Chapter 6 start of the week.

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Aphmau's POV
Ugh, my head hurts and my pillow is soaking wet and Sky is asleep beside me, what happened last night? I need to get ready for school, I'm going to wake Sky. Heheheh.

"Good morning sleepy head " I say shaking him gently,
"Ok your not waking that way so time for my prank, hehehehe" I say with a small evil laugh.

I walk into my bathroom with Sky's bottle and put cold water in, then walk out to him and pour it all over him.

"GAHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screams,
"Good morning, hehehe" I smile,
"Did you just soak me in water?!?" A gleares at me,
"Well you didn't wake up when I called you so I mean, yea, hehehe" I say smiling
"Well I suppose after last night you can be aloud to do it considering you will only be here for one more week" Sky looks at the floor.

"Wait what do you mean by my last week??" I look at Sky in confusion,
"You don't remember??" He says kind of shocked,
I shake my head to say no,
"Your moving to Pheonix " he says slightly upset,
"omg, how did I act last night? " I ask in shock,
"You were hysterical, and I had to calm you down" he looks at the ground.

Sky's POV
Aphmau looked at me when I told her about last night and then I just looked at the ground. Its Saturday so we don't have school. We planed on going to the beach today, luky its only down the road. We both went and got ready for the beach, but unlike any other time it was in silence . I'm worried about her...

Aphmau's POV
Well , me and Sky are getting ready for the beach in pure silence.

They get ready and start walking to the beach. On the way, Sky trys to have a normal conversation with Aphmau.

"Um.. when you move are we still gonna talk everyday?" He asks ,
"Of course.." Aphmau says slightly upset.
"Good, u need a hug?" Sky asks while putting his arms out for a hug,
Aphmau nods.

Aphmau goes to hug Sky but is stopped by Lance jumping in front.

"Hey beautiful!" Lance smiles,
"Aaahhhhh, STOP COMING NEAR ME YOU CREEP, I DON'T LIKE YOU AND I NEVER WILL!!" Aphmau screams from Lance startling her.
"Leave her alone Lance!" Sky says Like a big brother.

Lance goes to kiss Aphmau, but millimetres away from her face Sky comes from behind and drags Lance to the ground. Lance gets up and starts punching Sky, then Aphmau kicks Lance were the sun don't shine. Lance screams like a girl and falls to the ground. Sky is on the ground clutching his stomach from pain and Aphmau runs over to him.

"Sky! Are you okay!?!" Aphmau says slightly panicked,
"Y-yea.." Sky trys to be strong and they up.

When he's up he goes to fall and Aphmau catches him. Sky looks at Aphmau and she looks at him. And they.......

(So I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger , sorry it's took so long. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I will update soon, so hope your excited to read the next chapter, also I'm kinda happy for Lance getting hurt. Have a good day. ~ Celtic Warrior.)

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