Ch5-The Dungeon

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Katelyn's P.O.V.

Aphmau didn't come back last night. I'm worried for her. Everyone knows ho much people want Aphmau. She has robbed every person at least once. Well all of the nobles. She doesn't usually steal from people who can't help themselves.

I'm waiting for word to come through from Shelby to see if they have caught Aphmau. Shelby and red are dating so she helps us quite a bit. Red is usually at the castle working there and gathering information but lately he has been helping us.

When we hear a screech of a bird I run out and a messenger hawk lands on my arm.

There is a note attached to the leg of the bird. I take it off and read it. Shelby has such neat handwriting. Thank Irene that she can write and spell because it really helps us. Not everyone can write and spell you know.

Xx Note Start xX

Dear Katelyn

Aphmau was captured by the nobles. She is being held in the dungeons under the castle in section 4. She will be given proper food and water which I will sneak in. They are going to interrogate her and maybe get the location of the thieves guild so save her quickly.

Xx Note End xX

Katelyn's P.O.V.

This is bad, Aphmau has been caught. I know Aphmau though and she won't give up our location to easily. They can try to get our location out of her but it won't work at all. She is smart and will find a way to get out of the castle. I'm still going to send out a small group in a week incase she hasn't returned. I can't do it now because she will be upset that I didn't give her s chance to escape.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and I look around. This isn't my room. This looks like a jail.

Where am I?

Oh wait now I remember. I was stealing something from an old man yesterday and I was called out by those rotten pesky nobles. I can believe they has the nerve to call me out for stealing. And I got hit on the head.

I touch my hear and I feel a bandage around it. I swear to Irene when I get out of here I'm going to kill them. No one gets away with spooling my plans.

I hear footsteps and I turn around to see the three Ro'Meave brothers. The black haired one is glaring at me. Garroth is staring at me and the brown haired one is just looking around. Pretending to be perfectly calm.

I stand up shakily and I stare at them.

"Careful not to strain yourself" The blond haired one says to me "My name is Garroth. This is Vylad and Zane"

"Why do I care?" I ask his sitting down on a bench in my sell and crossing my legs and arms

"Well I think you'll care a whole lot if you don't tell us what you did with our mothers necklace" Zane says bitterly

"Haha, you think I'll tell you. Come in here and fight me" I say sassily flipping my hair

"Come now, don't be like that. Just tell us where it is" Vylad says

"No way in nether, get lost" I say turning away

Garroth sighs and tells Vylad and Zane to leave us. He unlocks my cell and walks in. Did he seriously just do that? Like I could escape right now. However I don't know quite how the dungeon security works so I can't right now.

"Please, I need to know. It it really special to me" he says

I stand up and slowly start walking towards him. He walks back and bumps into the wall. I put one arm on the wall beside him to keep balance. I put my face really close to his ear.

"Nope, but I'm sure it's fetch a high price on the black market" I giggle

I jump back and laugh. Wow these nobles are really gullible. Why would I ever want to tell them where I put something I stole? I'm not stupid.

Garroth storms out making sure he locks my cell. I find him funny. At least being captured right now is going to be a form of entertainment. Maybe when I escape I can actually steal a few things as well. Speaking of which where exactly am I?

"Hey there, you're Aphmau right?" I hear someone ask me from the left of me

I turn to see a guy, about 20 with an eyepatch, he looks like a pirate.

"Yeah I am, who are you?" I ask

"I'm McCloud, I've heard about you. You're an amazing thief" he says

I walk over to his cell and smile

"Thank you" I smile

"I saw what you did there. Quite impressive, not even being scared of the people who captured you, I like girls who aren't afraid" McCloud smirks

"Ahhaha, but of course I'm not scared. I just got knocked out and they grabbed me" I sigh

"Well I want to tell you about my prison break plan if you let me join the thieves guild" McCloud states

"Well, we could a,ways use more thieves so sure" I say

We shake hands and McCloud begins to tell me about the security gaurd shifts and who is on at what time. He had a plan but he needs help. I need to start crying and pretend that I will give info. Then I take out the guard and get the key. McCloud knows a secret passage. Before we can talk more about out plan we hear footsteps.

I turn around to see Jin and Sky. Oh great, this is just perfect. They are going to think that they have won because I'm in prison. McCloud sneaks back over to the far corner of his cell as Jin and Sky walk into mine.

I turn away from the, and pretend I haven't seen them.

"Hey Aphmau, how have you been" Sky asks

I pretend I didn't hear and I play with my nails

"Aphmau we're talking to you" Jin says

"Come on Aph" Sky inputs

Ohh the nerve of him. After all these years and what they did and he still has the nerve to call me my nickname. I ignore them until Jin tries to Sou h my hair. When he does I quickly grab his arm and press it behind his back.

"Don't touch me" I say as I push him forward

He stumbles and looks at me with sad eyes. I keep my expression emotionless. No way a, I going to let them make me cry again. I watch as they slowly walk away with their heads hanging low. Oh please Irene let this plan work. I can't stay here much longer.

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