The Midnight Dance ☪️(Part:1)

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"Jay! Don't be a fool! She won't say yes to you if you asked her like a dork" The brunette said as he head to the room of Nya. He knocked on the door gently that Nya opened it. "Jay! What brings you here in front of my room?" Nya said in delight. "Do you want to be my date for the Midnight Dance today?" Jay said. "Yeah, I would love to, Jay" Nya said as she put her arms around his neck. Jay smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You two! Get a room!" Kai said walking up to them. "Or get yourselves ready for the Midnight Dance" Lloyd said to the love birds.

"Yeah, the dance, forgot about that. Nya, I'll see you later" Jay said giving Nya a wink. Nya giggled and she closed her bedroom door and squealed in her pillow.

"I'll never understand those two" Lloyd said. "Glad you don't understand them. There's a lot of stuff the others haven't told you" Kai said in relief. "Like what's a lemon?" Lloyd said. "Uh? Zane! Tell Lloyd what's a lemon!" Kai yelled as he and the blonde walked deep in the halls.

Skylor was at the beach with Ronin and Dareth for fun. "I'll be surfing, you two" Skylor said as she picked up her surfboard and head to the waves. "We'll play charades then" Ronin said to the female. "Guess who I am" Dareth said doing a wacky dance. "A stupid complete idiot like you?" Ronin said to his friend.

Skylor surfed through many waves and a big one went over her making her fall out of the surfboard. "Man, that was one crazy wave" Skylor said and a necklace hit her forehead. "Ow!" She said and the necklace landed on her hand. It was a locket and the redhead opened it up. There was a picture of Nya and Jay looking at each other like they're in love. This might be the necklace the ninja and Kai told me and the others to find. I can't believe it was in the ocean the whole time. This must be a way to save Jay from being useless Skylor thought and she swim back to the sands of the beach.

"Guys! Guess what I found" Skylor said showing the necklace to the two guys. "Oh my God! The necklace! You found it!" Ronin said in shocked. "Yeah, I did but we have to give this to Jay now!" Skylor said and she and Ronin were about to run until Dareth went in front of them. "You both are not going to wear to give Jay that necklace" Dareth said. "D!" "C'mon, you two, let's head to the boutique to wear something masky" Dareth said and they all left the beach to the nearest boutique.

The 4 ninja put on their masks as they wait for their friends. "Wow, we looked awesome!" Cole said admiring his suit. "Yeah, we all do, but remember D's plan, at midnight, we get to see the Dragon Rider's leader's face, so looked out for it" Lloyd said. "But they're in disguise, let's go undercover to find them all" Zane added.

"Ugh! Where's Jay and Nya?! They're taking too long!" Kai growled and Cole have a smirk in his face. "Maybe doing that at this time" Cole said. "Cole! You son of a-"

"Sorry,we're late. I have adjust Jay's bow tie" Nya said and she and Jay both hold hands as they come out of their room. "Holy Krux!" Lloyd said.

The couple wore the same color which was midnight blue. Jay just wore a midnight blue tie with a black suit while Nya wore a midnight blue gown. Each of them wore the same color mask as their clothes.

"Midnight colors? That's smart" Kai said. "Jaya!" The three guys cheered and they all whispering to each other of a great idea of a Jaya fanfiction.

"We have to go now! Ninja! Jay! Out!" Lloyd shouted and the others followed him outside to the City Hall. That's where the Midnight Dance was hosted and it was a bit chilly.

The ninja were at City Hall and when they walked in, many people were there wearing masks. "Look out for any Dragon Riders, team. We do not want anyone in danger" Cole said and they all spilt up in the hall.

"Attention, everyone! It's time to dance the night away! Grabbed a partner and danced everywhere in this City Hall" The mayor said through the microphone.

Jay smiled and he kissed Nya's hand. "May I have this dance, fair maiden?" Jay said. "I would love to, my prince" Nya exclaimed and the two danced gracefully.

It's 10! 2 more hours until midnight! I don't want Jay to be useless forever without his memories! Nya thought and she looked at Jay who's happy and she give him a fake smile.

The two were at a balcony and they sit down on a bench. "Jay, man, 2 more hours until midnight. Isn't that exciting?" Nya said. "Yeah, it is. I'm just glad I'm with you" Jay said as he wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Jay, I hope you get your memories back" Nya said. "Why is that, Nya?" Jay said. He's confused of why she wants his memories back.

"Am I that stupid to you?" He added and Nya laughed. She knew that he's playing around with her. "Yeah, you were. Your pranks are hilarious especially what happened with you and Zane. That's hilarious as heck. You were always so happy that you're never that serious. I'm mean we 5 are lucky to happy to have the most stupidest friend ever. You can be weak" Nya joked and there was no laughter or a smile on the brunette's face. Jay let go of wrapping his arms Nya's neck and walked away.

"So if I get my memories back, I'll be that stupid person, huh? I don't want to be that person again. I thought you like me for a reason but you only like serious guys like Cole" Jay said so cold.

"Jay, I was joking around, none of that is-" "True! C'mon, Lloyd and the others made fun of me if I ever get my memories back. I have to go away from you and the others" Jay said in tears and he walked away from Nya. 

"Jay! Wait! I'm sorry!" Nya said and she tried to go after him but a rope caught her and she flew up in the air. "Pathetic girl! Love how you tricked that poor ninja!" One of the Dragon Riders said and Nya struggled of getting out of the rope. Jay turned and gasped. "Nya!" He shouted. "Jay! The raven shouted back and the same Dragon Rider laughed. 

"Master, we got the girl" She said and the master smiled. "Good" He said and he looked at Zane who walked up to him. "You! You are the Dragon Riders' leader!" Zane said and the mysterious Dragon Rider leader punched him in the face. "Reveal yourself!" The nindroid shouted in pain and Kai, Lloyd, and Cole run up to him. "I'm someone you ninja all know. After all, my plan's going to succeed" The Dragon Rider leader boomed and laughed. Many of the Dragon Riders take out their masks and aim their attacks at the 4 ninja. 

"Kai!" Nya said as the female Dragon Rider take her to cage above City Hall. "Sis!" Kai yelled back and he shoot out fire at one of the Dragon Riders knocking them down. "Kai! Don't! We have to make sure these Dragon Riders are defeated first" Cole said and he punched the ground making it shake. 

Lloyd throw an energy ball at the leader of the Dragon Riders but the leader summoned a dark dragon beam at the green ninja knocking him down. "Show yourself! Freak!" Lloyd shouted and Skylor, Ronin, and Dareth run up to them. "You three! Get these people out! NOW!" Cole said and the two guys nodded except for Skylor. "No! There's something-" "DOOM RAYS!" The leader shouted harming every single ninja and ally as they land on the ground hard. 

"Nya, dear, you're here" Edna said and Nya gasped. "I'm glad you two are okay but realizing the clock's about to strike 12 in about 30 minutes, Jay will be useless forever" Nya boomed. 

Jay looked up where Nya's captured and he was scared and mad at her at the same time. Knewing what she said to him earlier hurts him but he know one thing for sure. He's going to save her.

"It's time to reveal who I am!" The leader said and he take out his mask. 

Everyone gasped. 

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter! 

Who is the Dragon Rider's leader? 

-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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