Ch2-The Children

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

Red, Barney and I are sitting on a tree branch over looking the main gate. People flood the streets waiting to see the Lords and their children. As far as I have heard they are all about my age so I can't really call them children.

Red, Barney and I are going to sneak into the castle while everyone is distracted by the lords. I have heard that Sky and Jin will be here which Is a terrifying thought. I still don't want anything to do with them. They probably became some snobby rich kids.

The gate opens and there is a red carpet rolled onto the floor. What overkill, I'm guessing that they don't walk anywhere without a red carpet. But I wonder who this actually is. Must be a rich city like O'Khasis or Falcon claw.

There is one of those trumpet guys and in the trumped there is a flag. I recognise that s the O'Khasis flag. Apparently the O'Khasis boys are very handsome. I'll believe it when I see it.

"Now presenting lord Garte Ro'Meave of O'Khasis and his three sons Garroth, Zane and Vylad Ro'Meave" The trumpet guy yells out

I see an old man walk in. He has a permanent scowl on his face and he looks kind of evil. Three boys follow after him. One with blond hair, one with black and one with brown. The trumpet guy continues introducing everyone. There are way more people here than I expected.

All the lords who came today are Lord Aaron, Lord Travis, Lord Dante and Gene, Laurance and Cadenza who are the children of a lord, Alpha Lowell and the Beta Fenrir, Nicole who I am very happy about and sadly Sky and Jin.

Nicole looks at us and winks. I smile back and she continues walking. The blond haired Ro'Meave kid is staring at her strangely. He looks at what she was looking at but we have already moved. This could be bad though. They might suspect Nicole is up to something. We will need to act quickly.

Nicole's P.O.V.

Alright, Aphmau, Barney and Red are all in position. Now I just need to get information on the magical gem that Garroth has and then I can let them in. I absolutely love all of this thief work. It is so much better than just sitting at home all day not doing anything.

All of these boys are the sons of or are lords themselves. I grew up with the Ro'Meaves and they think we are really close friends. Well not Zane. Zane is just a weird creepy guy, anyway I know that they have a magical amulet that belonged to their mother.

When we arrive at the castle we go inside and bow before the lord of Phoenix Drop. He tells some servants to take us to our rooms and take our luggage as well. I follow the servants to my room and it is a very fancy room.

I would much rather prefer one of the rooms in the secret hide out. They are so cool and the caves look so pretty. When I have settled in I begin walking to Garroth's room. I need to be quick so Aphmau, Red and Barney aren't out in the cold.

I knock on the door and Garroth opens it.

"Hey Nicole, come in" Garroth says smiling

"Thank you Garroth, how was your trip?" I ask him

"It was alright, I almost lost my mother's amulet though" he says

Ahh perfect that's what I needed him to say

"Oh what amulet?" I ask innocently

"Before my mother disappeared she gave me an amulet, it's magical. Here it is" he says picking up a necklace with a dark blue gem

"Wow that's beautiful" I smile

"Thank you, it's going to be showed off at the feast today" Garroth tells me "But I need to get ready now, I'll talk to you later" Garroth says

"Oh yes, see you soon" I say and I leave

Perfect, now that I have the information on where the amulet is I can go sneak Aph, Red and Barney into the castle. I sneak through the kitchen and no one sees me. I'm a highly trained Thief after all. It would be surprised if someone actually spotted me.

I go to the back door and I open it slightly. Aphmau, Barney and Red walk in and Aph hugs me.

"Nicole it's so good to see you again" She says

I hug her back and smile

"Like wise, but we need to hurry. Lunch is in about an hour so you need to get ready. I have some butler outfits and a maid outfit ready for you" I say

I lead them to some change rooms and give them their uniforms.

One of the maids called Shelby also knows of our plan. She and Red are really close friends so we trust her with helping us. She is going to get us into main dining room.

When Aphmau, Red and Barney are changed we walk to the dining room and I take my seat. The others begin to arrive and I am seated next to Aaron and Zane. Great, the least two talkative people in the universe.

Lunch begins and Aph and Shelby start serving food. Red and Barney are serving wine. I can see the lord of Phoenix drop starring at Aphmau confused.

"Maid with the black hair, who are you, I don't remember you" He says

"I am Sophia Parker, I was recruited as a maid just yesterday" Aphmau lies without even thinking about it

I have always admired how she can lie without faltering.

"And who are your friends?" The lord asks eyeing her suspiciously

All the lords and their children are now watching Aphmau. Oh I pray to Irene she isn't caught.

"This is John and Michael (Red and Barney's real names ;)), they are my family friends. We begun working here together" Aphmau smiles

"What about the other girl?" The lord continues

"Oh Shelby has been working here since she was like seven" Aph says to him

I let out a snicker by accident and everyone looks at me. Oh no what do I do?

"So if that will be all do you want the fish or the Chicken?" Aphmau asks taking the attention away from me

Zane's P.O.V.

After a while of eating Garroth takes out the magical amulet to show off. Ugh he is so annoying, I notice that the maid with black hair is staring at it. There is a look in her eyes but I don't know what it is.

She turns to the two butlers and the other maid and whispers something to them. Hmm I think that I should keep a close eye on her. She looks like she is up to no good.

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