The Midnight Dance ☪️(Part 2)

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Aquamarine_Igneous, thank you of answering the Who's the Dragon Rider's leader is correct! 😃! But those who didn't answer it, it's time to reveal who it is.

Everyone gasped of who was the leader of the Dragon Riders.


"It can't be!" Zane said. "Clouse! How come you did all of this to Jay?! What did he do to you?!" Lloyd growled and Clouse smiled in pride.

"He did a lot, Lloyd. Let's say he prevented me from releasing Nadakhan the djinn and that battle on the island, I need a rematch against him, he was about to win but that girl, ugh! She was somehow a distraction for him. I was confused of how those two got back together but realizing the teapot was gone. Deep in the ocean seas. I continued planning my revenge against him and have everything planned out: One is to make sure he gets amensia! Two is to capture his adoptive parents! Three is make sure to capture the girl as well!
All three of them are succeeded but one thing I want was him to be useless once midnight strikes!" Clouse boomed.

The 4 ninja are injured but are really mad at Clouse. "We can't let him win, guys! We have to do something to defeat him!" Cole said.

Skylor got up and on her right hand, the necklace shine very bright.

"Clouse will not win! I just knew it! There's still fate in us, remember we have about 23 more minutes before midnight and all we have to do is for Jay to remember us" Skylor said and everyone gasped. "The necklace! Sky! You found it!" Kai exclaimed at his girlfriend.

"The necklace?! How did you find it?!" Clouse shouted. "Let's say I'm way smarter than you" The redhead said with a smirk.

Everyone cheered and Clouse growled and looked at the Dragon Riders. "You all! Attack the ninja now! Make sure that necklace be gone forever!" Clouse yelled and the Dragon Riders throw their spears at the 4 ninja and their allies but Zane freeze it all.

"Ninja Never quits!" The 4 ninja said and they started to attack the Dragon Riders one by one. "I have to give this necklace to Jay!" Skylor said and take a dagger and throw it at one of the Dragon Riders. She then run up the stairs where Jay was at but Clouse appeared in front of her. "Sorry of being such a terrible villian but I need that necklace!" Clouse said and his hand was holding her throat choking her to death.

"Never! Kai! Catch it!" Skylor said and kicked the ghost and throw the necklace at her boyfriend. "Thanks, Sky!" Kai said and he threw the necklace at the earth ninja. Cole caught it and kicked 3 Dragon Riders and tossed the necklace in the air which Zane's falcon catch it.

The falcon fly over to Jay but got captured in a net by one of the Dragon Riders. "The necklace!" Lloyd shouted and he jumped up the air and caught it.

"You 3! Distract these freaks while I  hand this necklace to Jay!" The blonde said. "Hurry, Lloyd! We have 15 more minutes before midnight!" Zane shouted to his friend. Lloyd nodded and he run up to another step of stairs to give his friend the necklace.

This better work! I don't want my own teammate to be useless forever! Lloyd thought and Clouse got mad and use his dark magic to summoned sharp rocks at him but Lloyd summoned his elemental dragon and fly up in the air.

"Lloyd? I'm confused, what is that in your hands?" Jay said. "Something that can bring the real you back!" Lloyd shouted as he landed the dragon on the ground. "I don't want to be the stupid guy again. I don't want to be weak and get picked on by you guys ever!" Jay said as he walked away from his friend. "Jay................" The green ninja whispered softly and the clock ring very loud.

"Lloyd! 5 more minutes! Or else Jay's useless forever!" Kai yelled and everyone waited for Lloyd to answered back.

"Jay, wait! You're not useless in the team! You're very helpful and strong! You're not stupid to any of us! Trust me this necklace in my hands is somehow showing all of us that you are very caring and loving to everyone. Also it was supposed to be given to someone you love. In your heart" Lloyd boomed and Jay's eyes started to cry. Not in sadness. But in happiness.

"Really, Lloyd? Is it all true?" Jay asked his friend. "Yes, it's all true! Just trust me and get this necklace away from me so that you can remember who you really are!" Lloyd said and the brunette walked up to his friend and take the necklace off his hands.

