🔎Chapter 13🔍

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"Christmas has come back once again!" Sherlock beamed, bounding into the sitting room, "Two murders, same circumstances. The game is not over, far from it. The game is on!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at the excitement of Sherlock, closing her laptop and standing up. She walked a few paces behind the detective as he turned up the collar of his coat and looped his scarf around his neck. It was strange, seeing someone who wasn't Cas wearing a trench coat no matter the weather.

(Y/n) slipped on her customary leather jacket and boots. Jokingly putting on the famous Sherlock hat, which she had pulled from her pocket.

"Where did you find that?" Sherlock asked in disgust.

"John gave it to me, said you hate it. So I thought I'd wear it instead."

Sherlock sighed, opening the door for (Y/n) and following after her. When they were about to leave 221b Mrs. Hudson stopped them, three containers stacked in her arms.

"(Y/n) dear, I heard your brother really enjoys pie, and I don't know how long you'll be staying here." Mrs. Hudson handed (Y/n) the three perfect looking pies.

"He'll love this Mrs. Hudson, thank you so much."

The two left the apartment, the pies in tow now. When they were in the cab on the way Sherlock texted John and Mary to meet them there. It seemed that the number of people who were actually supposed to be at the crime scene, but still came, was growing.

"She makes pies for Dylan but refuses to make tea for me," he grumbled.

"She still makes tea for you, you ungrateful jerk," (Y/n) scoffed as they pulled up to the crime scene. Sherlock paid the cabbie and they got out, ducking under the police tape. Sam and Dean were already there, John and Mary getting close.

"What do you got?"

"Two deaths, one was killed from up close, the other from a distance." Dean said, looking at the bodies.

"Why are you wearing that hat?" Sam asked his twin.

"Because I am Sherlock Holmes and no one can compete with my massive intellect!" (Y/n) exclaimed dramatically. Sherlock nudged her with a roll of his eyes. "Oh and Dean Mrs. Hudson made you some pies. Here."

Dean held back a squeal, taking the three pies out of his sisters hands and running back to the Impala, placing them n the passenger side seat.

"Sammy you're sitting in the back!"

Sam groaned, rolling his eyes. Apparently the pie was more important to Dean than Sam at the moment.

"Moran killed the one from a distance," Sherlock and (Y/n) said together, Sam and Dean gave them weird looks, "What?"

John and Mary's cab pulled up, the engaged couple getting out and ducking under the tape as well. Sherlock broke off from the group to go investigate a nearby alley way, while the other four talked. (Y/n) looked towards the alley, not seeing Sherlock near. Worried, she began to walk towards the alley, pulling out her gun for safety.

"Sherlock?" She called.

"(Y/n)," Sherlock stepped out of the shadows, "Come look at this."

(Y/n) walked closer to Sherlock to see what he was pointing out. But there was nothing, just the plain alley wall and floor.

"What do you want me to see?" She asked.

"This," Sherlock turned the hunter towards him, his eyes flashing black, "Are you going to shoot your boyfriend?"

"Let go of me," (Y/n) screeched, hoping someone from the crime scene would hear her, the alley was such a distance away that the chances were slim. "How-"

"He doesn't have that tattoo yet. When he left for the bathroom on your date. Luckily, someone broke the salt barrier around two two one b, letting me go inside."

"Exorcizamus te umnis immundus spiritus-"

"We don't want that do we," the demon put a white cloth over (Y/n) mouth. (Y/n) kept her mouth closed, stopping her breathing, "Come on, you have to breath sometime Winchester."

The demon was right as (Y/n) breathed in a little bit, the chemical on the cloth entering her system. Her eyes became heavier as her struggle slowly stopped.

"Now let's see if they believe little Sherlock well enough. I'm handing you to a good friend of mine, Sebastian Moran."

And everything went black.


"Where's (Y/n) and Sherlock?" Mary asked as she noticed the two were missing from the group.

"They went over to the alley to check shooting distances," John said dismissively.

"But I don't see them," Mary mumbled, beginning to walk over to the alley. Dean and Sam, now concerned followed her with John.

When they entered the alley the only person there was a panting Sherlock, he was clutching onto the hat that (Y/n) was wearing.

"They took her," he mumbled frantically, "They came in, and they took her."

"Why did you stop them?" Dean nearly yelled.

"I tried, but then Moriarty came in, and I was too late. I couldn't save her."

John and Mary shared a look, Sherlock had memorized a exorcism the night he found out about demons. That would be his first defense.

"Vatican cameos," John blurt out, Sherlock looked at him in confusion, it wasn't him.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica-"

Sherlock screamed, and black smoke poured out fo his mouth before disappearing into the air. Mary grinned victoriously. Sherlock wasn't the only one who was good at memorizing things.

"What happened?" Sherlock asked, "Where am I?"

"You were possessed," Sam sighed, "And the demons took (Y/n) while you were gone."

"What," Sherlock hissed, "John, Mary, come."

"Where are we going?" John as in confusion.

"Clearly we aren't as safe as we assumed, change the appointment. We're getting anti-possession tattoos today. Then, we're finding (Y/n)."

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