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Aphmau's P.O.V.

Garroth still has that necklace on show. We were expecting him to put it back into his room so now we don't have a plan. This is why Katelyn always tells us to have a plan B. I can't believe I didn't think this through.

The girl with red hair is looking very bored. I know who she is, her name is Cadenza and she is a very rich person. She is the sister of Laurance and the daughter of Lord Hayden. She is very stuck up and thinks that she is entitled to a lot,

I'm guessing that she has never faced a real problem in her life. I'm guessing she had everything handed to her, I want her to see how hard our lives are and how hard we have to work. It is so annoying that some people don't have to work for anything.

As I'm watching the necklace I catch the eye of the black haired Ro'Meave. He scowls at me and o stare him right back. As I give him a cold glare he panics and accidentally knock over his glass of wine. I giggle a tiny bit.

"It's that servant's fault" he says pointing at me

Everyone looks at me and I don't even flinch. I k ow Nicole is going to defend me. She loves fighting with the Ro'Meave boys.

"Zane, for one thing she is a maid not a servant, there's a difference. I mean you should know you have like 400 of each. Secondly she is all the way over there" Nicole states

"Why are you defending the 'Maid'" Zane says glaring at me

"Because she is probably much more polite and smarter than you" Nicole smirks

"Well I wouldn't call you a liar miss Nicole" I smile

"Zane and Nicole hold your tongues" Garte tells them

The butlers and maids are told to go get desert. This will give us a chance to revise our plan. We really need to come up with a new plan. We stand outside the kitchen and discuss what we need to do.

"How about I just swipe the necklace?" I say

"No good, we are supposed to stand on the opposite side of the lords" Shelby says shaking her head

"Well when we give desert that's when we are allowed to be close enough to them" I say

"If I's creating the distraction the Aphmau's can grabbing the necklace" Barney states

"That's actually a really good idea, Aphmau will have a small window of opportunity to take it" Red states

"But Garroth put the necklace away" I say sighing and rolling my head to one side

"If we give Nicole a note she could ask to see the necklace, I'll write it now" Shelby says

When we have finished discussing out plan Shelby writes a note.

We start taking out the deserts and I flick my wrist to give Nicole the note. I know Zane is watching me with dead straight eye contact.

Nicole reads the note and nods at me. I wink at her and she smiles.

"Hey Garroth, can I see the necklace again" Nicole asks

As Garroth takes out the necklace I walk over to hand him his desert, at that moment Zane's eyes widen and he knows what's going on. Barney accidentally trips and drops the dessert on the head of the lord of Phoenix Drop.

Zane yells for everyone to look at Garroth and not be distracted. I use my plan C, which is always plan C for when my other two plans don't work. I grab a knife out of my boot and pull it next to Garroths neck.

"Give me the necklace" I say

He holds onto it tightly and I rip it out of his hands. Before anyone can do anything Red, Barney and I run. Shelby and Nicole pretend to look shocked. As I'm running I hear Zane call the guards. One of ten guards called Jeffory who I have had run ins with before is now chasing us.

I hear Garroth jumps up which causes the brown haired RoMeave boy to jump up, then Zane, then Travis and pretty soon everyone is chasing us. I have the necklace so I tell Red and Barney to run around and then loop back to the castle to steal more.

As they leave I jump onto the wall. It's really thin but I can still run on it. I look behind me and Cadenza is chasing me as well. Nicole didn't run after me because she knows they won't catch me. I think I might take a little detour and show them ten hardships ten normal people have to face while they live in luxury.

I jump down from the wall and I run down a side street. This is going to take me to the main square of Phoenix drop. As I run I can hear Sky and Jin calling out my name. I feel a tear roll down my cheek but I blink it away.

I make it to the Main Street and I watch their faces become very shocked. This is the reaction I was hoping for.

Garroth's P.O.V.

Oh my Irene, that maid story my mothers necklace. But I know full well she isn't a maid. She is a thief. I can't believe I was fooled. No way a girl as beautiful as her would be a maid. Wait what? She just stole my mother necklace and I call her beautiful. But her eyes though.

"It's sad isn't it? How they live compared to you" a voice says behind us

That was the maids voice, the thief's voice

We turn around and nobody is there. She is gone.

"That was the thief" Laurance says

"Yes it was, let's go back to the castle" I say

We walk back to the castle feeling very sad. We lost our mothers necklace but we also gained something. This is how the people of our town live. The truth is all of the children of lords and the younger lords are coming to Phoenix drop to learn how to rule.

We need to help all of these people. This must have been part of that thief's plan. Well if this thief needs help for her town then maybe we should give it to her. She might even give back our mothers necklace,

I tell my friends my plan and some of them agree. Zane obviously doesn't but I'm surprised when Sky and Jin disagree with me to. I know that they will all come around eventually.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Well I am very happy with what I achieved today. I arrive back at the cave and I open the door to main room. I put the magic amulet next to all the gold and jewels. I walk to my room and get changed out of my maids outfit to my normal clothes.

I brush my hair and then walk back out to to main room. Ross is there's and I wrap my arms around his shoulders from behind. We're best friends so it not weird for us to do this.

"I told you I wouldn't get killed" I say

"Aphmau? Good job" he says and he turns around

We talk about what I did on the mission for a while and then finally it is time for me to go to sleep. After all this excitement today I need a long deep sleep to recover. I'm still so happy about finally showing the lords and lady's what we live through.

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