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I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try. I had to ask, or I would probably regret it for the rest of my life.

"Umm if you don't mind, I was captured with another girl. Where is she exactly?" I asked Lydia. Lydia looked at me with sad eyes, so sad that I got scared I literally lost Felicity.

"She'll be here soon." Lydia whispered. Lydia rose from her spot and walked out the door, not even remembering to close the door or the light. "Poor souls." Lydia whispered. Her whisper was like the wind, I almost didn't hear it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to here it ether.

I decided I was going back to my original plan. I now had a plan of how to get Neptune and the rest of her crew, but first I needed to find Felicity. I needed to find her and make sure she was safe, even if it might as well cost me my life. I knew Felicity would continue to help save Neptune, and with the new information I was going to tell her, I knew she would have a plan made quicker than I would have had.

I started scooting down, I hadn't even moved a full inch when I heard a storm of heavy boots. I didn't even have time to say, oh no, before fifty men barged in the room. My father among them. Then I saw what they were carrying. Felicity. Her face was dotted in blood, and her hair was three shades darker from what it should have been. Her clothes were ripped in too many places and her legs and arms had purple bruises all over them. She was kicking her legs and arms all over the place.

I pulled agents the medal band and started yelling all sorts of things that really didn't make sense. I kept pulling and kicking. I kept calling after Felicity, there wasn't anything more that I wanted than to have her out of this horrid place. They locked her to the same medal like table like I was stuck in. Nether of us stopped yelling and protesting.

My father came up to me and slapped my face a few times and then did the same thing to Felicity.

"Mars! Ceres! Calm down already! This isn't no time for games!" His voice thundered.

"Then let us out already damit!" Felicity yelled.

"That is no way to talk to your elders." He snapped back.

"Well then, sorry I have seemed to have lost my manners after I spent A NIGHT KIDNAPPED!" Felicity yelled.

"Mars tell Ceres to calm down already." He told me.

"Her name is Felicity." I said.

"You both are impossible." He stated.

"THANK YOU!" Both Felicity and I yelled at the same time.

"But that's ok. We don't need your cooperation for what we are doing today." He said. Noises of the movement of a machine filled the air. Felicity was on the same medal board table like thing as I was on. It started moving around and another part of the machine came up that looked like a laser like thing. I knew the same machine from some place, I couldn't remember from where, but I remembered dreading it. They flipped Felicity over and tied her down with more semicircles of medal. Then I realized what they were doing to her.

"NO NO STOP LET HER GO STOP!" I spit out words without even stopping to breath, the same words over and over. I kicked and thrashed, I just wanted to be home. I wish I was going chores or something else. Anything else really. "STOP NO STOP LET HER GO PLEASE STOP! I'LL DO ANYTHING PLEASE LET HER GO LET HER GO! PLEASE JUST LET HER GO!"

Soon Felicity's yells filled the air, the only thing was these screams weren't from protests, they were of pain. I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart.


Author's Note

Alrighty. That was definitely interesting right. Not. Sorry if you hate me.

However please go check out a book 1DaughterOfPoseidon is writing and I'm editing. It's on my page. It's called Cindy's Magic. It's a fantasy story, close to a fairytale princess you might know well. Miss Glass Slipper

*cue magic like music*

No but it really would mean a lot to me if you checked it out. Thank you!

Word Count: 741

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