:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Thirteen

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“Holly, could you go into the supply room and get me some cream?”

            I looked up at Chris from the desk I was currently slumped on. He gave me one of his you-can’t-say-no smiles. After heaving a sigh, I pushed myself up from my chair and trudged towards the supply room. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem doing anything for him, but now I couldn’t say no.

            That black-mailing devil, I thought, pushing open the supply room door. Using telling my mom I got drunk as leverage for making me his personal slave… With too much force, I wrenched open the door, nearly knocking everything from the shelves and causing a clamor.

            “Forget to turn off your super-strength, Holly?”

            Ignoring his jibe, I leaned over the fridge, looking for his creamers. Immediately my gaze met a container that read cow heart. Next to that was his lunch. I nearly gagged. How could he keep those things in such proximity of each other? My eyes located the creamers now, and I quickly grabbed them, closing the fridge swiftly. I didn’t want to know what else was in there.

            “Here,” I said, placing the creamers on his desk.

            He gestured with his finger for me to come closer to him. After a moment, I obeyed, taking a few toddler steps toward him. Without any warning, he wrapped his arms around my waist, dragging me the rest of the way towards him, and sitting me on his lap. My face flamed, but I didn’t move out of his grasp.

            “You don’t have to sit so far away,” he murmured in my ear.

            “What if someone comes in?”

            He chuckled, his breath caressing my neck. “Don’t worry. The door’s locked.”

            I glanced at him uneasily. “I don’t think—”

            “Then don’t,” he interjected, bringing his face closer to mine. “It’s early, no one is here yet.”

            “Teachers are,” I breathed, doing my best not to move. Even the slightest movement of my lips would cause them to touch his.

            His eyes gleamed mischievously. “If one comes in, I’ll knock them out. I haven’t punched anyone in a long time. I’m getting antsy…”

            “Mr. Heywood!” I cried, my eyes widening. How could he say that after everything that had happened? He wanted to fight?

            He cut off my thoughts when he gently pressed his lips to mine, a smile forming on his. “Call me Chris,” he instructed me when he pulled away. “Remember?”

            “I…” He brushed his lips against mine again, causing me to trail off. I couldn’t think straight when we kissed. “Chris…”

            “Can I ask you a favor?” he inquired, running his lips over my ear.

            I jerked, surprised by the sudden contact. He smirked, cocking an eyebrow at my reaction. To no one’s surprise, red dusted across my face. This time I took the initiative, grasping his face firmly in my hands so he couldn’t move away. Unfortunately he pressed his lips together tightly, not responding.

            “What?” I finally asked, pursing my lips.

            The corners of his lips quirked in amusement. “You look disappointed.”

            “I-I… I j-just—”

            “Calm down, Holly,” he laughed, cutting me off. “It’s fine. But will you do me this favor?”

            Shrugging, I pushed a stray lock of my hair behind my ear. “It depends…”

            “Promise me you’ll tell me if Aaron threatens you.”

            I blanked. “What?”

            He sighed, an irritated expression crossing his face. “You heard me, Holly.”

            “No, I did, but…”

            “But what?”

            “I already promised you I’d tell you. Nothing’s happened…” I paused, pulling my eyebrows together. Hadn’t Aaron said something to me the other night?

            Chris gave me a knowing look. “You promised me last time, and didn’t tell me until I told you I knew.”

             “But Aaron said—” I cut myself off, remembering Aaron’s threat. An uncomfortable expression crossed my face. Was that something I needed to tell Chris? Technically Aaron wasn’t threatening me, but it was close enough. Would Chris be really angry?

            “What did Aaron say?”

            “Nothing,” I murmured, dropping my gaze. What if Chris did something stupid?

            “Holly,” he started, moving his hands so he could hold my face. With an abrupt movement, he turned it up so I was looking him in the eye. “Tell me.”

            “There’s nothing to say.”

            He cocked his head to the side. “Really? Are you sure?” With every word he brought his face closer to mine. “Positive?” Our lips barely brushed.

            I slowly nodded my head. “Yes…”

            “I don’t believe you,” he stated simply before crushing my lips with his.

            Surprised be his sudden attack, I gasped, allowing him access into my mouth. He took no hesitation in using this to his advantage. When I tried to pull away he tightened his grasp on my head so I couldn’t. My mind was growing fuzzy as I tried to focus on breathing through the kiss, which was a lot harder than I remembered. Soon my head was reeling from lack of oxygen. When he pulled away looking smug, I rested my hands on his shoulders, panting.

            “I think you’re out of shape, Holly,” he commented innocently, not even the slightest bit out of breath.

            I stared at him like he was crazy, touching my lips. “That hurt!”

            “Wanna do it again?”

            I hesitated for a moment before shaking my head. “No!”

            “You hesitated,” he told me, smiling slyly. “I think you want to do it again.”


            “Then tell me what Aaron said to you.”

            “He didn’t say anything.”

            Chris shook his head. “Yes he did. I know you, Holly.”

            “He didn’t… Don’t kiss me again!” I cried as he moved closer.

