:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Four, Part Two

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Still in shock, I climbed out of the car, and into the pouring rain. Chris appeared at my side moments later, and together we hurried towards the front door. I took the key from under the mat and opened the door, ushering Chris in before closing it behind us. I kicked my shoes off and he followed my example, placing them neatly on the shoe rack.

            “Umm,” I started awkwardly, looking everywhere but at Chris. “Do you want something to drink?”

            “I could go for some hot chocolate,” he responded, heading towards the kitchen. “I can make my special hot chocolate if you have the ingredients.

            I followed him into the room, flicking on the lights. “You mean what you made me the night my mom invited you for dinner without me knowing?”

            He glanced at me, impressed. “You remembered that?”

            “Um, yeah…”

            He smiled in amusement. “Well, yes, that’s the one.”

            “What’s in it? I’ll help you look for the stuff,” I offered, walking over to the cabinets. “I know we have cocoa powder…”

            “Ah-ah-ah,” Chris chided, moving me away cupboard. “It’s my secret mix.”

            I frowned at him. “But—”

            “Just sit down at the island.”

            “What about Jeremy? You shouldn’t stay for too long…”

            He raised an eyebrow at me, crossing his arms. “Do you want me to leave?”

            “No!” I responded quickly, shaking my head. “That’s not it.”

            He chuckled, turning back to the cabinet. “Jeremy can wait. Although, I’m a little afraid he might set fire to my apartment…”

            “I’d be more than a little afraid,” I responded, pushing myself onto one of the stools at the island. “It is Jeremy.”

            Chris just shrugged his shoulders. “Put your head down.”



            “I’m not putting my head down,” I refused, staring at his back incredulously.

            He glanced over his shoulder at me, frowning. “What if I take off my shirt?”

            I rolled my eyes. “I’ve seen you shirtless before.”

            “Please, Holly.”



            I sighed lightly. “Okay, fine.” Feeling like an idiot, I put my arms on the bar and put my head face down on them.

            “Thank you,” he responded, and I heard the cabinets being open.

            Five minutes later, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. Chris was smirking at me when I raised my head. He handed me a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and then took a seat across from me with his own.

            “You were so quiet I figured you’d fallen asleep,” he commented, causing me to roll my eyes.

            Pulling the cup of cocoa closer to me, I took a small sip. “Ow!” I cried, pulling away from the mug as fast as possible. “It’s hot!”

            “That’s why it’s called hot chocolate, Holly.”

            I gave him a sarcastic look. “Oh, I would have never guessed.”

            He grinned at me. “If you want I can cool it down for you,” he offered. “Put some more milk in it or something.”

            “You made it with milk?”


            I gently blew on my mug of hot chocolate, hoping to cool it down. “That’s okay. It’ll cool down eventually.”

            “When do you think your mom is going to be home?”

            “I don’t know, why?” I responded, tilting my head to the side curiously.

            Chris frowned. “I don’t really think she wants to see me.”

            I laughed. “No, she’s over it. Trust me. She’s always asking me when we’re hanging out.”


            “Now who has the catch phrase?” I teased.

            He rolled his eyes. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Holly.”

            “Thank you.”

            “Thank you?”

            “For the hot chocolate,” I murmured, my cheeks heating up. Mentally, I scolded myself. Who blushed just because they were thanking someone?

            Chris shook his head. “You don’t need to thank me, Holly.”

            “Yes I do, since I’m polite and actually thank people when they do something for me…” I narrowed my eyes accusingly.

            He smiled smugly. “Well I guess I’m not polite.”

            “You got that right,” I muttered, taking another sip of my drink warily. This time it didn’t burn my tongue as much. “This taste just like melted marshmallows…”

            “There’s no marshmallows in it,” he told me.

            I did a double take at him. “What? Really?”

            “Really,” he responded with a deep chuckle. “I’m just an excellent cook, remember?”

            Would it kill him to be a little less narcissistic? But then again, I guess it was another one of his charm points… I smiled wryly. I was one weird girl. Usually what people would think were turn-offs were turn-ons for me. Chris did have normal ones too though— like his good looks and his caring personality.

            “What’s your favorite animal, Holly?”

            I pulled myself from my thoughts, looking at Chris questioningly. “Cat, why?”

            He shrugged, taking a long drink of his hot cocoa. I wondered briefly how he didn’t burn himself. “We’ll we’ve been dating for a little over a month now and I realized I still don’t know a few things about you I probably should.”

            I frowned at him. He didn’t know things about me? It was more like I didn’t know anything about him. “What’s your favorite animal?”

            “Dog,” he responded, the corners of his lip twitching. “I can’t stand cats. What’s your favorite type of flower?”

