Back-stories (no pun intended)

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*Picture is not mine but I love it anyways :3*

Mabel circled the robot, her green eyes sparkled in awe as she took in his formal appearance.

"Wow! what a fancy robot man!" she exclaimed giddily, any suspicions or worries of the white-haired Gleeful male ebbing away. Dipper was grinning widely, staring in wonder at the majestic-looking being.

"Do you think we can touch it?" she asked, looking at Dipper who stared up at the male's chiseled face.
"I don't see why not" Dipper said with a shrug, walking towards the back of the automaton, trying to see if there was something to activate him.

There was a power switch on his back.
"Aha!" Dipper gasped, flicking it on; there was a whir, clicks and a few hisses as the gears started turning.
"Dipper!" Mabel huffed, grabbing Dipper by the wrist and pulling him back, a little wary of the sounds being emitted by the metal man. Although Mabel couldn't deny that if there was a switch to have been pressed, she would've been the first one to flip it.

A loud clanking sound followed by a hiss was heard as the robot straightened up and exhaled a small cloud of steam.
His photo-receptor eyes opened, displaying their brilliant emerald green hue, a serious expression on his face.

He looked around briefly, one eyebrow raised.
"This isn't Walter Robotics" the automaton said in a suave baritone voice. Mabel was surprised at how smooth his voice was.
Dipper stared wide-eyed, only to have the silver male look down at them.
"Ah. Hello there, my name's The Spine. It's a pleasure to meet you" The Spine declared with a tip of his fedora. His movements were jagged and robotic.
"Walter Robotics? Was that the place you were made at, u-um, Mister Spine?" Mabel asked, staring up at The Spine in fascination.
"Why yes, young miss. What are your names if I may ask?" Spine returned, the soft glow in his optics seemed comforting and friendly, making the twins a little more at ease around him.
"I'm Mabel, and this is my twin brother, Mason. But he goes by Dipper!" Mabel stated in an excited tone, Dipper waved shyly.
"Hee hee! a man made entirely of metal! and I thought these braces were bad" the female Pines twin laughed, The Spine letting out a soft chuckle in response; both the twins seemed sweet in their own ways, a warm feeling running through his wires and core.
"S-So, The Spine! is it ok if I ask you, like, a billion questions?" Dipper asked, clicking his pen out of habit. The Spine was silent, looking down at the boy.
"Dipper! don't overload him! you'll make him overheat or something!" Mabel exclaimed, mimicking an explosion with her hands and gesturing to Spine.
"No I won't! I just wanna find out some stuff about him, that's all!" Dipper argued with a light pout.
"Yes you will!"
"No I won't!"

Spine sighed, letting out some more greyish-white steam.
Watching Mabel and Dipper bickering reminded him of Hatchworth and Rabbit back home.

"Yes you will!"
"No I won't!" Dipper frowned and placed his hands on his hips. "Can I ask you some things anyway?" he asked, turning to The Spine.
A whir noise occurred as The Spine inclined his head to the right, an amused smirk on his face.
"Course you can, Dipper" he replied.
In an instant, Dipper asked question after question, scribbling down Spine's answers in a blank page of his journal.

"What do you do, anyways?"
"Ah! that I can tell you easily! I perform with my brothers and sisters in a band, as we're programmed to be singing musical automatons. Collectively, we're known as Steam Powered Giraffe!" The Spine said proudly.
"So that explains the guitar..." Dipper gasped in understanding, only to feel Mabel's hand clamp over his mouth.

"'Steam Powered Giraffe'?! Is there an actual giraffe in the band?!" Mabel squealed.
"Eeh, kinda. She doesn't really perform, but we do have a small steam powered giraffe in our group called GG" Spine explained; he swiveled the black guitar around so he held it securely as if he was going to play it, tuning it and plucking the strings.
"It's a girl?!?! AWESOME!!" Mabel blurted out.
She removed her hand from her brother's mouth with a wide grin, Dipper trying to re-gain his bearings after Mabel's excited outburst.
"Thank you, Mabel" Spine smiled, strumming his guitar a few times to make sure it was in tune. Dipper tilted his head, unaware he was staring at The Spine working on the instrument for a good few seconds, until they locked onto each other's gaze.
"Any requests?" Spine inquired calmly, snapping Dipper out of his stupor.

"Huh? O-oh! anything is fine!" he said absent-mindedly, Mabel giggled.

"Even Disco Girl?" she teased, Dipper pouted.

Spine chuckled softly, playing the small Disco Girl riff on his guitar, earning a small round of applause.

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