Chp.35 The Battle Of Mewni

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In Mewni, a place of no where, a portal from mid air opened, showing (Yn) coming out from that portal, falling to the ground and landed on feet. Once he landed, he notice that the castle wasn't far away where he is at right now.

(Yn): I am coming for you friends, and you too Star, but also I am coming for you, Toffee.

(Yn) started running to the castle. He started doing some parkour, (I just wanted to add parkour on this story so it can sound interesting), he started jumping over rocks and swinging the branches of the trees. He then started jumping trees one by one, on the last one he did a big jump to floor and landed and continue running to the castle, he was almost there to get to it. Once he got to the castle, he noticed that there were two monsters guarding the door entrance to the village, but he didn't care, so he just went it by going over the entrance. Once he started walking to the entrence, the two monsters notice that (Yn) was coming up to them, the monsters growled and charged to him for an attack, once they were ready to attack, (Yn) took out his katanas out and sliced one monster from his head and the other slice him from half body. Once he did that, he did a pose holding his two katanas with blood on them, and then started walking to the entrance. He put back his katanas away and noticed that the door entrance from the village was locked up, then he backed up and was going to knock out the door, he lifted his arm and somehow his arm started to turn to all black metal stone and singed a massive punch to the door, knocking it out into pieces, to alarm all the monster and Toffee that someone is coming. In the window, Ludo notice that someone was coming.

Ludo: Master, Look!

Ludo called Toffee in a shocking way alarm him that someone was coming. Toffee walked to the window, seeing that he knows who was coming and it was (Yn).

Toffee: What!?

Toffee was also shocked and surprise knowing that (Yn) was still alive, and didn't, kill him.

Toffee: Nrrrg, Crank!

Crank: Yes Toffee.

Toffee: Remember the brat that I "killed".

Crank: He's alive?!

Toffee: *Sighs* yes he is...

Crank: Well don't worry, I'll go take care of him myself.

Toffee: please.

Crank left the castle to take care of (Yn).

Outside in the village, monsters out of no where started approaching to (Yn) for an attack and made a circle to surround (Yn), and started to fight him, but they were all no match for him, no matter they tried there best to take down (Yn), they were still no match for him. He started taking down monsters with his bear hands, then he grabbed one monster and started swinging him to hit the monsters. While (Yn) is fighting the monsters, somewhere in the castle was a room were Star and them were held hostage in a room. Star was sitting down in the ground crying that his beloved lover was "killed".

Star: *Sobs* why....

Ponyhead and Kelly was next to her hugging her to try to cheer her up.

Ponyhead: I know Star, it's hard for you that you lost someone very special to you.

Kelly: I can't believe hes gone.

Marco: Yea...

Moon: *Sobs* I can't believe that ... he's gone...

River: It's okay sweetie.

Moons: No, it's not okay, it was my fault that I wasn't able to rescue him when I had the chance...and I didn't...*sobs*.

River: Oh sweetie...

Jackie: I can't believe he's gone and we're here locked up...

Janna: Guys, I know we miss (Yn) a lot, but what if he may be alive...

Tom: Yea your right Janna, I mean look guys, don't you see, (Yn) May be alive.

Star: wh-What!?

Tom: Think about it Star, doesn't he have the magic to heal people up?

Star: *sniffs* yea...

Tom: So I bet he can heal himself no?

Marco: Yea, your right, (Yn) not only can heal people up, but he can also heal himself up.

Star: Y-Yea...your right...he does.

Tom: See, told you guys.

Janna: Wait, do you guys here that??

The guys kept quiet to here monsters growling and roaring from the outside.

Jackie: What's going on out there??

Tom: Lets check.

The guys went to the window to look outside from the room, seeing the monster are being beat up by (Yn).

Marco: Is that-

Star: (Yn)!!!??

Moon: He...He's alive!

Janna: and kicking ass!

Tom: Told you guys he's alive!

Star in her mind: (Yn), you really are alive, my love, my king.

(Yn) POV

(Yn) kept fighting with the monsters knowing that he isn't here to fight them, he was here to save his friends and only fight Toffee.

(Yn): Okay, enough with this.

(Yn) suddenly jumped in mid air from 20ft. Star and the others were looking at him, knowing what he was going to do.

Marco: What's he doing??

Star: It looks like...

(Yn) raises his arm and closed his hand into a fist turning his whole arm into a black metal stone again and then went falling down and had his arm straight to the ground like if he was going to punch the ground once he is down there.

