Chp.36 The Battle Of Mewni Pt.2

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While (Yn) goes to save Star and his friends, Star and the others were dealing with Ludo.

Ludo: Face it you fools, you are no match against me and the wand!

Star: We'll see about that! Hyah!!

Star charges to Ludo with a punch, but Ludo didn't let that happen.

Ludo: Death Punch Blast!

Ludo blasted an energy with a fist pose and went straight to star, getting her hurt and falling to the ground.

Marco: Star! You son of a bitch!

Marco stepped up to fight Ludo, by Ludo cast a spell somehow with the wand.

Ludo: Skeleton army, GO!

Skeletons started to arrive from the ground somehow, there were like a lot of them and approached to Marco.

Marco: What the-

Marco was fighting off the skeleton as long as possible, while the others try to stop Ludo.

Jackie: Marco!

Ponyhead: Damn it, What are we going to ?!!?

Kelly: Guys, I have a plan.

Jackie: This better be a good one.

Kelly: Oh it will, okay look..

Kelly huddles the guys for the plan.

Jackie: You sure this is going to work?

Kelly: Trust me it will. Okay Janna you know what to do.

Janna: yup.

Janna runs behind Ludo.

Janna: Hey You!

Ludo: Huh!?

Ludo turns around to see Janna behind him.

Janna: I bet you can't Blast me with your new weak wand!

Ludo: Why you!

Ludo started to target Janna, keeping him distracted.

Janna: Miss me, gotta do better than that!

Kelly: Okay, Janna got him distracted, Jackie go check on Star if she's okay.

Jackie: Got it!

Ponyhead: You go check on Tom.

Ponyhead: Okay! What about you?

Kelly: I have it under control.

The guys did what Kelly told them to do. Jackie went to check on Star, Ponyhead went to check on Tom, and Kelly went to a room to look for something. In the mean time, Janna was still distracting Ludo.

Janna: Haha! Miss me!

Ludo: Why you!

While Janna was distracting Ludo, Marco finally got rid of the skeleton armies.

Marco: Finally! Now, gotta save my friends.

Marco went to see Janna distracting Ludo.

Marco: Janna! The hell your doing!?

Janna: Don't worry Marco, go check on Star and Tom. They're with Ponyhead and Jackie.

Marco: Got it!

Marco ran to go check on the others. As he did, Marco sees Jackie and Ponyhead with Star and Tom.

Marco: Guys!

Jackie: Marco! Your okay!

Jackie ran up to Marco for a hug.

Marco: Yup! Are they okay!?

Jackie: Yes there are fine.

Marco went to check on them.

Marco: Star?

Star: O-Oh...Marco...Your Okay.

Marco: Yes i know, but are you and Tom Okay!?

Tom: Don't worry dude, we are just a not hurt.

Marco: Wh-Where's Kelly!?

Ponyhead: Don't worry earthturd.

Jackie: She has a plan, that's why Janna is distracting Ludo.

Marco: Oh...where is she?

Kelly: Right...Here!

Kelly finally showed up, but brought her self a catapult.

Marco: Kelly...what the???

The guys realizes that Kelly brought a catapult with her.

Jackie: Kelly, where did you get that catapult??!

Kelly: Outside, luckily has a big boulder on it to ready.

Ponyhead: Nice!

Kelly: Okay I need something to cut the rope.

Star: Kelly, there's a sword on the wall.

Kelly: nice.

Kelly goes after the sword, and grabs it.

Kelly: This is going to teach that bastard a lesson.

Kelly goes to the catapult behind.

Kelly: Everyone come behind me.

Everyone and behind Kelly.

Kelly: Alright, Let this baby fly!

Kelly slash the rope, making the catapult throw the boulder to Ludo.

Kelly: Janna, Now!

Janna: Look behind you bird brain.

Janna got out of the way.

Ludo: What...!

As Ludo watched the boulder coming closed to him, it hit him.

Janna: Yes!

Kelly: Bullseye!!

Marco: WOW, way the go kelly!

The big boulder was on top on Ludo, suddenly it started to shake, like if it was going to brake, and it did by Ludo. He evokes the boulder into pieces.

Ludo: You imbeciles!

Kelly: Uh-Oh..!

Ludo created a big ball, trapping Star and the others, and somehow the ball started to shrink slowly, ending up to squeeze and kill star and them.

Marco: Uh Guys!!

Tom: Nononononono!!!

Star: No this can't be!

