:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Twelve

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"This is not my house."

            Chris sighed, gently pushing me into his apartment. "Holly, did you seriously not realize I didn't park in your driveway?"

            I whipped my head around to glare at him, but nearly lost my balance. He quickly grabbed my shoulders and I fell into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Can you dance like Jeremy?"

            "I can't understand you, Holly," he responded flatly.

            I put my hands on his hips, trying to make him move. "Dance."

            He shook his head, pushing me away. "No. You're going to bed, and I'm calling your mom to let you know you're staying here tonight."

            "Don't let her know I drank!"

            "I won't," he told me, a frown adorning his face. "Only because you aren't the one responsible."

            Nodding my head, I moved back from him. "It's all Aaron's fault."

            "It's partially your fault too."

            "How so?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes. "I didn't want alcohol!"

            Chris rolled his eyes. "The number one rule at a party is to never accept a drink from someone else. Everyone knows that, except you, apparently."

            "Aaron said it was pink lemonade..."

            "And your just that naïve to believe him," he snapped.

            I stared at him for a moment, taken aback by his snippiness. Was he angry with me? Because I didn't know a simple party rule? Didn't it occur to him that I didn't go to parties like that? It was like he thought it was my entire fault! I didn't want him to be angry because of my ignorance. I bit my lip, trying to keep my emotions in control. It didn't work. My eyes started to water and I shook my hair in front of my face to hide it. Why did I have to be such a moron?

            Soon I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and my face was pressed into his chest. "I'm sorry, Holly," he apologized. "I'm just irritated... You're always getting in trouble because of your innocence."

            "I'm sorry," I sniffed, gripping the back of his shirt. "I can't help it..."

"I know you can't," he told me with a deep chuckle. "But that's one of the things I love about you. It sort of gives me a challenge."

"I'm still sorry," I sighed. "I didn't mean to steal your car."

            He pushed me away, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't steal my car."

            "What did I do then?" I inquired, furrowing my eyebrows.

            "Accepted a spiked drink from Aaron..."

            "Who's Aaron?"

            Chris smirked. "You know what? Maybe you should get drunk more often. You have such a short attention span. It almost seems like you slip in and out of soberness."

            "Slobber? Do you have a dog?"

            "Let's get you to bed," he suggested, putting a hand on my shoulder.

            I stared up at him, a sly smile slipping onto my face. "We're sleeping together?"

            "We usually do...?"

            I blinked. "I thought I was a virgin."

            He looked caught off guard. He opened his mouth to reply, but abruptly shut it, looking both amused and discomfited. "Not like that, Holly. Just regular sleeping."

            "Are you a virgin?" I asked curiously. I'd never thought about that before. If Chris had been a player on high school, he probably wasn't.

            He sent me an uncomfortable look. "Do you want to borrow some of my clothes to sleep in?"

            I pursed my lips at him. "I want you to answer my question."


            "Because I want to know!"

            "You won't even remember tomorrow," he told me, pushing on my shoulder again. "Now move."

            I shook my head stubbornly. "I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me."

            He shrugged. Then knocked me off my feet, throwing me off his shoulder. "I can easily carry you."

            "Put me down!" I cried, slapping his back. "Stop it!"


            "I'm serious. I'm going to puke."

            He patted my back. "You'll clean it up in the morning."

            I struggled to liberate myself, but soon I was falling. My back met something soft and squishy, and I found myself staring up at Chris. He smirked, ruffling my hair. "Goodnight."

            I grabbed his hand before he could pull away. "No goodnight kiss?"

            He raised an eyebrow. "How old are you? Five?"

            "If you want me to be," I tried to say seductively.

            He snorted. "No, I don't want you to be my daughter."

            "You have a daughter?" I gasped, my eyes widening. "Why didn't you tell me?"

            Shaking his head, he laughed through his nose. "No, I don't. Go to bed. I'll give you your... Goodnight kiss," he said, leaning down towards me.

            I took his unbalanced position to my advantage and kicked his legs. As I planned, he lost his footing and fell. Before he could crush me he caught himself on the bed, either hand next to my head. An annoyed look crossed his face. I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

            "What are you doing?" he demanded.

            Instead of replying, I used his neck as leverage and pulled myself up to kiss him. After a split-second he pulled away, making a face. "You taste like alcohol," he told me.

            "That's okay," I murmured, pulling his face back to mine. "Pretend it's a good taste."