"Pathetic green ninja! You all have 1 more minute before midnight strikes!" Clouse boomed.

"Jay, I'm sorry, please forgive me" Nya said in tears and Ed and Edna hugged her in comfort.

Kai, Cole, Zane, Skylor, Dareth, and Ronin watched in fear if their friend got his memories back. "30 seconds!" Clouse laughed. "C'mon, Jay, remember us!" Lloyd said.

(Jay's POV)

What's happening to me? My memories are coming back like lightning. That necklace! It's helping me remember everything like quick speed.


"Well this one was a very bad one that end very well but let's say that we were fighting over Nya and God, that was terrible and our friendship was over, sadly................."

"...........Until, we're at this tournament place and you and I have to go against each other. During that battle, I realized we shouldn't fight each other and that I don't have any feelings for Nya so I make amends for us by giving you the Jade blade and that you can have her because I know from the start, she loves you and Nya's like a little sister to me"

-Cole from Chapter 3

My best friend.


"Did I interrupt something you two were about to do?" Kai said with a confused face. "Uh nothing" Jay and Nya both repiled back and Kai rolled his eyes and closed the door.

-Kai from Chapter 2

Nya's Overprotective brother and my going to be brother in law.


"No, Cole! Jay's in danger and an object's blocking it from remembering us! Trust me, I know what I'm doing" Zane yelled.

-Zane from Chapter 4

The nindroid who I'm pretty close with.


"I won't, but it's very nice of how you're able to find a necklace that reminds of you and her. Nya's a lucky girl to date a lucky caring girl"

-(Flashback) Lloyd from Chapter 5

The sweetest friend anyone can have.


"Why did you kissed me on the cheek while we're at the roller coaster ride?" Jay said to the raven and she blushed a little. "Let's say that kiss holds a good memory of how we become a couple" Nya said remembering his true potential moment.

-Nya from Chapter 7

She's my girlfriend! My everything! My blossom! And I love her!

I remember everything! I remember who I am!

I'm Jay Walker! Blue ninja! Lovable dorky ninja! Boyfriend of Nya!

That necklace! It was supposed to be for Nya. I was planning to give to her on the same day I got amensia. But who's plan is for me to get amensia?

I opened up my eyes and the first thing I saw was Clouse! He's the Dragon Rider's leader the whole time! He captured Ma and Pa before getting Nya.

Now I'm really mad!

(No POV)

"I-I-I remember everything! Nya! My girlfriend! Kai! The Overprotective brother of Nya! Cole! My Best Friend! Lloyd! The sweetest friend ever! Zane! My close friend! Ma! Pa! The two people that took care of me after my mom placing me in front of the junkyard! I know who I am!" Jay said and everyone smiled and cheered for him of getting his memories back.

"No! My plan! It failed!" Clouse said and he looked up to where the people the blue ninja love are at. He smiled deviously and teleports himself from the ground to where they are at.

"Where are you taking us, Clouse?!" Nya growled and the ghost smiled. "Away from these heroes!" Clouse said and the water ninja got mad and tried to shoot water at him but the ghost knocked her out with a spell. He started to summoned a portal for him to get away with Nya, Ed, and Edna.

"We have to stopped him!" Lloyd shouted. "But how? We're useless against him" Cole said. "Actually, there is a way to defeat him. Our symbol powers" Zane said. "We can try. Remember ninja never quit" Kai said. "Let's save Ninjago once and for all" Jay boomed and his friends smiled at him.

The 5 ninja summoned their elemental dragons and fly up in the air where Clouse was at. The portal was getting bigger and the ghost laughed. "You ninja are too late!" Clouse said. "Actually we're not! We're never letting you get away with this, Clouse!" Lloyd said. "What?!" Clouse said.

Each of the 5 ninja summoned their symbol powers which represents their elemental powers destroying every single piece of Clouse.

Everyone waited for what's next.

Destruction? Hope?

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!!!!
-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!

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