Chapter 5 The suprise for Aphmau and Sky

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Sky's POV
Aph and I are walking home, I am hanging out at her's because her mom said she wants to tell both of us something, I'm not sure what though. Aph has been acting weird though, so I'm keeping an eye on her.

Aphmau's POV
Sky is coming to my house because my mom wants to tell us something important, Sky also is constantly checking me, not sure why but he is more caring than usual.

Sky and Aphmau walk home and when they go in to Aphmau's house her mom calls them over to sit on the couch.

"Aphmau, Sky don't freak out ok?" Her mom says nervously,
"Yes mom" Aphmau answers looking at her mom,
"Yes Aphmau's mom" Sky answers too,
"Sky you know you can call me Janet, right?" Her mom says,
"Yes , but mom says it's respectful to use people's last names, I'm not to sure what your last name is though " he's replies looking confused, Aphmau smiles at him,
"It's ok, you can call me Janet " she says smiling.
"Anyway, what I want to tell you is that ..." She pauses,
"We're moving to another town" she looks at Aphmau,
"WHAT!!!" They both say at the same time and jump up off the couch,
"Calm down " her mom says,
"B-but..." They look at each other and then to the floor,
"I know it will be hard but your dad took a job offer there, and we have to move-" she starts,
"Where is it?" Aphmau said and looked at her mom,
"Pheonix drop, it's about-"she was interrupted,
"WHAT!! That's 10 hours away,  I'll never get to see Sky!"  Aphmau freaks out,
"Calm down Aph, you're going to hyperventilate if you don't calm down!" Sky says to Aphmau and hugs her,
"B-but it's not fa-" Sky interruptes her,
"It'll be okay Aph, just breathe" he says trying to calm her down, Aphmau's mom smiles at Sky and goes to the kitchen to make tea.

Aphmau's POV
I'm freaking because I was just told that I'm moving away from Lock Wood to Pheonix drop and that's 10 hours away from Sky, this can't happen.

Aphmau runs upstairs with Sky.

Sky's POV
Aphmau started crying in my arms and then got up and ran to her room, of course I followed. She has been really stressed out lately and I'm worried about her.

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