Moon: Kids, move away.

Star: Why-

Moon: Duck!

Moon and the others ducked down as quickly as possible to know that she really knows what (Yn) was going to do. (Yn) kept falling straight down and straightened his arm pointing to the ground and yelled out.

(Yn): Gamma Fist Bomb!!!

(Yn) finally approached to the ground and using his black metal stone arm, he punched the ground from mid air to and created a gamma wave to take out all the monsters, flying away. After that, there was a big hole where (Yn) punched the ground from mid air and in the middle, (Yn) was in his knees, still his arm on the ground with a Superman pose. He then gets up and notice the damage he did.

(Yn): Hmm, that takes care of them.

He then continues to go to the castle to save his friends. But then he realizes that someone is coming from that castle, he heard big steps coming to the castle, a big smash broke through the doors from the castle and revealing Crank, the big tough monster, who approaches to (Yn).

Star POV

Star was looking outside from the window to know that (Yn) was gonna be in trouble.

Star: Guys..!

Marco: What?

The others realize as well that a big monster was approaching to (Yn).

Marco: Oh ... shit...

Janna: Umm...He got this no?

Jackie: Not helping Janna.

Tom: That monster is huge.

Moon then gets shocked to know who is that monster.

Moon: He is not just a type of monster Tom...

The others turn around to realize what was Moon talking about.

Star: Wait what?

Marco: Then what is he??

Moon: That is Crank, the most dangerous monster Mewni has ever met, he always likes to kill people and destroy houses, luckily we were able to take him out after Ludo and his men left him alone, but some how he's back.

Star: But, (Yn) is gonna beat him right??

Moon: Not sure sweetie, we have to see what happens.

(Yn) POV

(Yn) was in his fighting position, ready to strike at Crank.

Crank: You see that pole right there.

(Yn): Um...Yea?

Crank: I'm gonna grab it and shove it right up your ass.

(Yn): What the fuck?? You know what, never mind, let's just finish this.

Crank cracks his knuckles

Crank: With pleasure.

(Yn) grabbed a big rock and throws it to Cranks face, dropping him down with one knee. (Yn) had the chance to take Crank down. He jumped and gave Crank a Superman punch, dropping crank down with both of his knees this time, Crank got angry, and got up facing (Yn) while cracking his neck. (Yn) charged for another punch to Crank but this time cranked blocked it with his huge bear hand, he then bend (Yn)'s hand upwards.

(Yn): Aaagh, Damn it!

Then crank started to throw some punches to (Yn) and then picks him up and starts to head butt him a few times, drops him to the ground, and stomps him in the chest and then in the face.

Star POV

The guys were seeing everything on what was going outside, knowing that (Yn) was getting beat up.

Star: Guys, we need to get out of this room and help (Yn).

Marco: How? This door is budged.

Moon: I think I can help.

Star: Really?

Moon: Stand back.

The guys stand back behind Moon, knowing for sure what was she going to do, suddenly, her eyes started to glow and was floating.

Moon: Dip...Down.

While Moon said that, the door somehow managed to open by itself with force. After the door was opened, moon turned back to her own self and dropped down on the floor.

River: Moon!

Star: Mom!

River, Star and the others went to check on Moon. River was on his knees and carried Moon.

River: Sweetie, are you okay!?

Moon: Yea...It's just...I haven't dip down for so long, I only did it for things that we need to get out of the problems we are in... but I'm okay...I just need a break...

River: Don't worry, I'll take care of you, Star, you and the others go check on (Yn), I'll take care of your mother.

Star: You sure??

River: Yes, now go!

Star and the others went to go save (Yn).

Star: Wait, we can't go like this, we need to change our clothes.

Marco: How? Toffee has your wand.

Ponyhead: Don't worry, I got you guys.

Ponyhead used her horn to change the others into there normal clothes (Example: Marco was back to his normal red hoodie and black pants and browns shoes).

Ponyhead: There, all done.

Star: Thanks Girl, now come on, let's go get my wand first.

Back to the fight.

Crank grabbed (Yn) and tosses him to the ground. While (Yn) was in the ground, he the grabs a metal pole from the floor, gets up to his knees and wraps the metal pole with his strength around in his arm and covering it for Crank not to see it. Crank approaches to (Yn) and once he did, (Yn) swinger his arm with the metal pole around his arm and punched crank in the face, leaving his nose bleeding, and then (Yn) bends down on his knees and then punches (Yn) in his nutsacks. Making him drop down to both knees again.

