Ch27-Back On Water

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Katelyn' P.O.V.

I love being a thief. And I love being a leader, but what I don't love is having to keep all the boys away from my team. Especially Aphmau. These nobles should act more like they are supposed to and leave her alone.

I have had to punch so many of them because they can't act like proper gentlemen. Well I guess they kind of do but I hate it when they flirt. Aaron is the only one who I actually like. But not enough so he can date Aphmau of course, no one is worthy of her.

We have been friends for so many years and it's just second nature to protect her. Blarney, Red and Ross are fine of course because they grew up with her. They knew her before I did so I can't really keep them away from her. And they don't like her like that anyway.

I'm so angry about the boys flirting with Aphmau right now because we are supposed to be taking all the things to the boat but instead Travis and Laurance are taking time off of packing and flirting with her.

"Hey Travis, Laurance keep those hands where I can see them!" I yell

While they are distracted by me yelling at them I see Aphmau quickly sneak away. When they turn back to where they were standing I laugh at their faces. What did they expect from a trained thief? Of course she will run away from nobles.

When we finally have everything in the ship everyone is a bit nervous about actually setting sail. If this wood fails us we might drown or be stranded at sea. Lucinda said that the wood is really strong but I'm still nervous. Not that I dint trust Lucinda because I do.

McCloud pulls up the anchor and puts up the sails. The wind catches in them and we start moving, I forgot how sea sick I get on boats. I had gotten used to sailing but now that we have taken such a long break it's like everything is re-set.

I close my eyes and I thing about punching certain nobles in the face to calm myself. I suddenly feel a little bit of hot air hit my nose and I open my eyes to see a cup of ginger tea in front of me.

I look up and see Aphmau smiling.

"This is so you don't go throwing-up on the deck and then I have to clean it" she giggles

"Thank you Aphmau" I smile

"Hey Aphmau can you make me some tea?" Travis says appearing out of nowhere

"No, go away you dic-" I start

"What Katelyn is trusting to say" Aphmau interrupts "Is that ginger tea is only for people with sea sickness"

"Aww ok" Travis sighs "Also McCloud said that he wants to see you in his quarters to talk to you about the map"

"Ok, I'll see you later. Feel better soon Katelyn" Aphmau states walking away

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I walk to McClouds quarters and I quickly enter so no one sees. If this is supposed to be secret or anything no one should know that I know. I know a few people might like to know what's actually happening but it could be dangerous so it's best not to panic everyone.

I walk over to McCloud's desk and he smiles

"Good mornin' Aphmau, me need to talk to Ye" he states

"Sure, this is about the map right?" I ask

"Aye, we are goin' to a place called dead man's cove" he states

"Why is it always called dead man's cove?" I ask "Like seriously can't people have some creativity. This is real life, not some story some lonely weird 14 year old girl is writing so people can read it when she shouldn't be because she has like 29 assignments due the next day and she hasn't started them and she is procrastinating by drinking tea"

"Umm Aphmau, are Ye alright?" mcCliud asks concerned

"Yes sorry, I, just a bit tired" I laugh

"Anyway, we will be landin' on the shore in a few days, make sure no one knows what the place be called"

"Ok, does the map say what will be there"

"No, all it be sayin' is the name and location" McCloud replies

"Hmm alright" I say looking over the map for any hidden clues

Suddenly we hear a scream on the deck and the boat lurches right and I fall onto McCloud. Oh my Irene we're really close. But we have no time for this. We stare at each other for a second and quickly get off of each other.

We run up to the deck and my heart stops when I see another ship. Oh my Irene it's a pirate ship. The captain has a sword pointed to Shelby's neck. I quickly run up and push him away from her.

"Leave her alone!" I say

Shelby can't defend herself against weapons. She isn't trained like us. She only knows a small amount of self defence.

"Lass, be mindin' your own business" The captain says

"Great, get off our captains ship and I will" I sass

"Who be your capin'?" The Captian asks

"Me" McCloud states from behind him

"McCloud?" The captain asks

"Palgrave?" McCloud replies confused

They smile at each other and bro hug.

"Didn't think when a ship be attackin' us it be you" McCloud smiles

"Umm McCloud what's going on?" I ask confused

"You should be referrin' to your capin' with respect" Palgrave states

"Don't tell me what to do" I say straight faced

"This be one of me friends, he won't fight us" McCloud states

"Great, tell that to Shelby who had a sword pointed to her neck" I say storming away grabbing Shelby's arm and pulling her with me

"What's going on here?" Katelyn asks

I turn back to see Palgrave move very close to Katelyn. That was a mistake. Katelyn punches him in the face and smirks. I'm not angry at McCloud, um just upset that Palgrave and his crew can get away with threatening us. I'm just glad Shelby wasn't hurt,

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