Ch14-Secret Meeting

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up feeling nervous and scared. Why did I let the nobles go? I can't believe I betrayed my friends like that. But I had to, if I didn't then when they get out they would all die and I don't what that to happen.

Luckily no one thinks that it was me who let them out. They think that when I was left here alone I got knocked out and that's when they escaped. I feel like I have betrayed them, which I have but I guess I just need to move on.

Garroth asked to meet me in the apple orchid so I decided that I will go. I get up and I get dressed in my normal theirs outfit. It's not soft and silky like the dresses in the castle but I feel much more comfortable in it.

Garroth's P.O.V.

I didn't get any sleep last night. I was to excited to see Aphmau today that just couldn't calm myself. I'm sharing a room with Zane and I could tell that he was getting annoyed with all the rolling over and moving I was doing.

He didn't say anything though, I think he was just to tired. Well at least I'm not tired right now so I can get to the apple orchid quickly. I don't want to waste another moment. I jump up from bed and I go to the walk in closet to get ready.

I don't want anyone knowing I'm going to see Aphmau because then the guards might come and take her away again. If she gets captured then she will be in a lot of trouble with the lord of Phoenix Drop and that's not something I want to have caused.

Zane's P.O.V.

I wake up as I see Garroth go into the closet. Why is he up so early? Mother of Irene he is so noisy. Now I'm awake and I'm not going to be able to go back to bed for a while. Oh well I may as well get up.

I knew Garroth was going to go somewhere today so I slept in my clothes. I want to follow him. I know I really shouldn't but it's interesting. I have a hunch he is going to see Aphmau. If he is then I want to see why.

Garroth sneaks out of the room while I pretend to be asleep. I follow after him and he leads me through the castle. He goes out the back exit and I go straight after. He runs through the town and eventually to where all the farms are.

He walks into the apple orchid

and I see a figure standing there waiting for him. I knew it, he was seeing Aphmau. But why? She couldn't possibly have anything for the nobles to gain so she is just someone we can dispose of. We fond need her, and Garroth doesn't need her either.

Garroth's P.O.V.

I walk up to Aphmau and she smiles at me.

"Hello Garroth" Aphmau says

"Hey Aph" I reply hugging her

"Umm there's something I want to give you" she says and she grabs something out from her bag

She hands me a necklace. But not just any necklace, my mothers magical amulet. She gave it back, I can't believe she did. I am so happy.

"Thank you so much" I say picking her up and spinning her around

Her cheeks turn a faint pink and she smiles

"It's ok, just don't tell anyone ok?" She replies

I put her down but she is still in my arms, we look at each other and slowly our faces come closer and closer. Right before our lips touch we both stop. She makes the first move and presses her lips against mine. It feels so soft and warm.

Zane's P.O.V.



And why do I fees so bad about it? Like something is stabbing my heart. Like I want them to stop. I don't care about Aphmau and my brother and I aren't on good terms. So why do I feel like this? It's the same feeling I felt when mum gave Garroth a lot of attention.

When Aphmau leaves Garroth begins walking back to the castle. I made it there first and I wait in our room. I'm going to get some answers from him. When he enters the room I stare at him.

"So how was it?" I ask

"Oh hey Zane, how was what?" Garroth asks confused

"Kissing Aphmau" I reply

"H-How do you know?" He asks

"I followed you, Garroth you are a noble. You can't be with a thief" I say

"Oh pu-lease no one cares about all of that 'You can't be together because you're to different" Garroth says rolling his eyes

"Whatever just don't go see her again" I say

"Why? Are you jealous?" Garroth asks me

"Of course not" I say storming out of our room and going to the dining room

I can't believe he thought was jealous. Wait was I? Maybe the feeling I'm feeling is jealousy. But why? I don't like Aphmau. She is the only girl not to fall in love with me straight away but that just makes her interesting. I don't want to be with her. Or maybe I do.

Ughh these feelings are so confusing. Pancakes will help. I sit down at the dining table and some maids bring out pancakes to me.

While I eat I think about Aphmau. For some reason I can't get her off of my mind.

She gave back the magical amulet that our mother gave us so I guess she can't be all bad. What's more is she let us leave despite knowing that she could get into a lot of trouble. These feelings I have for her are so confusing. But I know one thing, I know that she is brave, smart and sassy. And that is interesting.

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