Ch4-The Bad Part Of Town

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I slept in this morning. It was pretty easy to loose track of time when you are exhausted from running and stealing, I may be a well trained thief but I'm still human and my body can only take so much. And I haven't had a leg day in like three years so I can't run for like thirty minutes.

Which I did yesterday so I guess I can. Well at least I got a bunch of free chai lattes. Which is basically just boiled milk with foam and chai in it. It tastes like happiness. I steal quite a lot of chai lattes from café's. Only a few sell them because the ingredients are expensive. I know people go through a lot of hard times and stuff but I have turned myself off from emotions so it easier to steal. Of course I care about my friends though.

I go out to the main room to hang out with some of my friends. Luckily Lucinda is out there taking a break from her potion making. Mother of Irene she is so obsessed with them. But then again her potions help a lot when we are running, especially the swiftness and then energy potions.

Lucinda and I talk for a while, she tells me the names of all the lords and their children. It makes a lot of sense now who is related to who. I was really confused who were a lords and lady's as well. All the young lords and lady's are here to learn how to rule.

Nicole's P.O.V.

After yesterday's perfect performance from Aphmau I have been in a very good mood. I know that Aphmau and the thieves escaped because they never came back to the castle. They left my things alone as well which makes me happy.

I want to leave this life. I don't want to be a princess or a lady or anything anymore, I want to be a thief. I have decided that I'm going to run away, I have no doubt that I can run away but I want to make it rememberable. Not just "The princess of scales wind ran away".

I know how I can do it to. I'm going to steal from Garroth. He was always the most trusting of all of them. He should be the easiest to steal from. I want to remembered as the princess who rebelled and stole from a lord-to-be.

As I'm walking my nerves are spinning out of control. I need to be cool, calm and collected if I want to escape. How does Aph make it looks so easy. Hey stealing from people who think you like them is harder than it sounds.

I knock on the door and Garroth opens it.

"Hey Garroth, I want to see if you are ok?" I say

"Well, then come in" he says and he lets me inside

He has a ring in display on his nightstand.

It is a dark blue ring. I'm guessing it's made from sapphire which is hard to find. It will sell for a fortune. I make sure not to keep my eyes on it or else it will be obvious.

The window is opened so that will provide me with a way to escape. My whole plan is working perfectly. As Garroth has his back turned I teach out and grab the ring.

"Nicole what are you doing" Garroth asks me

"Uh oh, I think I'm caught" I say giggling

In one swift motion I grab the ring and I backhand spring to the window. I'm blow Garroth a kiss and I jump from the window. He yells for the guards and I wait on the wall for them. All of the lords and their children run out and look at me.

"Ahaha, hey guys. So sorry to do this to you but I'm actually a member of the thieves guild. Who do you think gave them the information?" I say laughing "it's not like we tried to hide it either. I stood up for Aphmau, the 'maid'"

"Nicole how could you do this to us?" Garroth yells

"Oh it was pretty easy, you're not the brightest people. Well see you later" I say blowing them a kiss

I jump up and I run on the wall. When the wall ends I jump to the floor. I keep running until I make it to town. I run past town and into the forest. I make it to the thieves guild and I run in. As I do I bump into Katelyn. I explain what I'm doing here and she agrees that I should be here, I'm so glad I am finally home.

Cadenza's P.O.V.

Nicole just betrayed us. She was one of my only friends. I don't know what to do now. Everyone feels the same way. We were all very close but all along she wasn't our friend. She was working with the thieves.

We decide that we should go to town again to try and get information. I get ready to leave by putting on necklaces and jewellery.

When I am ready I go to join my friends and brother. We begin to walk. The day is bright and sunny even though it's winter.

The town is as bad as I remember it. Everything is so torn apart and destroyed, people live here though because they can't move. It really is sad. I feel a tug on my dress and I look down to see a small child.

It breaks my heart so I bend down and give him a necklace. He smiles and runs off.

I look up to see a flash of purple and black. I point it out to everyone and we realise that it might be Aphmau. We agree that we should follow her. She is walking towards a man with his back turned. She reaches into his pocket and takes his wallet.

"Thief!" Zane yells pointing at her

The man turns around and she has a moment where she looks terrified. The man hits her on the back of her head and she is knocked out.

"We'll take care of her mister" Zane says

Aaron picks up Aphmau. I hear Sky and Jin whispering about how they finally caught Aphmau. All I l ow is that Aphmau's going into the dungeon for a long time.

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