🔎Chapter 15🔍

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I'm back! I know, it's been too long. But I took a much needed break and now I have a lot of chapters ready for you guys now that I'm in school. The next few are a roller coaster ride so strap in! Love you all, and enjoy the chapter!


"Mycroft says that none of the cameras around the city have any sign of any of them. All of this would be easier if demons couldn't change bodies every other day," Sherlock sighed in frustration, his hands in Sherlock Pose under his chin. His eyes flicking everywhere. In front of him was every clue of the case and every possible location that (Y/n) could be.

"Not in an open place," Sherlock swiped the air in front of him, "Big enough for a ritual." He moved his hands closer to him, enlarging something no one but him could see, "Perhaps Holy ground."

"What is he trying to touch?" Dean asked John quietly, becoming a bit creeped out watching him paw at the air blindly.

"He's going over the case," John explained, "This is better than him going to his mind palace, don't worry."

"Maria is down," Mary announced, entering 221B, "Pre-mature labor, she'll be in the hospital for the next four, five months."

"We need to postpone it anyways," John grumbled, "What with (Y/n) missing, Sherlock will not be focused enough for that. I'll tell everyone tonight we had some issues and it's postponed for...Two months how about?"

Sherlock ignored the two, continuing to mutter under his breath, swiping his hand through the air every few seconds. He would have looked utterly insane to anyone who didn't know him, or to anyone who wasn't a hunter and had talked to the devil before.

"I wanted to make (Y/n) a bridesmaid," Mary grumbled, "Now she's being used as the main ingredient for a potion to take down Heaven."

"Oh you got that right honey," a voice spoke from the couch next to John.

John nearly jumped out of his skin, jumping up and away from the man who had appeared out of nowhere. Sam and Dean sighed in frustration, rolling their eyes. They knew his this man was, and now was perhaps the worst time for him to be bothering them.

"What do you want Gabriel?" Dean asked with a growl, "We wanted you to leave us alone back in that warehouse."

"No, you wanted me to join in on your little war, help stop the apocalypse you started. I got to say kids, you are quite convincing. I want to help you find your sister."

"No," Sam shook his head, "You wouldn't just come and help us now, there's something else. You left Heaven, you're safe. So why do you want to help us?"

"I like your sister a lot more than I like you two. She understood the want for fighting to stop. That and she left me some candy in the warehouse."

Sam and Dean looked at him in confusion. Sherlock lifted his head up, his attention caught.

"You honestly don't remember what I said, do you? Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father. And Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of daddy's plan-"

"As it is in Heaven, so it must be on Earth," Dean repeated what Gabriel had told them in the warehouse mere months ago, "What does that have to do with (Y/n)?"

"(Y/n), the final child, the final resort. The ultimate weapon. She's the one who can stop you two from fighting like idiots. She's the one who can knock either of you out. Doesn't that sound familiar?"

"The Ritual of the True wipes out all un-rebelling angels."

"Exactly, (Y/n) is the one in the family who can stop one of you two. So why wouldn't she be the one who can kill all those on one side of the war? Your sister isn't a douchebag like you two. She wants the fighting to end too, you know that? I saw her head, pretty interesting up there. I knew what she was, what was going to happen to her. She doesn't care anymore, who wins. If she dies. She wants it to be over. She kept fighting for you two."

"So if both you and (Y/n) want the fighting to be over, why not let her go through with the ritual?"

"If she goes through with this, she will die. More angels than I wish will die. My family...I wanted the death match to stay between you two. Lucifer and Michael. If this is done, more and more angels will die. More than I ever wanted. Lucifer has lost his way more than I thought. He is willing to kill our family to get revenge. I want the fighting to stop, but I want my family to live."

Gabriel paused, taking in a deep breath and clearing his throat. Sherlock held back an eye roll. Who knew angels could be so emotional?

"Castiel has stayed true to what Heaven wishes, loving humans more than himself," Gabriel smirked at Dean, "I however, have rebelled more than I wish to say. I can see where they are right now."

"You know where (Y/n) is?" Sherlock leaned forward in his seat, "How do we know this is not a trap?"

"You should know Sherlock, you're supposed to be the smart one." Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Look, believe me or not the ritual is going down at three in the morning. They're in the Saint Lawrence's Church in Brentford. Good luck."

Gabriel disappeared, leaving everyone in the room in shock.

"Are we leaving now?" Mary questioned.

"It's one thirty, we have an hour and a half to do this. We need to leave now. Who's coming."

"All of us," Sherlock stood up, walking to the coat wrack to grab his scarf and coat, "We have no idea how many demons will be there. Call the gay angel too."

Dean looked down at his gun on the table, very tempted to shoot Sherlock. But he knew (Y/n) would kill him once they got her back. They would get her back. And they would go hoe to America, and deal with the apocalypse together, like they had been.

"No one would know," Dean mumbled to himself as everyone else left the apartment, "Oh a demon got to him, darn I know. He was such a...smart guy."

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