            “Why not?”

            “I can’t think straight,” I admitted, dropping my gaze.

            His eyes twinkled in amusement. “I know. That’s why I use it to my advantage. Now…” Painfully slowly, he pressed his lips to my jaw, moving down it until he reached my lips. “What did he say?”


            “He said something,” he murmured, never removing his lips. “Why won’t you tell me?”

            “I don’t want you to be angry with him…”

            Chris didn’t reply, but locked lips with me again. Part of me was aware we were still in school, but the other part, the part of me that was irrational, didn’t care at all. He kept the kiss short, pulling away and leaving me frowning.

            “I’ll be more angry with you if you don’t tell me,” he told me flatly. “You can’t keep these kinds of things from me, Holly. We’re dating now. Let me help you, and stop acting like a child. You don’t want me to be angry with him? He spiked your drink, Holly! You have no idea what could have happened!”

            My heart skipped a beat at his harsh words. “I’m not…”

            “You are.”

            I stared at him, my eyes starting to moisten— an automatic reaction. “I’m sorry,” I apologized in a whisper. “I’m sorry, Chris. I just don’t know what I should do… I know I’m acting like a child. But you don’t understand!”

            “I do, Holly.”

            I shook my head. “No you don’t! If anything happens and you get fired, it will be my fault.”

            He stared at me blankly. “Is that what you’re worried about?”

            “I don’t want to make you lose your job,” I told him, shaking my head. “If Aaron finds out that I’m actually dating you and not Jeremy and he finds out I told you what he told me, he’ll definitely get you fired.”

            “Holly,” Chris started, a groan escaping his lips. “You’re worried about me getting fired?”


            “You’re not worried the slightest bit about yourself?”

            I blinked at him. “Should I be?”

            He dropped his head back, laughing through his nose. “You’re killing me.”

            “I can get off,” I responded quickly, feeling a flush rise over my cheeks. Was I really that heavy? When I struggled to push myself off his lip, he pulled me back down.

            “No, not that,” he told me. “Forget about my job. You don’t need to worry about that. What did Aaron say to you?”

            “He told me to blackmail you and Jeremy into giving him good grades,” I admitted, dropping my gaze. “I couldn’t say no to him…”

            “That’s all?”

            “You don’t sound angry…”

            He looked at my like I was crazy. “Why would I be angry?”

            “He’s trying to blackmail me into blackmailing you!”

            “Well I’m angry that he’s blackmailing you— that’s my job— but that’s pretty unoriginal of him… Good grades?” He snorted. “How cliché.”

            I furrowed my eyebrows at him. That was… unexpected.

            “What did he say he was going to do if we didn’t give him good grades?”

            “Tell the principal about me and Jeremy.”

            “That’s it? There’s nothing to worry about then, silly,” he told me, flicking my nose.

            I winced. “Jeremy would get fired!”

            “I say good riddance.”


            He chuckled. “I’m kidding, Holly. Don’t worry about it. Jeremy and I will think of something. You just focus on doing your biology homework.”

            “My biology homework?” I repeated, confused.

            “You’re almost failing,” he informed me.

            “Wait, seriously?”


            I gaped at him. “How?”

            “I think you’re a little distracted in class,” he guessed, a smirk slipping across his face. “You must have a hot teacher.”

            I opened my mouth to reply, but a sharp knock on the door cut me off. We exchanged startled glances, and he motioned for me to go into the supply closet. Without further ado, I jogged over to it, shutting the door securely behind me. My heart raced in my chest as I backed away from the door, deciding to hide behind the fridge in case someone poked their head into the room. It was a good thing Chris locked the door… I couldn’t imagine anyone’s expression if they walked in and saw us making out.

            My hands went to my lips subconsciously. I didn’t think I’d ever kissed him that many times before in such a short period. A smile crossed my face. Even if he was doing it to tempt me into telling him what Aaron said I still liked it.

            The door to the supply closet opened, causing my breath to catch in my throat. I pushed myself further behind the fridge, my back now touching the wall. A few moments of silence passed by. Suddenly I felt a hand on my back. A startled scream left my lips and I jerked away from the wall, turning to see a hand waving at me. I stared at it in horror for a few moments until I recognized Chris’s slim fingers and heard his snickering.

            “You’re so cute,” he commented, coming into view from behind the other side of the refrigerator.

            I scowled at him. “Don’t do that!”

            “I’ll do what I want. It’s my supply room,” he responded complacently.

            “Who came into the room?”

            He frowned. “Your best friend.”


            “I meant that sarcastically,” he told me, rolling his eyes. “It was Aaron, looking for the homework.”

            My eyes widened.

            “What?” Chris asked, spinning around. He turned back to me a few moments later, looking mystified. “What’s wrong?”

            “There was homework?

            He let out a chuckle, ruffling my hair. “The lab write-up, remember?”

            “I didn’t do that,” I muttered, ashamed. “I totally forgot. I tried to do it the other night, but it made no sense…”

            “Then maybe you should stay after school for extra help?” he suggested. “It might be a good idea to do so today.”


