Ch13-The Nobles Escape

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Garroth's P.O.V.

I wake up on the cold hard ground. It's kind of gross in this cave. I know that Aphmau didn't mean to or want us to end up in a prison cell but it's kind of ironic. I can't believe that we were caught so easily.

Especially since even though I'm a soon to be lord I have been through guard training along with Lauance, Dante, Aaron, Gene, Sky ok basically we all have except Cadenza because she learnt how to make clothes instead. But she can still use a sword. She likes sewing a lot.

I walk over to Laurance and shake him. I need Laurance to be up because I'm bored and Laurance is my best friend.

"Oh hey Garroth, I had this horrible dream that we were captured by the thieves" Laurance states rubbing his eye

"Umm that wasn't a dream" Cadenza chirps in

"Well they can't keep us here forever, or else the whole city is going to go crazy" Gene states "Besides people will be looking for us"

"That is true" I hear a voice state from behind us

I turn around and see Aphmau standing there looking cute in her nightgown.

"I have to come here early in the morning" Aphmau whispers "Sorry for my appearance. I'm not really allowed to come here but I need to tell you something. When Katelyn comes down here and asks what happened at the castle, don't tell her that i attacked Garte. She will kill me if she finds out I tried to kill a lord for no reason"

"Ok we promise we won't" Gene smirks "For a price"

"Ugh fine what do you want?" Aphmau asks

"Help us escape" Gene replies walking over to her, still behind the bars

He grabs her wrist and pulls it through the bars.

"Do you understand?" Gene asks

"Ugh fine, get off me you brat" Aphmau says bitterly pulling her hand back

"APHMAU WHERE ARE YOU?!" We hear a voice yell from upstairs

"Umm not in the dungeon!" Aphmau yells back

A young women with red hair, Katelyn and Ross come down the stairs. The woman with red hair walks over to Aphmau and hugs her.

"Aphmau you're not supposed to be here" The red haired woman says

"Sorry Luconda, I just wanted to see how they were doing" Aphmau replies

"Why? There just palace brats. Who cares?" Lucinda states confused

"Because if they die then we will get in to much trouble with the authorities, more tahn what we already are" Katelyn joins in "But seriously Aphmau, these people, are no good for you. Stay away from the, alright?"

"Ohh alright, I'll se you later, bye" Aphmau states and she walks up the stairs

"Stay away from Aphmau" Lucinda says sharply to us

"Wow a witch, no wonder you're ugly" Cadenza replies narrowing her eyes

"Uh-huh, because my appearance is more important that my powers and potions" Luconda says flicking her hair "But sweetie, I look amazing, you look like a train wreck"

Lucinda walks up the stairs glaring at Cadenza

"Stay away from Aphmau. Ross you check up on them or whatever" Katelyn says as she follows Lucinda

"Wow Lucinda sure is brave" Jin states

"Yeah I know right?" Ross agrees "She didn't abandon her friends"

"Oh move on" Sky says rolling his eyes

"Tell that to the children who died because after the orphanage they had nowhere to go" Ross adds "Now does anyone have any food allergies. We can't afford anyone dying"

Aaron's P.O.V.

Ross and a guy with red hair bring us our food. It's basically prison slop. It's disgusting.

Aphmau was told that she couldn't come here because she is to good for us. It's a absolutely horrible that she can't come see us.

I haven't done anything bad to her. Some of the other nobles might have but I have tried to be kind to her as much as I can. I really wish that I could see her again. We decided that we were going to escape on our own instead of getting Aphmau's help. Aphmau could be in serious trouble if she helps us.

Cadenza has been trying to pick tej lock for twenty minutes. Finally it comes undone and we sneak out of ten jail cell. There is only one way the hallway goes so we follow it. We continue down the hallway until we eventually see daylight.

I run up to the exit of the cave and I see Aphmau standing on the sunlight playing with a bluebird. When the bird sees us it flys away and Aphmau turns around. When she notices us she gasps and looks at us nervously.

"You were supposed to let us out" Gene says walking up to her

"Well I wasn't given a chance" Aphmau replies

"You weren't going to anyway" Gene says grabbing her wrist

Before anything else can happen I pull Gene off of Aphmau.

"Let her go, let's just leave" I say

"But what way?" Cadenza asks

"I'll show you, it can be my way of paying you back for not telling Katelyn on me" Aphmau say smiling

We all agree that we will follow her because we have no other choice. I walk right next to Aphmau. I can see a shift in her attitude. She seems a little quiet and nervous. But also deadly. I don't want Gene to attack her again.

We arrive at the end of the forest and she says goodbye. I see Garroth walk over to her and whisper something in my ear.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I am so dead if Katelyn finds out I let them go. Garroth walks over to me and he tells me that he wants to meet me in the apple orchid tomorrow afternoon. I agree because I want to see what he wants. And if he is brining guards to capture me then he won't get very far.

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