Who Are You? 💧

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Title's based on a Fifth Harmony song I listened to. 😃

Thank you for all of your lovely comments on the last chapter of this story.

I'm adding any elemental symbols which means what ninja's the focused.

Cole slowly opened up the door and Jay looked at the 5 ninja like he doesn't recognized them.

"Jay! You're awake!" Nya squealed as she hugged the brunette but he looked confused. "Um who are you, stranger?" Jay asked the water ninja and Lloyd mouthed 'Remember he has amensia, N's' to his friend. Nya blushed embarrassed and let go of hugging their confused friend. "Sorry, Jay, about that" Nya said and head to her brother.

Everyone was silent and Cole was whistling the Weekend Whip for fun. "This have got awkward" Kai said and the others nodded. "Yeah, it have" Zane repiled back.

"Jay, do you wanna train once you're free from the hospital with anyone?" Lloyd asked the brunette who smiled. "Yeah, I really wanna train but like what?" "A ninja, my friend" Zane answered. "Wow, it's been my dream to be a ninja! When does training starts, Blondie?" Jay said looking at Lloyd. "Uh! I don't know, but you have to asked the doctor to let you go early" Lloyd repiled back.

"Anyways, I'm Zane, your close friend" Zane said to the brunette as they shake hands. "We were close?" "Yes, we were, trust me, you were like a little brother to me" Zane answered his friend. "Oh"

"Who's he?" Jay said pointing at Kai. "That's the Grinch! He hates Christmas and hates it when you and his sister do........." "Lloyd! Close your ears! This stuff Cole's about to say is Rated R" Zane repiled to the green ninja. "Got it!" Lloyd closed his ears.

All he saw was Cole pretending to hold a chainsaw trying to make it drill or something like that and Kai trying to strangle him. Jay continues nod everytime Cole does some weird hand signatures.

Nya blushed the whole time and Jay looked at her and smiled. Wow, she's pretty. I wonder if she likes me Jay thought as he turned back to Cole was continued talking.

"And that's why this guy who's angry is a Grinch" Cole said and Lloyd sighed in relief. "You son of a-" "Kai, calm down. Think of Skylor at the beach" Zane said and Kai take a deep breath and mumbled "Skylor" so many times. Jay laughed and Cole smiled.

"I'm Cole, your best friend" the earth ninja said shaking Jay's right hand and the brunette smiled the biggest. "I'm Lloyd, your prankster bud. We love April Fool's together" Lloyd said with a smile. Jay then turned to Nya who haven't said a word yet.

"Friends of Jay, you have to get out, he needs his rest" The doctor said.

The 4 ninja say their good byes and Jay looked at the doctor.

"Can you let her stay with me for 10 minutes?" Jay asked the doctor.

"Of course, anything for the blue ninja. Excuse me, I gotta make some fanfictions about Jaya!" The doctor squealed and she run out of the door to her office.

Nya closed the door and she sit on Jay's bed. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was so stupid of not listening to the doctor about you having amensia" Nya said to the brunette and he smiled. "It's okay, I just want us alone to ask you this question" Jay replied back. "The name's Nya, Jay" "Nya, hmm" Jay mumbled those words few times and his head started to get dizzy.

A necklace shines very bright and he started to realized something. The necklace! Where is it?. Jay thought.

"Uh, Nya, check my clothes' pocket to see if you see anything" Jay asked the water ninja. "Of course" Nya got up and walked over where his civilian clothes was at to looked at each pocket. "It's not there, Jay, I still don't know what the object is" "Oh, it's okay, Nya, don't bother" Jay replied to the raven and she sit back down on his bed.

"Jay, what's the question?"

Heart beats still, colorfuls of a rainbow, his promises, he'll be brave to asked Nya this question. It's just a simple question, Jay the brunette thought.  Just don't be stupid or awkward about it.

"Do you like blue?" Jay boomed and Nya's twinkle in delight. Memories flown back to her from how she met Jay at the fire temple. Tears started to come out and she wiped them off.

"It's my favorite color, Jay" Nya exclaimed placing her right hand over his left. Jay did a dorky laugh in delight to Nya who laughed. "I'm so happy you're the same dork I know even if you have amensia " Nya said.

"Aww, thanks"

The two got closer and closer and closer until.............................................

"Nya! We have to leave right now!" Kai said slamming the door open. Jay and Nya pull apart from each other and blushed very bad.

"Got it" Nya said and winked at Jay before leaving the room. "Did I interrupt something you two were about to do?" Kai said with a confused look. "Uh nothing" Jay and Nya both repiled back and Kai rolled his eyes and closed the door.

Jay laid his head on the soft pillow and looked up at the ceiling. Closing his eyes, Jay knew what he's going to dream about a special girl. That girl's Nya.

With Cole, Zane, Lloyd, and the Grinch who interrupted him and Nya's kiss.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!!!!
-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!

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