            He smiled through the kiss, allowing me to deepen it. I bit on his lip, and he opened his mouth—probably to protest— but I swiftly changed our kiss to a French one. For a second I thought he was going to push me away, but he surprised me by fighting for dominance. Which he won without difficulty. After a few moments we broke apart to breathe.

            "Holly," he started when I reached for his shirt. "You should go to bed."

            I ignored him, unsnapping the first few clasps. He didn't push my hands away, but he did give me a disapproving look. When I finally managed to unfasten his whole shirt, I admired his perfectly toned abdomen and chest. Being in a gang really had its advantages.

            I kissed him again, slipping my arms around to his back. After a few seconds of hesitation he kissed me back, leaning down onto me again. This time he didn't try to hover above me, instead he crushed me into the bed with his weight. I didn't complain, too into the kiss to worry about his mass. When we broke apart to breathe again he slowly kissed down my jaw, going to my neck. Meanwhile, his hand worked at the buttons on my shirt. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. And then a soft, almost inaudible sound escaped my lips.

            Chris immediately snapped back, pushing himself off me. My face flamed. He stared at me for a moment, realization crossing his face. He clenched his jaw. "Damn it."


            "You're drunk."


            "I'm not going to take advantage of you while you're drunk," he stated, shaking his head. "Go to bed."

            I pouted at him. "But—"

            He cut me off. "No."

            "If you leave I'll just follow you out of the room."

            "Do I have to tie you to this bed?"


            He didn't look amused. "Goodnight, Holly." With that, he pushed himself off the bed, muttering under his breath.

            I frowned after him. What was his problem? My stomach twisted uncomfortably. Then I threw up.

            * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

            A raucous noise was filling my ears. Groaning, I placed my hands over my ears. What was it? Surely Lexi's party music choice wouldn't this awful! Wait. Lexi's party? My eyes shot open and I sat up, gasping in surprise. When I realized I wasn't in Aaron's room, I relaxed. Then started to panic again. Where was I? Looking down, I found my shirt unbuttoned and crinkled. My jaw dropped. What had happened last night? Turning my head to the right, my eyes landed on a picture of Chris. Immediately I realized I was in his bed.

            My motions caught up to me and my head began to pound violently. Suppressing another groan I fell back onto the bed, waiting for the pain to pass. A strange scent wafted through the air— almost like citrus cleaner and... vomit? I made a face, pushing myself back up again. I needed to find Chris. And call my mom. She was probably having a heart attack.

            After a few unsteady steps on my feet my head started to hammer again. Rubbing my forehead, I pushed open the door, heading towards the living room. Chris was sprawled out on the couch, dead asleep. A smile slipped onto my face and I moved closer, kneeling by his side. He was too cute when he was asleep. But that also brought a new question to my mind. Why hadn't he slept next to me?

            I tried to remember what happened last night. I went to Aaron's party, found Lance drunk, talker to Aaron about Lexi, and... My eyes widened. Aaron had spiked my drink and kissed me! How could I have forgotten about that? My gaze went back to Chris. Did he know? Maybe him sleeping on the couch had something to do with it. Did that mean he was angry? What was I going to do? How could I face him after that?

            "Do you enjoy watching me sleep?"

            I nearly jumped out of my skin. Chris stared at me, an amused smile playing across his face.

            "Why are you sleeping on the couch?" I blurted.

            His smile faltered. "You don't remember? Yesterday you—"

            "I'm so sorry!" I apologized, clenching my hands into tight fists. "I was drunk!"

            "I know."

            "I didn't know what I was doing!"

            "I know."

            "I promise you I didn't want to do it!"

            His eyebrows furrowed. "At all?"

            "No!" I cried, appalled he would think I would. "I would never!"

            "Oh," he responded simply. His tone of voice didn't make me feel any better.

            Tears started to form at my eyes. "I'm really sorry, Chris. I was incredibly stupid. I can't believe myself."

            "You don't need to cry over it," he stated. "It wasn't like it was awful."

            "Awful? It was horrible! I was terrified!"

            He set his jaw. "Nothing would have happened you didn't want..."

            "Yes it would have," I retorted.

            "No it wouldn't have."

            "Yes it would have!"

            He narrowed his eyes at me. "Do you really think that?"

            I nodded my head vigorously. "Yes!"

            "Well maybe you shouldn't have started it."

            My mind blanked. He thought I started it? Did he really believe that? My heart clenched painfully as new tears sprung to my eyes. "I... Why would I do that?"

            "Since you were drunk."

