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When I finally flicked into consciousness, I didn't move a muscle. I wanted to know what I was up agents before I let everyone know that I was awake.

Something wet trickled down my leg and to my foot. By the burning pain that my legs were feeling I would have to guess the wet liquid would be my blood.

Not a sound came from the room, but that didn't mean no one was in the room. I slowly flexed my arm muscles without moving much. They were a little sore, but nothing I couldn't handle. I needed to see how my legs were, to see if I would be going anywhere today. I flexed my left leg slowly. Like my arms, my left leg was sore, but nothing I couldn't handle. Then I got to my right leg. I tried flexing it a tad, and pain exploded all over my right leg. I bit my lip quickly so I wouldn't yell out in pain. There was no way I would be able to walk on that leg, at least not for a few days.

I let my eyes flicker open. The room was pitch dark. Something was tied around my waist and connected to a medal board that I had been laying on. If I didn't know better I would have thought that I was on one of those tables they do surgery on. The thing that was wrapped around me was like a semicircle, it was a band made of medal. I wasn't a fat guy, we didn't have enough food for anyone to be fat, and the belt really should have been tighter around my wait if they wanted to keep me here. I sucked my stomach in, pulled my arms above me and tried slipping out of the medal loop. With a little of scooting at each time, I would easily be able to get out.

Distance footsteps started getting closer to me. I quickly repositioned myself how I had originally been. I didn't want them to know that I could get out, before I was out.

A lady in white walked towards me. She didn't say a word, but she bandaged up my leg. The whole time she kept mumbling things. I didn't even know if I wanted to know, but I did know I needed to know.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I asked her.

"You're just kids and they treat you like animals that need to be tested on. To be frank with you, I don't even think they should be testing on animals. No here, we don't test on animals, we test with kids." She ranted.

"Ummm what's your name?" I asked her.

"Lydia. Lydia Greenspot." She said.

"So Lydia, what about all the other kids in space?" I asked her.

"They just want to give up on them, they haven't sent the kids on Neptune any food for a week now. Poor things." Lydia half spoke, half mumbled.

"Wait. I thought they lost contact with them." I said.

"They never had contact with them, no words were exchanged. But of course we kept tabs on them and sent them food made from the factories. We just teleport the food over there." Lydia said.

"Can people teleport there through that machine?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, anyone can. Everything is in the North Wing. Control center. To sent anything you want to them with a push of a button, and all the teleportation machines." Lydia said. I didn't know if Lydia had a big mouth or if she just was telling me all this because I could very much die any day now, but what ever it was. I was getting as much information out of her as I could.

"How do they teleportation machines work?" I asked her.

"Oh those things are easier to work that cracking two eggs. You just go to the pin board, enter what your teleporting, enter where you want to teleport, and a four digit pin code." Lydia said.

"What kind of pin code?" I asked her. Even Lydia seemed to know this wasn't information that should be shared.

"Every staff member has their own code on their badge." Lydia said.

"Where do you get the badges?" I asked her.

"Control center. You just fill out a form when your hired and then it gets printed out." Lydia said. If everything was true what Lydia had said, this place had changed a lot while I was away. Everything seemed to be mixed up, and I truly couldn't trust my one knowledge of the building ways anymore.


Author's Note

This was a tad bit longer, but I really just can't wait for the next chapter.

Currently this book is #591 in science fiction. Which I know it's not as cool as like #1 or #15, but it's still working towards my goal and I'm pretty happy with it right now.

Word Count: 827

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