Friend or Foe?

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Ah, Gravity Falls, Oregon.
A place where many bizarre and amazing creatures capered, living alongside humans in one way or another.
Where the golden sun lit up the sky above the towering forests and vast mountains, casting golden rays on the town and waterfall near the abandoned mine rail.
A place where random chaos as well as supernatural events can strike at any time. It was a nice town with quirky residents, to say the least, all living alongside the weirdness that conspired in the town, producing creatures such as multi-limbed farm animals and rainbow-puking gnomes.

In the forest near the road heading into the main part of town was a large wooden shack with grass surrounding it, a huge sign on the top of the roof that said "MYSTERY SHACK" with the "H" missing.
Inside of it, a girl with long brown hair and green eyes wearing a magenta shooting star jumper was inside the attic bedroom, looking through her scrapbooks and listening to music on her phone, one earbud dangling over her shoulder.
It wasn't long before the door of the attic crashed open, revealing her twin brother, Dipper.

His cheeks were red from running and he held onto his knees as he stood up, trying to slow down his oxygen intake, taking in staccato breaths.
"Mabel!....I found something....outside!" he exclaimed, huffing and puffing.
Mabel yanked the earbuds out and placed them along with her phone and scrapbook aside, walking hurriedly up to her brother, a look of concern plastered on her face.
"Whoa, Dipper! are you ok? do you want a glass of water?" she asked, a little worried about her brother.
Mabel placed a hand on Dipper's shoulder and looked at his face; despite being out of breath, he had the widest and most cheerful grin she had ever seen all summer.
'He must have found something again' the brunette female thought.
"Whew! sorry, just *huff* ran all the way back here. I *huff* wanted to get you before you missed the discovery" he panted, straightening up and dusting himself off.

"But seriously, it's so awesome!! I know you're not a big of a fan for robots as you are vampires and unicorns, but you need to check it out!"

Mabel chuckled awkwardly. "Heh, yeah, unicorns(!)" she cringed, remembering the encounter with a herd of unicorns, the fight between them.

Dipper raised an eyebrow at her expression, but then looked hopeful once more.
"Please can you come with me?" he asked.
Mabel sighed heavily.
"Fiiiiine! I'll come. But it's usually you and Ford that should be into stuff like this" she whined. Dipper grabbed her hand.
"Come on! come on!" Dipper said in excitement, practically dragging Mabel through the town.
"I wonder if he's still here?" he pondered. Mabel gulped softly.

  Dipper and Mabel kept walking for a little while until they reached the tent of telepathy, Mabel feeling an uneasy twisting in her stomach, as if something bad was going to happen.

"W-wait! Dipper! w-what if this robot is working for Gideon?" Mabel asked; a shiver skittered down her spine as she remembered the towering Gideon-bot that terrorised them the previous summer, almost killing them both.

If it wasn't for Mabel's grappling hook, they would have been as good as dead! 

Dipper didn't seem to be fazed though.
"Aha! there he is!" Dipper declared, Mabel heard him and walked to his side behind the tent of telepathy.

There standing before them, frozen in stasis, was a towering and intimidating-looking figure.
He looked silver as if he was made out of some kind of metal with small gaps in the appendages to show the curves and joints in his hands and neck, his eyes were ringed with black and shut. His body was slouched, his head tilted down and knees bent, the brim of the fedora shadowing his face.
A black guitar was strapped onto his back and he wore a posh black suit and red tie; silver squares were down his back, resembling a spine.

Mabel was astonished!

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