🔎Chapter 14🔍

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A/n: I seriously think I just let out my psychotic side when it came to Moriarty. I can just relate - Not the murder, the random dancing, creepiness, uncanny ability to read and creep people and a few other things. Anyways, enjoy!


"Pain is irrelative. I can feel it later. Finding (Y/n) is now top priority."

"You just got a tattoo and you're saying you can feel the pain later?" John questioned loudly as he, Sherlock, and Mary entered 221B, back from their appointment at the tattoo parlor.

"That is what I just said."

"This place is already falling to shambles without that girl," Mrs. Hudson fretted, breezing past the small group in the hallway.

"Dean would you stop eating pie for one second?" Sam complained, looking up from the books in front of him, "Your little sister is missing, have some respect."

"I'm stress eating Sammy," Dean defended.

"Stress eating? Dean that's your third pie today!"

"Continue on like that and you will become Mycroft." Sherlock added, taking off his coat.

"Have you had the chance to ask him about (Y/n) yet?" Sam asked hoprefully.

"Sherlock doesn't ask his brother for favors-"

"I called and asked while I was getting my tattoo," Sherlock interrupted John, who looked at him like he had grown a second head, "All security, traffic, and wireless cameras are looking for (Y/n)."

"Sherlock," John pulled Sherlock aside, "You never ask Mycroft for favors, you never ask anyone for favors, what is going on?"

"(Y/n) was an asset to the case, it seems only right that we find her. Where she is will be the location of Lucifer and Moriarty."

"No that isn't it," Mary stepped into the kitchen where Sherlock and John were talking not so quietly, "I know love when I see it. You love her, don't you Sherlock."

"That is absolutely-"

"You said you would never lie to me." John cut in, "That isn't what friends do."

Sherlock paused, becoming silent. The Winchester Brothers tried to act as though they weren't listening, when they were, in fact, on the edge of their seats. They wanted to hear that the detective had to say about their sister.

"I once said sentiment was a chemical defect found on the losing side. I've never doubted myself, especially when it came to sentiment.  But then she came along. She was arrogant, sassy, and got on my nerves. But they do say opposites attract. And that, is correct. I, at the very least, feel sentiment towards her. And I am determined to change what I said, it doesn't have to be found on the losing side."

"Well Mrs. Hudson told me she saw you two kissing but I didn't think you'd be such a romantic," Mary snorted.

"Mrs. Hudson!" Sherlock roared.

"Oh she's a bit busy now," a sinister voice spoke from the doorway. The Winchester Brothers hands shot up, guns raised towards the familiar figure.

"Lucifer," Sherlock stated, using all self restraint, "Strange, I thought you'd be...Taller."

"Not all of us have hobbit friends," Lucifer motioned towards John.

"Please, don't insult my fiancé," Mary asked casually.

"Oh Mary, you were so close to meeting me. Then you changed you name, your job."

"Where is she?" Sam asked while Dean prayed for Cas.

"Safe, for now," Lucifer looked to their guns, "You can't kill me with those. You can exorcise me either, I'm an angel, not a demon."

"Why are you here?" John questioned, not sure what to do, talking to the devil and all.

"Oh I just wanted to see you guys and all. I thought you'd want some missing information anyways. You see, Sam, you are the boy with the demon blood. But your sister, has no demon blood in her."

"But she's like me," Sam said in confusion.

"Ah yes, you see, for this ritual to work there had to be certain steps put in. She couldn't have demon blood in her, that wouldn't complete the bridge. She needed angel blood, my blood. Funny, she's The True. Coming from your family. Michael's true vessel, and my true vessel."

"We'll find her," Dean claimed as soon as Cas said he would be there soon.

"You'll find a body. I can't promise there'll be life in her."

Lucifer casually walked out of the door of 221B. They knew once he left that door they wouldn't be finding him easy. What could they do? They hadn't figured out anything that could stop the devil.

"Where is Lucifer?" Cas asked, appearing next to Dean.

"Gone," Sherlock growled, stepping forward and punching the angel across the face.

Cas kept his face to the side for a moment, before turning back to Sherlock, calm and collected.

"I am sorry that I was too late. I am looking for (Y/n). Wherever Lucifer has her, is very well protected. It will take time I'm afraid we do not have."


"What truck rammed into me?" (Y/n) asked as she opened her eyes. She was sitting tied to a chair in the middle of a warehouse, "Oh, that's right. I'm a prisoner."

"Oh I wouldn't call you a prisoner," an Irish accented voice came from the corner of the room, "More of an unwilling participant."

"Jim Moriarty," (Y/n) sighed, "I'm honored and at the same time I want to kill you."

"Yes well, that's been done before." Jim smirked, "It seems the world just needs a good old fashioned villain."

"You really did die on the rooftop, shot yourself for the game. And you came back. Is there a demon inside you Jim?"

"Oh no," Jim shook his head, slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, "I went to Hell, and it spit me back out. They didn't like me very much down there," he turned to me, his eyes flashing black, "Do tell me, do they look okay?"

"You're a demon, I knew it."

"Ah yes," Jim smiled, "Such fun times, down there. Then I was sent back up here and offered a new game to play. And I really like this one."

"You like this game? People have died!"

"Ah yes, well you see, that's what people DO!" Moriarty grew angry, "I thought you of all people would know that. Your Father, your Mother, your grandparents, your third brother. Anyone you hold dear dies. So why should Sherlock and John be any different? You'll be dying too, soon enough. Helping a cause you would give your life to prevent, ironic isn't it?"


"I want to break free! I want to break free! I want to break free from your lies-"

"Oh I love that song," Moriarty chuckled, "Brings back such fond memories that you'll know about soon enough. Do you mind if I take this?"

"No go ahead," I said casually.

Moriarty took out the phone, answering the call. He was calm, talking casually.

"Yes the black Westwood...Yeah...Thank you Seb, love you." He turned back to me, putting the phone in his pocket casually. I raised a brow, Sebastian Moran?

"The black eyes was just contacts, for show. Both Seb and I are ourselves."

"You played gay," I couldn't hold back a giggle, "Disguises always manage to be self portraits."

"Ah yes, men, woman, I've been there, done both." Moriarty laughed at his own joke, "But, you were saying something?"

"Well, what in God's," Moriarty winced, I smirked, "Name do you think you're going to do once I'm dead, the angels are dead, and Hell on Earth is here?"

"Well honey," Jim put a cold hand on my cheek, his eyes flashing black once again, "I'm going to put on my crown."

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