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Ruhaan's p.o.v
I was fully wet. I can't understood what happened mins ago. Although she has left, I was feeling her with me.

Before she leaved, she held my hands in her two smooth hands and had said," Not this time,but we will definitely unite in next life. Bye!!"

She turned to leave,but I had holden her hand and asked,"Do you really love me??"

"Should I kill myself to prove??" Came the answer.

"Then why are you not depressed that I'm getting married??"

"How can I make you feel that how depressed I'm?? You can't feel me. If I was not depressed,then I had not committed suicide. Now,you will decide I'm depressed or not."

She said and started her scooty. Within mins,she disappeared from my vision in the greenery of the place.

I stood there,not knowing what will happen next.

I had decided. I will tell Rishika everything. Everything.

I sat on the driver seat of the car and took out my phone. I called Rishika.

"Hello Ruhaan!!"

"Hello Rishu. Where are you??"

"Where I'm supposed to be??? "

"In your home.!!"

"No!! I'm standing in the street. Getting wet."


"This Samaira always gives me trouble. She is not in home and she also took the spare key with her. "

"Can you meet me??"

"What?? Where?? Why?? When??"

"Woah!! Don't ask so many questions together. I want to meet you."


"I'll tell you when we will meet."


"Garden of five senses,Saket. "



"But its raining!!!"

"Aren't you wet??"

"OK coming. First I should call Sam."

"No please don't tell her anything!!"


"Please. Come,I'm waiting!!"


The call disconnected.

I took a deep breath and turned my car towards Saket. It was 2km away.

Although Samaira warned me to not tell Rishika anything, but still I'm going to tell her everything. I know that after doing that I will lost Sam,but I'll be able to live my life without marrying anyone. And I know that Rishika, after knowing everything, will surely help us.

The Garden of Five senses came as I stopped my car before the entrance of the vatika. I jumped out of the car as I can't see anyone inside. The whole garden was deserted like the Sahara desert. It was normal to have no person in the garden because it was raining very heavily. I love rain,so it was no trouble for me.

I walked inside the garden and sat on a chair. I think it was the heaviest rain Delhi had ever experienced.
Half an hour passed but there was no sign of Rishika. Her coming late is normal because cannaught place is quite far from Saket. I should better wait.

After some mins,I saw Rishika walking inside the garden, in red and black suit.

"So late Rishu!!!"

"Sorry Ruhaan. Was changing dress and also there was a very long traffic jam."

"What?? How did you get inside?? You was saying that Samaira is not in home and you are standing in the street??"

"Samaira came back home just when I disconnected the call!! So I thought that should change!!"

"What need of changing huh?? "

"So you are saying that I should come in saree?? Are you mad?? I was carrying it with so much difficulty!!"

"What did you told Samaira??"

"For what??"

"That where are you going?? Wait,did you said that you are going to meet me??"

"No... I've said that I'm going to an urgent work. Any problem??"




"Are you hiding something from me???"


"Why are you so scared that I'll tell Samaira that I'm here to meet you???"

"No nothing....just want to make it private!!"

She blushed unnecessarily. I was irritated.

"BTW,why did you asked me to cone here??"

"I want to tell you something!!"



So how was the update friends??
Hope you all like it. Dedicated this to every reader.
Thank you for your love!!!

Just made a new cover for my dear sissyPremaSubramaniam394        ,who stood with me in every situation. She is like my older sister and always gives me right advice.
So cover for PURE LOVE. Take a look👇👇👇👇

So how is the cover sis??? I hope you like it. I'm not forcing you to use it,its completely your choice.

So this book is awesome and has a interesting story line. I love the chemistry of Karthik-Kavya and also loved the character of Helen. Please read this book,its amazing and something I can't describe with words!!!
Also want to make cover for My soulmate byPriya_Sweety    
But unfortunately, its going to end soon. Wuah wuaah😭😭😭
Love you all,

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