Chapter 5: Pets Gone Wrong

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*Trigger Warning: This chapter contains immense violence towards animals. I personally love animals, but in this story, it isn't supposed to go that way.*

After a few weeks had passed, James and Elizabeth decided to get a pet, since they hoped it would help their daughter learn empathy and sympathy. They bought three pets: A canary named Ella, a German Shepherd named Louie, and a black cat named Zeus. They taught Agnes how to get all of the pets' food and where to put it for them, and how to brush them and clean them. They taught her everything she needed to know. For a while, it seemed like things were going well, but things change, and their plan backfired a bit. One day, Agnes started getting annoyed by Ella's constant singing. Both of her parents were gone, so she figured she'd take care of the problem. She found a small rope and tied Ella's legs to the cage, before she'd get a knife and get to work. She knew her parents wouldn't get in her way this time, so that made her even more daring. She used the knife to cut off Ella's wings, dropping them on the floor. By this point, Zeus and Louie were both running off to hide, barking and hissing at the dangerous child. It didn't take long before Agnes had cut up the poor bird into pieces, leaving it in the cage with the door open, and it's head decapitated on the floor alongside the wings. All of this together made for a very bloody and gruesome scene. Blood was all over the cage, floor, and the two and a half year old child. 

Agnes had just finished cleaning herself up when her parents got home, and they instantly noticed an odd metallic smell in the house. They quickly went to investigate and found poor Ella torn apart in her cage.

Agnes feigned innocence, acting like the cat had been the one who mauled the bird, but her parents didn't believe her one bit. After cleaning up the mess, and avoiding losing their stomachs, Agnes' parents tucked away Ella's remains, wrapped in a white cloth, in a small wooden box and buried it in the backyard. Her father spent the next few hours crafting a small grave marker with Ella's name, and age, the piece being carved into the shape of a canary.

-Two Months Later-

Zeus had started hissing and showing aggression and violence towards Agnes, so James and Elizabeth were keeping a close eye on the two. One day, while her parents were out doing grocery shopping, Zeus attacked Agnes, getting a few claw marks on the girl before she managed to get to the kitchen and get a knife, just going wild with it and stabbing Zeus until he stopped fighting. In a fit of rage, she cut off the deceased kitty's head, and ended up throwing it's carcass in the pool in the backyard. There was blood all over Agnes, the kitchen, and now spreading and diffusing into the pool water. Agnes went to work, using a towel and some soapy water to clean up her mess, in the middle of cleaning and still covered in blood when her parents got home. They got Zeus' head and body out of the pool, making a little casket for him and burying him in the backyard alongside Ella. After this second incident with the pets, Agnes' parents were extra careful with her around Louie. They never left her alone with him, and when they did, it'd only be for a few minutes at a time. She started getting better after a week or two had passed. Playing with Louie, giving him pets; she seemed to be acting more normal. Her parents started trusting her more, since she seemed to be fine now, relaxing and being much better all around. 

A month passed, and her parents were finally trusting her to be completely alone with the dog. She showed signs of emotional control. One day, her parents were both out at a job conference, talking to their bosses about things. They had decided to leave Agnes home alone with Louie, since they only planned on being gone a few hours. They didn't leave her with a babysitter, since they weren't sure how she'd react to a new person suddenly, and didn't want to take any chances. The first hour was fine, with Agnes just sitting and watching movies. However, a lady walked by with her dogs, who were barking and howling, so Louie shot to the window and started barking and losing his mind at it. The noise got to be too much for Agnes, as she acted up and eventually yanked Louie away from the window. She went off to the kitchen, grabbing a butcher knife and coming back to attack the German Shepherd, after she had closed the blinds. Louis retaliated to protect himself, getting a few bites and scratches on her, but he ultimately wasn't good enough to stop the murderous three year old and ended up dying from his wounds pretty quick. She managed to drag the body all the way to the bathroom, and hauled it into the tub, her anger picking up more, and violent tenancies kicking in as she decapitated the carcass, before going and working on cleaning up the blood. She used wipes and other things to get the blood off herself, wiping it off the floor, furniture, carpet, etc. She also changed, so when her parents returned a few hours later, they didn't notice any of that, but they did notice that Louis wasn't laying in his bed as usual. Elizabeth instantly worked on bandaging up Agnes' wounds, asking her what happened as the three year old calmly started to explain, while James went and found Louis' body and head in the bathroom, almost throwing up at the sight. After some time, they managed to get Louie's body into a small casket and buried him in the back with the other two, cleaning up where Agnes showed she cleaned up blood more, bleaching everything and washing the bathtub. All of this was when the talking would start.

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