What Best Friends are! 🌎

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The 5 ninja are doing some stuff that can make them company. Kai's listening to rap songs on his phone, Zane and Lloyd are playing Uno (again), and Nya's looking pictures of her and Jay. Cole was humming a song while cooking breakfast or even cooking something.

"Uno!" Zane said showing his one card and Lloyd groaned. "Rematch! I need a rematch until I win!" Lloyd boomed and Zane and Cole chuckled.

Cole saw Nya and he turned off the oven and walked over to her.

The picture Nya's looking at her phone was a Japanese themed day at Ninjago and she and Jay kissed under a cherry tree at sunset.


"Guys! You all should hear this from the mayor of Ninjago City! Todays a Japanese themed day and everyone in Ninjago get to wear kimonos! Isn't that awesome?!" Nya squealed and the 5 guys didn't looked interested and didn't cheer with the water ninja. Nya sighed and show them the flyer. "There's games and food! You 5 love it don't you?" Nya said with a smirk.

"Games!" Lloyd said as his eyes twinkle. "Food!" Cole said as he drools. "Skylor!" Kai said and imagine him and Skylor kissing at midnight alone. Without Dareth. His friends give him a glare and Kai shrugged his shoulders. "What? Sky and I are in a serious relationship" Kai remarked and the others all mumbled 'whatever'.

"Cyrus and a rebuilted Pixal are going to be there to sell lanterns, I can wait to help them out" Zane exclaimed. "Really! Thanks, you guys! In the closet, there are some kimonos for you guys to wear. Mines in my room!" Nya said and she run upstairs to her room.

After doing the makeup, Nya picked up a light pink fan and walked downstairs. "Wow! You looked beautiful, N's" Jay said. "Thanks, babe, I just take my time".

The 6 ninja outside wearing kimonos in Ninjago City and everyone talked and have fun. Cole and Lloyd head to eat some sweets and food. Zane helped out Cyrus and Pixal of giving out the lanterns. Kai and Skylor were dancing in the middle of Ninjago City with the other couples. Jay and Nya walked around exploring the Japanese themed day.

"This is such an amazing day. Just you and me" Nya exclaimed and Jay nodded. "Indeed, but glad we're under the cherry tree" Jay said. Nya looked up and Jay was right. They were under the cherry tree that was beautiful like the others. But what's special is that out of all the cherry trees can helped couples get in a beautiful moment. "I love you, Nya forever" Jay said with a smile. "I love you too, Jay" Nya said and she and Jay got close and kissed just in time for the sun to set.

A photographer take a picture of them and send it to the ninja's headquarters for keep sakes.

End of Flashback..........

"Hey, Nya, what are you looking at?" Cole asked Nya and the raven haired girl smiled. "A picture of me and Jay at the Japanese themed day of Ninjago. I just hope Jay can remember this moment like the other memories he and I do together" Nya explained. "Same here. Jay and I are really best friends and we never leave each other's side ever" Cole said.

"Do you think Jay will get his memories back, Cole?" Nya asked her friend. "I don't know, N's, but let's hope for the sake of his life" Cole replied back.

His phone rings and Cole picked it up. "Hello? Oh, uh huh. Got it. Bye" Cole hang up and he jumped up in the air in happiness. "Whoa, dirty minded, what happened?" Kai asked his friend. "Jay's coming back here today!" Cole cheered and the others all cheered too.

"But........... I ordered pizza earlier so that means I'm going to pick up Jay from the hospital" Cole added and Lloyd put his hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you can jogged some great memories of you two in order for him to try to remember" Lloyd said. "That's a great idea, Lloyd!" Cole said and he picked up his black car keys and head to his car.

After parking the car, Jay walked out and spotted Cole. "Bye, Miss. Dawn" Jay yelled out to the doctor. "Bye, Jay, see you around!" The doctor said before walking in the hospital.

"Wow, that doctor's hot" Cole said. "Miss. Dawn?" "Yeah, I read her blog saying that I'm her favorite ninja" Cole explained. "That must be the big reasons why she keeps on talking about you" Jay said and Cole looked surprised.

"She talks about me? Wow, I'm shocked. Maybe I should asked her out one day"

"Cole, I bet she will say yes to you and if you need any advices, you can always come to me"

"Jay, do you wanna go to the park?"

"Sure, I definitely need to feel nature again"

Cole smiled and when Jay come in the car, he drive off to the park in Ninjago.

As he parked the car in the parking lot, Jay and him head to a lake and sit down together.

"Jay, there's so many stuff you and I did together but I'm afraid you might not remember because of your amensia"

"It's okay, just tell me one of our stuff we did together"

"Well this one was a very bad one that end very well but let's say that we were fighting over Nya and God, that was terrible and our friendship was over, sadly................."

"...........Until, we're at this tournament place and you and I have to go against each other. During that battle, I realized we shouldn't fight each other and that I don't have any feelings for Nya so I make amends for us by giving you the Jade blade and that you can have her because I know from the start, she loves you and Nya's like a little sister to me"

Jay's eyes twinkle and memories flashed so fast that everything Cole's telling him was true but something blocked him from remembering. It was really bright and shiny representing an object.

"Cole, I try to remember our moments together but something's blocking me from remembering those memories"

"What? Did you saw what the object look like?!"

"No, but one thing for sure, it's lost. Somewhere in Ninjago"

Jay feel weak and fainted in Cole's arms. "Zane might figure out that object, I have to take you home" Cole said to himself and carried Jay bridal style away from the lake. He then summoned his elemental dragon and fly off back to Destiny's Bounty.

He kicked the door opened of Destiny's Bounty and he run up to Zane with Jay in his arms. "Zane! I have to tell you why he fainted but something's blocking him from remembering his memories, mind if you do a scan in the medical room?" Cole explained to Zane. "Hmm, let me do my best to figure out his condition, my friend, just follow me to the medical room" Zane said and the two ninja left the living room to the medical room.

Cole placed Jay on a soft bed of the medical room and Zane scanned Jay and gasped. "You might right, Cole. Something's blocking Jay from remembering his memories and I think I know someone who can read his mind" Zane said. "Who?" Cole asked the titanium nindroid.

Zane looked at the falcon and smiled. "Falcon! Contact my friend! Tell him to come here immediately!" Zane boomed and the falcon fly off out of the top window above the two ninja..

"Don't worry, Jay, Zane's friend will help you figure out the object" Cole said. "Trust me, I don't want anything bad happened to you" he added before looking at a proud nindroid, Zane.

Who did Zane's falcon give the message to? Cole thought.

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-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!

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