            "I wouldn't cheat on you!" I exclaimed, my voice breaking. "Don't you think I feel bad enough for drinking even though I promised you I wouldn't? And then Aaron kisses me against my will and tries to take off my clothing, and here you are, saying I started it and that it wouldn't go any further than I wanted it to? It went further than I wanted it to when he gave me the alcohol!"

            Now it was Chris's turn to blank. "What are you talking about?"

            A quiet sob escaped my lips. "I'm sorry..."

            "What are you talking about?" he repeated forcefully, sitting up on the couch. "Come here, stop crying." He pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Shh."

            "Isn't that why you're angry? Because Aaron kissed me?"

            "He kissed you?"

            "Why are you surprised?" I questioned, turning my head to face him.

            He clenched his jaw, ignoring my question. "He tried to take advantage of you yesterday?"

            "Wait, you didn't know?"

            "No. You didn't say anything."

            "Then what were you talking about?"

            He sighed. "Nothing, never mind."

            "No. Not never mind. Tell me."

            "You just tried to... seduce me, in your own way, last night. I thought you were trying to imply that I would have taken advantage of you because you were drunk."

            I opened my mouth in shock. "I did what?" My cheeks flushed. "Wait... What did...? How much...? Oh my god."

            He chuckled. "Calm down. We didn't do anything."

            "Oh," I breathed in relief. "But about the you taking advantage of me thing, I know you wouldn't."

            "Which is why I was confused," he told me. "But I think I need to pay a visit to Aaron."


            Chris gave me an impatient look. "Holly."

            "You can't say anything to him," I ordered forcefully. "Don't mention it."

            "He kissed you against your will."

            "If you say something he'll know we're going out!"



            We held each other's gazes for a few moments. I puffed out my chest, staring at him determinedly. After a few moments he exhaled slowly. "You're an idiot."

             I furrowed my eyebrows. That wasn't what I was expecting.

            "I won't say anything," he promised, "but if he ever tries anything, don't put us over you."

            "But I want to."

            He smirked. "Promise me, Holly."

            "I promise," I muttered reluctantly.

            "While we're at it, promise me you won't ever strip dance for me again too. No offense, but you're not too great at it."

            My eyes nearly bulged of their sockets. "What?"

            "And Milkshake really isn't the best song choice."

            I stared at him in horror. "What else did I do?"

            "Who knows?"

            "Tell me!"

            "It's a secret."

            "Just tell me!"

            He cocked his head to the side. "I don't remember."

            "Mr. Heywood!"

            He raised an eyebrow. "You mean Chris?"

            "Chris," I corrected flatly. "Now tell me!"

            He shook his head, gently pushing me off his lap. "What do you want for breakfast? And button up your shirt. It's indecent, Holly."

            My face raised a few more shades of red and I hurriedly snapped the buttons on my shirt back up. Chris chuckled as he stood up from the couch, leaving his shirt open. Probably to show off that perfectly chiseled chest... Removing my eyes from his chest I looked up to see him smiling knowingly at me.

            "What?" I demanded.

            "You really liked my chest last night too."

            "I was drunk!"

            "I guess your true feelings come out when you're drunk," he responded with a laugh. "Or should I say your kinky side?"

            I clapped my hands over my ears; unsure of how much embarrassment I could take. Why couldn't he just tell me what happened? I hated thinking about what I could have done.

            "So what do you want to eat, Holly?"

            I scowled at him. "You can't just drop it like that!"

            "Yes I can," he responded smugly.

            "Whatever! At least I don't... At least I don't say your name every minute!"

            He cocked an eyebrow. "What?"

            "You say Holly every other word! Let's talk, Holly. What do you want to do, Holly? Did you do your homework, Holly? You're stupid, Holly. You overuse it!"

            He rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Holly."

            "You just did it!"

            "Did what, Holly?"

            "Now you're doing it on purpose!"

"What, Holly?"

"Stop it!"

            He gave me a curious look. "You know last night when I asked you to stop you didn't. You were... feisty." A grin broke out across his face.

            "You... You're such a jerk!"

            "I know."


I'm having so much affection for Holly and Chris. I love them so much. This story is by far my favorite story to write. Anyway, I decided to do another drunk Holly. It's really funny because my friend Cheyenne acts just like this when she's drunk. For a few minutes I'll be like.... she's so wasted. and then five seconds later she'll be perfectly normal and it's soooo funny. Anyway. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :}

Twitter & Instagram - JordanLynde_ 

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