yes we're free!

Marco: Your parents are trap too!

Star: Oh right! Let's help them.

Tom: You two good, I'll go help out (Yn)!

Star: Okay good! Let's go Marco!

Toffee POV

Toffee slowly walks up to (Yn) while he was getting up badly in pain, he had blood on his mouth, the tuxedo was ruined, and had his arm on his shoulder.

(Yn): ....He..Hehe, I ain't giving up you know that right?

Toffee: Hmm, I know, that's why I'm going to finish you this time.

Toffee pointed his arm to the ground straight and somehow he created a sword from his hand, it was attached to his hand and was glowing green.

(Yn): Heh, a sword huh, Lucky for me I have-

(Yn) realizes that he doesn't have his swords on his back, leaving them at Marco's house.

(Yn): Damn it...!

Toffee: This ends now!

Toffee ran up to (Yn) and have a swing at him, luckily (Yn) dodged it and just cut his tuxedo, leaving it a mark.

(Yn): Come on Then!

Toffee began to swing his sword at (Yn), every swing he gives (Yn), he dodges them rapidly, then (Yn) did a spinning kick to Toffee's leg, jumps and tries to stomp him from mid air, but Toffee moves out of the way. Then Toffee had the chance to stab (Yn), but on his shoulder.


Toffee: Hmmmhmm, what's the matter? Didn't you dodged that one?

(Yn) tried to pull out the sword from the chest, but Toffee put his sword all the way to his shoulder to make it more pain for him.


Toffee: You know, this reminded me of you Master's death, but you'll die in pain and suffer in death.

Toffee took out his sword from (Yn)'s shoulder, making him fall down on his knees and blood all over his shoulder. Toffee raised his sword.

Toffee: Goodbye, (Yn).

(Yn) closed his eyes for toffee to stab him, but then Toffee was hit by a giant rock behind him.

Toffee: Nrrrgg, who did that!??

Once he turned around to see, It was Tom.

Tom: Leave him alone you bastard!

Toffee: Or What!?

Tom: Or I will kill you!

Tom started to get real angry and started throwing fireball at Toffee, which made him running away from them, dodging them. While that, (Yn) went to check on Star and Marco, who are trying to free Moon and River.

(Yn): Star!

Star: Babe, Oh my god, Your arm!

Marco: (Yn), you look bad...

(Yn): Don't worry about it, move aside.

(Yn) gave a massive punch to the trap ball, cracking and freeing Moon and River.

Star: Mom, Dad!

Star ran up to them and hugged them.

Moon: Oh sweetie are you okay?!?

Star: Yes mom.

River: So glad to here it.

Marco: You guys should go away from here, We'll handle this.

Star: (Yn), you okay?!

(Yn) healed himself up from that stabbed Toffee gave him.

(Yn): Don't worry babe, Remember? I can heal myself.

Star: Oh hehe, yea I forgot.

(Yn): Hehe, now come on let's help out Tom!


Tom kept throwing fireballs at Toffee, then he got tired and wasted his fire power.

Tom: Damn it...!

Toffee: Well, looks like you over did yourself. Now, since you interrupt me to kill (Yn), Might as well kill you.

Star: Not so fast Toffee.

Star and them arrived to save Tom.

Star: You okay Tom?

Tom: Yea, I'm fine

Toffee: You guys really think you can take me out and my men.

Toffee's monsters gathered a circle around to secure Star and them.

Star: Well, this is going to take a while? You guys ready to kick some ass?

(Yn): You betcha! Marco?

Marco: Totally! Tom?

Tom: I'm in!

Star: Lets go!

Star and them charged to the monsters for an attack the monsters did the same as well. Star used her wand to take out a few monsters, Marco used his karate fighting skills to knock out the monsters, Tom used his demon magic spells to attack the monsters, and (Yn) used his fighting skills to take out all of the monsters. After taking out the monsters, Toffee stepped up to fight them.

Toffee: Enough! Let's settle this!

Star: Get him!

Star and the others ran up to Toffee.

Star: (Yn), Boost!