            “Flower?” I echoed.

            “The seed-bearing part of a plan, consisting of stamens and carpels, typically surrounded by brightly colored corolla, or petals, and a green calyx.”

            I stared at him incredulously. “How do you know that off the top of your head?”

            “I’m a biology teacher, remember? What’s your answer?”

            “Don’t think I’m lame…”

            “A rose?” he guessed, looking amused.

            I blushed. “Yeah…”

            “Besides House and Lie To Me, what’s your favorite T.V show?”

            “How did you know I like those shows?” I asked in surprise. “I don’t remember telling you.”

            Chris shrugged. “You usually watch them. And Castle.”

            I frowned slightly. I didn’t even know what Chris liked to watch. What did I know about Chris? Next to nothing. “What’s your favorite show?”

            “I guess I like House,” he responded simply. “I usually don’t watch T.V.”

            “What’s your favorite color?”

            “Same as you.”

            I cocked my eyebrow. “Which is…?”


            Taking another sip of my hot chocolate, I stared at the table. This was kind of depressing. He knew all this stuff about me without asking, and yet I couldn’t answer anything about him without asking. I needed to pay more attention to him…

            “When you’re done with your hot cocoa there’s something I want to do.”

            I gave him a curious look. “What’s that?”

            There was an amused glint to his eyes. “Actually…”


            “I’d like to see your room,” he told me simply. “You’ve seen mine, so it’s only fair, right?”

            I blinked. That was unexpected. “You want to see my room?” I repeated, narrowing my eyes in confusion.

            “That’s what I said.”

            “Um, I don’t really know how clean it is though,” I told him, feeling my cheeks warm up. “Maybe we should wait…”

            He chuckled, quickly downing his hot chocolate. “I don’t care, Holly,” he said when he was finished. “I’m curious.”

            “I don’t know…”

            Chris sighed, pushing himself off the stole. He came around the island, enveloping my hand in his. “Do I have to find it myself, or will you help me?” He tugged me off the stool and towards the stairs. “Come on.”

            Apparently he wasn’t taking no for an answer. After another moment of hesitation, I finally resigned, leading the way up the stairs. He dogged me eagerly, literally staying one step behind me. We walked down the carpeted hallway to the far right door that led to my room. I paused before entering it, my hand on the handle. Was there anything embarrassing that I left out this morning? I definitely threw my dirty laundry in the hamper, so that wasn’t a problem…

            Chris abruptly grabbed my hand with his free one, twisting my hand and twisting the knob along with it. He pushed open the door, giving me a gentle shove so I would enter. After a few seconds light flooded the room and I quickly scanned my room, looking for anything that might embarrass me. Horror flooded through me when I realized my mom had put my clean laundry on my bed— my bras and underwear in plain site on top.

            “E-excuse me!” I cried, pushing Chris out of the way and nearly sprinting towards my bed to pick it up. With my face on fire I hastened to my closet, opening it, and hastily threw the clothing into it. My mom had chosen the worst time to do my laundry for me.

            Chris cracked up, dropping his head to avoid my glare. My heart was racing in my chest, my embarrassment causing my pulse to quicken. When he finally stopped chuckling, he gave me an amused smile. “You know, Holly, I have seen girl clothing before.”

            I opened my mouth to retort, but couldn’t think of anything good, so I closed it again. “W-whatever,” I finally muttered.

            He took a few steps into the room, looking around it carefully. I followed his gaze, glancing over my wooden dresser, my full-length mirror, the posters of some bands I like, my desk with my television, my closet… Our gazes met and he smirked. He then turned his head, looking at my bed.

            “You still sleep in a single?” he commented.

            “It’s only me here,” I defended myself. “Not everyone needs a queen sized bed.”

            “I have a king,” he corrected me.

            I made a face at him. “Still.”

            He walked over to my bed, taking a seat on it. He gestured for me to come over to the bed as well, and after a moment of hesitation I did. He patted the spot next to him. “Sit down.”

            “I’m good,” I told him, very aware that we were both very alone.

            He gave me an exasperated look. “Come on, I want to see if two people can fit on here.”


            “If we ever move in together, you might still want to sleep in a single bed,” he commented with a grin.

            I gave him a sarcastic smile. “You’re too funny.” Surprisingly, I was able to control my blush this time. Usually when Chris would make a comment like that, my face would flame. It was nice to know he thought of our future from time to time.

            He rolled his eyes, and in one swift moment has his arms around me. Before I could protest, he had me over his shoulder. A small scream of surprise left my lips as he quickly shifted so he was lying next to me. When I tried to sit up, he pushed me back down, adjusting himself into a more comfortable position.

