Chapter 4 The recovery!!

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"Ugh, where am I ?" Aphmau woke up and was so tired she didn't remember going to bed,
"W-what I'm up!" Sky said startled by Aphmau
"Oh good morning!" Aphmau said as she gave her cute smile for the first time in a while,
"H-hi! How do you feel now?" Sky asked,(happily taking in the smile, and smiles back),
"Um.. Fine just a bit..." Aphmau's mum walks in,
"Good morning you two, how are you today?" She says smiling,
"Fine thanks! " Sky replied,
"I'm okay thank you, and you ?" Aphmau said politely to her mum,
"Fine thanks, come down for breakfast in 5 minutes ok?" Aphmau's mum was confused about the way Aphmau had answered.

Aphmau's mum left and Sky said to Aphmau that they should go down for breakfast, the two walked downstairs to get breakfast.

"What do you want to eat?" Aphmau's mum asked nicely,
"Um... May I have some toast please?" Sky answered happily,
"Of course, and Aphmau?" Aphmau's mum said,
"Um I'll have the same please!" Aphmau answered with her cute little smile as she walked over to the table.

Her mum put on the toast and gave it to the two of them, she tells Aphmau she isn't allowed to school, her mum had to go to work. Sky asked aphmau's mum that if he stayed with her could she go in, her mum agreed because she thinks that Sky is to cute to say no too. The two walk to school.

Aphmau's POV
This morning when me and Sky woke up we went down to my kitchen to get breakfast, mom said I could not go to school, luckly Sky persuaded her to let me go in with him, I don't know how he did it but he's just the greatest friend ever.
We're going into the school so I have to stay with Sky. My first class is English , I do higher level English and I'm proud of it. Well better get to my locker and then class. We walked to English and sat in our seats.

"Ah, Aphmau! Your back!" Aphmau's English teacher smiled and signalled to her to come up too him,
"Yes sir?" I said as I walked up to him,
"Aphmau, first of all it's great to see you back, secondly there is a new student and I was wondering if you would stay with her and show her around the school" I nodded and  he called in the new student,
"This is Kiki! Kiki this is Aphmau, she will be showing you around" Mr. Jackson smiled at Kiki ,
"O-ok"Kiki looks as if she was badly bullied or something, she's super shy,
"Hey there, I'm Aphmau but you can call me Aph!" I tried to sound really confident and not look like I was super dizzy from standing by myself,
"H-hi, I-I'm Kiki" she replied to me as if she was scared,
"Come on, you can sit with me and my friend Sky!" I smiled and tried to get a good balance.

Aphmau and Kiki walked over to Sky.

"Hey, Aph!" Sky said as he grabed me, he could see I was going to fall so helped me to my seat,
"Hey Sky! This is Kiki" I tried to look at him but all I could see was like three of him,
"Aph are you ok?" Sky looks concerned towards me,
"Uh y-yea, why do you ask?" I don't want him to worry and call my mum,
"You were looking at the wall and you look really pale" he worries about me to much sometimes,
"Yea, I-I'm fine, uh I just need to use the bathroom" I said trying not to worry him,
"Sir may I use the bathroom??" I said quickly, in all honesty though I feel as if I'm going to be sick,
"Of course Aphmau, why don't you show the new girl while you are on root!" I nodded and Kiki followed me out the door.

As we were walking to the bathroom, I stumbled onto the floor. Kiki ran over and helped me up.

"Are y-you ok? You s-seem sick o-or s-something?" I looked down at the ground,
"Uh... I'll be um.. Fine, it doesn't matter " I tried standing but the pain in my stomach was so overbearing I just couldn't and had to lean against the wall,
"No! Y-your not ok, you n-need to r-ring home" I looked at her and said,
"No I'm fine, I uh I just have a pain in my stomach, that's all, hehe" I started getting dizzy and seen that the wall I walked into was only five steps away, I think that's why I can't walk because it's all starting to flash back in my head and then I lose focus,
"Aphmau you look really pale"she bends down to help me,
"Uh I just had an accident around here last week and I keep getting flashbacks and it's just replaying in my head. That's all, I am just finding it hard to walk here" she helped me up, she then helped me walk to the bathroom.

Sky's POV
Aph is scaring me, she looks really pale and couldn't even look at me straight. Maybe I'm just overegsagerating, maybe she just didn't sleep last night, she's always pale when she doesn't sleep.

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