🔎Chapter 12🔍

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"The person who served us food is going to rob a bank tomorrow," Sherlock and I said at the same time when we entered his apartment, "I texted Lestrade about it."

"We're on the same page right now," (Y/n) giggled, taking of her jacket and putting it on the coat hanger next to Sherlock's.

"Don't tell me you have a girlfriend brother dear," a familiar voice spoke from the sitting room.

"Mycroft," Sherlock growled, stalking into the sitting room to face his brother. (Y/n) followed calmly behind him.

"(Y/n) Winchester," she held out her hand to Mycroft. He regarded it for a moment before shaking it.

"Mycroft Holmes.I believe I should arrest you for not only impersonating an FBI agent here, but in America, digging up graves, murdering, and faking your death along with your brothers. Luckily, I know why, you're the one who knows more about this case then we do."

"It's an honor to be considered the smart one by Mycroft Holmes," (Y/n) smirked, sharing a look with Sherlock. He had informed her that they used to think he was the stupid one until they met normal children.

"Don't get used to it. I'm here for a reason," Mycroft pulled out a computer, opening it and flipping it around to face Sherlock and (Y/n).

"Moriarty," Sherlock mumbled, as the famed Jim Moriarty moved across the frame, his favorite sniper, Sebastian Moran, walking next to him. Moran looked up at the camera, his eyes flashing black, before the video ended.

"I worked for two years to bring down Moriarty, and he's still alive," Sherlock clenched his fist.

"He could be possessed too." (Y/n) suggested.

"No, Moriarty wouldn't allow that to happen, he'd want to work with them as himself."

"He might have become a demon. Possessed his original body. That's happened before," (Y/n) argued, before shuddering. Even just reading about what Moriarty had done had been the same as her fighting demons and supernatural creatures. Thinking that now he was one of those supernatural creatures.

"Moriarty is a large threat to national security. If he is working with these murderers, then he must be found."

"Why can't you do this yourself?"

"He's working with demons brother dear. Something I have just recently found out about. (Y/n) and her brothers will be more help than I am. Good day, and good luck. Don't fake your death again, both of you."

Mycroft stood up, straightening his jacket and grabbing his computer before leaving the apartment. Sherlock and (Y/n) stared at him while he left. She knew he was the British Government, but the fact that he knew so much about her, Dean, and Sam, what they did, and that he could arrest them at any moment made me slightly uneasy.

"I won't let him arrest you, Seth, or Dylan." Sherlock assured, picking up his violin and plucking a few strings.

(Y/n) opened her mouth to correct him before shaking her head with a smile. By now he was just doing that on purpose. Sherlock picked up his bow and began to play a soft song. (Y/n) slipped off her shoes and spun around a few times to the music.

She ran to her room and grabbed her pointe shoes from her bag. Sherlock watched her go with mild curiosity. He knew she was a dancer, the way she walked and held herself differently from her brothers told him that much. But he had never actually seen her dance before. Now she was going to to music he played. He felt happy at the thought. They were clashing again, fire and ice.

(Y/n) came back and quickly put on her shoes. Nodding to Sherlock as a signal that he could continue with his playing. He began the song once again, idly glancing at his sheet music every few seconds.

"So what are you planning on doing with Moriarty?" (Y/n) asked.

"We'll see what he has become before we decide what to do with him," Sherlock sighed.

"Am I your girlfriend now?"

"The definition of girlfriend is a regular female companion with whom a person has a romantic relationship, so yes, I suppose you are my girlfriend now."

"Am I the first?" (Y/n) questioned teasingly. Sherlock's cheeks tinged a light pink as he struggled for an answer. (Y/n) took his silence as a yes, "Well, I'm glad I am. Besides, aren't I much better at deducing than normal woman?"

"You are a woman that I can stand," Sherlock confirmed. (Y/n) shook her head with a laugh, Sherlock saying he can stand you, was how he said he liked you, "Any word from Seth and Dylan?"

"They went back to Scotland Yard today, to talk with some witnesses. It won't do much. Cas still is looking for where Lucifer is, and where some areas they'd perform the ritual are. Now that they know we're here, and that they have our attention, the killings should stop, or slow down at least."

"Well, looks like Christmas is coming to an end then." Sherlock finished the song with a flourish, placing the violin back on its stand.

(Y/n) pulled off her pointe shoes and sat down on the couch, taking in a deep breath and leaning her head back. The past few days had been quiet, but that perhaps, wasn't a good sign. It could mean that the ritual was ready. They just needed (Y/n).

"I'm getting an anti-possession tattoo next week," Sherlock told her boredly, "It seems that everyone is getting them."

"Everyone is getting them. Well, you, John, and Mary. Me, Sam, and Dean already have them."

"We'll be like a family wearing matching shirts in public," Sherlock muttered in distaste.

"We'll be a family not getting possessed by demons," (Y/n) corrected, "I know I hate that I have the same tattoo as Sam and Dean, we were alike enough already, but, it's a life saver. Sam's been possessed before, and he said it was awful. So it's a life saver."

"Would getting it anywhere else on the body have the same affect?"

"No," (Y/n) shook her head, "I'm sure it seems like it would, but over the heart is the best way to stop yourself from getting possessed, getting it anywhere else would still make you vulnerable."

"Darn," Sherlock looked to (Y/n) with a smirk, "I wanted to get it on my-"

"Do not finish that sentence Sherlock Holmes! I have already seen a woman with one of her butt." (Y/n) shuddered, "That was a strange week. Besides, do you really think the tattoo artist would keep quiet?"

"They won't keep quiet either way," Sherlock shook his head, "They'll be calling me a devil worshiper soon enough."

"I know what it's like to be called a devil worshiper, and criminal, gravedigger, murderer."

"You have a horrible track record."

"Says the former drug addict."

"Touche Winchester."

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