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"What do we do?" Felicity asked.

"We wait for everyone else, before we try to figure out what it all means," I told her.

"I wasn't supposed to go with you." Felicity said, "we weren't supposed to meet." I looked over the page, I was supposed to be part of the RubyX5 mission. The page was clear throughout. There were more kids up on planet Neptune with Neptune. Piper and I were supposed to be part of that group. Felicity was later in the notebook, she was supposed to be part of the PearlX6 mission.

"But we did," I told her, responding to her question.

"Thank goodness," she said quietly.

"What did you say?" I asked. She pushed me away playfully. "What did you say?" I asked her again, "I didn't hear that, can you please repeat that?"

"Shut up," she told me, but both of us were grinning. Her cheeks heated up in a tinted red color.

"Dally came!" Erika yelled throughout the house. Everyone hurried to the front room. The door swung open and Dally walked in. Erika ran and hugged him. Dally picked her up. Everyone came in the room and started talking all at once. It was a chaos all around the place.

Out of us all Dally is the oldest, the only one that can actually work a paying job. He's got the kind of look that makes you wonder if he can hurt you. Dally has longer black hair that falls down his forehead. At age eighteen he's a lot more moody and adult like than he should be. Really we all know it's our fault he has to work so hard all the time. We have an abandoned house and we still have to pay taxes on the shack. Erika, being the youngest, always has a way of getting him calmer and happier. How she deals with his mood swings, I'll never know.

Holden is fifteen years old with a mess of black hair that's always sticking out in all the wrong ways. His hair looks a little like static electricity, but with thicker locks. He's a huge trouble maker, we had to have Dally pick him up from the police station a few times. I mean if Dally isn't being held there ether. If both of them are there I have to get them. One rare time all three of us had gotten caught and a furious Felicity had to come bail us out. She took us all out by the ear. We weren't seen there for two months. Despite Holden's mischievousness, he surprising loved school. 'Till we had to stop going cause the teachers were poking at our beehive. He can't stop joking around to save his life.

Felicity is the boss around here, no one saids it. If anyone asks, Dally and I will probably say we are, but fat chance with that. Felicity gives us chores, went through with our homework, still gives us homework, reads with the younger ones, and practically acts like a big sister to everyone. She has red wavy hair that goes a little past her shoulders that she always manages to pull up in a ponytail no matter how many hair bands I steal from her.

Jay for goodness sake takes after Holden. Poor thing is going to end up in jail one of these days. He's started sneaking out, I caught him coming in at five AM and I must have woken up the whole town. I wouldn't hit him, but he never snuck in that late again.

Piper is an angel from above. She's always the first one awake and cooking breakfast. She found an old viola in the dumpster once and now spends all her free time on that thing. For our birthdays, January 1st, she gets up and started playing Happy Birthday. Around Christmas time, she'll play holiday music. With a mess of brown curls she always manages to make the worst days better.

Newt is probably the smartest of us all. He'll spent all afternoon over a book and start taking notes on the book. If we ever mess with his stuff he'll launch in a scream of words no one understands. Usually backing away and leaving helps him cool down a bit. Felicity insists he looks better with longer blonde hair, but he's always complaining it gets in the way. Then he and Erika will get in a fight about long hair. Usually Erika wins those fights since her hair is up to her knees and Newt saids a bunch of things she doesn't understand, or anyone in the house for that matter.

Nate is the second youngest in the group. He's a little like Felicity, he's always looking out for everyone even though he's only twelve. No matter how hard you try to keep a secret, he always ends up knowing the secret, but it's ok. You can trust Nate. He's also one of the blondes in this group, though he probably cuts it only once a year.

Erika is the youngest of the group. She's eleven years old and has straight blonde hair that go all the way up to her knees. Half of me hates the fact that her long hair could have been part of my father's doing. I've never brought it up to anyone else though. She's still an innocent little girl, and we all try to hide the worst of what happens in our world from her.

We're all a little broken, and we don't really know what we're doing, but we're pulling along slowly.

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