🔎Chapter 9🔍

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Chapter Nine

Secret agent

A/n: Guys! It's my BIRFDAY! I'm now officially a teenager (13)!!


Sherlock tugged down the sleeve of his suit jacket, looking around the room for the Winchester brothers. He quickly spotted the pair towards the back of the room thanks to Sam's height.

"Where is (Y/n)?" Sherlock asked John as they walked towards the two.

"She got ready with Mary, both of them should be here soon."

"I do hope my dear brother finds himself too busy to attend tonight," Sherlock commented when they reached the Winchesters.

"That'd put a dapper in the whole 'kidnap the demon using a high class person as their vessel' plan." Dean agreed.


"Mary I don't think I can do this," (Y/n) put a hand over her queasy stomach as she slowly walked up the steps of Buckingham, the other hand clutching the invitation that dubbed her 'Daisy Simmons'.

"You hunt monsters for a living, you can show up at a party wearing a dress," Mary rolled her eyes playfully.

(Y/n) and Mary hit it off quite well. From the moment she had come to 221B she talked (Y/n) down from her nervousness and they shared stories of their lives as they got ready. Mary really did look a lot like (Y/n)'s Mother, from what she could tell from the limited pictures she had seen of her anyways. She liked to think her Mother would have had the same kindness and automatic caring nature that Mary had. On top of that, both her Mother and Mary had hidden pasts, Mary being former a former assassin, and her Mother being a hunter.

(Y/n) held out her invitation to the guard, before walking through the doors of the gala, Mary following behind her. She ran her hands over the red fabric of her dresses skirt, keeping her eyes trained on the floor. She felt that if she looked up, all eyes would be on her. She wasn't used to attention like that.

"Here, it will calm you down," Mary walked over to a table of food and poured a glass of the punch there, handing it to (Y/n).

"Oh, hang on," (Y/n) lifted up the skirt of her dress, pulling a flask off of a holder attached to her calf.

"Really?" Mary sighed, shaking her head.

"Oh no," (Y/n) chuckled, "I'm not Dean. This is holy water for the punch. Should help us search."

She looked around, making sure no one was watching as she uncapped the flask and dumped the contents into the punch. Returning it to it's original place once she was done. She turned back to Mary and took a sip of her untainted punch, casually walking away from the punch bowl.

"I've known her for less than a day and already she's concerning me," Mary shook her head with a smile.

"It seems I've found four monkeys," (Y/n) smirked, addressing the four men whose backs were facing her.

They all turned around to face the two woman in front of them. John stepped forward and gave Mary a quick kiss. Sam and Dean looked at their little sister in shock, they never had seen her wearing something like this, not for a case, and not for a prom sadly - she had been injured on a previous hunt and couldn't go.

Sherlock's face was impassive, his eyes telling a different story as they ran over (Y/n)'s figure in the complimenting dress.

"You aren't taller," Sherlock noticed, realizing that (Y/n) was no closer to being his height than she was when she was barefoot.

(Y/n) lifted up her dress slightly, showing the group that she was not wearing the heels as she was expected to, she was wearing her normal, worn out, combat boots. Dean, Sam, John, and Mary, laughed. A small smile appeared on Sherlock's face at the sight.

"I would have had to hold her at gunpoint to get her to pick up the shoes," Mary informed.

"Well, you always were stubborn..." Dean trailed off, forgetting the name she was going by.

"Daisy Simmons," (Y/n) reminded, "Honestly, I thought you'd remember my name Luke, or at least you Ben."

Sam smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders.

"I put the holy water in the punch," (Y/n) reported, looking around the room, "We just have to wait and see if we get a reaction from anyone."

"Let's hope it's soon, I don't want to be around all these people longer than I have to," Sherlock looked around in distaste.

John muttered something unheard by the majority of the group.

"You just want to go back to the flat to be alone with (Y/n)."

Mary nodded in agreement, Sherlock sending John a glare, a tinge of pink lighting up on his cheeks.

"Shut up John."


The group of six had spread throughout the room to be able to look over people and their reactions to the punch better, that and hoping that the demon would perhaps, find them.

(Y/n) was walking on the far side of the room, near the doorway leading to another hallway of the palace. She was walking past one of the doors when it suddenly opened. Hands reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into the hallway and slamming her against the wall.

"What's a Winchester doing in London?"

(Y/n) looked up calmly at the demon holding her. He was using a government worker as his vessel. His eyes were fully black as he moved his hand to her neck.

"I'd love to kill you, you hunter scum, but we need you alive."

"I'd love to kill you too," (Y/n)'s hand slowly moved to the side of her dress, she slowly bunched up the fabric until it was up to her knees, "But we need to alive."

She grabbed another flask of holy water from her other legs, popping it open and swinging it at the demon. The demon opened it's mouth to scream out in pain before (Y/n) stepped forward, dumping some holy water down their throat. With a swift kick to the head and more holy water the demon was out.

"Time to go," (Y/n) sang, pulling her phone from her bra and texting Sherlock.

She looked around the hallway, spotting a window. She gingerly opened it, dragging the body over with her. She was relieved that the gala was taking place on the first floor. She grunted as she lifted the body up, carelessly dropping It out of the window, the government worker was most likely dead anyways.

She jumped out after, dragging the body around the back of the building to a different intersection, where everyone else was waiting for her.


"Don't ruin this moment," (Y/n) held up her hand, "I technically just broke into Buckingham Palace, knocked out a government worker, and dropped him out the window. I feel like a secret agent."

Everyone subconsciously looked to Mary who shrugged.

"Average day when I was an agent."

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