Mind of A Object 📿

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Zane's falcon fly through many forests and many cities of Ninjago to give the message to one of Zane's friends.

In a beautiful meadow, someone's meditating alone. Knewing the falcon, the person let the falcon land on his finger. "Neuro, we need your help, Jay has amensia, and whenever he tried to remember something, an object's blocking him from remembering them, please can you help us?" Zane's message said and Neuro smiled. "Falcon, thank you of giving me the message, I'm on my way" Neuro said and he summoned his elemental dragon and fly away.

Zane's falcon fly away also back to Destiny's Bounty before Neuro.


Zane and Cole were waiting for the falcon to come back. "Zane, it's taking forever, we have to-" "No, Cole! Jay's in danger and an object's blocking it from remembering us! Trust me, I know what I'm doing" Zane yelled.

"I hope what you're doing is not stupid"

"It isn't, it's helpful"

Before Cole talk, the falcon landed on top of his head. The two ninja laughed and the falcon fly on the desk. "I'm on my way" the person said and Zane and Cole both cheered. "That's good, right?" Cole said. "Yes, it is" .

Neuro fly past many buildings of Ninjago City and spotted the Bounty. He landed his elemental dragon and walked up to the front door. He knocked once and Lloyd opened up the door. "Neuro! You're back!" Lloyd exclaimed and Kai smiled at the mind master. "Glad to see you again but why are you here?" Kai asked the mind master. "Zane's falcon give me a message to help Jay and his mind to figure out the object that's blocking him from remembering you guys. Once I'm done reading Jay's mind, I'll tell you if his condition is worse or not" Neuro explained and he walked in the living room and head to the medical room.

The mind master opened up the medical room's door and Cole was shocked.

"Holy Bansha! You did not seriously brought Neuro here to help out Jay, Zane!"

"Yes, Cole, I did, he's going to read Jay's mind in order to figure out the object"

"Zane, where's Jay?" Neuro asked the nindroid and Zane pointed the mind master, Jay, who was laying on the bed. "Hmm, let me see what I can do, just stay back" Neuro said and Cole and Zane back away slowly away from their friends.

Neuro placed his hands on Jay's forehead and closed his eyes.

In his head where no memories except when Cole was talking to him about their moments together. Until............ The object was there and blocked the brunette from remembering. Neuro got hit by its brightness and can't see the object. What if the object's in his other part of his mind? Neuro thought and head to the other side of the brain. There was no memories except one. Neuro fly over and figure out what the object is. But it shine very bright harming the mind master. "Nya, there's-" "What? Jay, tell us what the object is?" But Instead of Jay answering, the object shine brighter than ever and lightning strikes Neuro.

Neuro opened his eyes and fly off out of the seat hitting the wall. "Neuro! Are you okay?" Cole said running up to him. "Figuring out the object needs a telekinesis master in order to help me to read his mind, Talia, my cousin can help us, trust me, with her my side, we can figure out the object together. Two psyhic masters are better than one" Neuro explained as he got up from the floor.

"Where is Talia?" Zane asked the mind master.

"She's in a place called the psyhic cave. Many of her students are psyhics and she is such a great teacher. She and I can worked together to figure out the object but care to explain to me how Jay got amensia" Neuro said.

Zane and Cole was about to explain but Neuro reads their minds and was shocked. "Dragon Riders?! That's trouble to Ninjago!" Neuro said. "Why is that, Neuro?" Cole asked the mind master.

"I felt like somehow they were planning to let Jay get amensia automatically to captured someone he's close with and with Jay not remembering anything with the object blocking, he won't save those he's close with" Neuro explained.

"But Jay's close with everyone, Neuro, how are we supposed to figure out who?" Zane said.

"I don't know but we have to make sure Jay get his memories because there's more what the Dragon Riders are planning than capturing Jay's close people" Neuro said as he turned to Jay.


"Ed! Here's your sandwich you ordered" Edna said walking out of the trailer with a plate. "Thanks, dear" Ed said and he take a blue screwdriver and sighed.

"We should definitely visit Jay again and maybe we can bring his baby pictures to show to Nya if she wants to have a kid with him" Edna exclaimed and Ed smiled.

"Indeed, dear, our son's awesome! No wonder Libby and Cliff handed him to us" Ed said.

5 Dragon Riders landed their dragons in front of them. "Who are you?" Ed said and he hugged Edna and slowly backed away to the trailer. Each of the Dragon Riders take a chain and the chains caught Ed and Edna. Ed and Edna both screamed in fear and the main one laughed. "Ed! Edna! There's something we need to tell you but you both might lead the ninja here so let's go to our hiding spot and talk" The main Dragon Rider said and the junkyard couple whimpered in fear.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!!

*Also this chapter might be my favorite but let's figure out what's next*

-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!

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