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Ruhaan's p.o.v
The wipers were not working correctly cause it was raining very heavily. The car mirror was blur and I was not able to see anything.

I was roaming here and there from past 30 mins. I don't know where to go and what to do. I didn't want to go home,nor at the office. I need relief. I was in depression.

It was harmful to drive car in rain. So I stopped it beside the road. I looked the outer scenery from the window.
Everything wet,people running here and there,children floating paper boats in water.

I suddenly noticed a girl,fully wet,enjoying the rain to the fullest. I could see the girl properly because the window was blur. I opened the window as the pearl of rains touched my face,revealing the beautiful face much known to me. The face with which I fell in love. Samaira.

She was looking so adorable,that for a moment I forgot that she ran away from me hours ago.

I saw her and for some moments I was drowning in her beauty. She was not caring of her umbrella nor her scooty. She was in herself. I was in her.

I couldn't stopped myself from approaching her. I didn't care of the rain and stepped out from the car.

I was crossing the road like blind persons. Because I was seeing nothing now except her.

The car drivers were screaming at me as I was crossing the road without seeing left and right. I was blind and deaf and dumb at the same time.

Finally I reached her. She didn't noticed me. I held her wrist and stopped her,pulling her close to me.

She widened her eyes saying,"You?? Leave me!!"

I silent her with a finger on her lips. She didn't said anything after that. I think she was feeling the same what I was feeling. Pain.

I removed the hairs which was on her face,hiding her beautiful face.

She closed her eyes. I held her waist and pulled her more closer. We both were wet badly. But we don't care.

"I love you!! More than me!!" She whispered in my ears. I was very happy. This was the first positive response from her for my love. But it was too late.

I lifted her with immense happiness. She opened her arms and closed her eyes. She was enjoying the rain,I was enjoying her beauty. I love her so much.

She gripped my kurta and buried her face in my chest.

"I will tell Rishika everything... I'm sure she will help us!!!" I said to her.

She moved up her face,eyes all red.

"No you will not!! Please, she will broke!!"

"I don't care!! I only know that you love me and I love you!!"

"You should care!! She loves you!!"

"And you??"

She didn't answered and hugged me. She was the relief of my pain.

"We will never unite. That's what god wants!! It is written in our fate."  She whispered in my ear.

"I'll change our fate. I will change our destiny. Love always wins."

She sighed.

End of p.o.v

A Black Scorpio car stopped just behind Ruhaan's parked car. A face peeped from the window.

The eyes looked at the two love birds drowning in each other in rain.

"Holy shit!!" This skipped from the mouth of the person as he closed the window and drove away.

Sorry for short update friends. Too stress of studies.
Stay tuned,
Love 💕💕💕

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