            “Well, we definitely fit,” he commented, smirking. “But you tend to roll in your sleep, so you’d probably fall off if it was both of us on here…”

            Now blushing, I glared at him. “I don’t want to sleep in a twin sized bed with you!”

            He feigned a hurt look. “You want to sleep in separate beds?”


            A small chuckle erupted from him. “I’m kidding, Holly,” he told me, moving his face closer. “You’re just too fun to tease.”

            “Obviously,” I responded, trying my best to glare at him. It was hard to focus when he was so close.

            “I’m going to kiss you,” he warned, rolling onto his side. “Is that okay?”

            “Yes,” I murmured, never letting my eyes leave his face. “You don’t need to ask, Chris.”

            He laughed quietly, moving so that his face hovered above mine. “It’s only polite.”

With that, he dipped his head closer to mine so our lips brushed. I inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of his cologne. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as our lips moved together slowly and softly. After a moment, Chris pulled away, motioning for me to sit up. I did so, looking at him in confusion. He said nothing, but instead moved so that instead of him hovering over me, I could rest on him.

“I don’t want to crush you,” he told me.

I nodded, too embarrassed to form a coherent reply. Lucky for me, he saved from having to respond by pulling my head down to his and kissing me again. I kissed him back, trying to calm my racing heart. Even though I had kissed Chris plenty of times before, I still couldn’t do it without feeling nervous. What if he thought I suddenly couldn’t kiss? And I’d never made out with him on a bed before…

Before I knew it, our kiss had deepened and changed from a soft, sensual one to a heavy, French one. He massaged my back with his hands while I did my best to breathe whenever he gave me the chance to— which was tough because he seemed to have an unlimited supply of oxygen. After a few more moments of this, his lips left mine, and he trailed up my jaw line with his lips, sending pleasant prickles down my spine. He stopped at my ear and breathed on it for a moment on it.

“Holly,” he started in a husky voice. “We can’t—”

“Holly?” a new voice called, interrupting Chris. “Are you up here?”

My eyes shot open in surprise and I pushed myself off Chris, moving back as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough room on my bed to do so, so before I knew it, I hit the ground with a loud thump. Chris was off my bed so fast it was almost inhuman. A few seconds later the door to my bedroom opened and my mom stuck her head in.

“What happened…” she trailed off when her gaze landed on Chris. “Oh, you are here. I thought that was your car in the driveway.”

Chris gave my mom a sheepish grin. “Hello, Lynn.”

My mom smiled at him before turning her gaze to me. “Holly, haven’t I told you it’s rude to be on the floor while a guest is here?”

Ducking my head so my mom wouldn’t notice my flaming cheeks, I pushed myself off the ground. “Hi, mom.”

“So what were you two doing in here?” she inquired in an accusing tone. “I hope you two are being safe.”

“Mom!” I exclaimed in outrage, glaring at her with as much force as I could muster. How could she say that so casually!

She gave me a confused look. “What? Is it wrong for me to want you two to be safe? Cut me some slack. I let you two be together, the least you could do is comply with that one little rule. I want grandchildren, just not when my daughter is only eighteen—”

“Mom! Mom, just stop talking! Right now!” I cried, looking at her in horror.

She smiled evilly at me. My jaw nearly dropped. She was doing this on purpose! Why couldn’t I have a normal mom?

 “I think it’s time for me to go…” Chris spoke up, looking uncomfortable.

“Don’t leave on my account, Chris,” my mom responded with an innocent smile.

Chris shook his head. “Jeremy is waiting for me back at my place so… I’ll see you later, Holly.” He threw me a quick smile before moving past my mom.

“Bye Chris!” she called after him. “See you soon!”

When my mom turned back to me, I glared at her. “What was that for?”

She laughed. “I just wanted to tease you two a little. Chris is so cute. He’s still just like a teenaged boy.”

 “I’m going to bed Mom,” I responded, not finding her teasing funny. “Goodnight.”

“Aw, Holly. Come on. It was all in good fun—”

“Goodnight, Mom,” I repeated more forcefully.

She pouted at me. “Fine. Sleep tight.”

As soon as she left my room and closed the door, I flopped back down onto my bed. It still smelled like Chris. I frowned slightly. What was Chris about to say before my mom entered? Letting out a sigh, I turned onto my back. My mom had horrible timing.

My LG vibrated in my pocket, making me jump in surprise. I quickly pulled it out, noticing it was a text message from Chris. Smiling now, I opened it.

I love you, Holly.


A lot of people thought something really important was going to happen in this chapter lol. Nothing did. But you guys know me well... After something good comes something bad. Facebook page in external link!

Today's song will be... Situations by Escape The Fate. It's such a fun song. :D

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