Chapter 3 Amnesia?

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Aphmau's POV 
I got up because it's Monday morning and we have .P.E. today. I brushed my hair and teeth, I wore a pink sweater and pink jeans with pink converse. I went downstairs and got my breakfast kissed mom and said goodbye. Sky knocked at my door so I grabbed my bag 🎒 and ran to school with him alone today. I wore the necklace Sky bought for me, it's so beautiful and I want to show it of.

They head to school and Aphmau gets her books and heads up to class.

"Good morning class, ah Aphmau I see your back happily and well ?" The teacher says while walking into the room to his desk.
"Yes sir, always good to be back" Aphmau replied with a smile.

First three classes end an it's lunch.

"K! I'll see you in the canteen" Aphmau said to Sky as she walked to her locker.
But as she was walking she got called by a teacher and looked at the teacher, she then walked straight into a wall with a full force slap into the face and fell flat onto the ground. She was knocked unconscious for about 20 minutes and when she woke up she was disoriented.

"Ugh, my head hurts, what happened to me and where am I" Aphmau said as she looked around and started to freak out a little,
"Oh your awake, great!" A msteryous female walked over to Aphmau and put some ice on her head,
"W-who are you?" Aphmau said getting even more freaked,
"Oh yes! I'm Zoey, the nurses daughter, she asked me to keep an eye on you 🙂" Zoey said with a smile on her face,
"Ugh, what happened to me and where am I" Aphmau asked slightly calmer,
"Oh, you walked into a wall and got knocked unconscious for at least 20 minutes , but luckily Sky came to my mam and brought you with him so she could keep an eye on you" Zoey said with a smile ,
"W-wait who's Sky?" Aphmau said as she looked super confused,
"Wait you don't remember him, what day is it? What is your name?😟" Zoey says as she looks really worried,
"Umm.... Friday?🤔 my name (pauses) I can't remember..." Aphmau replied still looking confused,
"Oh no! Oh no! U-uh y-you stay here ! Don't move I mean it, also your name is Aphmau." Zoey ran off to find her mum and told Sky to stay with Aphmau and try to remind her of this morning.

Sky walks over to Aphmau.

"Hey Aph, how are you feeling" Sky looks at her hoping that she would remember him,
"Who are you 😨😨 ?"Aphmau starts getting freaked and starts pushing herself as far back into the pillow as she could,
"Aph it's ok, it's me Sky remember?" Sky was praying that she'd remember,
"Are you the guy that Zoey told me about?😨" Aphmau says as she looks slightly scared,
"Yes, but I'm also your best friend come you have to remember who bought that necklace for you 😳" Sky starts getting dizzy and falls onto the floor,
"Uh a-are you o-ok?😕" Aphmau try's to stop his fall but hurts her arm in the process.
"Ow, my arm,  ok I really shouldn't have done that ow!😩" Aphmau has a flashback of when Sky gave her the necklace, when she remembers she starts to cry.

Zoey and her mum run into the room.

"Oh god ! What happened here" Zoey's mum says as she runs over to Sky and picks him up and puts him onto a bed,
"What's wrong Aphmau?" Zoey asks as she sits beside Aphmau,
"I-I only remember when Sky gave me the necklace I'm wearing!😭" Aphmau said and then looked at him.
"That's fine it's a good start." Zoey replied as she rubs Aphmau's back to calm her a bit,
"W-who is she" Aphmau asks while pointing at the nurse,
"This is the nurse" Zoey replies with a smile,

Sky wakes up and the nurse takes a look at him.

"Ughh my head hurts so much, how did I get here ?😦" Sky says with an extremely confused face ,
"It's ok, I put you here because you were on the floor kno..."the nurse says as Sky starts to say,
"W-where's Aphmau?"he says trying to get up but the nurse had to hold him down so he wouldn't faint again,
"She's here see , you can't get up or you'll faint again!"Zoey says , she sees his face starting to look relieved
"He's disoriented , we have to be patient with him" the nurse says to Zoey ,
"I know mom" Zoey checks Aphmau to see is she okay,
"Mom I think Aphmau's got amnesia along with the fact she's also disoriented , she doesn't know what day it is" Zoey says conservative,
"Oh my,  Zoey go ring her mum ok?!?"the nurse replied.

Zoey ran off to go ring Aphmau's mum and she also rang Sky's mum aswell. Aphmau's mum came to pick up Aphmau and seen Sky in the office with an ice pack over his head, so she rang his mum and said she'd take him to hers because his. Mum was at work until 9:00pm. (He usually came over anyway on Monday because of his mum.)

"Oh god what happened Aphmau?" Her mum asks,
"Aphmau may have amnesia so she might not remember much for now but it will come back to her soon,she was knocked unconscious from hitting a wall and then Sky took her here when he seen her. When he seen she didn't remember him he got dizzy and fainted so the two at the moment are extremely disoriented and need a lot of care and attention my mum is the nurse , she's talking to Aphmau so she told me to come tell you everything that happened 🙂" Zoey pulled Aphmau's mum aside to say all this,
"Wait so my daughter is both disoriented and has amnesia and sky is disoriented?😦" Aphmau's mum said ,
"Uh y-yes um are you okay you look a little pale?😕 can I get you some water or something, oh you also might want to sit down they might still be here for a couple of minutes longer ok?" Zoey ran to get water for Aphmau's mum,

The nurse walks over to Aphmau's mum.

"Hello you must be Aphmau's mum?"she says,
"Yes, but you can call me Janet " Aphmau's mum replies while shaking the nurses hand.

Zoey runs back to Aphmau's mum with the water.

"Here you go ms" Zoey says as she hands Janet the water,
"Thank you um.."
"Zoey " Zoey says with a smile,
"thank you Zoey " Janet replied.

Janet went over to Aphmau and Sky.

"Hey Aphmau, hi Sky are you two ready to go?" Janet says while looking at Aphmau, Aphmau looks confused,
"A-Aph that's you mom it's ok !" Sky says quickly ,he had a feeling that Aphmau was confused so he said it in case she freaked.
"O-oh o-ok!?!🤕🤕"Aphmau sounded like she was full of relief when Sky told her this,
"Come on Sky I'll walk you out to the car ok?" Zoey says with a huge smile
"Ok but who's saying that?" Sky asked because he couldn't see from been dizzy,
"Me Zoey!😀" Zoey replied
"Ok!!" Sky answered ,
"Come on Aphmau , let's go to the car" said Aphmau's mum holding out her hand for Aphmau.

They all got into the car and went home to Aphmau's house.

Aphmau's POV
I just woke up in a room full of people I didn't even know, when a really nice but extremely excited girl she came over to me, she kinda freaked me out a little, she said she was the nurses daughter, her name is Zoey. She said that a boy named Sky found me on the floor and took me to the nurse, then Sky came over when the nurse said to him to stay with me, he was trying to get me to remember him but then he fell onto the ground but I tried to chat has him but I failed. The only thing I remember about him is that he got me the necklace I'm wearing. My mom came to get us.

They arrive home and both Sky and Aphmau were made sit on the couch🛋, about 2 hours later Sky could see so Aphmau's mum let him walk around.

"Aphmau how are you feeling?" Aphmau's mum came over to Aphmau with a cup of tea,
"Dizzy!" Aphmau said,
"Here this will help its tea your favourite" she said as she handed a cup of tea to Aphmau,
"Thanks " Aphmau said.

After a while the two got really tired and went to bed , Sky stayed overnight in the spare bed in Aphmau's room.

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