(Yn): Thats right, I'm fighting dirty!

He then jumps and gives Crank and elbow drop to the back of his head. (Yn) picks him up, but then Crank pushes (Yn) back and Rushes him, giving him a spear and dragging him, he then picks him up from his shoulders, once he did that, (Yn) grabbed Crank's pinky and bends it back, ending it up braking his pinky.

Crank: Arrgh, Cocky MotherFucker!

Crank got furious and punched (Yn), sending him crashing to the wall. (Yn) got up and spit out something from his mouth, it was his tooth. He got mad as well.

(Yn): Raaaaaaagh!!!!

(Yn) charged to Crank giving him a kick to the gut and then grabs him from the head, kneeing his head a few times, and then picks him and spins him and throws him to the wall. Crank was dizzy for a moment and then gets up and he picks up a big bandwagon.

(Yn): What are you..?!

Crank throws the bandwagon to (Yn), causing him to fall down to the ground. Crank starts to approach (Yn).

Crank: Now your finished!

Star POV

Star and the others went looking for Toffee and find her wand. They went to the dinning room, knowing that Toffee was right there, sitting at the dinning table.

Toffee: Princess, you managed to free yourselves.

Star: Not quiet, but that's not what we are here for, we are here to stop you once and for all, and where the hell is my wand!??!

Toffee: Why... it's right here...with Ludo.

Ludo: Hello, Star!

Star: Ludo!

Toffee: Now if you don't mind, I need to change myself for my fight...again, with (Yn).

Toffee got up and walked away from the dining room to go set up himself for the fight, in the mean time, Ludo has Star's, wand, but the style is now different, the wings of the wand became all skeleton, the star from the middle was a skull and the stick was all bones.

Ludo: Now, with this wand, I can now finally kill you guys.

Tom: No your not!

Tom jumped in mid air and started throwing fireballs to Ludo.

Ludo: Shield!

Ludo used the wand to create a shield for him not to get his with the fireballs.

Ludo: My turn...Revenge Death Blast!

Ludo blasted a black energy blast to Tom, knowing him down in mid air.

Janna: Tom!

Janna went to go check on Tom while the others were dealing with Ludo.

Ludo: Now, Let's get started.

(Yn)'s POV

(Yn) was still fighting with Crank. He grabbed a pole to hit him a few time, no damage to him. Crank punched (Yn) in the gut, grabs him and slams him to the ground and throws him feet's away from Crank.

Crank: You don't stand a chance kid! I'm way stronger than you are!

(Yn) gets up and looks at Crank with an angry face.

(Yn): Hehe...Really?

(Yn) takes out his katanas.

Crank: Really? You think those little no good katanas can kill me, well guess what...forgot to mention you that I can absorb to any object I touch.

Crank touches a hard metal rock from the ground and somehow he absorb himself into a human hard solid rock person.

Crank: Now your really dead!

(Yn) stand still and put one katana sword facing up, and the other in the side, and puts them together.

*Something like this*

Then he started spinning the katanas like a windmill

Crank: The Hell are you doing?

Crank wasn't sure what (Yn) was doing.

Crank: But if your attack doesn't work on me, then I'm sure that I will knock you out and you will lose!

(Yn): I don't have time to stumble over here with you!

Crank: Cut the crap!

Both Crank and (Yn) together ran up to each other for an attack. (Yn) kept spinning his katanas to do a secret technique he has created by himself.

(Yn): The nine mountains and eight seas...there's nothing I can cut!

Crank raised both of his arms and made a hammer fist to knock out (Yn).

Crank: Go to Hell! (Yn)!

(Yn): Two sword style... The Three thousand worlds...Dragon Twister!!!

Once he said that, he cut Crank in half. Crank was somehow still alive, but didn't had much time to be alive. (Yn) was behind him, knowing that he sliced Crank in half.

Crank: Ack...Argh...D-Damn it!!

(Yn) put his katanas back to the scabbard.

(Yn) as you can see, I win.

Crank: I-Imposibble..! H-How!?! I was made ...out...of ...hard metal solid rock....!!!

(Yn): Hey.

Crank looks at (Yn) while laying at the ground, suffering in pain.

(Yn): Legendary Katanas, we're found by my master, deal with it.

(Yn) stomped Crank's face, making it to explode into pieces.

(Yn); Now he's dead, gotta go save Star and my friends.

End of Chapter

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