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Samaira's p.o.v
So the meeting was over and it was lunch time for all. I was too bored sitting there and listening what I didn't want to listen. Their  engagement, marriage,this and that blah blah...

Everyone was sitting in the large dining room. I had no hunger,so I walk to Rishika and whispered in her ear,"Rishi, I am not hungry actually. My stomach is I'm going home OK??"

"What happened dear?? Are you OK or not?? Do you need a pain killer or something??" She was too concerned.

"No no its completely okay!! I should better go home!!"

"Okay....if you are mood feeling well then you can go!!"

I can't see Ruhaan anywhere. Maybe he is talking to someone on the phone.

I walked to the gallery towards the gate to exit the mansion.

I was walking and suddenly, he came in front of me!! I looked at him in amazement. He was making an angry cum sad face.

"So,we are marrying... Happy??" He said,pointing my fault in ruining his life.

"Yes!! Very happy!!"

"Wow Samaira Singhania!! Wow!! What are you made of?? Someone's pain doesn't matters for you??"

"No are taking me wrong!!"

"What wrong huh?? Is friendship more than love for you??"

I remained silent.

"Please answer Samaira!!"

"Actually YES!! "

"You are the first person who is choosing friendship against love!!"

"No Ruhaan!! I think many persons like me have chosen friendship against love!!"

"Exactly... Persons like you can't feel the pain of betrayal..."

"I've not betrayed you Ruhaan!!"

"Is this not a betrayal Samaira?? If its not,then what it is??"



"Yes!! Its a big sacrifice. I'm sacrificing my love for Rishika. That's the truth and you have to believe!!"

"Why?? Why are you sacrificing Samaira??"

"Cause she sacrificed for me a lot. You know when Mom leaved me alone here,she was the one who stood beside me. She rented a separate room for me and she even fought with her family for this. The room in which we live is rented and she gives the rent only. You know,if Rishi was not with me that time,I shall have to live on the road,begging money from people..... now you will say that I should not sacrifice my love for her. This is very small sacrifice, cause she has sacrificed for me a lot!!"

"Are you trying to payback her by this way??"

"Love can't be paid back with money. What she did for me is only because she loves me. And I want to see her happy and prosper till my death!!"

" see your friend happy,you will kill me."

"I'm not killing you Ruhaan. You can find more beautiful, smart and good girls than me!!"

"I can find a girl better than you,or worst than you. But I can't find you again. You are the only one who is living in my heart!!"

His words touched my heart,which is now in pieces.

"I've no choice Ruhaan...."

"Then please kill me....."

I silent him with my hand on his mouth. He kissed my hand softly. Both of our eyes started shedding tears.

"Promise will not say that again.." I warned him while crying.

"But I will die without you. I can't marry her. I only love you!!"

Unable to bear more pain,I ran towards the door crossing him and exited the Mansion.

I turned back for a moment to see him and I saw that he was staring at the opened door,still crying.

I wish we could cry together,in each other's arms. But its not possible.

I hired an auto rickshaw and got back to home. I was so upset that I even didn't ate. I was thinking about him only when my phone beeped.


"Hey Samaira!! Its Rishi here!!"


"Do you have lunch??"

"Yes!! What about you??"

"I've also done. "

"Where is Ruhaan??"

I don't know why...but his name automatically slipped from my throat.

"He leaved before lunchJust two mins after you!!"

What he leaved  just after me??

"Ok Samaira. I'll be home by evening. Bye."


I disconnected the call.

I was feeling very bad. Something was eating me. So I took my bag and locked the door. I jumped on my scooty and rode towards somewhere I not know. I really not know where I'm going!!

Hi friends!! So sorry for such a boring update.
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Take care and keep smiling,

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