            “Lexi is staying too.”

            My heart sunk at his words. “She is?”

            He raised an eyebrow. “Why do you look nervous?”

            “I don’t like the idea of her being alone with you,” I admitted sheepishly. “She’s so… You know?”

            “Hence why I asked if you wanted to stay after too,” he told me, flicking my nose again.

            “Stop that!” I cried, swatting his hand away.

            “Are you going to stay today, then?” he asked, ignoring me.

            I glowered at him. “Yes.”

            “Good. Bring me a snack from the school store then.”

            “What do you want?”

            He smirked. “I bet you know.”

            I adverted my gaze, remembering the first time he’d asked me to bring him a snack. Of course I’d gotten him his favorite chips. “Salt and vinegar?”

            “You got it,” he said with a smile. “Now you better head out of here. The buses will be arriving.”

            “Can’t I stay here?”

            “You could,” he told me, nodding his head. “But I have hall duty today, so you’d be alone.”

            I sighed. “Okay.”

            “Don’t forget your keys,” he advised me. “There on my desk.”

            My hand went to my pocket, noticing my key chain was indeed gone. I smiled sheepishly at him. “Haha…”

            “Haha,” he mocked, pushing me towards the door. “You should put those somewhere safe unless you want your new car stolen.”

            “I don’t—”

            There was a loud crash from the classroom, cutting me off. Chris froze, pushing me to the side so I was out of view. He moved towards the door, a frown appearing on his face. Holding my breath, I once again pressed myself up against a wall. A few seconds later, someone barreled through the doorway, nearly knocking Chris off his feet. I stared at the familiar blonde, blinking my eyes in surprise.

            “Hi Holly!” he chirped, looking up at me, his arms still around my boyfriend. “I found your I.D outside the classroom door.”

            Chris shoved Jeremy away from him, giving me a disapproving look. “Maybe you should wear pants with bigger pockets?”

            I frowned, snatching my identification card from Jeremy’s outstretched hand. “It doesn’t usually fall out.”

            “So what happened the other night after you went home drunk?” Jeremy questioned, slinging an arm around me. “Was your mom angry?”

            “I stayed at Chris’s.”

            “Oh?” he responded, raising an eyebrow. “My little Holly is growing up! So did you know what you were doing or—”

            “We didn’t do anything,” Chris told him, smacking the back of his head. “Stop being a pervert.”

            He grinned. “What? I wish I could have gone home with a girl. I was really close. But it’s not really fun making out with a drunk girl.”

            “Holly says you should pretend the alcohol tastes good.”

            “Mr. Heywood!”

            “Chris,” he and Jeremy corrected simultaneously.

            I glowered at him, sliding out from under his arm. “Whatever! Jeremy, who did you make out with? Please tell me if was Aaron’s mom…”

            Jeremy laughed. “Nope, but close.”

            “His dad?” Chris guessed.

            “No,” he responded, rolling his eyes. “Lexi, of course.”

            I gasped. “Jeremy!”

            “She’s a student,” Chris said, narrowing his eyes.

            Jeremy gave him an annoyed look. “Yeah, and so is your girlfriend.”

            “Holly is of age.”

            “You kissed her while she was under-aged,” Jeremy accused.

            “Because he thought it’d be like kissing the other Holly!” I told Jeremy, throwing my hands in the air. “I warned you Jeremy! Why Lexi?”

            He gave me a confused look. “Why not? She likes me, and she’s really pretty. She hasn’t done anything bad, Holly.”


            He shook his head. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.”


            “Forget it.”

            I opened my mouth to protest, but Chris put a hand on my shoulder. “Holly, we shouldn’t be the ones to talk. Jeremy is an adult. He can handle himself.”

            Jeremy nodded. “Yeah. He knows what’s up.”

            I frowned. “I’m just worried…”

            Jeremy grinned, wrapping his arms around me again and giving me a tight squeeze. “Don’t. I’m fine.”

            “You say that,” I muttered.

            “I love you, Holly,” he said. “I’m quite flattered you’re worried about me. But trust me, I really am fine.”

            Still unconvinced, I gave him a wary look. “Okay.”

            He nodded. “Good. Now Chris, want to give me some pointers on wooing high school girls?”

            Chris smacked him again. “Don’t be a smart ass.”


This chapter wasn't very exciting, but whatever! It's probably not that long either, but I wanted to get something written. I'm going to another concert this weekend, so I won't be around to write. This time it's The Game Changer's Tour. A Day To Remember, Bring Me the Horizon, We Came as Romans, and Pierce the Veil. This is the first concert I'm going to that I actually LOVE every band that's playing. ADTR's new stuff is kinda boring, but I still like it :D And I'm so excited for BMTH to play Crucify Me. I will be crushed if they don't because that's my favorite song. But I still love every one of their songs :3 The band I'm least excited for is WCAR because I don't know a lot of their songs. But yeah. I'M SO EXCITED.

Today's song is Burn Burn by the Lost Prophets :D

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