🔎Chapter 10🔍

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             Chapter Ten


"What is a man doing in a pentagram in my building!" Mrs. Hudson cried, nearly dropping the tray of tea she was carrying.

"It's a case Mrs. Hudson," Sherlock said simply.

"I swear, every time I come up here something strange is happening," Mrs. Hudson set down the tray and left the room.

"I'm going to love watching you die," the demon hissed, "I'll skin the maid first."

"I'm the landlady, not a housekeeper. Sherlock, keep this man tied up." Mrs. Hudson ordered before leaving the room. (Y/n) watched her leave curiously, she wasn't questioning why the man was tied up, she just got mad when he called her a maid. She must have seen strange things often.

"What is Lucifer planning?" Dean asked, opening a flask of holy water and swishing it around tauntingly.

"You're dead," the demon laughed, "You're all dead. That angel friend of yours can't help you, no one can."

Dean splashed the demon with holy water, causing him to scream out in pain. Sherlock watched the interrogation closely, adding the information he was gaining from this to a new space in his mind palace. Holy water really did hurt demons.

"Has the demon revealed anything yet?" (Y/n) asked, drying her wet hair with a towel.

"Nothing," Sam sighed as Dean poured more holy water over the demon.

"Hey guys we-Good lord," John jumped, running a hand over his face when he saw the demon in the pentagram. Mary rolled her eyes at her fiances reaction, calmly pulling out three envelopes from her purse.

"I don't know how long you guys are going to be staying here, but I hope long enough for our wedding." Mary handed each one of the Winchesters an envelope.

"You'll be dead before then," the demon growled, sending the attention back to him.

"Shut up," Sam snapped, placing his invitation on the table and walking towards the demon, "You have one last chance before (Y/n) kills you."

"That weak git wouldn't have the strength."

(Y/n) stepped forward, holding up her hand and clenching her fist. The demon choked, coughing. A wisp of black smoke fled from it's vessels mouth. (Y/n)'s stance never faltered as she stretched out taking the demon out of the government worker's body.

Mary, John, and Sherlock's eyes widened in shock. They knew (Y/n) was a hunter, but here she was killing a demon with her bare hands. Sherlock knew she was had supernatural powers, but seeing them in person passed all deduction. (Y/n) tightened her fist and the demon lost more smoke and began gasping for breath.

"Okay, okay!" The demon choked out. (Y/n) didn't stop, despite the demon's compliance. Dean and Sam shared a worried look. (Y/n)'s gaze hardened, her head tilting down to make eyes contact with the demon.

"(Y/n)," Sam nearly yelled, grabbing his twin's arms and turning her around to face him. (Y/n) shook her head, looking up at her brother.

"Sammy?" She whispered, her eyes filling with tears, "What happened?"

"You don't know what you just did?" Sam asked in worry.

"I don't want to be here," (Y/n) murmured.

"Come here, Dear," Mary gently grasped (Y/n)'s wrist, "Let's take you down to Mrs. Hudson so we can have some tea."

Sherlock watched the two woman leave. His face was impassive, but anyone who really looked at him could see the worry clouding his eyes. It was very un-Sherlock of him. But Sherlock had been quite un-Sherlocky lately.

"It's already starting," the demon cackled, weakly looking up. He was bleeding from both his nose and his mouth. "We were told it would be soon. You're going to lose her."

"Lose who?" Dean questioned.

"You precious little sister." The demon spat, "The blood is taking affect. She's ready you know. Lucifer is calling her, changing her. So she won't fight back when it's time."

"Time for what?" Sherlock pressed. The problem with interrogating with a demon was that it wasn't their body you were talking to, it was someone else. Sherlock had nearly nothing to go on when looking the man over. It was Irene all over again.

"The ritual, the Ritual of the True."

"Why would she need to be ready for the ritual?"

"Because she's the one. The one with the angel blood. The True. Ironic isn't it? She comes from a family of true. Lucifer's true vessel, and Michael's true vessel. Fitting that she'd be the one to tear down everything you've worked so hard to stop."

"Send him back," Sam ordered Dean.


"I just lost control," (Y/n) told Mary, clutching her cup of tea to the point of her knuckles turning white, "There was just this rage, then, nothing. I don't remember anything after starting."

"We all lose control dear, I know I did when I was an agent. Quite a few people got shot because of it," Mary chuckled. (Y/n) smiled slightly, taking a sip of her tea.

"Thanks Mom," (Y/n) sighed, before freezing, sitting up in her seat and realizing her mistake, "Mary, Mary. I'm so sorry, I just, I'm sorry."

"Oh it's okay dear," Mary assured, grabbing one of (Y/n)'s hands, "I'd just like to point out I'm not that old."

(Y/n) laughed, glad Mary wasn't weirded out by her mistake. She heard coming near them and looked to the door, Sherlock, Sam, and Dean stood there solemnly.

"Government worker is dead, Lestrade is one his way. Government worker died of mysterious causes while asking us on a case, he believed his wife was cheating on him." Sherlock gave the group the easy lie to tell the Scotland Yard.

"(Y/n)," Dean started cautiously, "The demon said something interesting. He said you were The True, and that you had angel blood, not demon blood like Sam."

"And you believe him?" (Y/n) asked, looking to Sherlock, who nodded. "Well then what angels blood would I have? I got my powers the same way, the same night Sam did."

"We do not know who would have...Bled in your mouth the night of the fire," Sherlock sighed, "We must ask Dean's boyfriend if he knows anything about that."

Dean's ears became red as he glared at a smirking Sherlock.

"Do you really have to call him that? His name is Cas."

"I know very well what the angels name is. I just find it enjoyable to watching you become uncomfortable."

"God, I don't understand why I haven't shot you yet."

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