Ludo: Hahahaha! Now your all doomed!

Kelly: oh yea, we have (Yn) coming to save us!

Ludo: You sure about that.

Kelly: Y-Yea...

Ludo: Oh you brat, don't you see, he's dealing with my monster, Crank, the biggest and strongest monster I ever had, and right now I am guessing your héroe is DEAD!

Star: That is not true!

Ludo: So where is he?! Huh! Is t he suppose to be here now! No! Cause he is dead!

Star: No....No....

Ludo: Yes, and now you will die!

The ball got smaller and smaller until it reached to the guys, heads, crouching down for more space.

Ludo: So long you-ARGH!

Suddenly, Ludo was punched by the face and sent flying to the wall and hit.

Tom: What!? Guys look!

Tom told everyone to look to the person that punched Ludo, knowing it was (Yn).

Marco: It's (Yn)!

Star: (Yn)?! (Yn)!! Your alive!

(Yn): Of course I am baby!

Janna: I thought  That big dude killed you!

(Yn): Trust me, he was no match against me.

As Ludo gets up from that punch he has received, he looks at (Yn), shockingly surprised that he was alive.

Ludo: What!? How are you still alive!? Where is Crank!?!

(Yn): Lets day that he's down there.

(Yn) pointed to the ground as he said that.

Ludo: You Bastard! I'll kill you!

Ludo started blasting energy blast to (Yn), as he was dodging all of them as he gets to Ludo. He started doing front and backflips to dodge the energy blasts. As he did, he finally reached to Ludo.

Ludo: Stay back! I can kill you! You know that right!

(Yn): Come on then, give me your best.

Ludo started to shake nervously as he pointed the wand to (Yn).

(Yn): Come on! Do it!

Ludo: Aaargh!!

Ludo blasted a energy blast towards (Yn) face, but it did no affect to him.

Ludo: Wh-What!?! How!?

(Yn) snatched the wand from Ludo, and grabs him form his shirt.

(Yn): Don't you see,!

(Yn) throws Ludo out the window, making him fall down to the ground.

(Yn): Hmm, puny bird.

Marco: (Yn)! Help us!

(Yn) went to go save his friends from the ball, he gave the Ball a massive punch, ending it up to brake it, freeing his friends. Star ran up to (Yn), giving him a bunch of kisses for saving her and her friends and being alive.

Star: You saved us! *Sobs*

(Yn): Shhh, it's okay Star, it's okay.

As he hugs Star

Star: I thought I lost you...forever.!

(Yn): Well you thought wrong babe, I'm never going to leave you..

Star: *giggles*

Marco: We're glad your okay bro.

(Yn): Thanks, So as you guys.

Tom: We thought that you were gonna end up dead by that big monster.

(Yn): Trust me Tom, he was no match against me.

Tom: Heh, yea you right.

(Yn): Anyways, Star, where are your parents?

Star: Well-

River: We are here.

River shows up and Moon as well.

Star: Mom! Dad!

Star ran up to her parents and Gabe's them a big hug.

River: Oh pumpkin, so glad your okay.

Star: Yea, Mom, are you okay?

Moon: Yes sweetie, I'm fine, I guess I'm already old to use magic spells.

Star: I guess so mom...

Moon: But at least we are going to have a new king and Queen.

Star: Hehe, yea...*blushes*

(Yn): Okay, everyone is safe, but where is Toffee?

Marco: He said he was going upstairs to get ready to fight with you.

(Yn): Well I'm ready, you guys get out of this castle, I'm going to finish this!

Marco: Are you sure? You don't need any help if he tries to kill you again??

(Yn): No, He was the monster who is responsible of the death of my master and my mom, and I am getting my vengeance on him! So I should do it myself! Now go get out!

Marco: Okay, be careful bro!

(Yn): I will.

Marco: Come on guys, outside we go.

The gang ran out to the exit of the castle.

Tom: Careful (Yn).

Janna: Rip his guts bro!

Jackie: Do it for your love one!

Kelly: Break his neck!

Ponyhead: Make him suffer!

Marco: Finish him off bro!

Moon: Do it for Mewni!

River: Do it for us!

As they leave the castle, Star ran up to (Yn).

Star: (Yn)...

(Yn): Yes Star..?

Star approached to (Yn) and connected her lips to his, giving him a kiss.

Star: Do it for me.

Star then leaves with the others.

(Yn): I Queen.

(Yn) goes off to find Toffee and defeat him once and for all.

End of Chapter

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