Ch15-The Port

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

"APHMAU!" I hear Nicole yell and she jumps on my bed

"Ugh what is it Nicole?" I say as I try to cover my head with the pillow

"We are all going into town to the port" Nicole states "McCloud is taking us to his ship. He says that in a few days we could go on an adventure"

"Ok, ok I'll get up. Wow you talk so much" I say giggling

"Well back at the castle I was never allowed to talk because I was a 'child'" Nicole says fake putting

"Well you can talk as much as you want to now I guess, now get out I need to change" I say

"Ok ok, not that there is anything to see" she says and she runs out the room

I sigh and get dressed in my normal clothes. Mother of Irene who knew Nicole had so much energy in the morning? I barely got any sleep last night as well so I'm so tired. When I have finished getting ready I head out to the main room.

Ross is sitting on the couch reading something. I'm going to scare him because he is usually more jumpy in the morning. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and whisper 'boo'. He jumps up and yells a little. I smile.

"Good morning Ross" I say

"Good, ahem, morning Aphmau, don't scare me like that" he says laughing

"Aww but it's funny" I say pretending to be sad

Ross leans over and tickles my sides and I laugh.

"Ok I swear I won't scare you again!" I promise

Eventually the rest of our group walks in and they take a seat. McCloud explains that he needs to find his ship in the port before they tow it away. If a ship is there for more than ten weeks they take it away.

We all agree that we will help him find his ship, so I'm guessing we are going to the port. Mother of Irene it's been so long since I last went to the port. I can't even remember what it looks like. We are going early in the morning so not as many people will be there. I really hope I get to see some amazing ships.

We begin walking through the forest and my arms are getting scratched by the trees but it really doesn't matter. I have survived things ten thousand times worse. We finally make it out of the thick  foliage and we are in the market square.

I don't actually know where the the port is so McCloud takes us there. Eventually I can smell the air of saltwater. I close my eyes and pretend that I am soaring above the sea.

I am taken out of my trance by someone tapping me on the arm. I turn to see Ross smiling at me. We continue walking and we make it to where the ships are held. McCloud runs up to one of them and he says that it's his.

The name on the side says 'S.S.McCloud'. Wow he was so creative. He allows us to step onboard and I almost slip on the ramp that connects the ship to the dock. McCloud grabs my hand and he smirks.

"I think you just fell for me" he says smirking

"Oh ha ha, real original" I say fake laughing as he pulls me back to my fear

After a while of looking around the ship and making sure everything is I'm working order we decide to go get food. Or rather, steal money to get food. I suddenly freeze. I see the nobles looking around the port. I point them out to my friends and we all freeze.

We walk away and pretend that we didn't see them. Oh my Irene it's like they are everywhere. I feel so weird about them, so many mixed emotions. I tell my friends that I am just going to look for something. I actually just want to be alone for a few minutes.

Zane's P.O.V.

I didn't realise it before but the strange group I noticed a few minutes ago is actually Aphmau's friends and her. I show my friends and we decide to follow them. Of course just to make sure that they aren't doing anything bad. I'm going to keep telling myself that even though I don't know if it's true or not.

I see Aphmau break away from the group and before anyone else can react I say that I',  going to follow her. I watch her walk to one of the market stalls and look at a few pieces of jewellery. A guy with brown hair walks up to her and touches her shoulder.

"Hey baby, I could buy you anything you want" he says winking

Well so can I, you little nothing. I'm the noble here. Wait why do I care?

"Please go away" Aphmau says not looking at him and shaking his arm off

He grabs her arm again but this time he forces her to look at him. At this moment my body moves by herself. I pull him off of her and point my sword to his throat.

"The lady said to leave her alone" I say

He runs away terrified and I put my sword back in its sheath. A few people are staring at us and Aphmau grabs my hand. She runs away pulling me with her. She takes me to a flower field on a hill above the sea.

"Thank you for helping me, I guess" Aphmau says looking away and sitting down

"It's ok, I suppose" I say sitting down next to her

She starts picking the flowers and weaving them together.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Making a flower crown, want me to teach you how?" She replies

"Well I need to learn about normal people so I suppose I can" I say blushing

Aphmau shows me how to link flowers together but I'm finding it hard. I keep breaking it, but Aphmau's hands are so soft and gentile that they don't even break somethings as fragile as a flower.

Eventually we both finish our flower crowns. Mine looks very bad but her's looks amazing.

She puts it on my head and giggles a little.

"Aww you looks so cute" she laughs

I put my flower crown on her head and I realise how close we are. She seems to realise it to and moves back a little. We look each other in the eyes and slowly close the space between us.

I can't believe what I am doing. I am kissing Aphmau, not only is she not a noble but she is a thief. But why does it feel so right? This is my first kiss and it feels great to share it with her. Her lips are so soft and sweet. I wrap my arms around her waist but I feel her slowly pull back.

"We can't" she says in an almost inaudible whisper

"W-why?" I reply

"Our friends, our families. We don't even get along that well" she says sighing

"I'll wait for you, I swear I will" I say "Let's go back now"

"Ok" she says and smiles a little

We walk back to our friends. Splitting up before we make it there of course. I find out that our group is just leaving, this is good. I want to think about what happened today with Aphmau with out any interruptions.

When we get home I go straight to my room and lay on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling. Aphmau was right, we don't usually get along but that's because we don't know each other that well. I hope that one day I can talk to her again. I won't give up.

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