Chapter 2 The flu..

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Lance's POV
I'm going to call to Aphmau's place to ask if she wants to come to my house and watch twiflight on my 90 inch plasma TV . I have had a crush on Aphmau for forever and I think she likes me hehehehe.

Aphmau's POV
Me and Lucy had hung out for the evening and I was going to my room to finish my homework when the door bell rang so I answered.
"Hey Aph !😎❤️ your looking as beautiful as a summer flower " Lance had a big smile on his face
"Lance ? Why are you here it's 8:53pm don't you usually have to be at football or something?" I said curiously. Ugh I'm sick of Lance calling for me,ugh I don't like him but he won't leave me alone.
"Aphmau I would give up anything for you 😘 " he replied with a smile.
"Lance! Go home 😠 also never call me Aph again" I said as I closed the door and went up to my room for the night.

The next morning:

"Morning sweetie 🙂" Aphmau's mam came to wake her up,
"Ugh I don't feel so well" Aphmau said as she sat up in the bed.
"Oh my, your burning up a fever " Aphmau's mam said shaking her hand from the heat.
"Well, I have to go to school because there's a maths test" Aphmau replied while quickly getting up to get dressed,
"*sigh's* well, If you feel sick get them to ring me, ok?" Aphmau's mam said sighing
"Yes mam 🙂" Aphmau smiles at her mam.
Aphmau got a shower , brushed her long black hair and got dressed, she wore a purple hoodie with white arms and black jeans with purple boots. Aphmau got her breakfast and grabbed her bag to wait for the guys to call for her as usual.

The door bell rang.

"Hey Aph, you ready to go" Sky smiled as he asked
"Hey Sky, yeah just let me get my bag ok"Aphmau ran inside to get her bag for school.
"Wait your sick, I can tell, 🙁 why are you going to school when your sick?" Sky said grabbing Aphmau by her hand in a caring way,
"Uh... I'll be fine, do you trust me?😏" Aphmau replied giving Sky that funny look with her cute little grin,
"Grr you know I can't say I don't,😑 promise you'll ring home if you get worse" Sky said glaring at Aphmau for a answer,
"*sigh's* fine, now can we go" Aphmau looked at Sky with her little puppy face,
"Aw why do you do these things to me" he said hugging Aphmau,
"Heheheh, I'm just to adorable" Aphmau said laughing,
The guys and Aphmau walked to school, Aphmau went to her locker to grab her books,
"I'll see you guys in class ok?" Aphmau said as the four boys went to there own lockers.

Aphmau went to class.
"Hey guys where's Sky? 🤔"Aphmau said curiously,
"Oh! Hey Aphmau Sky went to the bathroom" Barney said
"Jin ??" Aphmau called Jin but he didn't even hear her,
"Jin!?!" She said again but he still didn't hear her, Barney tipped Jin on the shoulder,
"W-what ? I ...."Jin said as he got startled by Barney,
"Ooww someone has a crush hehehe 😘😘" Aphmau said blowing kisses teasing Jin,
"WHAT!!!!!!! No I don't 😳😳😳😳😳" Jin shouted immediately while blushing a bright red,
"Ok class sit down, take out your books and Jin stop shouting " the teacher said as he came in.

The day at school finished and Aphmau walked home with Sky and the other guy's.

"Ok see you tomorrow morning Sky , bye" Aphmau said as she walked into her house.
"Bye Aph, get well soon !" Sky shouted as he walked home.

Sky's POV
I went to get Aphmau today like always and she was sick, she wouldn't stay home just because of the math test we had to do today. I hope she gets better for tomorrow.

Aphmau got into her pj's and crawled into bed.

"Hey Hun how was school?" Aphmau's mam came in with chicken soup,
"Um.. Fine thanks mam *sneezes*" Aphmau quickly covered her mouth,
"Ow, your really hot hunny, your not going to school tomorrow ok" her mam blew her hand from the heat.
"Aww,b-" Aphmau started,
"No aw, your staying home. Now eat your soup" her mam said as she walked out of the room.

Aphmau got her phone to let Sky she wasn't going in tomorrow.
Text begin (A-Aphmau,S-Sky):
A-Hey Sky,mom said I'm to sick for school tomorrow,sorry 🤒🤒.
S-Hey Aph, aw that's not nice poor you, can I come over to get the history notes 😕📓.
A-Yea just don't get to close haha.😷.
S-K! I'll be there in a sec.
Text ends.

Door bell rang.
"Oh hey Sky,how are you" Aphmau's mam said
"Hi I'm good thanks and you?" Sky replied with a smile,
"Good thanks, Aphmau is upstairs just don't get to close to her, don't want you chetching her cold" she said.

Sky went up to Aphmau.
"Hey Aph how you feeling" Sky asked as he walked over and sat on her bed next to her,
"Oh hi Sky, I'm okay but mom says I'm to sick for school ughh 🤒😥" Aphmau said with a sore throat,
"Thanks for the note I'll come over tomorrow ok ? I'll let you get some sleep bye!" Sky said in a loving way.

Aphmau gives Sky the notes and Sky leaves. Aphmau stay's on her phone for a bit, then gets tired and falls asleep.😴😴😴

Sky's POV
I'm worried for Aphmau i mean she is extremely sick and I think her mum is keeping a surprise from her,hmm... I wonder what it is? 🤔🤔

Lance's POV
One of these days Aphmau will not be able to resist my beauty and will come running to me. I'll wait for her, also I wonder if she's okay she seemed off today at school.

The next morning comes and Aphmau sleeps in until 11:30am.

Aphmau's POV
Today I can barely speak, I woke up and mom had left a note saying that she had to fly to work so I got up and brushed my teeth and hair, I put on my housecoat and big fluffy purple socks to keep warm. I went downstairs to get something to eat and watched tv for a while.

Door bell rings.

"Hey beautiful, how are you feeling today" Lance said as he put his hand resting on the door frame.
"Lance?!? What are you doing here? 😫" I replied, will he ever leave me alone ughhh,
"I just wanted to check on my pretty little rose 🌹" Lance winked at me.

Aphmau slammed the door in his face.

Ugh, will he ever leave me alone, he's so weird.

2hours later the bell rings, Aphmau checks to see if it's Lance but it was Sky.

"Oh hey Sky, how was school" Aphmau asked with a big hug for Sky,
"Hey, it was fine thanks, well how are you feeling" Sky looked at Aphmau,
"Not as bad thanks"Aphmau smiled at Sky,
"Aph close your eye's" Sky said with a grin,
"Ok" Aphmau replied.

Sky put on a necklace that had purple and green diamonds and had a gold rim around it.

"W-what?!? T-this is beautiful" Aphmau said as she looked down at it shining,
"It's only as beautiful as you" Sky kissed Aphmau on the cheek,
"Aww your so sweet" Aphmau replied with her cute little smile and a slight giggle,

Sky's phone buzzed:

"Oh that's my mum, she needs me to help with the shopping hehe better go sorry! ☺️"Sky says as he runs out the door.
"Bye Sky!" Aphmau said while waving at him.

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