(Yn) gave Star a boost by tossing her up in mid air, transforming her self to her butterfly form. While Star was in her form and still in mid air, she not only used her wand, but used her hands as well to create a full energy ball and blasted to Toffee, but Toffee created a force shield to protect himself from the blast. Star used everything she got to kill Toffee, but it wasn't enough, until Tom helped her out.

Tom: Star!

Tom flew up in mid air with with Star and he also created a full energy blast ball and blasted it towards Toffee to combine his power to Star'a to make it more powerful to defeat Toffee.

Marco: You guys got this!

(Yn): You got this babe!

Moon POV

Moon watched as she sees Star and Tom defeating Toffee with their powers.

Moon: Tom...Star...

Back to the fight

While Star and Tom used their power to try taking out Toffee, He was speaking to himself in his mind.

Toffee's Mind: N-No...This can't be...I won't be defeated some good...Childs!

Toffee with rage used his force shield to deflect the energy powers to Star and Tom, the power hit straight to towards them, making them fall to the ground.

(Yn): Damn it!

Marco: That son of a bitch!

(Yn): Lets get him!

The boys ran up to Toffee for an attack, but somehow Toffee manage to grab Marco's head and slam it to the ground and grab (Yn) from the neck and throws hi to the wall. Toffee walked to up to Star and Tom, grabbed Tom and throws him to the wall and focused on Star, while she was barely getting up.

Toffee: Hmm, I was expecting for my death, but luckily I was able to survive...Barely.

Toffee created the green sword from his hand, ready to kill Star.

(Yn): No! Not her!

(Yn) got up quickly and ran up to save Star.

Marco: (Yn) Wait!

Toffee: This is your end, princess!

Toffee raised his arm sword to strike Star, star closed her eyes and looked away waiting for Toffee to make her move, a few seconds, she opened one eye to know that she was okay, but once she looked at Toffee, her eyes grew shockingly wide when she witnessed that she saw (Yn), who was stabbed by Toffee instead of her. Toffee never knew that (Yn) came out of no where, and save Star. (Yn) was dripping blood all over from his left chest, which it was in his heart.

Marco and Tom witnessed to see the tragedy that happen to (Yn).

Marco: N-No...!

Tom: (Y-Yn)!??!

Moon and River also witnessed what happened as well.

Moon: Oh god...No...!

River: N-No...!

From another room, Kelly, Ponyhead, Jackie, and Janna saw everything what happen to the most tragedy and most shockingly event that happens to (Yn).

Kelly: Oh my gosh!

Kelly has her both hands to her mouth, in shocked.

Ponyhead: No!

Jackie: N-No...He can't be...!

Janna: Th-This is not real...!!

Toffee gave a smirk and laugh to know he had killed (Yn). Using his sword attached to (Yn)'s Chest, he picked him up and laughed. Star didn't move and and looked traumatized to see Toffee killing his one and only true love.

Star: N-No...! (Yn) !!!!!

Toffee: My, it seems I have completed my objective.

(Yn): Y-Y-You...M-Mother- ack...!!!

Toffee: Looks like your end is coming, but I can't just let you die here, Ludo!

Ludo: Yes my liege!

Toffee: Portal, Now!

Ludo: Of course!

Ludo used his dimensional scissors to open a portal for (Yn).

Toffee: Well, it's been nice knowing you...what's the matter can't you revive  yourself, just like your master would do? Oh wait, I forgot, you can't, cause your magic won't work once your heart is hurt, and of course it is right now, and I know your thinking, how do I know? Hmm, doesn't matter, because I...know...everything!

Toffee took (Yn) to the portal, took out his sword from his chest, and grabbed him from his neck.

Toffee: So long...Warrior!

Toffee throws (Yn) to the portal and closed it.

Toffee: Now, that he's out of my page, I can now finally rule Mewni once and For all!

Star got up with anger.

Star: You Bastard!

Star charged to Toffee, but suddenly Toffee whistled, to make a signal for the big monster, Crank to show up from the ceiling crashing down from the floor on feet landed.

Crank: Hehehe

Crank laughed while cracking his knuckles. Marco, Tom, Moon, River, especially kelly, Ponyhead, jackie and Janna went to help Star out.

Crank: You guys are in BIG trouble now.

End of Chapter

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